Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LV
Dig. 47,10,6Paulus libro quinquagensimo quinto ad edictum. Quod senatus consultum necessarium est, cum nomen adiectum non est eius, in quem factum est: tunc ei, quia difficilis probatio est, voluit senatus publica quaestione rem vindicari. ceterum si nomen adiectum sit, et iure communi iniuriarum agi poterit: nec enim prohibendus est privato agere iudicio, quod publico iudicio praeiudicatur, quia ad privatam causam pertinet. plane si actum sit publico iudicio, denegandum est privatum: similiter ex diverso.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LV. This Decree of the Senate is necessary, when the name of him against whom the act was committed is not mentioned. Then, for the reason that proof is difficult, the Senate wished that the crime should be punished by a public prosecution. If, however, the name of the person is mentioned, he can bring suit for injury under the Common Law, for he should not be prevented from bringing a private action because it prejudices a public prosecution, as private interests are concerned. It is evident that if a public prosecution is instituted, a private action must be denied, and vice versa.
Dig. 47,10,8Paulus libro quinquagensimo quinto ad edictum. Vulneris magnitudo atrocitatem facit et nonnumquam locus vulneris, veluti oculo percusso.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LV. The size of the wound constitutes the atrocity, and sometimes the place where it is inflicted, for example, when the eye is struck.
Dig. 47,10,10Paulus libro quinquagensimo quinto ad edictum. Adtemptari pudicitia dicitur, cum id agitur, ut ex pudico inpudicus fiat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LV. The modesty of a person is said to be attacked when an attempt is made to render a virtuous person depraved.
Dig. 47,10,18Paulus libro quinquagensimo quinto ad edictum. Eum, qui nocentem infamavit, non esse bonum aequum ob eam rem condemnari: peccata enim nocentium nota esse et oportere et expedire. 1Si servus servo fecerit iniuriam, perinde agendum, quasi si domino fecisset. 2Si nupta filia familiae iniuriam acceperit et vir et pater iniuriarum agant, Pomponius recte putat tanti patri condemnandum esse reum, quanti condemnetur, si ea vidua esset, viro tanti, quanti condemnaretur, si ea in nullius potestate esset, quod sua cuiusque iniuria propriam aestimationem haberet. et ideo si nupta in nullius potestate sit, non ideo minus eam iniuriarum agere posse, quod et vir suo nomine agat. 3Si iniuria mihi fiat ab eo, cui sim ignotus, aut si quis putet me Lucium Titium esse, cum sim Gaius Seius: praevalet, quod principale est, iniuriam eum mihi facere velle: nam certus ego sum, licet ille putet me alium esse quam sum, et ideo iniuriarum habeo. 4At cum aliquis filium familias patrem familias putat, non potest videri iniuriam patri facere, non magis quam viro, si mulierem viduam esse credat, quia neque in personam eorum confertur iniuria nec transferri personae putationem ex persona filiorum ad eos potest, cum affectus iniuriam facientis in hunc tamquam in patrem familias consistat. 5Quod si scisset filium familias esse, tamen, si nescisset, cuius filius esset, dicerem, inquit, patrem suo nomine iniuriarum agere posse: nec minus virum, si ille nuptam esse sciret: nam qui haec non ignorat, cuicumque patri, cuicumque marito per filium, per uxorem vult facere iniuriam.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LV. It is neither proper nor just for anyone to be condemned for speaking ill of a person who is guilty; for it is both necessary and expedient for the offences of guilty persons to be known. 1When one slave inflicts an injury upon another, an action should be brought just as if he had injured his master. 2If a daughter under paternal control, who is married, should sustain an injury, both her husband and her father can bring the action for injury. Pomponius very properly holds that judgment against the defendant should be rendered in favor of the father for an amount equal to what it would have been if she were a widow; and in favor of the husband, for the same amount, just as if she was independent; because the injury sustained by each party has its own distinct valuation. Therefore, if the married woman is under no one’s control, she cannot bring the action, because her husband can bring it in her name. 3If an injury should be inflicted upon me by someone to whom I am unknown, or if anyone thinks that I am Lucius Titius, when I am Gaius Seius, the principal matter here will have the preference, that is, the fact that he desired to injure me. For I am a certain individual, although he may think that I am some other person than myself, and therefore I will be entitled to an action for injury. 4But when anyone thinks that a son under paternal control is the head of a household, he cannot be considered to have committed an injury against the father of the latter any more than against the husband, if he believes his wife to be a widow, because the injury is not personally aimed at the parties concerned, and cannot be transferred from their children to them by a mere effort of the mind; since the intention of him who inflicts the injury does not extend beyond the aggrieved person, who is regarded as the head of the household. 5If, however, he was aware that he was a son under paternal control, but still did not know whose son he was, I would hold (so he says) that the father could bring an action for injury in his own name, just as a husband could do, if he knew that the woman was married; for he who is aware of these things intends to inflict an injury through the son, or the wife, upon any father or husband whomsoever.
Dig. 48,7,4Paulus libro quinquagensimo quinto ad edictum. Legis Iuliae de vi privata crimen committitur, cum coetum aliquis et concursum fecisse dicitur, quo minus quis in ius produceretur. 1Et si quis quaestionem de alterius servo habuisset: et ideo moderatius edicto praetoris de iniuriis utendum esse Labeo ait.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LV. The crime punished by the Julian Law is committed where someone is said to have assembled a crowd or a mob, to prevent a person from being produced in court. 1If anyone should put the slave of another to torture, Labeo says that the Edict of the Prætor relating to injuries can be resorted to, and thus greater moderation be displayed.