Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XLI
Dig. 1,9,11Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Senatores licet in urbe domicilium habere videantur, tamen et ibi, unde oriundi sunt, habere domicilium intelleguntur, quia dignitas domicilii adiectionem potius dedisse quam permutasse videtur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Senators are always considered to have their residence at Rome; still, they are understood to have a residence in the place where they were born, for the reason that the rank of Senator is considered rather to give an additional domicile than to change the old one.
Dig. 30,62Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Si ancilla cum liberis legata sit, et ancilla sola, si non sint liberi, et liberi soli, si non sit ancilla, debentur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Where a female slave is bequeathed, together with her children, the slave alone will be due if there are no children; and the children alone, if the slave is dead.
Dig. 37,1,6Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Sed cum patrono quidem contra tabulas certae patris bonorum possessionem praetor polliceatur, scripto autem heredi secundum tabulas alterius partis: convenit non esse ius adcrescendi. igitur non petente scripto secundum tabulas alterius quoque partis nominatim patrono possessionem pollicetur, cum ceteri, quibus adcrescendi ius est, semel debent adgnoscere bonorum possessionem. 1Bonorum possessionis beneficium multiplex est: nam quaedam bonorum possessiones competunt contra voluntatem, quaedam secundum voluntatem defunctorum, nec non ab intestato habentibus ius legitimum vel non habentibus propter capitis deminutionem. quamvis enim iure civili deficiant liberi, qui propter capitis deminutionem desierunt sui heredes esse, propter aequitatem tamen rescindit eorum capitis deminutionem praetor. legum quoque tuendarum causa dat bonorum possessionem. 2Notis scriptae tabulae non continentur edicto, quia notas litteras non esse Pedius libro vicesimo quinto ad edictum scribit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. But where the Prætor promises possession of a certain part of an estate to a patron, contrary to the provisions of the will, and promises possession of the remainder to the appointed heir, in accordance with the terms of the will, it is held that the right of accrual does not apply. Therefore, he promises possession of his share expressly to the patron, when the appointed heir does not claim his share under the will; as those entitled to the right of accrual must, at least once, demand possession of the estate. 1There are various advantages attaching to prætorian possession, for some kinds of possession are obtained contrary to the provisions of the will of the testator, and others in accordance with them; and sometimes the parties have a lawful right to it on the ground of intestacy, or they are not entitled to it because of having changed their civil status. For although, under the Civil Law, children are excluded from being direct heirs on account of their change of condition, still, the Prætor can, for equitable reasons, rescind this forfeiture of citizenship. He therefore grants possession of the property for the purpose of observing certain laws. 2Testamentary notes are not considered by the Edict as wills; for Pedius in the Twenty-fifth Book on the Edict says that notes are not letters.
Dig. 37,4,4Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Illud notandum est, quod bonorum possessio contra tabulas quae liberis promittitur locum habet, sive quis heres exstiterit sive non: et hoc est quod dicimus contra ipsum testamentum liberis competere bonorum possessionem: quod in patrono contra est. 1Si quis filium quem in potestate habuit instituerit heredem vel exheredaverit et ex eo nepotem omiserit, bonorum possessioni locus non est, quia non esset nepos suus heres futurus. eadem sunt et in sequentibus gradibus. 2Ad testamenta feminarum edictum contra tabulas bonorum possessionis non pertinet, quia suos heredes non habent. 3Si quis eum qui in utero est praetermiserit, etiam nondum nato eo alius qui heres institutus est bonorum possessionem contra tabulas admittere potest, quia iniquum est neque quasi scriptum posse petere bonorum possessionem, quamdiu contra tabulas peti potest, nec contra tabulas, quamdiu non nascitur praeteritus: ut et si ante moriatur, bonorum possessionis beneficium ad heredem transmittat. quod maxime necessarium est in filio emancipato scripto herede, qui nec hereditatem interim adire potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. It should be noted that the possession of property contrary to the provisions of the will is promised to children whether there is an heir, or not. And this is the reason why we say that the children have a right to the possession of the estate in opposition to the will itself. The contrary rule applies to the case of a patron. 1Where anyone appoints an heir whom he has under his control, or disinherits him, and passes over a grandson by him, there is no ground for the application of the Prætorian Law, because the grandson will not be his legal heir. This rule is also applicable to more distant degrees of relationship. 2The Edict granting possession contrary to the provisions of a will does not apply to the wills of women because they have no heirs-at-law. 3Where an unborn child is passed over, another child, who has been appointed heir to his father, can be permitted to take possession of the property of the estate, even before the birth of the child first mentioned; because it would be unjust for an heir, who was not appointed, to claim possession of the estate, so long as such possession can be demanded contrary to the provisions of the will, and possession cannot be granted contrary to the provisions of the will, as long as the child who has been passed over is not yet born; and even if he should die before birth he will, nevertheless, transmit the right of possession of the estate to his heir. This is especially necessary where an emancipated child has been appointed heir, as, in the meantime, he cannot enter upon the estate.
Dig. 37,4,6Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Si emancipatus filius nepotem procreaverit et ita decesserit, deinde avus eius, nepos ad avi bonorum possessionem venire potest. 1Quod si et filium et nepotem emancipaverit, vivente quidem filio nepos non veniet, post mortem autem eius ad bonorum possessionem avi veniet. 2Nepote quoque solo emancipato et avo mortuo, deinde patre eius, nepos praeteritus accipiet patris bonorum possessionem, quia suus heres esset futurus patri, si potestate avi non exisset. 3Filio emancipato si nepos retentus sit et utrique praeteriti, utrique accipient bonorum possessionem. 4Si filius emancipatus in adoptiva familia nepotem sustulerit, ne nepos quidem ad bonorum possessionem avi naturalis veniet. sed et si emancipatus filius procreatis nepotibus in adoptionem se dederit, ut eum filii sequantur, idem erit. plane si is, qui apud adoptivum avum procreatus est, emancipatus sit, veniet ad bonorum possessionem avi naturalis. adoptio tamdiu nocet, quamdiu quis in familia aliena sit. ceterum emancipatus ad bonorum possessionem parentium naturalium venit, sed emancipatus vivis eis, non etiam post mortem eorum: hoc enim verius est post mortem eorum emancipatum non admitti.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XL. Where an emancipated son has a son and then dies, and the grandfather dies afterwards, the grandson will be entitled to prætorian possession of the estate of his grandfather. 1Where the grandfather has emancipated his son and grandson, the grandson will not be entitled to his estate during the lifetime of the son, but after the death of his father he will be entitled to prætorian possession of the estate of his grandfather. 2If the grandson alone should be emancipated, and the grandfather, and then his father, should die, the grandson, who has been emancipated, will be entitled to the estate of his father, under the Prætorian Edict, because he would be the heir of his father if he had not been freed from the control of his grandfather. 3Where a son has been emancipated, and the grandson retained under the control of the grandfather, and both of them have been passed over, both will be entitled to possession of the estate under the Prætorian Law. 4If the son who has been emancipated belonged to an adoptive family, and has a son, the grandson will not be entitled to the possession of the estate of the natural grandfather under the Prætorian Edict. And even if the emancipated son, after having had sons born to him, should give himself in adoption, the same rule will apply. It is clear that if a child born in the family of the adoptive grandfather should be emancipated, he will be entitled to prætorian possession of the estate of his natural grandfather. Adoption does not prejudice the rights of a child, so long as he remains in a strange family. Moreover, if he is emancipated, he can obtain possession of the estate of his parents under the Prætorian Edict; provided that he is emancipated during their lifetime, and not after their death; for it is certain that he cannot be emancipated after their decease.
Dig. 37,4,11Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Si in adoptionem datus sub condicione scriptus sit heres a naturali patre, alio committente contra tabulas edictum et ipse veniet: sed si defecerit condicio, repellitur ab ea possessione. idem puto et in eo, qui pure quidem, sed non iure scriptus sit heres. 1Exemplo iuris legitimi et bonorum possessio contra tabulas distribuitur: igitur nepotes ex uno filio unam partem habebunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Where a son given in adoption is appointed heir by his natural father, and another claims the benefit of the Edict contrary to the provisions of the will, the latter will be entitled to the preference. If, however, the condition should fail to be fulfilled, he will be excluded from possession. I think that this also applies to him who has been absolutely appointed an heir, but that was not done in conformity to law. 1Prætorian possession of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will is divided in the same manner as legal succession on the ground of intestacy. Hence grandsons by one son will have a single share between them.
Dig. 37,5,9Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Sed et si plus sit in legato quam in dote, dabitur illis actio.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. An action will be granted to the woman, even though the legacy is larger than the dowry.
Dig. 37,5,11Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. At ubi institutus et substitutus vivant, licet nemo adeat hereditatem, ea tamen legata deberi dicimus, quae ab instituto data sunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Where both the appointed heir and the substitute are living at the time of the testator’s death, we hold that the legacies with which the appointed heir was charged should be paid, even though no one may enter upon the estate.
Dig. 37,5,15Paulus libro quadragesimo primo ad edictum. Is qui in potestate est praeteritus legata non debebit praestare, etsi contra tabulas bonorum possessionem petierit, quia et non petita bonorum possessione intestati hereditatem optineret: nec enim exceptio doli mali huic nocet et absurdum est eum cogi legata praestare, quia bonorum possessionem petierit, cum et sine hac hereditatem habiturus sit suo iure. unde si duo praeteriti sunt, emancipatus et is qui in potestate est, quidam nec emancipatum praestare debere legata existimant, quia effectu fratris aufert partem dimidiam, cum et si hic non peteret, suus solus rem habiturus esset. quid ergo est? ubi praeteritus sit suus, verius est quod dictum est: ubi vero scriptus est et voluntatem patris habet, debet teneri legatariis, etiamsi omiserit bonorum possessionem. 1Sed si unus emancipatus heres scriptus sit, alter praeteritus et utrique contra tabulas bonorum possessionem acceperint, et institutus eadem praestat quae praeteritus. sed si solus heres institutus contra tabulas bonorum possessionem acceperit, omnibus debebit legata praestare, perinde atque si adisset hereditatem. sed si scriptus quidem adierit hereditatem, praeteritus autem bonorum possessionem acceperit: hic quidem, qui bonorum possessionem acceperit, certis personis legata debebit, de scripto autem quaeritur. et complures putant certis personis et eum praestare debere, quod puto verius esse: nam et praetor hac ratione eum tuetur, quod ex liberis est qui contra tabulas petere potuerunt. 2Ita autem tuendus est in partem dimidiam, si aut ex maiore parte quam dimidia heres institutus sit aut ex semisse: quod si ex minore parte quam dimidia institutus sit, dicimus non ex maiore parte, quam institutus sit, tuendum eum esse: qua enim ratione maiorem partem habere potest, cum nec bonorum possessionem accepit nec ex maiore parte institutus sit? 3Ei, quae dotem non habet, nullum legatum debebitur, licet sub praetextu dotis legetur. 4Si extraneo herede instituto sub hac condicione exceptae personae legatum sit, si heredi decem dederit, ita ei legatorum actio dabitur, si ei, qui contra tabulas bonorum possessionem accepit, dederit, non si heredi instituto, quia absurdum est illum commoda hereditatis habere, alium onera sustinere in praestando legato. sed et si Titio iussus fuerit dare, non illi, sed filio dare debet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Where a son who is under paternal control is passed over, he will not be obliged to pay the legacies, even though he should demand possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will; because he will obtain the estate on the ground of intestacy, and not through having claimed prætorian possession. An exception based on fraud will not prejudice his rights; and it would be absurd for him to be compelled to pay the legacies because he demanded prætorian possession; as, without this, he would be entitled to the whole estate as heir at law. Whence, if there are two heirs who have been passed over, namely, one who has been emancipated, and the other who was still under paternal control, some authorities hold that the emancipated heir is not obliged to pay the legacies, because by the act of his brother he obtained half of the estate, when if he had not made the demand he would have been entitled to all of if. What, then, should be done when the proper heir is passed over? The rule which has just been mentioned will apply. Where, however, an heir is appointed and has the will of his father, he should be liable to the legatees, even if he fails to demand prætorian possession of the estate. 1But if one of the sons who was emancipated is appointed heir, and the other is passed over, and both of them obtain prætorian possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will, the one who was appointed heir, as well as the one who was passed over, must pay the legacies. If, however, the appointed heir is the only one who obtained prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will, he must pay the legacies to all the legatees, just as if he had accepted the estate. But if he should accept the estate, and the one who was passed over should obtain prætorian possession of the same, the latter must pay the legacies only to those persons who are privileged. A question arises with reference to the appointed heir, and many authorities hold that he should pay the legacies to the privileged persons. I think this opinion to be correct, since the Prætor protects him, for the reason that he is one of the children who can demand possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will. 2He must also be protected with reference to half of the estate, if he was appointed heir to a larger share than that amount, or was appointed heir to exactly one-half. Where he was appointed heir to less than half, we hold that he should be protected for no larger amount than that to which he was appointed; for how could he be entitled to more, since he did not obtain prætorian possession of the estate, and was not appointed heir to a greater portion? 3No legacy shall be paid to a woman who did not bring any dowry to her husband, even though it is bequeathed under the pretext of the return of her dowry. 4Where a foreign heir is appointed under the condition that a legacy shall be bequeathed to a privileged person, if he should pay ten aurei to the heir, an action will be granted him to recover his legacy, if he should pay it to anyone who has obtained possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, but not if he should pay it to the appointed heir; for it is absurd that he should enjoy the benefit of the estate, and that the other should sustain the burden of paying the legacy. If, however, he should be ordered to pay it to Titius, he must not pay it to him, but to his son.
Dig. 37,6,2Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Cum emancipati filii nomine nepotem postumum post avi mortem editum dicimus bonorum possessionem accipere oportere, necessarium erit dicere bona sua eum conferre, licet non potest dici mortis tempore avi bona habuisse, qui ipse nondum in rerum natura erat. igitur sive hereditatem a patre sive legatum acceperit, hoc conferre debebit. 1Illud autem intellegendum est filium in bonis habere, quod deducto aere alieno superest. sed si sub condicione debeat, non statim id deducere debebit, sed id quoque conferre: contra autem caveri ei oportebit ab eo qui in potestate est, ut existente condicione defendatur pro ea parte quam contulit. 2De illis, quae sine culpa filii emancipati post mortem patris perierunt, quaeritur, ad cuius detrimentum ea pertinere debeant. et plerique putant ea, quae sine dolo et culpa perierint, ad collationis onus non pertinere: et hoc ex illis verbis intellegendum est, quibus praetor viri boni arbitratu iubet conferri bona: vir autem bonus non sit arbitraturus conferendum id, quod nec habet nec dolo nec culpa desiit habere. 3Id quoque, quod sub condicione ex stipulatu debetur emancipato, conferri debet. diversum est in legato condicionali, quia et si in potestate fuisset et post mortem patris condicio extitisset, ipse haberet actionem. 4Emancipatus filius si iniuriarum habet actionem, nihil conferre debet: magis enim vindictae quam pecuniae habet persecutionem: sed si furti habeat actionem, conferre debebit. 5Si tres emancipati, duo in potestate sint, Gaius Cassius libro septimo iuris civilis tertias conferendas putat, ut emancipati, quia invicem non conferunt, unius loco sint: nec indignari eos oportere, si plus conferant et minus accipiant, quia in potestate eorum fuerit bonorum possessionem omittere. Iulianus quoque Cassii sententiam sequitur. 6Si ex emancipato filio nepos emancipatus mortuo patre simul et avo bonorum possessionem utriusque acceperit, cum uterque eorum suum heredem reliquerit: eo modo collatio explicari potest, ut, si verbi gratia centum in bonis habuit, et patruo quinquaginta et fratri quinquaginta conferre debet: hoc enim ratio facit, sive personas sive portiones numeremus. 7Si duo nepotes ex filio mortuo emancipati bonorum possessionem avi petant, utrum dimidias an quartas patruo conferre debeant, quaeritur. et verius est semisses conferre eos oportere, quia et si vivo avo, cum in eius potestate essent, ducenta puta adquisissent, centum filius, centum duo fratres per hereditatem avi haberent. 8Si duo emancipati bonorum possessionem petierint et unus contulerit, alter non contulerit, huius portio tantum ei qui in potestate est prodesse debet, non etiam emancipato, quoniam eius causa qui in potestate est denegantur ei actiones. 9Si per inopiam emancipatus cavere non possit, non statim ab eo transferenda est possessio, sed sustinendum, donec possit invenire fideiussores, ut tamen de his, quae mora deteriora futura sunt, his qui in potestate sunt actio detur ipsique caveant in medium collaturos, si cautum eis fuerit.
Ulpianus, On the Edict, Book XLI. When we say that a grandson, born after the death of his grandfather, can obtain prætorian possession of the estate of the latter, in the name of an emancipated son, it will be necessary to hold that his property will be subject to collation; although it cannot be said that he who had not yet been born had the property at the time of his grandfather’s death. Therefore, he must place the property in the mass of the estate, whether he received all of it from his father, or merely a legacy. 1The property of a son is understood to mean what he has left after deducting his debts. If, however, he owes a sum of money under a condition, it should not immediately be deducted, but it still ought to be placed in the mass of the estate. On the other hand, a son who is under the control of his father should give him security that, if the condition is fulfilled, he will protect him with reference to that portion of which he has made collation. 2Where property has been lost after the death of the father without the emancipated son being to blame, the question arises, who shall suffer the loss? Many authorities hold that property which has been lost without fraud or negligence should not be subjected to the burden of collation; and this is understood from the words with which the Prætor orders the property to be subjected to collation, in accordance with the judgment of a reliable citizen; for a reliable citizen would not decide that property is liable to collation which a person no longer has, and which he did not lose either through fraud or negligence. 3Property which, by virtue of an agreement, is due under a condition, should be placed in the mass of the estate by the emancipated son. The rule is different with reference to a conditional legacy; for, even if he should be under the control of his father, and the condition should be complied with after the death of the latter, he himself will be entitled to an action. 4If the emancipated son brings suit against anyone for injury committed, he need not make it the subject of collation; for a proceeding of this kind is brought rather for the gratification of revenge than for the recovery of money. If, however, he has an action growing out of theft, he should make collation of the same. 5Where there are three emancipated sons, and also two who are under the control of their father, Gaius Cassius, in the Seventh Book of the Civil Law, says that the emancipated sons should make collation of a third of their private property; so that, although they do not contribute to one another, they may be regarded as a single individual. They should not consider themselves ill treated if they contribute more, and receive less; because it was in their power not to apply for prætorian possession of the estate. Julianus also assents to the Opinion of Cassius. 6If an emancipated grandson, born to an emancipated son, after the death of both his father and his grandfather, should obtain prætorian possession of the estates of both, each having left a proper heir, the collation to be made can be explained as follows: for example, if he has property worth a hundred aurei, he should contribute fifty to his uncle, and fifty to his brother, for this ratio applies whether we take into consideration the persons themselves, or the shares of the estate to which they are entitled. 7Where there are two emancipated grandsons, the issue of a deceased son, who demand prætorian possession of the estate of their grandfather, the question arises whether they should contribute half, or a quarter, of their property to their uncle, by way of collation. The better opinion is that each should contribute half of his property, for if, during the lifetime of their grandfather, and while they were under his control, they had received, for instance, two hundred aurei, the son would be entitled to a hundred, and the two brothers to two hundred out of the estate of the grandfather. 8Where two emancipated sons demand prætorian possession of an estate, and one of them makes collation, and the other does not, the share of the latter will only benefit a son who is under paternal control, and not the one who has been emancipated, as it is on account of the one who is under paternal control that an action is denied to the other. 9Where an emancipated son cannot furnish security, he must not immediately be deprived of prætorian possession, but he may retain it until he can find sureties, in such a way, however, that an action can be granted to those who are under paternal control for the recovery of any property which is liable to be damaged by delay; and they must give security to place it in the mass of the estate, if they also are secured against loss.
Dig. 37,6,12Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Si praegnantem quis uxorem reliquerit et ea ventris nomine in possessionem missa fuerit, interim cessat collatio: nam antequam nascatur, non potest dici in potestate morientis fuisse: sed nato conferetur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XLI. Where anyone leaves a wife who is pregnant, and she obtains prætorian possession in the name of her unborn child, collation is suspended for a time; for before the child was born it could not be said to have been under the control of the deceased; but after it is born, collation must be made.
Dig. 37,8,2Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Nihil in hac parte edicti cavit praetor, ut legata exceptis personis nepos praestet: sed potest superior sermo et ad hunc casum referri. nam absurdum est patrem quidem eius legata praestare, ipsum vero plus habere, cum eadem condicione in eandem partem vocantur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. In this section of the Edict the Prætor makes no provision with reference to legacies which the grandson shall pay to privileged persons. What has previously been said on this point is applicable here, for it is absurd that the father of the grandson should be obliged to pay such legacies, and that the grandson should have more, where, under the same circumstances, he is called to the same share under the Prætorian Law.
Dig. 37,9,2Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Sed et si eum ediderit qui repulsus est, discedere debet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. If she should have a child that has been excluded from the estate, she must withdraw.
Dig. 37,9,4Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Habitatio quoque, si domum defunctus non habuit, conducenda erit mulieri. 1Servis quoque mulieris, qui necessarii sunt ad ministerium eius secundum dignitatem, cibaria praestanda sunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. A lodging, also, must be rented for the woman, if the deceased did not have a house. 1The slaves of the woman likewise must be provided with subsistence—where they are necessary for her service—in accordance with her social rank.
Dig. 37,10,6Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. De bonis matris an decretum interponendum sit, quaeritur. et decretum quidem non est interponendum, dilatio autem longissima danda est, quae in tempus pubertatis extrahet negotium. 1Plane si simul de paternis et de maternis bonis controversia sit vel etiam de fratris, et has controversias in tempus pubertatis differendas esse Iulianus respondit. 2Huic autem edicto locus est etiam si ab intestato ad bonorum possessionem veniant liberi, tametsi ex inferioribus partibus petant, qua legitimi vocantur, quoniam sui sunt, vel ex illa, qua cognatis datur. 3Ita demum autem huic edicto locus est, si status et hereditatis controversia sit: nam si tantum status (quod puta servus dicatur esse) nec ulla bonorum controversia sit, hoc casu liberale iudicium statim explicandum erit. 4Qui pupillo controversiam facit si simul cum eo in possessionem missus est, ali ex bonis defuncti non debebit nec quicquam de bonis deminuere: haec enim possessio pro satisdatione cedit. 5Non solum alimenta pupillo praestari debent, sed et in studia et in ceteras necessarias impensas debet impendi pro modo facultatium. 6Post pubertatem quaeritur, an actoris partes sustinere debeat qui ex Carboniano missus est in possessionem. et responsum est rei partes eum sustinere debere, maxime si cavit. sed et si non caverat, si nunc paratus sit cavere, quasi possessor conveniendus est: quod si nunc non caveat, possessio transfertur adversario satis offerente: perinde atque si nunc primum ab eo peteretur hereditas.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. The question arises, can a decree be rendered with reference to the property of a mother? And, in fact, a decree cannot be rendered in this instance, under the Carbonian Edict; for a long delay should be granted which will defer the decision until the age of puberty. 1Julianus says it is clear that if a controversy arises with reference to the estates of the father and mother, at the same time, or even with reference to that of a brother, the decision of the controversy must be postponed until the time of puberty. 2There will be ground for the application of this Edict, even if the children should obtain prætorian possession ab intestato; even when they demand it under the last Sections of the Edict, where heirs at law are called to the succession as they are proper heirs, or under that Section by which possession is granted to cognates. 3This Edict also applies where a controversy exists both with reference to the status of the minor, and his right to the estate; for if only his status is involved, as, for instance, where he is said to be a slave, and there is no dispute as to the estate, under such circumstances the question of his freedom should be immediately determined. 4If he who raises a controversy concerning the minor is placed in possession with him at the same time, he should not be supported out of the property of the deceased, nor can he take anything from the estate, for this possession is only given him in lieu of security. 5Not only should support be furnished the minor, but also money for his education, and all other necessary expenses should be paid in accordance with the amount of the estate. 6The question arises whether he who has been placed in possession under the Carbonian Edict can, after he arrives at puberty, take the part of plaintiff in court. It has been established that he can take the part of defendant, especially if he gives security. Where he does not give security, and is not prepared to do so, suit can be brought against him as the possessor of the estate. If he does not then furnish security, possession will be transferred to his adversary, provided that he banishes it; just as if the estate had been, from that moment, claimed by him for the first time.
Dig. 37,10,16Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Sed sicuti de bonis paternis emancipato cavetur, ita de istis quae ipsi confert cavendum est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Just as security is given to an emancipated son with reference to the estate of his father, so it must also be given to a minor with reference to the property which he himself places in collation.
Dig. 37,11,3Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Verum est omnem postumum, qui moriente testatore in utero fuerit, si natus sit, bonorum possessionem petere posse.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. It is true that every posthumous child who was unborn at the time of the death of the testator can demand prætorian possession of the estate after his birth.
Dig. 47,23,7Paulus libro quadragensimo primo ad edictum. Populares actiones non transeunt ad eum, cui restituta est hereditas ex Trebelliano senatus consulto. 1Item qui habet has actiones, non intellegitur esse locupletior.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XLI. Popular actions do not pass to him to whom an estate has been restored under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate. 1The person entitled to bring these actions is not considered to be pecuniarily benefited on this account.