Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LXII
Dig. 2,14,9Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Si plures sint qui eandem actionem habent, unius loco habentur. ut puta plures sunt rei stipulandi vel plures argentarii, quorum nomina simul facta sunt: unius loco numerabuntur, quia unum debitum est. et cum tutores pupilli creditoris plures convenissent, unius loco numerantur, quia unius pupilli nomine convenerant. nec non et unus tutor plurium pupillorum nomine unum debitum praetendentium si convenerit, placuit unius loco esse. nam difficile est, ut unus homo duorum vicem sustineat. nam nec is, qui plures actiones habet, adversus eum, qui unam actionem habet, plurium personarum loco accipitur. 1Cumulum debiti et ad plures summas referemus, si uni forte minutae summae centum aureorum debeantur, alii vero una summa aureorum quinquaginta: nam in hunc casum spectabimus summas plures, quia illae excedunt in unam summam coadunatae. 2Summae autem applicare debemus etiam usuras.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Where there are several creditors who have a single right of action, they are held to occupy the position of only one person; as, for example, where there are several creditors by stipulation, or several bankers whose obligations were entered into at the same time, they shall be considered as one, because there is only one debt. Where several guardians of one ward, who is a creditor, enter into an agreement, they are regarded as one, for the reason that they did so in behalf of a single ward. Again, where a single guardian enters into an agreement in behalf of several wards who are claimants of one debt, it is established that they are to be considered as one person, since it is a difficult matter for one man to represent two persons; for, indeed, lie who has several causes of action against a party who has only one, is not permitted to represent several persons. 1We estimate the total amount of indebtedness when several sums are due; as, for example, where several sums, which together amount to a hundred aurei, are owing to one man; and a sum of fifty aurei is owing to another; for, in this instance, we must consider the amount which is made up of several sums, because when they are added together they are greater than the single one. 2We must also add to the principal the interest which is due.
Dig. 17,2,74Paulus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Si quis societatem contraxerit, quod emit ipsius fit, non commune: sed societatis iudicio cogitur rem communicare.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Where anyone has formed a partnership, and makes a purchase, it belongs to him individually, and not to the common fund, but he can be compelled by an action on partnership to make it common property.
Dig. 33,1,4Paulus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Si in singulos annos alicui legatum sit, Sabinus, cuius sententia vera est, plura legata esse ait et primi anni purum, sequentium condicionale: videri enim hanc inesse condicionem ‘si vivat’ et ideo mortuo eo ad heredem legatum non transire.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Where anything is bequeathed to a person to be paid annually, Sabinus says (and his opinion is correct), there are several legacies, and that the one for the first year is absolute, and the other conditional; for the condition, “If he should live,” seems to be implied, and therefore, if the legatee dies, the legacy will not pass to his heir.
Dig. 35,1,65Paulus libro sexagesimo secundo ad edictum. Legato sub condicione relicto si heres, a quo sub condicione legatum est, pendente condicione moriatur, heredem suum obligatum relinquit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Where a legacy is bequeathed under a condition, and the heir who is charged with it dies while the condition is pending, he will leave his own heir charged with the legacy.
Dig. 42,8,7Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Si debitor in fraudem creditorum minore pretio fundum scienti emptori vendiderit, deinde hi, quibus de revocando eo actio datur, eum petant, quaesitum est, an pretium restituere debent. Proculus existimat omnimodo restituendum esse fundum, etiamsi pretium non solvatur: et rescriptum est secundum Proculi sententiam.
Ad Dig. 42,8,7ROHGE, Bd. 5 (1872), S. 45: Anfechtung einer in Form eines onerosen Geschäfts fraudandi animo geübten Liberalität. Der gutgläubige Empfänger haftet nur zum Belaufe seiner Bereicherung.Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Where a debtor, with the intention of defrauding his creditors, sells a tract of land for less than its value to a purchaser who is aware of the fact, and then the creditors, to whom an action to set aside the sale was granted, claim the land, the question arises whether they should refund the price. Proculus thinks that the land must by all means be returned, even if the price is not refunded. The opinion of Proculus is confirmed by a rescript.
Dig. 42,8,9Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Is, qui a debitore, cuius bona possessa sunt, sciens rem emit, iterum alii bona fide ementi vendidit: quaesitum est, an secundus emptor conveniri potest. sed verior est Sabini sententia bona fide emptorem non teneri, quia dolus ei dumtaxat nocere debeat, qui eum admisit, quemadmodum diximus non teneri eum, si ab ipso debitore ignorans emerit: is autem, qui dolo malo emit, bona fide autem ementi vendidit, in solidum pretium rei, quod accepit, tenebitur.
Ad Dig. 42,8,9ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 248: Der particeps fraudis debitoris haftet den Gläubigern auf den vollen Ersatz des ihnen Entzogenen, ohne Rücksicht darauf, ob er es noch besitzt.ROHGE, Bd. 13 (1874), Nr. 122, S. 381: Besitz als Voraussetzung der actio Pauliana.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 463, Note 15.Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. A certain man knowingly purchased an article from a debtor whose property had been taken in execution, and then sold it to a bona fide purchaser. The question arose whether an action could be brought against the second purchaser. The opinion of Sabinus, that a bona fide purchaser is not liable, is the better one; because fraud should only injure him who commits it, just as we hold that a purchaser will not be liable if, being ignorant of the facts, he bought the property from the debtor himself. But he who bought it fraudulently, and afterwards sold it to a bona fide purchaser, will be liable for the entire sum which he received for the property.
Dig. 45,1,78Idem libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Si filius familias sub condicione stipulatus emancipatus fuerit, deinde exstiterit condicio, patri actio competit, quia in stipulationibus id tempus spectatur quo contrahimus. 1Cum fundum stipulatus sum, non veniunt fructus, qui stipulationis tempore fuerint.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LXII. If a son under paternal control, having stipulated under a condition, should be emancipated, and afterwards the condition should be fulfilled, his father will be entitled to the action; because, in stipulations, the time when we make the contract is considered. 1When we stipulate for a tract of land, the crops which are in existence at the time of the stipulation are not included.
Dig. 46,3,56Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Qui mandat solvi, ipse videtur solvere.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Anyone who directs payment to be made is himself considered to pay.
Dig. 50,17,144Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Non omne quod licet honestum est. 1In stipulationibus id tempus spectatur, quo contrahimus.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Everything which is permissible is not always honorable. 1In stipulations, the time when we contracted should be considered.
Dig. 50,17,146Paulus libro sexagensimo secundo ad edictum. Quod quis dum servus est egit, proficere libero facto non potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXII. Whatever anyone did while a slave cannot benefit him after he becomes free.