Fideicommissorum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 35,2,29Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Si a me tibi fideicommissum vel legatum est tuque id post tempus rogatus sis mihi restituere, non puto hoc imputandum esse in Falcidiam, quia incipio postea quasi fideicommissarius id recipere.
Paulus, Trusts, Book II. When I am charged with a trust or a legacy for your benefit, and you are requested after a certain time to deliver the same to me, I do not think that this should be subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law, because I shall begin to receive the property subsequently as the beneficiary of a trust.
Dig. 36,1,8Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. De aetate quoque et iure, id est liceat ei eo ire nec ne, aestimabitur.
Dig. 36,1,16Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. vel ‘omnia sua’,
Dig. 36,1,42Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. mulier an masculus: et ideo servo quoque voluntate nostra vel si ratum habuerimus restitui potest,
Dig. 36,1,68Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Qui ita institutus esset ‘si coheres eius adisset’, uti potest lege Falcidia, etsi coheres eius coactus adisset, modo si ipse non coactus adierit hereditatem. 1Etiam absentis procuratori, si desideraret, posse restitui hereditatem ex hoc senatus consulto Iulianus scripsit, si tamen caveat de rato habendo, si non evidens absentis voluntas esset. sed dicendum est, ut heres, qui suspectam dicat, non sit compellendus adire, si incertum sit, an mandaverit, quamvis ei caveatur, propter fragilitatem cautionis. quod si sponte adierit hereditatem, non magna captio est: sed actiones, si non mandavit, transibunt eo tempore, quo ratum habuerit. 2Si damnum in servo hereditario datum sit, licet per servum hereditarium heredi competere actio coepit, non tamen transit legis Aquiliae actio ad fideicommissarium: hae enim actiones transeunt, quae ex bonis defuncti pendent. 3Si legatus Romae compulsus adierit hereditatem et restituerit, cogetur Romae actiones pati fideicommissarius, quamvis heres non cogetur. 4An ubi defunctus conveniri debuit, et fideicommissarius debeat? videndum, si sua sponte heres adit et restituit hereditatem, an tribus locis fideicommissarius defendi debeat: ubi defunctus et ubi heres et ubi ipse domicilium habeat. oportet itaque ibi fideicommissarium conveniri, ubi vel domicilium habet vel maior pars restitutae hereditatis habetur.
Paulus, Trusts, Book II. Where anyone is appointed an heir under the condition that his coheir will enter upon the estate, he can avail himself of the benefit of the Falcidian Law, even if his co-heir should enter upon the estate under compulsion; provided that he himself is not compelled to do so. 1Julianus says that under this Decree of the Senate an estate can be transferred to the agent of an absent beneficiary of the trust, if he should desire this to be done; provided, however, that he gives security to ratify the act, if the wishes of the absent party were not known. But it must be said that, if the heir alleges that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, he should not be compelled to accept it, if it is uncertain whether the beneficiary directed this to be done; even though a bond should be furnished, on account of the weakness of the security. If, however, he should enter upon the estate voluntarily, no great injury can result, but, if the beneficiary did not authorize it, the rights of action will not pass to him until he has ratified the transfer of the estate. 2If some wrong has been committed against a slave belonging to the estate, although an action will lie in favor of the heir on account of the said slave, still, the right of action under the Aquilian Law will not pass to the beneficiary of the trust, for only those rights pass which were included in the property of the deceased. 3If a Deputy is compelled to enter upon and transfer an estate at Rome, the beneficiary of the trust will be compelled to defend actions at Rome, although the heir is not compelled to do so. 4It is well to consider whether the beneficiary of the trust should be sued in the same place where the deceased ought to have been sued, and if the heir entered upon the estate voluntarily and transferred it, whether the beneficiary of the trust can make his defence in any one of three different places, namely, where the deceased was domiciled, or where the heir, or he himself, resides. Therefore, it must be held that the beneficiary of the trust should be sued either where he has his domicile, or where the greater part of the estate which was transferred is situated.
Dig. 50,16,91Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. ‘Meorum’ et ‘tuorum’ appellatione actiones quoque contineri dicendum est.