De inofficioso testamento liber singularis
Dig. 5,2,18Idem libro singulari de inofficioso testamento. De qua re etiam constitutio exstat divorum fratrum, quae huiusmodi distinctionem admittit.
The Same, On Inofficious Testaments. A Constitution of the Divine Brothers on this subject is extant, which recognizes a distinction of this kind.
Dig. 5,2,23Paulus libro singulari de inofficioso testamento. Si ponas filium emancipatum praeteritum et ex eo nepotem in potestate retentum heredem institutum esse: filius potest contra filium suum, testatoris nepotem petere bonorum possessionem, queri autem de inofficioso testamento non poterit. quod si exheredatus sit filius emancipatus, poterit queri et ita iungetur filio suo et simul cum eo hereditatem optinebit. 1Si hereditatem ab heredibus institutis exheredati emerunt vel res singulas scientes eos heredes esse: aut conduxerunt praedia aliudve quid simile fecerunt: vel solverunt heredi quod testatori debebant: iudicium defuncti adgnoscere videntur et a querella excluduntur. 2Si duo sint filii exheredati et ambo de inofficioso testamento egerunt et unus postea constituit non agere, pars eius alteri adcrescit. idemque erit, et si tempore exclusus sit.
Paulus, On Inofficious Testaments. If you suppose the case of an emancipated son who has been passed over and his grandson who continued under the control of the testator, and is appointed heir; the son can institute proceedings against his own son, who is the grandson of the testator, for the possession of the estate, but he cannot bring an action on the ground that the will is inofficious. If, however, the emancipated son was disinherited, he can bring the action, and can then be joined with his son, and will obtain the estate along with him. 1Ad Dig. 5,2,23,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 585, Note 3.Where disinherited children have purchased an estate or any property belonging to it from the persons who were appointed heirs, knowing them to be such, or have rented land from them, or done anything else like this, or have paid the heir debts which they owed the testator, they are held to have accepted the will of the deceased, and are excluded from bringing suit. 2Where two sons are disinherited, and both bring suit on the ground that the will is inofficious, and one of them afterwards concludes not to proceed, his share will belong to the other by accretion. The same rule applies where he is barred by lapse of time.
Dig. 5,2,32Idem libro singulari de inofficioso testamento. Si exheredatus petenti legatum ex testamento advocationem praebuit procurationemve susceperit, removetur ab accusatione: adgnovisse enim videtur, qui qualequale iudicium defuncti comprobavit. 1Si legatario heres extiterit exheredatus petieritque legatum, videbimus an sit summovendus ab hac accusatione: certum est enim iudicium defuncti et rursus nihil ei ex testamento relictum verum est. tutius tamen fecerit, si se abstinuerit a petitione legati.
The Same, On Inofficious Testaments. Where a disinherited son acts as advocate, or assumes the duty of agent for a party who brings an action for a legacy under the will, he will not be permitted to attack the will; for he who approves of any bequests of the deceased is held to have accepted his will. 1Where a disinherited son becomes the heir of a legatee, and brings an action for the legacy, let us consider whether he is not barred from attacking the testament for the testament of the deceased is certain, and, on the other hand, it is true that nothing has been left him by the testament. He will be safer, however, if he abstains from bringing an action for the legacy.