Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XLIII
Dig. 29,1,16Paulus libro quadragesimo tertio ad edictum. Dotalem fundum si legaverit miles, non erit ratum legatum propter legem Iuliam.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLIII. If a soldier should bequeath a dotal estate to anyone, the legacy will not be valid, according to the Lex Julia.
Dig. 38,2,18Paulus libro quadragensimo tertio ad edictum. Patronae quidem liberi etiam volgo quaesiti accipient materni liberti bonorum possessionem, patroni autem non nisi iure quaesiti.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLIII. The illegitimate children of a patroness can also obtain prætorian possession of the estate of a freedman of their mother, but children cannot be admitted to the succession of the estate of a freedman of their father unless they are legitimate.
Dig. 38,7,3Paulus libro quadragensimo tertio ad edictum. Generaliter igitur sciendum est, quotienscumque vel lex vel senatus defert hereditatem, non etiam bonorum possessionem, ex hac parte eam peti oportere: cum vero etiam bonorum possessionem dari iubet, tum ex illa parte, qua ex legibus, peti debere: sed et ex hac parte poterit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLIII. Hence, generally speaking, it should be remembered that every time that a law or a Decree of the Senate grants an estate to anyone, prætorian possession of the same must be demanded under this Section of the Edict. If the law directs prætorian possession of an estate to be granted it can be demanded, and this can either be done under the Section of the Edict relating to special enactments, or under that Section which is the subject of discussion at present.