Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro L
Dig. 3,3,54Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Neque femina neque miles neque qui rei publicae causa afuturus est aut morbo perpetuo tenetur aut magistratum initurus est aut invitus iudicium pati non potest, idoneus defensor intellegitur. 1Tutores, qui in aliquo loco administraverunt, eodem loco et defendi debent.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. Neither a woman; nor a soldier; nor a person about to be absent on business for the State; nor one who is afflicted with a chronic disease; nor one about to assume the duties of a magistrate; nor one who cannot be compelled against his will to be a party to judicial proceedings, is understood to be a proper defender. 1Guardians who have transacted the business of their office in any place must also be defended in that place.
Dig. 18,1,56Idem libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Si quis sub hoc pacto vendiderit ancillam, ne prostituatur et, si contra factum esset, uti liceret ei abducere, etsi per plures emptores mancipium cucurrerit, ei qui primo vendit abducendi potestas fit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book L. Where anyone sells a female slave under the condition that she shall not be prostituted, and if this is violated he shall have a right to take her back; he will have power to do so, even if the slave has passed through the hands of several purchasers.
Dig. 18,7,3Paulus libro quinquagesimo ad edictum. Si quis hac lege veniit, ut intra certum tempus manumittatur: si non sit manumissus, liber fit, si tamen is qui vendidit in eadem voluntate perseveret: heredis voluntatem non esse exquirendam.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. Where a slave is sold under the condition that he shall be manumitted within a certain time, if he is not manumitted, he becomes free; notwithstanding that the party who sold him may still adhere to his original intention. It is not necessary to ascertain the wish of the heir.
Dig. 40,1,12Idem libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Lege Fabia prohibetur servus, qui plagium admisit, pro quo dominus poenam intulit, intra decem annos manumitti. in hoc tamen non testamenti facti tempus, sed mortis intuebimur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book L. A slave who has been guilty of kidnapping, and for whom his master has paid the penalty, is forbidden by the Favian Law to be manumitted within ten years; and in this case we do not consider the time when the will was made, but the date of the death of the testator.
Dig. 40,2,17Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Apud proconsulem, postquam urbem egressus est, vindicta manumittere possumus: sed et apud legatum eius manumittere possumus.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. We can manumit a slave in the presence of the Proconsul after he has left the City. We can also manumit a slave in the presence of his Deputy.
Dig. 40,4,35Idem libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Servius existimabat iis posse servis dari testamento directam libertatem, qui utroque tempore, et quo testamentum fit et quo moritur, testatoris fuerunt: quae sententia vera est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book L. Servius was of the opinion that freedom could be granted directly to slaves who had belonged to the testator, both at the time when the will was made, and when he died. This opinion is correct.
Dig. 40,12,23Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Si usum fructum tibi vendidero liberi hominis et cessero, servum effici eum dicebat Quintus meusaaDie Großausgabe liest Mucius statt meus., sed dominium ita demum fieri meum, si bona fide vendidissem, alioquin sine domino fore. 1In summa sciendum est, quae de venditis servis, quibus denegatur ad libertatem proclamatio, dicta sunt, etiam ad donatos et in dotem datos referri posse, item ad eos, qui pignori se dari passi sunt. 2Si mater et filius de libertate litigant, aut coniungenda sunt utrorumque iudicia aut differenda est causa filii, donec de matre constet, sicut divus quoque Hadrianus decrevit. nam cum apud alium iudicem mater litigabat, apud alium autem filius, Augustus dixit ante de matre constare oportere, sic dein de filio cognosci.
Pauliis, On the Edict, Book L. If I should sell and transfer to you the usufruct in a man who is free, Quintus Mucius says that he will become a slave, but the ownership will not become mine, unless I sell the usufruct in good faith, for, otherwise, there will be no owner. 1In a word, it must be noted that what has been said with reference to men sold as slaves, and whose claim to freedom is denied, also applies to such as are donated, and given by way of dowry; just as it does to those who have permitted themselves to be given in pledge. 2Where a mother and her son both demand their freedom, the cases of the two should be joined, or that of the son should be deferred until the mother’s case has been decided; as was decreed by the Divine Hadrian. For where the mother has instituted proceedings before one judge, and her son before another, Augustus stated that the condition of the mother must first be established, and after that the case of the son should be heard.
Dig. 41,1,47Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Fructuario hereditas adquiri non potest, quod in operis servi hereditas non est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. An estate cannot be acquired by the usufructuary through a slave, for an estate cannot consist of the services of a slave.
Dig. 47,10,2Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Quod si viro iniuria facta sit, uxor non agit, quia defendi uxores a viris, non viros ab uxoribus aequum est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. When an injury is committed against a husband, his wife cannot bring the action, because it is proper for wives to be defended by their husbands, and not husbands by their wives.
Dig. 47,10,4Paulus libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. Si, cum servo meo pugnum ducere vellem, in proximo te stantem invitus percusserim, iniuriarum non teneor.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book L. If, when intending to strike my slave with my fist, I should unintentionally strike you, while you were standing near him, I will not be liable for injury.
Dig. 50,16,75Idem libro quinquagensimo ad edictum. ‘Restituere’ is videtur, qui id restituit, quod habiturus esset actor, si controversia ei facta non esset.
The Same, On the Edict, Book L. He is held to make restitution who restores that which the plaintiff would have had if no controversy had arisen with reference to it.