Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XL
Dig. 7,9,10Paulus libro quadragensimo ad edictum. Si servi, qui nobis communis erat, usum fructum tibi legavero, necessaria erit haec cautio heredi meo: quamvis enim de proprietate possit communi dividundo experiri, tamen causa usus fructus, qui tuus proprius est, ad officium communi dividundo iudicis non pertinebit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XL. If I bequeath to you the usufruct of a slave which both of us own in common, the security must be given to my heir; for although he can institute proceedings for partition of the property, still, the question of the usufruct, which belongs to you, is not included in the duty of the judge who is to preside.
Dig. 38,1,16Paulus libro quadragensimo ad edictum. Eius artificii, quod post manumissionem didicerit libertus, operas debebit praestare, si haec sint, quae quandoque honeste et sine periculo vitae praestantur, nec semper hae, quae manumissionis tempore praestari debuerunt. sed si turpes operas postea exercere coeperit, praestare debebit eas, quas manumissionis tempore praestabat. 1Tales patrono operae dantur, quales ex aetate dignitate valetudine necessitate proposito ceterisque eius generis in utraque persona aestimari debent:
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XL. A freedman must render those services to his patron which belong to a trade that he learned after his manumission, provided they are such as can be performed honorably and without danger to life; but those which he learned at the time of his manumission should not always be rendered. If, however, he adopted some dishonorable occupation after his manumission, he must perform those services which he could have rendered at the time when he obtained his freedom. 1Such services should be rendered to a patron as are suitable to the age, rank, health, requirements, and mode of life of both parties.
Dig. 38,1,18Idem libro quadragensimo ad edictum. Suo victu vestituque operas praestare debere libertum Sabinus ad edictum praetoris urbani libro quinto scribit: quod si alere se non possit, praestanda ei a patrono alimenta:
The Same, On the Edict, Book XL. Sabinus, in the Fifth Book of the Edict of the Urban Prætor, says that a freedman must render his services, and provide his own food and clothing. If, however, he cannot support himself, his food must be furnished him by his patron.
Dig. 38,1,20Paulus libro quadragensimo ad edictum. quod nisi fiat, praetorem ipsam patrono denegaturum operarum praestationem: idque est verum, quia unusquisque, quod spopondit, suo impendio dare debet, quamdiu id quod debet in rerum natura est. 1Ex provincia libertum Romam venire debere ad reddendas operas Proculus ait: sed qui dies interea cesserint, dum Romam venit, patrono perire, dummodo patronus tamquam vir bonus et diligens pater familias Romae moraretur vel in provinciam proficiscatur: ceterum si vagari per orbem terrarum velit, non esse iniungendam necessitatem liberto ubique eum sequi.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XL. Unless this is done, the Prætor will not permit the services of a freedman to be rendered to his patron. This is entirely proper, because each one of them should furnish what he promised at his own expense, so long as what he owes is in existence. 1Proculus says that a freedman should go to Rome from his province in order to render his services; but, where he does so, the patron will lose the time consumed by him while coming to Rome. This is the case, provided the patron, as a good citizen and the careful head of a household, resides at Rome, or travels into the province, but if he wishes to wander about the world, the necessity of following him everywhere should not be imposed upon the freedman.