De intercessionibus feminarum liber singularis
Dig. 16,1,24Idem libro singulari de intercessionibus feminarum. Femina debitrix mulier a creditore delegata pro eo cui delegata est promisit: non utetur exceptione. 1Femina sed si pecuniam promisit, ne delegetur, intercessisse videtur. 2Femina si senatus consulti beneficium intervenit, utrum statim cum mulier intercesserit actio in priorem debitorem competit, an si mulier solutum condicat? puto statim, et non exspectandam solutionem. 3Femina si pro eo, qui temporali actione teneretur, mulier intercesserit, temporalis actio restituetur, sic tamen, ut ex praecedenti causa continua tempora numerarentur post restitutionem, quamvis statim atque intercessit mulier competierat.
The Same, Concerning the Obligations Contracted by Women for Others. Ad Dig. 16,1,24 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 25 (1880), Nr. 85, S. 358: Darlehn zur Bezahlung einer für den Ehemann übernommenen Schuld.Where a woman who was substituted as a debtor by a creditor, made a promise in behalf of the party for whom she was substituted, she cannot avail herself of an exception, 1But if she promised to pay money in order to avoid being substituted, she is held to have obligated herself, and can do so. 2In a case where the benefit of the Decree of the Senate is available, the question arises whether an action will lie against the former debtor at the time when the woman obligated herself, or whether the latter can bring suit for the recovery of what was paid? I think that this can be done at once, and that it is not necessary to wait for payment. 3Where a woman binds herself for a party who was liable to an action limited by time, this temporary action will be restored to the creditor, so that the time will run after the date of the restitution of the action growing out of the preceding circumstances, although he could have availed himself of it at the very instant that the woman became surety.