Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 4,1,5Paulus libro septimo ad edictum. Nemo videtur re exclusus, quem praetor in integrum se restituturum polliceatur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VII. Ad Dig. 4,1,5 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 40, S. 110: Vermengung verschiedener Pfandobjecte desselben und verschiedener Gläubiger.No one is held to be barred to whom the Prætor promises to grant complete restitution.
Dig. 48,6,9Paulus libro septimo ad edictum. Armatos non utique eos intellegere debemus, qui tela habuerunt, sed etiam quid aliud nocere potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VII. By “armed persons” we should understand not merely those who have darts, but also anything else with which they can cause injury.
Dig. 50,16,14Paulus libro septimo ad edictum. Labeo et Sabinus existimant, si vestimentum scissum reddatur vel res corrupta reddita sit, veluti scyphi collisi aut tabula rasa pictura, videri rem ‘abesse’, quoniam earum rerum pretium non in substantia, sed in arte sit positum. item si dominus rem, quae furto sibi aberat, ignorans emerit, recte dicitur res abesse, etiamsi postea id ita esse scierit, quia videtur res ei abesse, cui pretium abest. 1‘Rem amisisse’ videtur, qui adversus nullum eius persequendae actionem habet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VII. Labeo and Sabinus think that if clothing is returned torn, or any article is returned spoiled, as, for instance, a cup with the edge crushed, or a tablet with a painting erased, the property is said to be lost; because the value of such articles does not consist of the materials of which they are composed, but in the skill expended upon them. Likewise, if an owner ignorantly purchases property which has been stolen from him, it is very properly said to have been lost, even if he should afterwards ascertain the fact; because where the value of anything is lost, the thing itself is considered to be lost. 1A person is considered to have lost something when he cannot bring an action against anyone to recover it.