Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Paul. Fideicommissorum lib.Pauli Fideicommissorum libri

Fideicommissorum libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 32,6Paulus libro primo fideicommissorum. Sed et si sic fideicommissum dedero ab herede meo: ‘te rogo, Luci Titi, ut ab herede tuo petas dari Maevio decem aureos’, utile erit fideicommissum, scilicet ut mortuo Titio ab herede eius peti possit: idque et Iulianus respondit. 1Sic autem fideicommissum dari non poterit: ‘si Stichus Seii factus iussu eius hereditatem adierit, rogo det’, quoniam qui fortuito, non iudicio testatoris consequitur hereditatem vel legatum, non debet onerari, nec recipiendum est, ut, cui nihil dederis, eum rogando obliges.

Paulus, Trusts, Book I. Even if I should charge my heir with a trust as follows, “I ask you, Lucius Titius, to charge your heir to pay ten aurei to Mævius,” the trust will be valid; provided that, after the death of Titius, its execution can be demanded from his heir. This opinion was also held by Julianus. 1A trust cannot, however, be created as follows, “If Stichus should become the property of Seius, and should enter upon my estate by his order, I ask Seius to pay such-and-such a sum,” since anyone who obtains an estate through chance, and not by the will of the testator, or acquires a legacy under such circumstances, ought not to be burdened with the obligation of a trust; and the principle should not be adopted that you can bind anyone by a request of this kind when you give him nothing.

Dig. 32,8Paulus libro primo fideicommissorum. Si legatarius, a quo fideicommissum datum est, petierit legatum, id tantum, quod per iudicem exegerit, praestare fideicommissario cogetur vel, si non exegerit, actione cedere: ad eum enim litis periculum spectare iniquum est, si non culpa legatarii lis perierit. 1Servo heredis fideicommissum utiliter non relinquitur, nisi fidei eius commiserit, ut servum manumittat. 2Cum ita petisset testator, ut, quidquid ex bonis eius ad patrem pervenisset, filiae suae ita restitueret, ut eo amplius haberet, quam ex bonis patris habitura esset, divus Pius rescripsit manifestum esse de eo tempore sensisse testatorem, quod post mortem patris futurum esset.

Paulus, Trusts, Book I. If a legatee, who has been charged with a trust, claims the legacy, he can only be compelled to pay to the beneficiary of the trust as much as will be required by the judge; or, if the judge does not compel him to pay anything, he must assign him his right of action; for it is unjust that he should sustain the risk attending a lawsuit, if the case should be lost through no fault of the legatee. 1A slave of the heir cannot be charged with a trust, unless the latter is requested to manumit the slave. 2Where a testator provided that any of his estate which might come into his father’s hands should be given to his daughter, so that, in this way, she would have more than she would otherwise obtain from her father’s estate, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that it was evident that the testator intended that the delivery of the property should be made after the death of the father.

Dig. 40,4,56Paulus libro primo fideicommissorum. Si quis servo testamento dederit libertatem et directo et per fideicommissum, in potestate servi est, utrum velit ex directo an ex fideicommisso ad libertatem pervenire: et ita Marcus imperator rescripsit.

Paulus, Trusts, Book I. If anyone grants freedom to a slave by will, both directly and under a trust, it is in the power of the slave to choose whether he will obtain his freedom directly, or by virtue of the trust. This the Emperor Marcus also stated in a Rescript.

Ex libro II

Dig. 35,2,29Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Si a me tibi fideicommissum vel legatum est tuque id post tempus rogatus sis mihi restituere, non puto hoc imputandum esse in Falcidiam, quia incipio postea quasi fideicommissarius id recipere.

Paulus, Trusts, Book II. When I am charged with a trust or a legacy for your benefit, and you are requested after a certain time to deliver the same to me, I do not think that this should be subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law, because I shall begin to receive the property subsequently as the beneficiary of a trust.

Dig. 36,1,8Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. De aetate quoque et iure, id est liceat ei eo ire nec ne, aestimabitur.

Paulus, Trusts, Book II. The age and the rights of the party (that is to say, whether it would be lawful for him to go to the place designated, or not), must also be considered.

Dig. 36,1,16Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. vel ‘omnia sua’,

Paulus, Trusts, Book II. Or everything belonging to him:

Dig. 36,1,42Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. mulier an masculus: et ideo servo quoque voluntate nostra vel si ratum habuerimus restitui potest,

Gaius, Trusts, Book II. A male or a female. Therefore, an estate can be transferred to a slave with our consent, or without it if we should afterwards ratify the act.

Dig. 36,1,68Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. Qui ita institutus esset ‘si coheres eius adisset’, uti potest lege Falcidia, etsi coheres eius coactus adisset, modo si ipse non coactus adierit hereditatem. 1Etiam absentis procuratori, si desideraret, posse restitui hereditatem ex hoc senatus consulto Iulianus scripsit, si tamen caveat de rato habendo, si non evidens absentis voluntas esset. sed dicendum est, ut heres, qui suspectam dicat, non sit compellendus adire, si incertum sit, an mandaverit, quamvis ei caveatur, propter fragilitatem cautionis. quod si sponte adierit hereditatem, non magna captio est: sed actiones, si non mandavit, transibunt eo tempore, quo ratum habuerit. 2Si damnum in servo hereditario datum sit, licet per servum hereditarium heredi competere actio coepit, non tamen transit legis Aquiliae actio ad fideicommissarium: hae enim actiones transeunt, quae ex bonis defuncti pendent. 3Si legatus Romae compulsus adierit hereditatem et restituerit, cogetur Romae actiones pati fideicommissarius, quamvis heres non cogetur. 4An ubi defunctus conveniri debuit, et fideicommissarius debeat? videndum, si sua sponte heres adit et restituit hereditatem, an tribus locis fideicommissarius defendi debeat: ubi defunctus et ubi heres et ubi ipse domicilium habeat. oportet itaque ibi fideicommissarium conveniri, ubi vel domicilium habet vel maior pars restitutae hereditatis habetur.

Paulus, Trusts, Book II. Where anyone is appointed an heir under the condition that his coheir will enter upon the estate, he can avail himself of the benefit of the Falcidian Law, even if his co-heir should enter upon the estate under compulsion; provided that he himself is not compelled to do so. 1Julianus says that under this Decree of the Senate an estate can be transferred to the agent of an absent beneficiary of the trust, if he should desire this to be done; provided, however, that he gives security to ratify the act, if the wishes of the absent party were not known. But it must be said that, if the heir alleges that he suspects the estate of being insolvent, he should not be compelled to accept it, if it is uncertain whether the beneficiary directed this to be done; even though a bond should be furnished, on account of the weakness of the security. If, however, he should enter upon the estate voluntarily, no great injury can result, but, if the beneficiary did not authorize it, the rights of action will not pass to him until he has ratified the transfer of the estate. 2If some wrong has been committed against a slave belonging to the estate, although an action will lie in favor of the heir on account of the said slave, still, the right of action under the Aquilian Law will not pass to the beneficiary of the trust, for only those rights pass which were included in the property of the deceased. 3If a Deputy is compelled to enter upon and transfer an estate at Rome, the beneficiary of the trust will be compelled to defend actions at Rome, although the heir is not compelled to do so. 4It is well to consider whether the beneficiary of the trust should be sued in the same place where the deceased ought to have been sued, and if the heir entered upon the estate voluntarily and transferred it, whether the beneficiary of the trust can make his defence in any one of three different places, namely, where the deceased was domiciled, or where the heir, or he himself, resides. Therefore, it must be held that the beneficiary of the trust should be sued either where he has his domicile, or where the greater part of the estate which was transferred is situated.

Dig. 50,16,91Paulus libro secundo fideicommissorum. ‘Meorum’ et ‘tuorum’ appellatione actiones quoque contineri dicendum est.

Paulus, Trusts, Book II. In the terms, “My property,” and “Your property,” it must be said that rights of action are also included.

Ex libro III

Dig. 35,2,33Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Si servus tibi legatus sit eumque rogatus sis manumittere nec praeterea capias, unde quartam, quae per Falcidiam retinetur, recipere possis, senatus censuit cessare Falcidiam.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Where a slave is bequeathed to you, and you are charged to manumit him, and there is nothing more from which you can obtain the fourth which an heir can reserve under the Falcidian Law, the Senate has decided that the Falcidian Law will not apply.

Dig. 35,2,36Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Sed si non servus ipse legatus sit, sed pecunia rogatusque sit legatarius servum suum manumittere, Falcidiam patietur et nihilo minus cogetur manumittere, quia tanti aestimasse videbitur servum suum. 1Quid si alienus servus fuerit? in eo non plus quam accepit ad redimendum cogitur impendere. 2Sin vero heres servum rogatus sit manumittere, placet pretium eius, ut aes alienum, deducendum esse. 3Si solus servus legatus et fideicommissa libertate donatus fuerit, licet Falcidia interveniente totus vindicari petive potest. sed et si aliud praeterea capiat legatarius, adhuc servus totus peti potest: quartam autem utriusque ex legato retinendam, ne impediatur libertas. 4Si incertum sit, an libertas praestari debeat, veluti quod sub condicione vel post tempus data sit, numquid incerto eo an praestetur, cum possit aut servus mori aut condicio deficere, interim Falcidia admittenda est, deinde cum libertas competere vel deberi coeperit, tum legatarius illam partem recipiat, quam Falcidia detraxit? Caecilio placebat, si quid ex operis eius medio tempore consecutus fuerit heres, id in pretium eius erogare eum debere propter legis Falcidiae rationem.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Where the slave himself has not been bequeathed, but a sum of money has, and the legatee is asked to manumit his slave, he will be subject to the operation of the Falcidian Law, and will, nevertheless, be compelled to manumit him; because his slave is considered to be worth as much as the sum bequeathed. 1But what if the slave should belong to another? In this instance he cannot be compelled to pay more for him than he received. 2If, however, the heir is charged to manumit the slave, it has been decided that the value of the latter should be deducted as a debt of the estate. 3Where a slave alone is bequeathed, and presented with his freedom, under a trust, although the Falcidian Law will apply, the legatee can claim or recover the entire slave, and even if the legatee should have received something in addition to the slave, the entire slave can still be demanded, but the fourth part of each legacy shall be retained, in order that the grant of freedom may take effect. 4Where it is uncertain whether freedom should be granted or not, for instance, because it was bequeathed under some condition, or to take effect after a certain time, and while the uncertainty exists whether it should be bestowed or not, should the application of the Falcidian Law be permitted, as, in the meantime, the slave may either die, or the condition fail of fulfilment? When the slave is entitled to his freedom, or it is due, can the legatee claim that portion which was deducted on account of the Falcidian Law? It was held by Cæcilius that if the heir, during the intervening time, had gained anything through the services of the slave, he should include it in the value of the latter in deducting the Falcidian portion.

Dig. 40,5,25Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Si heres qui vendidit servum sine successore decesserit, emptor autem extet et velit servus defuncti libertus esse, non emptoris, non esse eum audiendum Valens scripsit, ne emptor et pretium et libertum perdat.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. If the heir who sold the slave should die without leaving an heir, and the purchaser should be living, and the slave should desire to become the freedman of the deceased, and not that of the purchaser, Valens decided that he ought not to be heard, for fear that the purchaser might lose both the price which he had paid and his rights over the freedman as well.

Dig. 40,5,27Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Itaque hoc casu princeps adeundus est, ut et in hoc casu libertati prospiciatur.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Therefore, in this case recourse must be had to the Emperor, in order that the interests of freedom may be consulted.

Dig. 40,5,29Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Si quis, posteaquam in ea causa esse coeperit, ut ex fideicommisso manumitti deberet, alienatus sit, is quidem, cuius interim servus erit, manumittere cogetur: sed hic non distinguitur, iusta an non iusta causa absit: omnimodo enim libertus ei servatur.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Where a slave is alienated after he has been placed in such a position that he ought to be liberated under the terms of a trust, the person to whom he belongs in the meantime will be compelled to manumit him. In this case, however, no distinction is made as to whether there is a good cause for his absence or not, for, in any event, he will be entitled to his freedom.

Dig. 40,5,31Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Alieno servo dari potest per fideicommissum libertas, si tamen eius sit, cum quo testamenti factio est. 1Cum intestato moriturus fidei filii commississet, ut servum manumitteret, et postumus ei natus fuisset, divi fratres rescripserunt libertatem, quia dividi non potest, ab utroque praestandam. 2Qui fideicommissariam libertatem debet, etiam eo tempore, quo alienare prohibitus erit, manumittere poterit. 3Si patronus contra tabulas bonorum possessionem acceperit, quia eum praeterierit libertus, non cogetur vendere servum proprium, quem rogatus erat a liberto suo manumittere. 4Si is cuius servus est nolit eum vendere, ut manumitteretur, nullae praetoris partes sunt: idem est et si pluris iusto vendere velit. sin autem certo quidem pretio, quod non prima facie videtur esse iniquum, dominus servum vendere paratus est, is vero, qui rogatus est manumittere, immodicum id esse nititur, praetoris partes erunt interponendae, ut iusto pretio volenti domino dato libertas ab emptore praestetur. quod si et dominus vendere paratus sit et servus velit manumitti, cogendus est heres redimere et manumittere, nisi dominus velit servum manumittere, ut actio sibi pretii in heredem detur: idque faciendum est etiam, si heres latitet: et ita imperator Antoninus rescripsit.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Freedom can be granted under a trust to a slave belonging to another, provided he has testamentary capacity with reference to his master. 1Where a person about to die intestate charged his son to manumit a certain slave, and a posthumous child was afterwards born to him, the Divine Fathers stated in a Rescript that, because the slave could not be divided, he should be manumitted by both the heir at law and the posthumous child. 2A person who is charged with a grant of freedom under a trust can manumit a slave, even at the time when he is forbidden to alienate him. 3If a patron acquires prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will, because his freedman has passed him over, he cannot be compelled to sell his own slave whom he was requested by his freedmen to manumit. 4Where the person to whom a slave belongs is unwilling to sell him in order that he may be manumitted, the Prætor has no cause to interfere. The same rule applies when he wishes to sell him for more than a just price. If, however, the master is ready to sell his slave for a certain sum which, at the first glance, does not appear to be unjust, and he who was asked to manumit him contends that the price is unreasonable, the Prætor should interpose his authority, so that a just price having been paid with the consent of the master freedom may be granted to the slave by the purchaser. If, however, the master is willing to sell the slave, and the latter desires to be manumitted, the heir should be compelled to purchase and manumit him; unless the master wished to manumit the slave in order that an action might be granted him against the heir to recover the price. The same should be done if the heir conceals himself. The Emperor Antoninus, also, stated this in a Rescript.

Dig. 40,5,33Paulus libro tertio fideicommissorum. Si filius defuncti rogatus fuerit servum sui patris manumittere, dicendum est posse eum etiam contra tabulas habere et operas imponere: hoc enim potuisset, etiamsi directam libertatem accepisset, quasi patroni filius. 1Erit Rubriano senatus consulto locus, etiamsi sub condicione libertas data sit, si modo per ipsum servum non fiet, quo minus condicioni pareat: nec refert in dando an in faciendo an in aliquo casu condicio consistat. immo etiam amittit libertum heres, si condicioni impedimentum fecerit, etsi filius defuncti sit, quamvis alio iure habiturus sit libertum. nonnullam enim et hic poenam patitur: nam et si in servitutem petierit aut capitis accusaverit, perdit bonorum possessionem contra tabulas. 2Si is cui servus legatus est rogatus fuerat, ut eum manumitteret, et nolit eum accipere, compellendus est aut actiones suas ei praestare cui servus velit, ne intercidat libertas.

Paulus, Trusts, Book III. Where the son of the deceased is asked to manumit a slave belonging to his father, it must be said that he can have him as his freedman under the Prætorian Edict, and impose services upon him; for he can do this as the son of the patron, even if the slave should obtain his freedom directly. 1There will be ground for the application of the Rubrian Decree of the Senate even when freedom is granted under a condition, provided compliance with the condition is not imposed upon the slave himself. Nor does it make any difference whether the condition consists of giving or doing something, or is dependent upon the occurrence of any other event, for the heir will lose his freedom as the son of the deceased if he places any obstacle in the way of the fulfillment of the condition, even though he can acquire his right over the freedman in another way. Sometimes he suffers a penalty, for if he demands that the slave shall remain in servitude, or accuses him of a capital crime, he will lose prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will. 2Where a slave is bequeathed to anyone who is charged to manumit him, but refuses to accept him, he can be compelled to do so, or to assign his rights of action to whomever the slave may select, in order that the grant of freedom may not be annulled.

Dig. 48,10,17Idem libro tertio fideicommissorum. Cum quidam sua manu servum sibi legatum scripsisset et eum manumittere rogatus esset, senatus censuit ab omnibus heredibus eum manumittendum.

The Same, Trusts, Book III. When anyone writes a bequest of a slave for his benefit, with his own hand, and is requested to manumit him, the Senate decided that he should be manumitted by all the heirs.