Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXIX
Dig. 2,11,3Paulus libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. sed actio ei datur adversus eum qui detinuit in id quod eius interest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. An action for an amount equal to his interest in the case will lie against the party who detained him.
Dig. 2,11,5Paulus libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Si duo rei stipulandi sint et uni debitor iudicio se sisti cum poena promiserit, alter autem impedierit: ita demum exceptio adversus alterum danda est, si socii sint: ne prosit ei dolus propter societatem. 1Item si duo rei promittendi sint et unus ad iudicium non venerit contempta sua promissione iudicio sistendi causa facta, actor autem ab altero rem petat, ab altero poenam desertionis: petendo poenam exceptione summovebitur. 2Aeque si a patre facta fuerit promissio iudicio sistendi gratia ex filii contractu, deinde de re actor egerit cum filio, exceptione summovebitur, si cum patre ex eius promissione agat. et contra idem erit, si filius promiserit et actor egerit cum patre de peculio.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. Where there are two creditors equally interested, and a debtor promises one of them under a penalty to appear in court, and the other prevents him from so doing, an exception does not lie against the other if they are partners, lest the fraud of one of them may benefit the other on account of the partnership. 1In like manner, where there are two debtors jointly liable, and one of them, breaking his promise, does not appear in court, and the plaintiff then demands the property in dispute from one, and the penalty for non-appearance for the other, the suit to recover the penalty will be barred by an exception. 2Also, where a promise has been made by a father to appear in court on account of some contract made by his son, and afterwards the plaintiff institutes proceedings against the son; they are barred by the exception if the plaintiff sues his father on account of his promise. On the other hand, the same rule applies if the son promised to appear and the plaintiff brings an action against the father for the peculium.
Dig. 2,11,7Paulus libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Si quis servum in iudicio sisti promiserit vel alium qui in aliena potestate est, isdem exceptionibus utitur, quibus si pro libero vel patre familias fideiussit, praeterquam si rei publicae causa abesse diceretur servus: nam servus rei publicae causa abesse non potest. praeter hanc autem exceptionem ceterae, quia communes sunt, tam in libero homine quam in servo locum habent.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. Where anyone promises that a slave, or some other person who is under the control of another shall appear in court, he is entitled to the same exceptions as he would be if he had bound himself for a freeman, or the head of a family; except where the slave is said to be absent on public business, for a slave cannot be absent on public business. Leaving this exception out of consideration, all the others, being generally applicable, can be taken advantage of in the cases of freemen as well as in those of slaves.
Dig. 21,1,60Paulus libro sexagesimo nono ad edictum. Facta redhibitione omnia in integrum restituuntur, perinde ac si neque emptio neque venditio intercessit.
Ad Dig. 21,1,60ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 81, S. 321: Folgen der Verarbeitung bezw. Umgestaltung eines Theils der gekauften Waare mit erkennbarem Fehler bezüglich der Redhibitionsbefugnis.Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. After the return of the slave has been made, everything should be placed in its former condition just as if there had been no sale.
Dig. 22,3,2Paulus libro sexagesimo nono ad edictum. Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. Proof is incumbent upon the party who affirms a fact, not upon him who denies it.
Dig. 43,5,4Paulus libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Si sint tabulae apud pupillum et dolo tutoris desierint esse, in ipsum tutorem competit interdictum: aequum enim est ipsum ex delicto suo teneri, non pupillum.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. If the will is in the possession of a ward, and he has been deprived of it by the fraudulent act of his guardian, the interdict will lie against the guardian himself; for it is only just that he should be liable for his own crime and not his ward.
Dig. 43,24,17Idem libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Interdictum quod vi aut clam per quemvis domino adquiritur, licet per inquilinum.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXIX. The interdict Quod vi aut clam is acquired for the owner by almost any person, and even by a tenant.
Dig. 46,2,19Idem libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Doli exceptio, quae poterat deleganti opponi, cessat in persona creditoris, cui quis delegatus est. idemque est et in ceteris similibus exceptionibus, immo et in ea, quae ex senatus consulto filio familias datur: nam adversus creditorem, cui delegatus est ab eo, qui mutuam pecuniam contra senatus consultum dederat, non utetur exceptione, quia nihil in ea promissione contra senatus consultum fit: tanto magis, quod hic nec solutum repetere potest. diversum est in muliere, quae contra senatus consultum promisit: nam et in secunda promissione intercessio est. idemque est in minore, qui circumscriptus delegatur, quia, si etiamnunc minor est, rursum circumvenitur: diversum, si iam excessit aetatem viginti quinque annorum, quamvis adhuc possit restitui adversus priorem creditorem. ideo autem denegantur exceptiones adversus secundum creditorem, quia in privatis contractibus et pactionibus non facile scire petitor potest, quid inter eum qui delegatus est et debitorem actum est aut, etiamsi sciat, dissimulare debet, ne curiosus videatur: et ideo merito denegandum est adversus eum exceptionem ex persona debitoris.
Ad Dig. 46,2,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 485, Note 18; Bd. II, § 487, Note 3.The Same, On the Edict, Book LXIX. The exception on the ground of fraud, which can be opposed to anyone who delegates his debtor, does not affect the creditor to whom the debtor is delegated. The same rule applies to all similar exceptions, and, indeed, even to that which is granted a son under paternal control by the Decree of the Senate. For he cannot make use of the exception against the creditor to whom he has been delegated by one who lent money contrary to the Decree of the Senate, because, making this promise, nothing is done in violation of the Decree of the Senate, and therefore he cannot recover what he has paid, any more than he can recover what he has paid in court. The case is different where a woman has promised to pay contrary to the Decree of the Senate, for security is included in the second promise. The same rule applies to a minor who, having been deceived, is delegated; for, if he is still a minor, he is deceived a second time. It is otherwise if he has passed the age of twenty-five years, although he still can obtain restitution against his first creditor. Therefore, exceptions against his second creditor are refused him; because in private contracts and agreements the claimant cannot readily ascertain what transactions have taken place between the person delegated and his original debtor; or, even if he does know, he should simulate in order not to appear too inquisitive; and hence it is but reasonable that the exception against the original debtor should be refused him.
Dig. 50,17,211Paulus libro sexagensimo nono ad edictum. Servus rei publicae causa abesse non potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXIX. A slave cannot be absent on business for the State.