Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 2,4,1Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. In ius vocare est iuris experiundi causa vocare.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. To cite anyone before a court of justice is to summon him for the purpose of trying a case.
Dig. 2,4,5Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. quia semper certa est, etiam si volgo conceperit: pater vero is est, quem nuptiae demonstrant.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. This is for the reason that the mother is always certain, although she may have been given to promiscuous intercourse; but the father is he whom the marriage indicates as such.
Dig. 2,4,7Idem libro quarto ad edictum. Patris adoptivi parentes impune vocabit, quoniam hi eius parentes non sunt, cum his tantum cognatus fiat quibus et adgnatus.
The Same, On the Edict, Book IV. A man can summon with impunity the parents of his adoptive father, as they are not really his parents, since he is only cognate to those to whom he is also agnate.
Dig. 2,4,9Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Is quoque, qui ex causa fideicommissi manumittit, non debet in ius vocari, quamvis ut manumittat, in ius vocetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. He, also, who has manumitted a slave under the terms of a trust cannot be brought into court, although he may be summoned to force him to manumit a slave.
Dig. 2,4,11Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Quamvis non adiciat praetor causa cognita se poenale iudicium daturum, tamen Labeo ait moderandam iurisdictionem: veluti si paeniteat libertum et actionem remittat: vel si patronus vocatus non venerit: aut si non invitus vocatus sit, licet edicti verba non patiantur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. Although the Prætor does not state that he will render judgment for a penalty where proper cause is shown, still Labeo says that his authority must be exercised with moderation; as for instance, if the freedman changes his mind and abandons his suit; or if the patron having been summoned does not appear; or if he has been summoned with his own consent; even though the terms of the Edict do not concede this.
Dig. 2,6,3Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. quoniam pro locuplete accipitur fideiussor in necessariis personis.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. The reason for this is, that where persons are nearly related, any surety is accepted as being sufficiently solvent.
Dig. 2,7,2Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Nam cum uterque contra edictum faciat, et libertus qui patronum vocat, et is qui patronum vi eximat: deteriore tamen loco libertus est, qui in simili delicto petitoris partes sustinet. 1Eadem aequitas est in eo, qui alio quam quo debuerat in ius vocabatur: sed et fortius dicendum est non videri vi eximi eum, cui sit ius ibi non conveniri.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. For although both parties, the freedman who summoned his patron, and he who liberated him by force, violated the Edict, the condition of the freedman is made worse; because, in an action of this kind he takes the part of plaintiff. 1The same equitable reason applies to a party who is summoned to a place other than the one to which he should have been summoned. It can, however, be stated more positively that he who had the right to refuse to appear is not held to have been liberated by force.
Dig. 2,7,4Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Sed eximendi verbum generale est, ut Pomponius ait. eripere enim est de manibus auferre per raptum: eximere quoquo modo auferre. ut puta si quis non rapuerit quem, sed moram fecerit quo minus in ius veniret, ut actionis dies exiret vel res tempore amitteretur: videbitur exemisse, quamvis corpus non exemerit. sed et si eo loci retinuerit, non abduxit, his verbis tenetur. 1Item si quis eum, qui per calumniam vocabatur, exemerit: constat eum hoc edicto teneri. 2Praetor ait ‘neve faciat dolo malo, quo magis eximeretur’: nam potest sine dolo malo id fieri, veluti cum iusta causa est exemptionis.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. The term “liberate” is one of general application, as Pomponius says for to “carry off” is to remove by seizure with the hands; but to “liberate” can be done in any way whatsoever; as for example, if anyone does not remove a party by force, but causes delay to prevent him appearing in court, so that the day set for bringing the action goes by, or the property in question is lost by lapse of time, he is held to have liberated him; even though he did not do so bodily. But, if he retained him in some place, and did not abduct him, he is liable under the provisions of the Edict. 1Again, if anyone liberates a party who has been summoned for the purpose of annoyance, he is considered to be liable under the Edict. 2The Prætor says: “He must not act maliciously to enable him to be released”; for this can be done without malice when there is good cause for liberation.
Dig. 2,8,4Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Si decesserit qui fideiussorem dederit iudicio sistendi causa, non debebit praetor iubere exhibere eum. quod si ignorans iusserit exhiberi vel post decretum eius ante diem exhibitionis decesserit, deneganda erit actio. si autem post diem exhibitionis decesserit aut amiserit civitatem, utiliter agi potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. If the party who gave a surety for his appearance in court should die, the Prætor ought not order him to be produced. Still, if he should ignorantly order this to be done, or if the party should die after his order, and before the day set for his appearance, no action can be permitted. If he died after the day set for his appearance, or loses his right of citizenship, a suit can legally be brought against him.
Dig. 47,10,23Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Qui in domum alienam invito domino introiret, quamvis in ius vocat, actionem iniuriarum in eum competere Ofilius ait.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. Ofilius says that anyone who enters the house of another against the will of the owner, even though the latter may be summoned to court, he will be entitled to an action for injury against him.
Dig. 50,17,108Paulus libro quarto ad edictum. Fere in omnibus poenalibus iudiciis et aetati et imprudentiae succurritur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book IV. In inflicting penalties, the age and inexperience of the guilty party must always be taken into account.