Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LIX
Dig. 29,2,19Idem libro quinquagesimo nono ad edictum. Qui hereditatem adire vel bonorum possessionem petere volet, certus esse debet defunctum esse testatorem.
Ad Dig. 29,2,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 598, Note 2.The Same, On the Edict, Book LIX. Where anyone desires to enter upon an estate, or to claim prætorian possession of the same, he must be certain that the testator is dead.
Dig. 42,5,10Paulus libro quinquagensimo nono ad edictum. nisi quatenus ad eum pervenit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. Unless it is brought for the amount which came into his hands.
Dig. 42,5,12Paulus libro quinquagesimo nono ad edictum. Cum unus ex creditoribus postulat in bona debitoris se mitti, quaeritur, utrum solus is qui petit possidere potest, an, cum unus petit et praetor permisit, omnibus creditoribus aditus sit. et commodius dicitur, cum praetor permiserit, non tam personae solius petentis, quam creditoribus et in rem permissum videri: quod et Labeo putat. nec videbitur libera persona adquirere alii, quia nec sibi quicquam adquirit, cui praetor permittit, sed aliquid ex ordine facit: et ideo ceteris quoque prodest. plane si is postulaverit, qui creditor non est, minime dicendum est vel eum, qui creditor est, possidere posse, quia nihil egit talis postulatio: aliter atque si creditor, cui permissum est possidere, postea recepit debitum suum: ceteri enim poterunt peragere bonorum venditionem. 1Is, qui possidere iubetur, eo loco iussus videtur, cuius cura ad iubentem pertinet. 2Si propter naturam rei (veluti si praedium inundatum sit) aut propter latronum potentiam non potest possidere, recte dicitur non esse quod possideatur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. When one of several creditors asks to be placed in possession of the property of a debtor, the question arises whether he alone who makes the request, can take possession. Or whether, where only one makes the request, and the Prætor grants it, all the creditors will be permitted to enter upon the property. It is more convenient to hold that when the Prætor places a party in possession he is considered to have granted permission not only to him who makes the request, but to all the creditors as well. This opinion is also held by Labeo. In this case, it is not considered that possession is acquired by a free person, because he whom the Prætor permits to take possession does not acquire anything for himself, but performs an act which is customary and therefore the others profit by it. It is clear that if anyone who is not a creditor should ask for. possession, it can, by no means, be held that a creditor can acquire possession, because a demand of this kind is of no effect. It is otherwise, however, if a creditor, to whom permission has been given to take possession, afterwards receives payment of his debt, for the other creditors can follow up the sale of the property. 1He who is ordered to take possession is understood to be directed to do so in some place which is subject to the jurisdiction of the court. 2If possession cannot be taken on account of the nature of the property, or because land has been inundated, or is in the power of robbers, it is very properly held that there is nothing of which to take possession.
Dig. 42,5,14Paulus libro quinquagensimo nono ad edictum. Creditore in possessionem rerum debitoris misso curator constitui debet, si quaedam actiones periturae sunt. 1Datur in creditorem actio, qui in possessionem missus est, de eo quod ex bonis debitoris ad eum pervenit: si nondum sit aliquid consecutus, actiones suas praestabit. datur autem in factum actio adversus eum et omne, quod in actionem negotiorum gestorum veniret, si posset agi, restituendum a creditore.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. Where a creditor is placed in possession of the property of a debtor, a curator should be appointed, if there is any danger of rights of action being extinguished. 1An action is granted against a creditor who has been placed in possession, with reference to any property of the debtor which may have come into his hands. If he has not yet obtained anything, he must assign his rights of action. An action in factum will be granted against him, and everything included in one for voluntary agency must be surrendered by the creditor, if this action can be brought under the circumstances.
Dig. 43,4,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo nono ad edictum. Suo quis an alieno nomine prohibitus sit, nihil interest: haec enim verba ‘quanti ea res est’ referenda sunt ad personam domini. 1Item tam is tenetur, qui suo nomine, quam qui alieno nomine prohibuit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. It makes no difference whether anyone is prevented from taking possession in his own name, or in that of another, for the words, “For the amount of the value of the property,” have reference to the owner personally. 1He also is liable who, either in his own name or in that of another, prevents possession from being taken.
Dig. 50,16,53Paulus libro quinquagensimo nono ad edictum. Saepe ita comparatum est, ut coniuncta pro disiunctis accipiantur et disiuncta pro coniunctis, interdum soluta pro separatis. nam cum dicitur apud veteres ‘adgnatorum gentiliumque’, pro separatione accipitur. at cum dicitur ‘super pecuniae tutelaeve suae’, tutor separatim sine pecunia dari non potest: et cum dicimus ‘quod dedi aut donavi’, utraque continemus. cum vero dicimus ‘quod eum dare facere oportet’, quodvis eorum sufficit probare. cum vero dicit praetor, ‘si donum munus operas redemerit’, si omnia imposita sunt, certum est omnia redimenda esse, ex re ergo pro coniunctis habentur: 1si quaedam imposita sunt, cetera non desiderabuntur. 2Item dubitatum, illa verba ‘ope consilio’ quemadmodum accipienda sunt, sententiae coniungentium aut separantium. sed verius est, quod et Labeo ait, separatim accipienda, quia aliud factum est eius qui ope, aliud eius qui consilio furtum facit: sic enim alii condici potest, alii non potest. sane post veterum auctoritatem eo perventum est, ut nemo ope videatur fecisse, nisi et consilium malignum habuerit, nec consilium habuisse noceat, nisi et factum secutum fuerit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. It has often been stated that a conjunctive particle can be understood as a disjunctive one, and vice versa, and occasionally something which is separate from them both; for when the ancients said “agnates and cognates” this was understood to be disjunctive. When, however, it is stated, “His money or guardianship,” it is evident that a guardian cannot be appointed without control of the property; and when we say, “Which I have given or donated,” we include both. When, however, we say, “What he must either give or do,” it is sufficient to prove one of these two things. When the Prætor says: “If he redeems the gift, the present, and the services due from him,” and all these things have been prescribed, it is certain that all of them should be redeemed. Therefore, these particles are considered as conjunctive. 1Where some of these things are imposed, others cannot be exacted. 2Ad Dig. 50,16,53,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 453, Note 5.Likewise, it may be doubted in what way the following words, “By aid and advice,” should be understood; that is, whether they ought to be taken conjunctively or separately. The better opinion is, as Labeo says, that they should be understood separately, for the reason that it is one thing where anyone furnishes his aid in a theft, and another where he only gives his advice; and, indeed, according to the authority of the ancient jurists, the conclusion is arrived at that no one is considered to have aided in doing anything unless he gave bad advice; nor to have given bad advice, unless the illegal act was the result of it.
Dig. 50,16,57Paulus libro quinquagensimo nono ad edictum. Cui praecipua cura rerum incumbit et qui magis quam ceteri diligentiam et sollicitudinem rebus quibus praesunt debent, hi ‘magistri’ appellantur. quin etiam ipsi magistratus per derivationem a magistris cognominantur. unde etiam cuiuslibet disciplinae praeceptores magistros appellari a monendo vel monstrando. 1‘Persequi’ videtur et qui satis accepit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIX. Those are called managers who have particular supervision of affairs, and are, more than others, required to manifest diligence and solicitude with reference to the business of which they have charge. And, indeed, the term “magistrate” is derived from master, and also instructors in any kind of learning are so called from the fact that they admonish or explain. 1Anyone who has received security is still considered to retain the right of recovery.