Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXXVII
Dig. 21,2,53Paulus libro septuagesimo septimo ad edictum. Si fundo tradito pars evincatur, si singula iugera venierint certo pretio, tunc non pro bonitate, sed quanti singula venierint quae evicta fuerint, praestandum, etiamsi ea quae meliora fuerint evicta sint. 1Si cum possit emptor auctori denuntiare, non denuntiasset idemque victus fuisset, quoniam parum instructus esset, hoc ipso videtur dolo fecisse et ex stipulatu agere non potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVII. If any portion of land which has been transferred should be evicted, and each jugerum of the same has been sold for a certain price, then whatever has been evicted should be made good, not with reference to its quality, but in proportion to the amount for which it was sold, even if the parts which have been evicted are better than the remainder. 1If when the purchaser could have notified the vendor, he did not do so, and he should be defeated in court because he did not obtain information which he required, he will be held to have been guilty of bad faith on this account, and he cannot proceed under the stipulation.