Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 3,2,10Idem libro octavo ad edictum. Solet a principe impetrari, ut intra legitimum tempus mulieri nubere liceat. 1Quae virum eluget, intra id tempus sponsam fuisse non nocet.
The Same, On the Edict, Book VIII. It is customary to obtain permission from the Emperor for a widow to marry within the time fixed by law. 1A woman can be betrothed during the time she is in mourning for her husband.
Dig. 3,2,16Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. cum non praegnas esset vel ex alio concepisset:
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Whether she was not actually pregnant, or whether she had conceived by another.
Dig. 3,3,2Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. dummodo certus sit qui datus intellegetur et is ratum habuerit. 1Furiosus non est habendus absentis loco, quia in eo animus deest, ut ratum habere non possit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Provided that the person who is appointed is known, and consents to his appointment. 1An insane person is not to be considered as absent, because he is deficient in intellect, and cannot ratify his appointment.
Dig. 3,3,4Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Et in perpetuum.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. And for an indefinite time.
Dig. 3,3,11Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. si tamen dominus cogi possit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. If, however, the principal can be compelled to do so.
Dig. 3,3,14Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Si post datum procuratorem capitales inimicitiae intercesserunt, non cogendum accipere iudicium nec stipulationem ob rem non defensam committi, quoniam nova causa sit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. If, after an agent has been appointed, deadly enmity arises between him and his principal, he cannot be compelled to take charge of the case, nor is a stipulation entered into to defend a case violated, as the conditions are different.
Dig. 3,3,16Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Ante litem contestatam libera potestas est vel mutandi procuratoris vel ipsi domino iudicium accipiendi.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Before issue is joined, the principal has full power either to change the agent, or to take charge of the case himself.
Dig. 3,3,20Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. vel iudicio publico privatove vel valetudine vel maiore re sua distringatur
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Or if he is prevented by a criminal or a civil action, by ill health, or by important affairs of his own;
Dig. 3,3,22Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. aut adfinitate aliqua adversario iungatur, vel heres ei existat,
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Or if he is connected with his adversary by marriage, or becomes his heir;
Dig. 3,3,24Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. mutari debebit vel ipso procuratore postulante.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Under such circumstances the agent ought to be changed, even at his own request.
Dig. 3,3,26Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. nisi dominus ei solvere paratus sit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Unless the principal is ready to pay him.
Dig. 3,3,32Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Pluribus procuratoribus in solidum simul datis occupantis melior condicio erit, ut posterior non sit in eo quod prior petit procurator.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Where several agents have been appointed at the same time for one purpose, he who acts first takes precedence; so that he who comes after cannot act as agent in a case which the former one has brought.
Dig. 3,3,36Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. vel in operis novi nuntiatione. sed et si servum ex causa noxali patiatur duci, defendere videtur: ita tamen, ut in his omnibus ratam rem dominum habiturum caveat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. Or where the notice of a new structure is given. If he permits a slave to be removed in a noxal case he is held to defend him provided, however, that in all these instances he furnishes security that his principal will ratify his acts.
Dig. 3,3,42Idem libro octavo ad edictum. Licet in popularibus actionibus procurator dari non possit, tamen dictum est merito eum qui de via publica agit et privato damno ex prohibitione adficitur, quasi privatae actionis dare posse procuratorem. multo magis dabit ad sepulchri violati actionem is ad quem ea res pertinet. 1Ad actionem iniuriarum ex lege Cornelia procurator dari potest: nam etsi pro publica utilitate exercetur, privata tamen est. 2Ea obligatio, quae inter dominum et procuratorem consistere solet, mandati actionem parit. aliquando tamen non contrahitur obligatio mandati: sicut evenit, cum in rem suam procuratorem praestamus eoque nomine iudicatum solvi promittimus: nam si ex ea promissione aliquid praestiterimus, non mandati, sed ex vendito si hereditatem vendidimus, vel ex pristina causa mandati agere debemus: ut fit cum fideiussor reum procuratorem dedit. 3Is cui hereditas ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituta est heredem iure dabit procuratorem. 4Sed et dominum pignoris creditor recte dabit procuratorem ad Servianam. 5Porro si uni ex reis credendi constitutum sit isque alium in constitutam pecuniam det, non negabimus posse dare. sed et ex duobus reis promittendi alter alterum ad defendendum procuratorem dabit. 6Si plures heredes sint et familiae erciscundae aut communi dividundo agatur, pluribus eundem procuratorem non est permittendum dare, quoniam res expediri non potest circa adiudicationes et condemnationes: plane permittendum dare, si uni coheredi plures heredes existant. 7Reo latitante post litem contestatam ita demum fideiussores eum defendere videbuntur, si vel unus ex his eum pro solido defendat, vel omnes vel qui ex his unum dederint in quem iudicium transferetur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book VIII. Although an agent cannot be appointed in a popular action, nevertheless, it is very properly stated that where a party brings suit with reference to a public right-of-way, and would sustain some private loss by being prevented from doing so; he can appoint an agent, as he could in a private action. With much more reason can an agent be appointed to bring suit for the violation of a tomb by a party interested. 1An agent can be appointed under the Lex Cornelia, in an action for injury; for, although the action is employed for the public welfare, it is nevertheless of a private nature. 2The obligation which usually exists between principal and agent gives rise to an action of mandate; sometimes, however, an obligation based upon mandate is not contracted; which occurs when we appoint an agent in his own behalf, and promise, under the circumstances, to comply with the judgment; for if we pay anything on account of the promise, we cannot bring suit on mandate, but on the ground of sale, if we have sold an estate; or on account of some former mandate, as is done when a surety appoints the principal debtor his agent. 3He to whom an estate has been restored under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, can legally appoint the heir his agent. 4Likewise, the creditor in the Servian Action can legally appoint the owner of the property pledged his agent. 5Moreover, if a party makes an agreement, concerning a preexisting debt, with one of the several joint creditors, and appoints another of them to bring suit on the agreement, his right to do so cannot be denied. And where there are two joint debtors, one of them can appoint the other to defend him. 6Where there are several heirs, and a suit is brought for the partition of the estate, or one for the division of common property; it is not permissible for the same agent to be appointed by several principals, since the matter cannot be settled without adjudications and condemnations. But it is certain that it will be permitted where there are several heirs of one co-heir. 7Where a debtor remains concealed after issue has been joined, his sureties are not held to legally defend him, unless one of them defends him for the entire amount involved; or all, or several of them appoint one of their number to whom the management of the case shall be entrusted.
Dig. 46,3,86Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Hoc iure utimur, ut litis procuratori non recte solvatur: nam et absurdum est, cui iudicati actio non datur, ei ante rem iudicatam solvi posse. si tamen ad hoc datus sit, ut et solvi possit, solvendo eo liberabitur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. It is our practice that payment cannot properly be made to the attorney in a suit; for it is absurd that it should be made before the case has been decided to one to whom the right to enforce judgment is not granted. If, however, it is given to him for the purpose of payment, he will be released after payment has been made.
Dig. 47,23,1Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Eam popularem actionem dicimus, quae suum ius populi tuetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. We call that a popular action which protects the rights of the party who brings it, as well as those of the people.
Dig. 47,23,5Idem libro octavo ad edictum. Qui populari actione convenietur, ad defendendum procuratorem dare potest: is autem, qui eam movet, procuratorem dare non potest.
The Same, On the Edict, Book VIII. Where anyone is sued in a popular action, he can appoint an attorney to defend him, but he who brings the suit cannot appoint one.
Dig. 50,17,112Paulus libro octavo ad edictum. Nihil interest, ipso iure quis actionem non habeat an per exceptionem infirmetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VIII. It makes no difference, so far as the result is concerned, whether anyone is not entitled to an action under the law, or whether he may be barred by an exception.