Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LIV
Dig. 1,3,14Paulus libro LIIII ad edictum. Quod vero contra rationem iuris receptum est, non est producendum ad consequentias.
Publius, On the Edict, Book LIV. Where anything contrary to the principles of the Law has been accepted, it must not be applied to its full extent.
Dig. 3,3,49Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Ignorantis domini condicio deterior per procuratorem fieri non debet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. The condition of the principal cannot be rendered worse by his agent without his knowledge.
Dig. 18,1,52Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Senatus censuit, ne quis domum villamve dirueret, quo plus sibi adquireretur neve quis negotiandi causa eorum quid emeret venderetve: poena in eum, qui adversus senatus consultum fecisset, constituta est, ut duplum eius quanti emisset in aerarium inferre cogeretur, in eum vero, qui vendidisset, ut irrita fieret venditio. plane si mihi pretium solveris, cum tu duplum aerario debeas, repetes a me: quod a mea parte irrita facta est venditio. nec solum huic senatus consulto locus erit, si quis suam villam vel domum, sed et si alienam vendiderit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LIV. The Senate decreed that no one should demolish a building in town or country, with a view to obtaining more for it, and that no one should buy or sell any of the materials of the same in the course of trade. The penalties fixed for those who violate this Decree of the Senate are, that he who made the purchase will be compelled to pay twice the amount of the price into the Public Treasury, and with reference to him who sold the materials, the sale shall be considered void. It is clear that if you pay me the purchase-money, since you are required to pay double the amount into the Treasury, you can recover the same from me because the sale is void, so far as I am concerned. This Decree of the Senate becomes operative, not only where a party sells his country seat or his town residence, but also where he sells one belonging to another.
Dig. 34,2,4Paulus libro quinquagesimo quarto ad edictum. Cum quidam libertum suum in Asiam misisset ad purpuras emendas et testamento uxori suae lanam purpuream legasset, pertinere ad eam, si quam purpuram vivo eo libertus emisset, Servius respondit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. A certain individual sent his freedmen into Asia for the purpose of buying purple, and by his will bequeathed his purple wool to his wife. Servius gave it as his opinion that the goods which the freedman had purchased during the lifetime of the testator belonged to her.
Dig. 41,2,1Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Possessio appellata est, ut et Labeo ait, a sedibus quasi positio, quia naturaliter tenetur ab eo qui ei insistit, quam Graeci κατοχήν dicunt. 1Dominiumque rerum ex naturali possessione coepisse Nerva filius ait eiusque rei vestigium remanere in his, quae terra mari caeloque capiuntur: nam haec protinus eorum fiunt, qui primi possessionem eorum adprehenderint. item bello capta et insula in mari enata et gemmae lapilli margaritae in litoribus inventae eius fiunt, qui primus eorum possessionem nanctus est. 2Apiscimur autem possessionem per nosmet ipsos. 3Furiosus et pupillus sine tutoris auctoritate non potest incipere possidere, quia affectionem tenendi non habent, licet maxime corpore suo rem contingant, sicuti si quis dormienti aliquid in manu ponat. sed pupillus tutore auctore incipiet possidere. Ofilius quidem et Nerva filius etiam sine tutoris auctoritate possidere incipere posse pupillum aiunt: eam enim rem facti, non iuris esse: quae sententia recipi potest, si eius aetatis sint, ut intellectum capiant. 4Si vir uxori cedat possessione donationis causa, plerique putant possidere eam, quoniam res facti infirmari iure civili non potest: et quid attinet dicere non possidere mulierem, cum maritus, ubi noluit possidere, protinus amiserit possessionem? 5Item adquirimus possessionem per servum aut filium, qui in potestate est, et quidem earum rerum, quas peculiariter tenent, etiam ignorantes, sicut Sabino et Cassio et Iuliano placuit, quia nostra voluntate intellegantur possidere, qui eis peculium habere permiserimus. igitur ex causa peculiari et infans et furiosus adquirunt possessionem et usucapiunt, et heres, si hereditarius servus emat. 6Sed et per eum, quem bona fide possidemus, quamvis alienus sit vel liber, possessionem adquiremus. si mala fide eum possideamus, non puto adquiri nobis possessionem per eum: sed nec vero domino aut sibi adquiret, qui ab alio possidetur. 7Per communem sicut per proprium adquirimus, etiam singuli in solidum, si hoc agat servus, ut uni adquirat, sicut in dominio adquirendo. 8Per eum, in quo usum fructum habemus, possidere possumus, sicut ex operis suis adquirere nobis solet: nec ad rem pertinet, quod ipsum non possidemus: nam nec filium. 9Ceterum et ille, per quem volumus possidere, talis esse debet, ut habeat intellectum possidendi: 10Et ideo si furiosum servum miseris, ut possideas, nequaquam videris adprehendisse possessionem. 11Quod si impuberem miseris ad possidendum, incipies possidere, sicut pupillus, maxime tutore auctore, adquirit possessionem. 12Nam per ancillam quin possis nancisci possessionem, non dubitatur. 13Pupillus per servum sive puberem sive inpuberem adquirit possessionem, si tutore auctore iusserit eum ire in possessionem. 14Per servum, qui in fuga sit, nihil posse nos possidere Nerva filius ait, licet respondeatur, quamdiu ab alio non possideatur, a nobis eum possideri ideoque interim etiam usucapi. sed utilitatis causa receptum est, ut impleatur usucapio, quamdiu nemo nactus sit eius possessionem. possessionem autem per eum adquiri, sicut per eos, quos in provincia habemus, Cassii et Iuliani sententia est. 15Per servum corporaliter pignori datum non adquirere nos possessionem Iulianus ait (ad unam enim tantum causam videri eum a debitore possideri, ad usucapionem), nec creditori, quia nec stipulatione nec ullo alio modo per eum adquirat, quamvis eum possideat. 16Veteres putaverunt non posse nos per servum hereditarium adquirere, quod sit eiusdem hereditatis. itaque agitatur, num haec regula longius producenda sit, ut, si plures servi legati sint, per unum an possint ceteri possideri. idem tractatus est, si pariter empti vel donati sunt. sed verius est ex his causis posse me per unum reliquorum adquirere possessionem. 17Si ex parte heredi instituto servus legatus sit, propter partem, quam ex causa legati habet, adquiret fundi hereditarii possessionem. 18Idem dicendum est, si servum communem iussero adire hereditatem, quia propter partem meam adquiro. 19Haec, quae de servis diximus, ita se habent, si et ipsi velint nobis adquirere possessionem: nam si iubeas servum tuum possidere et is eo animo intret in possessionem, ut nolit tibi, sed potius Titio adquirere, non est tibi adquisita possessio. 20Per procuratorem tutorem curatoremve possessio nobis adquiritur. cum autem suo nomine nacti fuerint possessionem, non cum ea mente, ut operam dumtaxat suam accommodarent, nobis non possunt adquirere. alioquin si dicamus per eos non adquiri nobis possessionem, qui nostro nomine accipiunt, futurum, ut neque is possideat cui res tradita sit, quia non habeat animum possidentis, neque is qui tradiderit, quoniam cesserit possessione. 21Si iusserim venditorem procuratori rem tradere, cum ea in praesentia sit, videri mihi traditam Priscus ait, idemque esse, si nummos debitorem iusserim alii dare. non est enim corpore et tactu necesse adprehendere possessionem, sed etiam oculis et affectu argumento esse eas res, quae propter magnitudinem ponderis moveri non possunt, ut columnas, nam pro traditis eas haberi, si in re praesenti consenserint: et vina tradita videri, cum claves cellae vinariae emptori traditae fuerint. 22Municipes per se nihil possidere possunt, quia universi consentire non possunt. forum autem et basilicam hisque similia non possident, sed promiscue his utuntur. sed Nerva filius ait, per servum quae peculiariter adquisierint et possidere et usucapere posse: sed quidam contra putant, quoniam ipsos servos non possideant.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Possession, as Labeo says, is derived from the term sedes, or position, because it is naturally held by him who has it; and this the Greeks designate katoxyn. 1Nerva, the son, asserts that the ownership of property originated from natural possession, and that the trace of this still remains in the case of whatever is taken on the earth, on the sea, and in the air, for it immediately belongs to those who first acquire possession of it. Likewise, spoils taken in war, and an island formed in the sea, gems, precious stones, and pearls found upon the shore, become the property of him who first obtains possession of them. 2We also acquire possession by ourselves. 3Ad Dig. 41,2,1,3ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 40, S. 105: Erwerb des Pfandrechts durch Unterbringung der Objecte in dem vom Gläubiger gemietheten Lokale.An insane person, or a ward, cannot begin to acquire possession without the authority of his curator or guardian; because, although the former may touch the property with their bodies, they have not the disposition to hold it, just as where anyone places something in the hands of a man who is asleep. A ward can begin to obtain possession by the authority of his guardian. Ofilius, and Nerva, the son, however, say that a ward cannot begin to obtain possession without the authority of his guardian, for possession is a matter of fact, and not of law. This opinion may be accepted where the ward is of such an age as to be capable of understanding what he is doing. 4Ad Dig. 41,2,1,4ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 40, S. 105: Erwerb des Pfandrechts durch Unterbringung der Objecte in dem vom Gläubiger gemietheten Lokale.Where a husband gives possession to his wife for the purpose of making her a donation, several authorities hold that she is in actual possession, as a question of fact cannot be annulled by the Civil Law. And, indeed, what use would it be to say that the wife is not in possession, as the husband immediately lost it when he no longer desired to retain it? 5We also acquire possession by means of a slave or a son who is under our control; and this is the case with property constituting his peculium, even if we are ignorant of the fact, as was held by Sabinus. Cassius and Julianus: because those whom we have permitted to have peculium are understood to be in possession with our consent. Therefore, an infant and an insane person can obtain possession of property forming peculium, and can acquire it by usucaption; an heir also can do this, where a slave belonging to the estate makes a purchase. 6We can also acquire possession through anyone whom we possess in good faith as a slave, even though he belongs to another, or is free. If, however, we have possession of him fraudulently, I do not think that we can acquire possession through his agency. He who is in possession of another can neither acquire property for his master nor for himself. 7When we are joint-owners of a slave, we can individually acquire property through him to the full amount, as if he were one of our own slaves, if he intends to make the acquisition for one of his masters; just as is the case of acquiring ownership. 8We can obtain possession through a slave in whom we have the usufruct in the same way that he is accustomed to acquire property for us by means of his labor; nor does it make any difference if we do not actually possess him, for the same rule applies to a son. 9Moreover, he through whom we desire to obtain possession should be such a person as to be able to understand what possession means. 10Therefore, if you send a slave, who is insane, to take possession, you will by no means be considered to have acquired it. 11If you send a boy under the age of puberty to take possession, you will begin to do so; just as a ward acquires possession, and especially by the authority of his guardian. 12There is no doubt that you can obtain possession by means of a female slave. 13Ad Dig. 41,2,1,13ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 40, S. 105: Erwerb des Pfandrechts durch Unterbringung der Objecte in dem vom Gläubiger gemietheten Lokale.A ward can acquire possession by means of a slave, whether the latter has arrived at the age of puberty, or not, if he directs him to take possession with the authority of his guardian. 14Nerva, the son, says that we cannot acquire possession by means of one of our slaves who is a fugitive, although it has been held that he remains in our possession as long as he is not in that of another; and therefore that, in the meantime, property can be acquired by him through usucaption. This opinion, however, is adopted on account of public convenience, so that usucaption may take place as long as no one has obtained possession of the slave. It is the opinion of Cassius and Julianus that possession may be acquired by such a slave, as well as by those whom we have in a province. 15Julianus says that we cannot acquire possession by means of a slave who has been actually given in pledge, for he is held to be possessed by the debtor in one respect, that is to say, for the purpose of usucaption. Nor can the slave who is pledged acquire property for the creditor, because although the latter may have possession of him, he cannot acquire property through him by means of a stipulation, or in any other way. 16The ancients thought that we could acquire anything by means of a slave belonging to an estate, because he was part of the said estate. Hence, a discussion arose whether this rule should not be extended farther so that where some slaves were bequeathed, the others could be possessed by the act of one of them. It was also discussed whether this would be the case if they were all purchased or donated together. The better opinion is that I cannot, under such circumstances, acquire possession by the act of one of them. 17If a slave is partially bequeathed to an appointed heir, he can acquire possession of the land of the estate for him, in proportion to his share in the said slave, by virtue of the legacy. 18The same rule will apply if I order a slave owned in common to accept an estate, because I obtain possession of my share of it on account of my interest in him. 19What we have stated with reference to slaves also applies where they themselves desire to acquire possession for us; for if you order your slave to take possession, and he does so with the intention of acquiring the property not for you, but for Titius, possession is not acquired for you. 20Possession is acquired by us by means of an agent, a guardian, or a curator. But when they take possession in their own names, and not with the intention of merely rendering their services, they cannot acquire possession for us. On the other hand, if we say that those who obtain possession in our name do not acquire it for us, the result will be that neither he to whom the property was delivered will obtain possession, because he did not have the intention of doing so, nor will he who delivered the article retain it, as he has relinquished possession of the same. 21Ad Dig. 41,2,1,21Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 153, Note 7.If I order a vendor to deliver the property to my agent, while it is in our presence, Priscus says that it will be held to have been delivered to me. The same rule will apply if I order my debtor to pay to another the sum which is due to me, for it is not necessary to take possession bodily and actually, but this can be done merely by the eyes and the intention. The proof of this appears in the case of property which, on account of its weight, cannot be moved, as columns, for instance; for they are considered to have been delivered if the parties consent, with the columns before them; and wines are held to have been delivered when the keys of the wine-cellar have been handed to the purchaser. 22Municipalities cannot possess anything by themselves, because all the citizens cannot consent. They do not possess the forums, and the temples, and other things of this kind, but they make use of them promiscuously. Nerva, the son, says that they can acquire, possess, and obtain by usucaption, the peculium of their slaves; others, however, hold the contrary; as they do not have possession of the slaves themselves.
Dig. 41,2,3Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Possideri autem possunt, quae sunt corporalia. 1Et apiscimur possessionem corpore et animo, neque per se animo aut per se corpore. quod autem diximus et corpore et animo adquirere nos debere possessionem, non utique ita accipiendum est, ut qui fundum possidere velit, omnes glebas circumambulet: sed sufficit quamlibet partem eius fundi introire, dum mente et cogitatione hac sit, uti totum fundum usque ad terminum velit possidere. 2Incertam partem rei possidere nemo potest, veluti si hac mente sis, ut quidquid Titius possidet, tu quoque velis possidere. 3Neratius et Proculus et solo animo non posse nos adquirere possessionem, si non antecedat naturalis possessio. ideoque si thensaurum in fundo meo positum sciam, continuo me possidere, simul atque possidendi affectum habuero, quia quod desit naturali possessioni, id animus implet. ceterum quod Brutus et Manilius putant eum, qui fundum longa possessione cepit, etiam thensaurum cepisse, quamvis nesciat in fundo esse, non est verum: is enim qui nescit non possidet thensaurum, quamvis fundum possideat. sed et si sciat, non capiet longa possessione, quia scit alienum esse. quidam putant Sabini sententiam veriorem esse nec alias eum qui scit possidere, nisi si loco motus sit, quia non sit sub custodia nostra: quibus consentio. 4Ex plurimis causis possidere eandem rem possumus, ut quidam putant et eum, qui usuceperit et pro emptore, et pro suo possidere: sic enim et si ei, qui pro emptore possidebat, heres sim, eandem rem et pro emptore et pro herede possideo: nec enim sicut dominium non potest nisi ex una causa contingere, ita et possidere ex una dumtaxat causa possumus. 5Ex contrario plures eandem rem in solidum possidere non possunt: contra naturam quippe est, ut, cum ego aliquid teneam, tu quoque id tenere videaris. Sabinus tamen scribit eum qui precario dederit et ipsum possidere et eum qui precario acceperit. idem Trebatius probabat existimans posse alium iuste, alium iniuste possidere, duos iniuste vel duos iuste non posse. quem Labeo reprehendit, quoniam in summa possessionis non multum interest, iuste quis an iniuste possideat: quod est verius. non magis enim eadem possessio apud duos esse potest, quam ut tu stare videaris in eo loco, in quo ego sto, vel in quo ego sedeo, tu sedere videaris. 6In amittenda quoque possessione affectio eius qui possidet intuenda est: itaque si in fundo sis et tamen nolis eum possidere, protinus amittes possessionem. igitur amitti et animo solo potest, quamvis adquiri non potest. 7Sed et si animo solo possideas, licet alius in fundo sit, adhuc tamen possides. 8Si quis nuntiet domum a latronibus occupatam et dominus timore conterritus noluerit accedere, amississe eum possessionem placet. quod si servus vel colonus, per quos corpore possidebam, decesserint discesserintve, animo retinebo possessionem. 9Et si alii tradiderim, amitto possessionem. nam constat possidere nos, donec aut nostra voluntate discesserimus aut vi deiecti fuerimus. 10Si servus, quem possidebam, pro libero se gerat, ut fecit spartacus, et iudicium liberale pati paratus sit, non videbitur a domino possideri, cui se adversarium praeparat. sed hoc ita verum est, si diu in libertate moratur: alioquin si ex possessione servitutis in libertatem reclamaverit et liberale iudicium imploraverit, nihilo minus in possessione mea est et animo eum possideo, donec liber fuerit pronuntiatus. 11Saltus hibernos aestivosque animo possidemus, quamvis certis temporibus eos relinquamus. 12Ceterum animo nostro, corpore etiam alieno possidemus, sicut diximus per colonum et servum, nec movere nos debet, quod quasdam etiam ignorantes possidemus, id est quas servi peculiariter paraverunt: nam videmur eas eorundem et animo et corpore possidere. 13Nerva filius res mobiles excepto homine, quatenus sub custodia nostra sint, hactenus possideri, id est quatenus, si velimus, naturalem possessionem nancisci possimus. nam pecus simul atque aberraverit aut vas ita exciderit, ut non inveniatur, protinus desinere a nobis possideri, licet a nullo possideatur: dissimiliter atque si sub custodia mea sit nec inveniatur, quia praesentia eius sit et tantum cessat interim diligens inquisitio. 14Item feras bestias, quas vivariis incluserimus, et pisces, quos in piscinas coiecerimus, a nobis possideri. sed eos pisces, qui in stagno sint, aut feras, quae in silvis circumseptis vagantur, a nobis non possideri, quoniam relictae sint in libertate naturali: alioquin etiam si quis silvam emerit, videri eum omnes feras possidere, quod falsum est. 15Aves autem possidemus, quas inclusas habemus, aut si quae mansuetae factae custodiae nostrae subiectae sunt. 16Quidam recte putant columbas quoque, quae ab aedificiis nostris volant, item apes, quae ex alveis nostris evolant et secundum consuetudinem redeunt, a nobis possideri. 17Labeo et Nerva filius responderunt desinere me possidere eum locum, quem flumen aut mare occupaverit. 18Si rem apud te depositam furti faciendi causa contrectaveris, desino possidere. sed si eam loco non moveris et infitiandi animum habeas, plerique veterum et Sabinus et Cassius recte responderunt possessorem me manere, quia furtum sine contrectatione fieri non potest nec animo furtum admittatur. 19Illud quoque a veteribus praeceptum est neminem sibi ipsum causam possessionis mutare posse. 20Sed si is, qui apud me deposuit vel commodavit, eam rem vendiderit mihi vel donaverit, non videbor causam possessionis mihi mutare, qui ne possidebam quidem. 21Genera possessionum tot sunt, quot et causae adquirendi eius quod nostrum non sit, velut pro emptore: pro donato: pro legato: pro dote: pro herede: pro noxae dedito: pro suo, sicut in his, quae terra marique vel ex hostibus capimus vel quae ipsi, ut in rerum natura essent, fecimus. et in summa magis unum genus est possidendi, species infinitae. 22Vel etiam potest dividi possessionis genus in duas species, ut possideatur aut bona fide aut non bona fide. 23Quod autem Quintus Mucius inter genera possessionum posuit, si quando iussu magistratus rei servandae causa possidemus, ineptissimum est: nam qui creditorem rei servandae causa vel quia damni infecti non caveatur, mittit in possessionem vel ventris nomine, non possessionem, sed custodiam rerum et observationem concedit: et ideo, cum damni infecti non cavente vicino in possessionem missi sumus, si id longo tempore fiat, etiam possidere nobis et per longam possessionem capere praetor causa cognita permittit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LXX. Moreover, only corporeal property can be possessed. 1We obtain possession by means of both the body and the mind, and not by these separately. When, however, we say that we obtain possession by the body and the mind, this should not be understood to mean that where anyone desires to take possession of land he must walk around every field, as it will be sufficient for him to enter upon any part of the land, as long as it is his intention to take possession of it all, as far as its boundaries extend. 2No one can obtain possession of property which is uncertain; as, for instance, if you have the intention and desire to possess everything that Titius has. 3Neratius and Proculus think that we cannot acquire possession solely by intention, if natural possession does not come first. Therefore, if I know that there is a treasure on my land, I immediately possess it, as soon as I have the intention of doing so; because the intention supplies what is lacking in natural possession. Again, the opinion of Brutus and Manilius, who hold that anyone who has had possession of land for a long time has also had possession of any treasure to be found there, even though he was ignorant of its existence, is not correct. For he who does not know that there is any treasure there does not possess it, although he may have possession of the land; and, if he was aware of its presence, he cannot acquire it by long possession, because he knows that it is the property of someone else. Several authorities hold that the opinion of Sabinus is the better one; namely, that he who knows that there is a treasure on his land does not gain possession of it unless it has been removed from its place, because it is not in our custody. I concur in this opinion. 4We can hold possession of the same thing by several different titles; for example, certain authorities think that he who obtains property by usucaption does so not only as a purchaser, but as the owner. For if I am the heir of him who has possession as a purchaser I possess the same property, but as purchaser and as heir; for while ownership can only be established by a single title, this is not the case with possession. 5Ad Dig. 41,2,3,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 154, Note 5.On the other hand, several persons cannot have possession of the same thing without division; for, indeed, it is contrary to nature that while I hold something you should also be considered to hold it. Sabinus, however, says that he who gives property held by a precarious title possesses it himself, as well as he who received it with the risk. Trebatius, also, approves this opinion, for he thinks that one person can have possession justly, and another unjustly, but that both of them cannot possess it either unjustly or justly. Labeo contradicts him, since, in the case of complete possession, it does not make much difference whether anyone has possession justly or unjustly. This is correct, for the same possession cannot be held by two persons, any more than you can be considered to stand on the very place on which I am standing, or to sit exactly where I am seated. 6When possession is lost, the intention of the party in possession must be considered. Therefore, although you may be on a tract of land, still, if you do not intend to retain it, you will immediately lose possession. Hence, possession can be lost by the intention alone, although it cannot be acquired in this way. 7If, however, you have possession solely by intention, even though another may be on the land, you will still have possession of the same. 8If anyone should give notice that a house is invaded-by robbers, and the owner, being overcome with fear, is unwilling to approach it, it is established that he loses possession of the house. But if a slave or a tenant, through whose agency I actually possess property, should either die, or depart, I will retain possession by intention. 9If I deliver an article to another, I lose possession of the same; for it has been decided that we hold possession until we voluntarily relinquish it, or are deprived of it by force. 10If a slave, of whom I am in possession, asserts that he is free, as Spartacus did, and is ready to maintain his freedom in court, he will not be considered to be in possession of the master whom he is preparing to oppose. This, however, is only correct when he has remained for a long time at liberty; otherwise, if, from his condition as a slave, he demands his freedom, and petitions for a judicial decision on this point, he, nevertheless, remains under my control, and I hold possession of him by intention, until he has been pronounced to be free. 11We possess by intention the places to which we resort in summer and in winter, although we leave them at certain times. 12Moreover, we can have possession by intention, and also corporeally, by means of another, as we have stated in the case of a tenant and a slave. The fact that we possess certain property without being aware of it (as is the case where slaves obtain peculium), should not present any difficulty, for we are held to possess it by both the intention and the actual agency of the slaves. 13Nerva, the son, thinks that we can possess movable property, with the exception of slaves, as long as it remains in our charge; that is to say, as long as we can obtain natural possession of it, if we wished to do so. For if a flock should be lost, or a vase should fall in such a way that it cannot be found, it immediately ceases to be in our possession, although no one else can obtain possession of it; but the case is different where anything cannot be found which is in my charge, because it still remains in the neighborhood, and diligent search will discover it. 14Likewise, wild animals which we shut up in enclosures, and fish which we throw into ponds, are in our possession. But fish which are in a lake, or wild animals that wander in woods enclosed by hedges, are not in our possession, as they are left to their natural freedom; for otherwise, if anyone purchased the woods, he would be considered to have possession of all the animals therein, which is false. 15Moreover, we have possession of birds which we have shut up or tamed, and subjected to our control. 16Certain authorities very properly hold that pigeons, which fly away from our buildings, as well as bees which leave our hives, and have the habit of returning, are possessed by us. 17Labeo and Nerva, the son, have given it as their opinion that I cease to possess any place which a river or the sea has overflowed. 18Ad Dig. 41,2,3,18Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 157, Note 6.If you appropriate any property which has been deposited with you, with the intention of stealing it, I cease to have possession of the same. If, however, you do not move it from its place, and have the intention of denying that it was deposited with you, several ancient authorities, and among them Sabinus and Cassius, very properly hold that I still retain possession, for the reason that a theft cannot be committed without handling the article, nor can theft be committed by mere intention. 19The rule that no one can himself change his title to the possession of property has been established by the ancient authorities. 20If, however, he who deposited an article with me, or lent it to me, should sell or give me the same thing, I will not be considered to have changed the title by which I hold possession, since I did not have possession. 21There are as many kinds of possession as there are ways of acquiring property which does not belong to us; as, for example, by purchase, by donation, by legacy, by dowry, as an heir, by surrender as reparation for damage committed, by occupancy, as in the case where we obtain property from the land or the sea, or from the enemy, or which we ourselves create. And, in conclusion, there is but one genus of possession, but the species are infinite in number. 22Possession may be divided into two kinds, for it is acquired either in good, or in bad faith. 23The opinion of Quintus Mucius, who included among the different kinds of possession that given by order of a magistrate, for the purpose of preserving the property, or where we obtain possession because security against threatened injury is not furnished, is perfectly ridiculous. For where anyone places a creditor in possession for the purpose of preserving property, or where this is done because security has not been furnished against threatened injury, or in the name of an unborn child, he does not really grant possession, but merely the custody and supervision of the property. Hence, when a neighbor does not give security against threatened injury, and we are placed in charge, and this condition continues for a long time, the Prætor, upon proper cause being shown, will permit us to obtain actual possession of the property.
Dig. 41,2,7Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Sed et si nolit in fundum reverti, quod vim maiorem vereatur, amississe possessionem videbitur: et ita Neratius quoque scribit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. If the owner is unwilling to return to the land because he fears the exertion of superior force, he will be considered to have lost possession. This was also stated by Neratius.
Dig. 41,3,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Usurpatio est usucapionis interruptio: oratores autem usurpationem frequentem usum vocant.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Usurpation is the interruption of usucaption. Orators call usucaption frequent use.
Dig. 41,3,4Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Sequitur de usucapione dicere. et hoc ordine eundum est, ut videamus, quis potest usucapere et quas res et quanto tempore. 1Usucapere potest scilicet pater familias. filius familias et maxime miles in castris adquisitum usucapiet. 2Pupillus si tutore auctore coeperit possidere, usucapit: si non tutore auctore possideat et animum possidendi habeat, dicemus posse eum usucapere. 3Furiosus quod ante furorem possidere coepit, usucapit. sed haec persona ita demum usucapere potest, si ex ea causa possideat, ex qua usucapio sequitur. 4Servus pro herede possidere non potest. 5Fructus et partus ancillarum et fetus pecorum, si defuncti non fuerunt, usucapi possunt. 6Quod autem dicit lex Atinia, ut res furtiva non usucapiatur, nisi in potestatem eius, cui subrepta est, revertatur, sic acceptum est, ut in domini potestatem debeat reverti, non in eius utique, cui subreptum est. igitur creditori subrepta et ei, cui commodata est, in potestatem domini redire debet. 7Labeo quoque ait, si res peculiaris servi mei subrepta sit me ignorante, deinde eam nanctus sit, videri in potestatem meam redisse: commodius dicitur, etiamsi sciero, redisse eam in meam potestatem (nec enim sufficit, si eam rem, quam perdidit ignorante me, servus adprehendat): si modo in peculio eam esse volui: nam si nolui, tunc exigendum est, ut ego facultatem eius nactus sim. 8Ideoque et si servus meus rem mihi subripuerit, deinde eandem loco suo reponat, poterit usucapi, quasi in potestatem meam redierit, utique si nescii: nam si scivi, exigimus, ut redisse sciam in meam potestatem. 9Item si eam rem, quam servus subripuerit, peculiari nomine teneat, non videri in potestatem meam reversam Pomponius ait, nisi ita habere coeperimus, quemadmodum habuimus, antequam subriperetur, aut, cum rescissemus, in peculio eum habere concessimus: item Labeo. 10Si rem, quam apud te deposueram, lucri faciendi causa vendideris, deinde ex paenitentia redemeris et eodem statu habeas: sive ignorante me sive sciente ea gesta sint, videri in potestatem meam redisse secundum Proculi sententiam, quae et vera est. 11Si pupilli res subrepta sit, sufficere dicendum est, si tutor eius sciat redisse eam in domum pupilli: et si furioso, sufficere curatores scire. 12Tunc in potestatem domini redisse dicendum est, cum possessionem eius nactus sit iuste, ut avelli non possit, sed et tamquam suae rei: nam si ignorans rem mihi subreptam emam, non videri in potestatem meam reversam. 13Sed et si vindicavero rem mihi subreptam et litis aestimationem accepero, licet corporaliter eius non sim nactus possessionem, usucapietur. 14Idem dicendum est etiam, si voluntate mea alii tradita sit. 15Heres, qui in ius defuncti succedit, licet apud eum ignorantem ancillam furtivam esse conceperit ea et pepererit, non tamen usucapiet. 16De illo quaeritur, si servus meus ancillam, quam subripuit, pro libertate sua mihi dederit, an partum apud me conceptum usucapere possim. Sabinus et Cassius non putant, quia possessio, quam servus vitiose nanctus sit, domino noceret, et hoc verum est. 17Sed et si, ut servum meum manumitterem, alius mihi furtivam ancillam dederit eaque apud me conceperit et pepererit, usu me non capturum. idemque fore etiam, si quis eam ancillam mecum permutasset aut in solutum dedisset, item si donasset. 18Si antequam pariat, alienam esse rescierit emptor, diximus non posse eum usucapere: quod si nescierit, posse. quod si, cum iam usucaperet, cognoverit alienam esse, initium usucapionis intueri debemus, sicut in emptis rebus placuit. 19Lana ovium furtivarum si quidem apud furem detonsa est, usucapi non potest, si vero apud bonae fidei emptorem, contra: quoniam in fructu est, nec usucapi debet, sed statim emptoris fit. idem in agnis dicendum, si consumpti sint, quod verum est. 20Si ex lana furtiva vestimentum feceris, verius est, ut substantiam spectemus, et ideo vestis furtiva erit. 21Si rem pignori datam debitor subripuerit et vendiderit, usucapi eam posse Cassius scribit, quia in potestatem domini videtur pervenisse, qui pignori dederit, quamvis cum eo furti agi potest: quod puto rectius dici. 22Si tu me vi expuleris de fundi possessione nec adprehenderis possessionem, sed Titius in vacuam possessionem intraverit, potest longo tempore capi res: quamvis enim interdictum unde vi locum habeat, quia verum est vi me deiectum, non tamen verum est et vi possessum. 23Ceterum etiamsi mala fide fundum me possidentem deieceris et vendideris, non poterit capi, quoniam verum est vi possessum esse licet non a domino. 24Idem dicendum est in eo, qui eum expulit qui pro herede possidebat, quamvis sciat esse hereditarium, quoniam vi possidet. 25Si dominus fundi possessorem vi deiecerit, Cassius ait non videri in potestatem eius redisse, quando interdicto unde vi restituturus sit possessionem. 26Si viam habeam per tuum fundum et tu me ab ea vi expuleris, per longum tempus non utendo amittam viam, quia nec possideri intellegitur ius incorporale nec de via quis (id est mero iure) detruditur. 27Item si occupaveris vacuam possessionem, deinde venientem dominum prohibueris, non videberis vi possedisse. 28Libertatem servitutium usucapi posse verius est, quia eam usucapionem sustulit lex Scribonia, quae servitutem constituebat, non etiam eam, quae libertatem praestat sublata servitute. itaque si, cum tibi servitutem deberem, ne mihi puta liceret altius aedificare, et per statutum tempus altius aedificatum habuero, sublata erit servitus.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. In the next place, we must speak of usucaption; and, in doing so, we must proceed in regular order, and examine who can acquire property by usucaption, what property can be acquired in this manner, and what time is necessary. 1The head of a household can acquire by usucaption; a son under paternal control can also do so; and this is especially the case where, as a soldier, he obtains by usucaption property acquired during military service. 2A ward can acquire property by usucaption if he takes possession of it with the consent of his guardian. If he takes possession without the consent of his guardian, but still has the intention of doing so, we say that he can acquire the property by usucaption. 3An insane person, who takes possession before his insanity appears, acquires the property by usucaption; but such a person can only acquire it in this manner if he has possession by a title through which usucaption may result. 4A slave cannot hold possession as an heir. 5If the crops, the children of slaves, and the increase of flocks did not belong to the deceased, they can be acquired by usucaption. 6The Atinian Law provides that stolen property cannot be acquired by usucaption, unless it is restored to the control of the person from whom it was stolen; and this must be understood to mean that it must be restored to the owner, and not to him from whom it was secretly taken. Therefore, if property is stolen from a creditor to whom it was lent or pledged, it should be returned to the owner. 7Ad Dig. 41,3,4,7Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 182, Note 10.Labeo also says that, if the peculium of my slave is stolen without my knowledge, and he afterwards recovers it, it will be held to have been restored to my control. It is more accurate to say, provided I was aware that the property had been returned to me. For it is not sufficient for the slave merely to recover the property which he had lost without my knowledge, but I must also have intended it to form part of his peculium, for if I did not wish this to be done, it will then be necessary for me to obtain actual control of it. 8Hence, if my slave steals anything from me, and afterwards returns the article to its place, it can be acquired by usucaption as having been restored to my control, just as if I did not know that it had been stolen; for if I did know it, we require that I should be aware that it had been returned to me. 9Moreover, if the slave should retain as part of his peculium the same property which he stole, it will not be considered to have been returned to me (as is stated by Pomponius), unless I have possession of it in the same way that I did before it was stolen; or if, when I learned that it had been taken, I consented that the slave should include it in his peculium. 10Labeo says that if I deposit any property with you, and you sell it for the sake of gain, and then, having repented, you repurchase it, and retain it in the same condition in which it formerly was, whether I am ignorant or aware of the transaction, it will be considered to have been restored to my control, according to the opinion of Proculus, which is correct. 11Where the property of a ward is stolen, it must be held to be sufficient if his guardian was aware that it had been returned to the house of the ward. In the case of an insane person, it will be sufficient if his curators know that the property has been returned. 12Property must be considered to have been restored to the control of the owner when he recovers possession of it in such a way that he cannot be deprived of it. This must be done just as if the property was his; for if I purchase an article, not knowing that it has been stolen from me, it will not be held to have been restored to my control. 13Even if I should bring suit to recover property which has been stolen from me, and I accept payment of the amount at which it was appraised in court, it can be acquired by usucaption, even though I did not obtain actual possession of it. 14The same rule must be said to apply even if the stolen property has been delivered to another with my consent. 15An heir who succeeds to the rights of the deceased cannot acquire by usucaption a female slave whose mother had been stolen, and was found among the property of the deceased, provided the latter was not aware of the fact, if she conceived and brought forth the child while in his possession. 16If my slave steals a female slave and gives her to me in return for his freedom, the question arises whether I can acquire by usucaption the child of said female slave who conceived while in my possession. Sabinus and Cassius do not think that I can, because the illegal possession which is obtained by the slave would prejudice his master; and this is correct. 17If, however, anyone gives me a female slave who has been stolen, in order to induce me to manumit my slave, and the female slave conceives and has a child while in my possession, I cannot acquire that child by usucaption. The same rule will also apply if anyone gives me the said female slave in exchange, or by way of payment, or as a present. 18If the purchaser ascertains before she has the child that the female slave belongs to another, we say that he cannot acquire the child by usucaption, but he can do so if he was not aware of this. If, however, he should learn that she belongs to someone else, when he had already begun to acquire the child by usucaption; we must take into consideration the beginning of the usucaption, as has been decided in the case of property that has been purchased. 19Ad Dig. 41,3,4,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Noten 12, 14.If stolen sheep have been sheared while in possession of the thief, the wool cannot be acquired by usucaption. The rule is otherwise, however, in the case of a bona fide purchaser, as there is no need of usucaption, since the wool is a profit, the right to which immediately vests in the purchaser. The same rule can be said to apply to lambs, if they have been disposed of. This is true. 20Ad Dig. 41,3,4,20Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 187, Note 3.If you make a garment of stolen wool, the better opinion is that we should consider the original material, and therefore the garment is stolen property. 21If a debtor steals anything given by him in pledge, and sells it, Cassius says that it can be acquired by usucaption, because it is considered to have come under the control of the owner who pledged it, although an action for theft can be brought against him. I think that this opinion is perfectly correct. 22If you forcibly deprive me of the possession of land, and you yourself do not take possession, but Titius, finding it unoccupied, does, he can acquire it by usucaption through lapse of time, for although it is true that an interdict on the ground of violence will lie, because I have been forcibly ejected; still, it is not true that Titius obtained possession by violence. 23But if you should eject me from land which I possess in bad faith, and sell it, it cannot be acquired by usucaption, for while it is true that possession has been obtained by force, this has not been done by the owner. 24The same rule must be said to apply to the case of one who ejected a person having possession as the heir, although he knew that the land formed part of an estate. 25Cassius says that if the owner of land forcibly ejects the party in possession, the land will not be considered to have again been brought under his control, as he who was ejected can recover possession of it by means of an interdict based on violence. 26If I have a right of way through your land, and you forcibly prevent me from using it, I will lose the right of way by not making use of it for a long time, because an incorporeal right is not considered susceptible of possession; and no one can be said to be deprived of a right of way, that is to say, of a mere servitude, in this manner. 27Likewise, if you take possession of land which is vacant, and afterwards prevent the owner from entering upon the same, you will not be considered to have taken forcible possession of the property. 28It is true that a release of a servitude can be acquired by usucaption, because the Scribonian Law, which established a servitude, prohibited the usucaption of one; but it does not grant a release if the servitude has already been extinguished. Hence, if I owe you a servitude, for instance, that which prevents me from building my house any higher, and I have kept it built higher for the prescribed time, the servitude will be extinguished.
Dig. 41,4,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Pro emptore possidet, qui re vera emit, nec sufficit tantum in ea opinione esse eum, ut putet se pro emptore possidere, sed debet etiam subesse causa emptionis. si tamen existimans me debere tibi ignoranti tradam, usucapies. quare ergo et si putem me vendidisse et tradam, non capies usu? scilicet quia in ceteris contractibus sufficit traditionis tempus, sic denique si sciens stipuler rem alienam, usucapiam, si, cum traditur mihi, existimem illius esse: at in emptione et illud tempus inspicitur, quo contrahitur: igitur et bona fide emisse debet et possessionem bona fide adeptus esse. 1Separata est causa possessionis et usucapionis: nam vere dicitur quis emisse, sed mala fide: quemadmodum qui sciens alienam rem emit, pro emptore possidet, licet usu non capiat. 2Si sub condicione emptio facta sit, pendente condicione emptor usu non capiat. idemque est et si putet condicionem extitisse, quae nondum exstitit: similis est enim ei, qui putat se emisse. contra si exstitit et ignoret, potest dici secundum Sabinum, qui potius substantiam intuetur quam opinionem, usucapere eum. est tamen nonnulla diversitas, quod ibi, cum rem putat alienam, quae sit venditoris, affectionem emptoris habeat, at cum nondum putat condicionem exstitisse, quasi nondum putat sibi emisse. quod apertius quaeri potest, si, cum defunctus emisset, heredi eius tradatur, qui nesciat defunctum emisse, sed ex alia causa sibi tradi, an usucapio cesset. 3Sabinus, si sic empta sit, ut, nisi pecunia intra diem certum soluta esset, inempta res fieret, non usucapturum nisi persoluta pecunia. sed videamus, utrum condicio sit hoc an conventio: si conventio est, magis resolvetur quam implebitur. 4Si in diem addictio facta sit, id est nisi si quis meliorem condicionem attulerit, perfectam esse emptionem et fructus emptoris effici et usucapionem procedere Iulianus putabat: alii et hanc sub condicione esse contractam, ille non contrahi, sed resolvi dicebat, quae sententia vera est. 5Sed et illa emptio pura est, ubi convenit, ut, si displicuerit intra diem certum, inempta sit. 6Cum Stichum emissem, Dama per ignorantiam mihi pro eo traditus est. Priscus ait usu me eum non capturum, quia id, quod emptum non sit, pro emptore usucapi non potest: sed si fundus emptus sit et ampliores fines possessi sint, totum longo tempore capi, quoniam universitas eius possideatur, non singulae partes. 7Eius bona emisti, apud quem mancipia deposita erant: Trebatius ait usu te non capturum, quia empta non sint. 8Tutor ex pupilli auctione rem, quam eius putabat esse, emit. Servius ait posse eum usucapere: in cuius opinionem decursum est eo, quod deterior causa pupilli non fit, si propius habeat emptorem, et, si minoris emerit, tutelae iudicio tenebitur ac si alii minoris addixisset: idque et a divo Traiano constitutum dicitur. 9Procuratorem quoque, qui ex auctione, quam mandatu domini facit, emerit, plerique putant utilitatis causa pro emptore usucapturum. idem potest dici et si negotia domini gerens ignorantis emerit propter eandem utilitatem. 10Si servus tuus peculiari nomine emat rem, quam scit alienam, licet tu ignores alienam esse, tamen usu non capies. 11Celsus scribit, si servus meus peculiari nomine apiscatur possessionem, id etiam ignorantem me usucapere: quod si non peculiari nomine, non nisi scientem me: et si vitiose coeperit possidere, meam vitiosam esse possessionem. 12Pomponius quoque in his, quae nomine domini possideantur, domini potius quam servi voluntatem spectandam ait: quod si peculiari, tunc mentem servi quaerendam. et si servus mala fide possideat eaque dominus nanctus sit, ut suo nomine possideat, adempto puta peculio, dicendum est, ut eadem causa sit possessionis et ideo usucapio ei non magis procedat. 13Si servus bona fide emerit peculiari nomine, ego ubi primum cognovi sciam alienam, processuram usucapionem Celsus ait: initium enim possessionis sine vitio fuisse: sed si eo tempore quo emit, quamquam id bona fide faciat, ego alienam rem esse sciam, usu me non capturum. 14Et si quod non bona fide servus meus emerit, in pactionem libertatis mihi dederit, non ideo me magis usucapturum: durare enim primam causam possessionis idem Celsus ait. 15Si a pupillo emero sine tutoris auctoritate, quem puberem esse putem, dicimus usucapionem sequi, ut hic plus sit in re quam in existimatione: quod si scias pupillum esse, putes tamen pupillis licere res suas sine tutoris auctoritate administrare, non capies usu, quia iuris error nulli prodest. 16Si a furioso, quem putem sanae mentis, emero, constitit usucapere utilitatis causa me posse, quamvis nulla esset emptio et ideo neque de evictione actio nascitur mihi nec Publiciana competit nec accessio possessionis. 17Si eam rem, quam pro emptore usucapiebas, scienti mihi alienam esse vendideris, non capiam usu. 18Etiam heredi ulteriori defuncti possessio proderit, quamvis medius heres possessionem eius nanctus non sit. 19Si defunctus bona fide emerit, usucapietur res, quamvis heres scit alienam esse. hoc et in bonorum possessore et in fideicommissariis, quibus ex Trebelliano restituitur hereditas, ceterisque praetoriis successoribus observatum est. 20Emptori tempus venditoris ad usucapionem procedit. 21Si rem alienam emero et, cum usucaperem, eandem rem dominus a me petierit, non interpellari usucapionem meam litis contestatione. sed si litis aestimationem sufferre maluerim, ait Iulianus causam possessionis mutari ei, qui litis aestimationem sustulerit, idemque esse, si dominus ei, qui rem emisset a non domino, donasset: eaque sententia vera est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. He has possession as a purchaser who has actually bought the property, and it will not be sufficient for him merely to be of the opinion that he is in possession as purchaser, but the title to the property, as purchased, must actually exist. If, however, I think that I owe you something, and I deliver it to you without your being aware that it belongs to someone else, you can acquire it by usucaption. Why, therefore, can you not acquire it by usucaption if I deliver it to you, thinking that I have sold it to you? This is because the time of the delivery is considered in all other contracts; hence, if I knowingly stipulate for property belonging to a third party, I can acquire it by usucaption if I thought that it belonged to you when it was delivered to me. In the case of a purchaser, however, the time when the contract was entered into is considered, and therefore the purchase must be made in good faith, and also possession must be obtained in this way. 1Title to possession and title to usucaption are different, for anyone may truthfully be said to have made a purchase, but to have made it in bad faith; for anyone who knowingly buys property in bad faith has possession of it as the purchaser, although he cannot acquire it by usucaption. 2Where a purchase is made under a condition, the purchaser cannot acquire the property by usucaption while the condition is pending. The same rule applies if he thinks that the condition has been fulfilled, and this has not yet taken place, for he resembles a person who thinks that he has made a purchase, when this is not the case. On the other hand, if the condition has been complied with and he is ignorant of the fact, he can be said to acquire it by usucaption, according to Sabinus, who held that this could be done by considering rather the nature of things than mere opinion. Some difference, however, exists between these two instances, because where anyone thinks that property belongs to another, which, in fact, belongs to the vendor, he occupies the position of a purchaser. But when he thinks that the Condition has not yet been complied with, it is just as if he thought that he had not yet made the purchase. This point can be presented more clearly if possession is delivered to the heir, who does not know that the deceased bought the property but thinks it was delivered to him for some other reason; but should it be held that usucaption cannot be acquired under such circumstances? 3Sabinus says that if property has been purchased in such a way that the sale will be void unless payment is made within a certain time, it cannot be acquired by usucaption, unless payment has actually been made. Let us see, however, whether this is a condition or an agreement; for if it is an agreement, the result will more readily be accomplished by payment than by complying with the condition. 4If settlement is to be made within a specified time (that is to say, if anyone does not offer to pay a better price within that time), Julianus thinks that the sale is perfected, and that the profits will belong to the purchaser, who will have a right to acquire the property by usucaption; but others have held that the sale was made under a condition. He said that it was not made under a condition, but that it was annulled under a condition, which opinion is correct. 5A sale is absolute where it is agreed that it shall be void in case the purchaser should not be content with the property within a certain time. 6I purchased Stichus, and Damas was delivered to me instead of him, by mistake. Priscus says that I cannot acquire this slave by usucaption, because what was not bought cannot be acquired in that way by the purchaser. If, however, a tract of land was purchased and a larger amount has been in possession than what was conveyed, it can be acquired by lapse of time, as the entire tract, and not separate portions of the same, is possessed. 7You purchase the property of a person with whom slaves have been deposited. Trebatius says that you cannot acquire the said slaves by usucaption, because they were not purchased. 8Ad Dig. 41,4,2,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 178, Note 7.A guardian bought an article at an auction of his ward, which he thought belonged to him. Servius says that he can acquire it by usucaption, and his opinion has been accepted, for the reason that the condition of the ward does not become worse if he has a purchaser in his guardian, who will pay more money for the property. If he should purchase it for less, he will be liable to an action on guardianship, just as if he had transferred it to some other person for less than it was worth. This, it is said, was also decided by the Divine Trajan. 9Many authorities hold, if an agent buys property at auction by the direction of his principal, that he can acquire it by usucaption, as a purchaser, on the ground of public convenience. The same rule applies if, while transacting the business of his principal, he makes the purchase without the knowledge of the latter. 10If your slave purchases property for his peculium which he knows belongs to another, you cannot acquire it by usucaption, even if you are not aware that it belongs to someone else. 11Celsus says that if my slave, without my knowledge, obtains possession of property for his peculium, I can acquire it by usucaption. If he does not obtain it as a part of his peculium, I cannot acquire it, unless I know that he has obtained it; and if he has possession which is defective in law, my possession will also be defective. 12Pomponius also says, with reference to property which is possessed in the name of the owner, that the intention of the latter, rather than that of the slave, should be considered. If the slave possesses property as part of his peculium, then his intention must be taken into consideration; and if the slave possesses it in bad faith, and his master obtains it in order to hold it in his own name, for instance, by depriving the slave of his peculium, it must be said that the same reason for possession exists, and therefore, that the master cannot avail himself of usucaption. 13If my slave should purchase property for his peculium in good faith, and when I first heard of it I knew the property belonged to another, Cassius says that usucaption can take place, for the beginning of the possession was without any defect. If, however, at the time he purchased the property, even though he did so in good faith, I knew that it belonged to someone else, I cannot acquire it by usucaption. 14If my slave should give to me, in consideration of his freedom, certain property which he had purchased in bad faith, I cannot acquire it by usucaption; for Celsus says that the first defective possession still continues to exist. 15If I make a purchase from a ward without the authority of his guardian, believing that he has reached the age of puberty, we hold that usucaption can take place, as this rather applies to the property than to the opinion. If, however, you know the vendor to be a ward, and you still believe that wards have the right to transact their own affairs without the authority of their guardians, you will not acquire the property by usucaption, because an error of law is of no advantage to anyone. 16Ad Dig. 41,4,2,16Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 199, Note 5.If I purchase property from an insane person whom I think to be of sound mind, it has been established that I can acquire it by usucaption on the ground of public convenience, although the purchase was void; and therefore I will neither be entitled to an action founded upon eviction, nor will the Publician Action lie, nor will any benefit result from previous possession. 17If you sell me property which you are about to acquire by usucaption as a purchaser, and I know that it belongs to another, I cannot acquire it by usucaption. 18Although possession may benefit the immediate heir of the deceased, a more distant heir cannot obtain possession of the property. 19If the deceased bought property in good faith, it can be acquired by usucaption, even though the heir knew that it belonged to someone else. This rule should be observed, not only in the case of prætorian possession, but also in that of trusts by virtue of which an estate is transferred under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, as well as with reference to all other prætorian successors. 20The time that the property was possessed by the vendor benefits the purchaser in acquiring usucaption of the same. 21If I purchase property belonging to another, and while I am in the course of acquiring it by usucaption, the owner brings an action to recover it from me, my usucaption will not be interrupted by the joinder of issue in the case. If, however, I should prefer to pay the appraised value of the property in court, Julianus says that the title to possession is changed, so far as he who paid the value of the property in court is concerned. The same rule will apply, if the owner donates the property to him who purchased it from one who is not its owner. This opinion is correct.
Dig. 41,6,1Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Pro donato is usucapit, cui donationis causa res tradita est: nec sufficit opinari, sed et donatum esse oportet. 1Si pater filio quem in potestate habet donet, deinde decedat, filius pro donato non capiet usu, quoniam nulla donatio fuit. 2Si inter virum et uxorem donatio facta sit, cessat usucapio. item si vir uxori rem donaverit et divortium intercesserit, cessare usucapionem Cassius respondit, quoniam non possit causam possessionis sibi ipsa mutare: alias ait post divortium ita usucapturam, si eam maritus concesserit, quasi nunc donasse intellegatur. possidere autem uxorem rem a viro donatam Iulianus putat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. He to whom property has been delivered as a gift acquires it by usucaption, because of the donation. It is not sufficient to think that this was the case, but it is necessary for the donation actually to be made. 1If a father makes a donation to his son whom he has under his control, and then dies, the son cannot acquire the property given by usucaption, for the reason that the donation is void. 2Ad Dig. 41,6,1,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 176, Note 6.Where a donation is made between husband and wife, usucaption does not take place. Moreover, Cassius says that if a husband should give property to his wife, and a divorce should then take place, usucaption cannot be acquired because the wife cannot, herself, change the title to possession. He states that the rule is different, and that she can obtain the property by usucaption after the divorce, if the husband has allowed her to use the property just as if he was understood to have donated it to her. Julianus, however, thinks that a wife is in possession of property donated by her husband.
Dig. 41,7,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Pro derelicto rem a domino habitam si sciamus, possumus adquirere. 1Sed Proculus non desinere eam rem domini esse, nisi ab alio possessa fuerit: Iulianus desinere quidem omittentis esse, non fieri autem alterius, nisi possessa fuerit, et recte.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Ad Dig. 41,7,2 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 184, Note 1.We can acquire property on the ground of abandonment, if we know that it is considered as relinquished by its owner. 1Proculus holds that the property does not cease to belong to the owner, unless possession of it is acquired by someone else. Julianus, however, thinks that it ceases to belong to the owner when he abandons it, but that it does not become the property of another, unless he obtains possession of it. This is correct.
Dig. 41,8,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Si possideam aliquam rem, quam putabam mihi legatam, cum non esset, pro legato non usucapiam:
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. If I possess anything which I think was bequeathed to me, and this is not the case, I cannot, in the capacity of legatee, acquire it by usucaption.
Dig. 41,8,4Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Pro legato potest usucapi, si res aliena legata sit aut testatoris quidem sit, sed adempta codicillis ignoratur: in horum enim persona subest iusta causa, quae sufficit ad usucapionem. idem potest dici et si in nomine erit dubitatio, veluti si Titio legatum sit, cum sint duo Titii, ut alter eorum de se cogitatum existimaverit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Property can be acquired by usucaption on the ground of its being a legacy, where something belonging to another has been bequeathed, or where it belonged to the testator, and it is not known that it was taken away by a codicil; for, in instances of this kind, a good reason exists for usucaption to take effect. The same rule can be said to apply where the name of the legatee is in doubt, as, for example, where a bequest is made to Titius, and there are two individuals of that name, so that one of them thinks that he was meant, when this was not the case.
Dig. 41,9,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Si aestimata res ante nuptias tradita sit, nec pro emptore nec pro suo ante nuptias usucapietur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. If property which has been appraised is delivered before the marriage has been solemnized, it cannot be acquired by usucaption, either on the ground of purchase or on that of ownership.
Dig. 41,10,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Est species possessionis, quae vocatur pro suo. hoc enim modo possidemus omnia, quae mari terra caelo capimus aut quae alluvione fluminum nostra fiunt. item quae ex rebus alieno nomine possessis nata possidemus, veluti partum hereditariae aut emptae ancillae, pro nostro possidemus: similiter fructus rei emptae aut donatae aut quae in hereditate inventa est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. There is a kind of possession which is said to be based upon ownership. For in this way we possess everything which we acquire from the sea, the land, or the air, or which becomes ours by the action of the alluvium of streams. We also possess any offspring of property which we hold in the name of others; as, for instance, we hold as our own the child of a female slave belonging to an estate, or who has been purchased; and, in like manner, we possess the profits derived from property which has been bought or donated, or which constitutes part of an estate.
Dig. 42,5,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. ubi domicilium habet,
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Where he has his domicile:
Dig. 43,16,8Idem libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Fulcinius dicebat vi possideri, quotiens vel non dominus, cum tamen possideret, vi deiectus est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book LIV. Fulcinius was accustomed to say that possession was acquired by violence, whenever anyone who was not the owner, but who was in possession, was forcibly ejected.
Dig. 47,8,3Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Si servus rapuerit et cum libero agatur, etiam, si cum domino experiundi potestas fuit, non recte cum manumisso post annum agetur, quia cum quocumque experiundi potestas fuerit, excluditur actor. si cum domino intra annum actum sit, deinde cum manumisso agatur, rei iudicatae exceptionem nocere Labeo ait.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. If a slave takes property by violence, and an action is brought against him when he becomes free, although he has the power to proceed against his master, suit cannot legally be brought against the manumitted slave after a year has elapsed; because, no matter against whom proceedings could have been instituted, the plaintiff will be excluded. If an action should be brought against the master within a year, and afterwards one is brought against the manumitted slave, Labeo says that an exception on the ground of res judicata, will operate as a bar.
Dig. 47,9,4Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Pedius posse etiam dici ex naufragio rapere, qui, dum naufragium fiat, in illa trepidatione rapiat. 1Divus Antoninus de his, qui praedam ex naufragio diripuissent, ita rescripsit: ‘Quod de naufragiis navis et ratis scripsisti mihi, eo pertinet, ut explores, qua poena adficiendos eos putem, qui diripuisse aliqua ex illo probantur. et facile, ut opinor, constitui potest: nam plurimum interest, peritura collegerint an quae servari possint flagitiose invaserint. ideoque si gravior praeda vi adpetita videbitur, liberos quidem fustibus caesos in triennium relegabis aut, si sordidiores erunt, in opus publicum eiusdem temporis dabis: servos flagellis caesos in metallum damnabis. si non magnae pecuniae res fuerint, liberos fustibus, servos flagellis caesos dimittere poteris’. et omnino ut in ceteris, ita huiusmodi causis ex personarum condicione et rerum qualitate diligenter sunt aestimandae, ne quid aut durius aut remissius constituatur, quam causa postulabit. 2Hae actiones heredibus dantur. in heredes eatenus dandae sunt, quatenus ad eos pervenit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Pedius says that he who seizes property by violence while the terror which prevails during a shipwreck exists can be said to have taken it in the shipwreck. 1The Divine Antoninus stated as follows, in a Rescript having reference to those who are guilty of pillage during a shipwreck: “What you wrote me concerning the shipwreck of a vessel or a boat was done for the purpose of ascertaining what penalty I think should be inflicted upon those who have stolen something from the vessel. I think that this can be easily determined, for there is a great difference where persons take property which is about to be lost, and where they criminally seize that which can be saved. Therefore, if considerable booty appears to have been obtained by force, you will, after conviction, banish freemen for three years, after having them whipped; or, if they are of inferior rank, you will sentence them to labor on the public works for the same time; and you will sentence slaves to the mines after having scourged them. When the property is not of great value, you can discharge the freemen, after having whipped them with rods; and the slaves, after having scourged them. And, by all means, in other cases, as well as in those of this description, the condition of the persons and the nature of the property should be carefully considered, in order that no more severity or indulgence may be exercised than the circumstances demand.” 2These actions are granted to heirs, as well as against them, according to the amount of property which comes into their hands.
Dig. 48,11,8Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Quod contra legem repetundarum proconsuli vel praetori donatum est, non poterit usu capi. 1Eadem lex venditiones locationes eius rei causa pluris minorisve factas irritas facit impeditque usucapionem, priusquam in potestatem eius, a quo profecta res sit, heredisve eius veniat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. When anything is donated to a Proconsul or a Prætor, in violation of the law on extortion, he cannot acquire it by usucaption. 1The same law provides that: “Sales or leases made for a greater or a less price than is just are for this reason void, and usucaption is prevented before the property comes into the hands of him who had it, or his heir.”
Dig. 50,17,141Paulus libro quinquagensimo quarto ad edictum. Quod contra rationem iuris receptum est, non est producendum ad consequentia. 1Uni duo pro solido heredes esse non possunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LIV. Anything which is established against a rule of law should not become a precedent. 1Two heirs of the same person cannot each become the heir to his entire estate.