Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XLVII
Dig. 7,1,66Paulus libro quadragensimo septimo ad edictum. Cum usufructuario non solum legis Aquiliae actio competere potest, sed et servi corrupti et iniuriarum, si servum torquendo deteriorem fecerit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLVII. An action can not only be brought against an usufructuary under the Lex Aquilia, but he is also liable to one for demoralizing a slave as well as for injury, where he depreciated the value of the slave by torturing him.
Dig. 8,3,26Paulus libro quadragensimo septimo ad edictum. Si via iter actus aquae ductus legetur simpliciter per fundum, facultas est heredi, per quam partem fundi velit, constituere servitutem, si modo nulla captio legatario in servitute fit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLVII. Where a right of way, a right to pass on foot, a right to drive cattle, or a right to an aqueduct through land is bequeathed, it is in the power of the heir to establish the servitude over any part of the same that he wishes, provided no advantage is taken of the legatee with reference to the servitude.
Dig. 39,2,3Paulus libro quadragensimo septimo ad edictum. Damnum et damnatio ab ademptione et quasi deminutione patrimonii dicta sunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLVII. The terms damnum and damnatio have reference to the taking away, and, so to speak, the diminution of an estate.