Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXXVI
Dig. 21,2,9Paulus libro septuagesimo sexto ad edictum. Si vendideris servum mihi Titii, deinde Titius heredem me reliquerit, Sabinus ait amissam actionem pro evictione, quoniam servus non potest evinci: sed in ex empto actione decurrendum est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVI. If you should sell me a slave belonging to Titius, and Titius should afterwards appoint me his heir; Sabinus says that, in case of eviction, the right of action is lost, since the slave cannot be taken from me, but that recourse must be had to an action on purchase.
Dig. 46,1,73Paulus libro septuagensimo sexto ad edictum. Cum procurator in rem agebat, cautionem dederat ratam rem dominum habiturum: postea victo eo dominus reversus iterum de eadem re agitabat, et cum reus haberet possessionem, et noluit eam restituere et ideo magno condemnatus est: in amplius fideiussores non tenentur: hoc enim non debet imputari fideiussoribus, quod ille propter suam poenam praestitit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVI. An agent brought a real action, and gave security that his principal would ratify what he had done. Having afterwards lost his case, his principal, on his return, brought suit for the same property, and the defendant, being in possession, refused to surrender it, and for this reason judgment was rendered against him for a considerable sum. The sureties are not liable for any more, as they are not to blame because the party in possession paid a penalty.
Dig. 46,6,5Paulus libro septuagensimo sexto ad edictum. Si filius, qui in potestate furiosi erit, rem salvam fore stipuletur, adquirit patri obligationes.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVI. If a son, who is under the control of an insane person, stipulates for the preservation of his property, he acquires an obligation for his father.
Dig. 46,8,13Paulus libro septuagensimo sexto ad edictum. Si commissa est stipulatio ratam rem dominum habiturum, in tantum competit, in quantum mea interfuit, id est quantum mihi abest quantumque lucrari potui. 1Si sine iudice procuratori legatum solvatur, caveri debere Pomponius ait.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVI. If the stipulation that the principal will ratify the act should become operative, I can bring an action for all my interest in the matter; that is to say, for all that I have lost, and all that I could have gained. 1Where a legacy is paid to an agent without judicial authority, Pomponius says that he must give security for ratification.
Dig. 50,16,72Paulus libro septuagensimo sexto ad edictum. Appellatione ‘rei’ pars etiam continetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXXVI. A part is also included in the term “property.”