Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro LII
Dig. 39,4,4Paulus libro quinquagesimo secundo ad edictum. Si publicanus, qui vi ademit, decesserit, Labeo ait in heredem eius, quo locupletior factus sit, dandam actionem. 1De rebus, quas in usus advehendas sibi mandant praesides, divus Hadrianus praesidibus scripsit, ut, quotiens quis in usus aut eorum, qui provinciis exercitibusve praesunt, aut procuratorum suorum usus sui causa mittet quendam empturum, significet libello manu sua subscripto eumque ad publicanum mittat, ut, si quid amplius quam mandatum est transferet, id munificum sit. 2In omnibus vectigalibus fere consuetudo spectari solet idque etiam principalibus constitutionibus cavetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book LII. If a farmer of the revenue, who removed the property by force should die, Labeo says that the action should be granted against his heir who profited by the act. 1The Divine Hadrian, in a Rescript addressed to the Governors of Gaul, stated with reference to property which the Governors were accustomed to have transported for their use, that when anyone sends for the purpose of making purchases for the benefit of those who command armies or govern provinces, or for that of their agents, he shall sign an order with his own hand, and send the same to the farmer of the revenue, so that if the latter should transfer anything more than he had been ordered to do, he must make it good. 2In the collection of all revenues, the custom of the neighborhood is usually considered; and this is provided by the Imperial Constitutions.