Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 17,2,70Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Nulla societatis in aeternum coitio est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. A perpetual partnership cannot be formed.
Dig. 18,1,1Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Origo emendi vendendique a permutationibus coepit. olim enim non ita erat nummus neque aliud merx, aliud pretium vocabatur, sed unusquisque secundum necessitatem temporum ac rerum utilibus inutilia permutabat, quando plerumque evenit, ut quod alteri superest alteri desit. sed quia non semper nec facile concurrebat, ut, cum tu haberes quod ego desiderarem, invicem haberem quod tu accipere velles, electa materia est, cuius publica ac perpetua aestimatio difficultatibus permutationum aequalitate quantitatis subveniret. eaque materia forma publica percussa usum dominiumque non tam ex substantia praebet quam ex quantitate nec ultra merx utrumque, sed alterum pretium vocatur. 1Sed an sine nummis venditio dici hodieque possit, dubitatur, veluti si ego togam dedi, ut tunicam acciperem. Sabinus et Cassius esse emptionem et venditionem putant: Nerva et Proculus permutationem, non emptionem hoc esse. Sabinus Homero teste utitur, qui exercitum Graecorum aere ferro hominibusque vinum emere refert, illis versibus: ἔνθεν ἀρ’ οἰνίζοντο καρηκομόωντες Ἀχαιοί ἄλλοι μὲν χαλκῷ, ἄλλοι δ’ αἴθωνι σιδήρῳ, ἄλλοι δὲ ῥινοῖς, ἄλλοι δ’ αὐτῇσι βόεσσι, ἄλλοι δ’ ἀνδραπόδεσσιν. sed hi versus permutationem significare videntur, non emptionem, sicuti illi: ἔνθ’ αὖτε Γλαύκῳ Κρονίδης φρένας ἐξέλετο Ζεύς, ὃς πρὸς Τυδείδην Διομήδεα τεύχε’ ἄμειβεν. magis autem pro hac sententia illud diceretur, quod alias idem poeta dicit: πρίατο κτεάτεσσιν ἑοῖσιν. sed verior est Nervae et Proculi sententia: nam ut aliud est vendere, aliud emere, alius emptor, alius venditor, sic aliud est pretium, aliud merx: quod in permutatione discerni non potest, uter emptor, uter venditor sit. 2Est autem emptio iuris gentium, et ideo consensu peragitur et inter absentes contrahi potest et per nuntium et per litteras.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. The origin of purchase and sale is derived from exchanges, for formerly money was not known, and there was no name for merchandise or the price of anything, but every one, in accordance with the requirements of the time and circumstances exchanged articles which were useless to him for other things which he needed; for it often happens that what one has a superabundance of, another lacks. But, for the reason that it did not always or readily happen that when you had what I wanted, or, on the other hand that I had what you were willing to take, a substance was selected whose public and perpetual value, by its uniformity as a medium of exchange, overcame the difficulties arising from barter, and this substance, having been coined by public authority, represented use and ownership, not so much on account of the material itself as by its value, and both articles were no longer designated merchandise, but one of them was called the price of the other. 1But while it may be doubted whether a true sale can be made to-day without the employment of coin, as, for instance, if I gave a toga and received a tunic instead; Sabinus and Cassius think that, in this case, there is a veritable purchase and sale, but Nerva and Proculus are of the opinion that this is an exchange, and not a purchase. Sabinus gives Homer as an example, who relates that the army of the Greeks purchased wine with copper, iron, and slaves, as follows: “The long haired Greeks here purchased wine, some of them with copper, others with glittering iron, others with hides, others again with cattle, and still others with slaves.” These verses, however, seem to indicate an exchange and not a purchase, like the following: “Jupiter, the son of Saturn, obscured the faculties of Glaucus until he changed arms with Diomedes, the son of Tydeus.” In support of the opinion of Sabinus, the following can be quoted with greater effect, that is, where the same poet says, “He purchased with his possessions.” The opinion of Nerva and Proculus is, however, the better one, for it is one thing to sell, and another to purchase; one thing to be a purchaser, and another a vendor; just as the price is one thing, and the merchandise another; but in an exchange it cannot be ascertained which is the purchaser and which is the vendor. 2Purchase is derived from the Law of Nations, and therefore it is accomplished by consent, and can be contracted between parties who are absent, by a messenger, as well as by letters.
Dig. 18,1,17Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. officio tamen iudicis pretium minuetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. It is, nevertheless, the duty of the judge, in a case of this kind, to reduce the price.
Dig. 18,1,34Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Si in emptione fundi dictum sit accedere Stichum servum neque intellegatur, quis ex pluribus accesserit, cum de alio emptor, de alio venditor senserit, nihilo minus fundi venditionem valere constat: sed Labeo ait eum Stichum deberi quem venditor intellexerit. nec refert, quanti sit accessio, sive plus in ea sit quam in ipsa re cui accedat an minus: plerasque enim res aliquando propter accessiones emimus, sicuti cum domus propter marmora et statuas et tabulas pictas ematur. 1Omnium rerum, quas quis habere vel possidere vel persequi potest, venditio recte fit: quas vero natura vel gentium ius vel mores civitatis commercio exuerunt, earum nulla venditio est. 2Liberum hominem scientes emere non possumus. sed nec talis emptio aut stipulatio admittenda est: ‘cum servus erit’, quamvis dixerimus futuras res emi posse: nec enim fas est eiusmodi casus exspectare. 3Item si et emptor et venditor scit furtivum esse quod venit, a neutra parte obligatio contrahitur: si emptor solus scit, non obligabitur venditor nec tamen ex vendito quicquam consequitur, nisi ultro quod convenerit praestet: quod si venditor scit, emptor ignoravit, utrinque obligatio contrahitur, et ita Pomponius quoque scribit. 4Rei suae emptio tunc valet, cum ab initio id agatur, ut possessionem emat, quam forte venditor habuit, et in iudicio possessionis potior esset. 5Alia causa est degustandi, alia metiendi: gustus enim ad hoc proficit, ut improbare liceat, mensura vero non eo proficit, ut aut plus aut minus veneat, sed ut appareat, quantum ematur. 6Si emptio ita facta fuerit: ‘est mihi emptus Stichus aut Pamphilus’, in potestate est venditoris, quem velit dare, sicut in stipulationibus, sed uno mortuo qui superest dandus est: et ideo prioris periculum ad venditorem, posterioris ad emptorem respicit. sed et si pariter decesserunt, pretium debebitur: unus enim utique periculo emptoris vixit. idem dicendum est etiam, si emptoris fuit arbitrium quem vellet habere, si modo hoc solum arbitrio eius commissum sit, ut quem voluisset emptum haberet, non et illud, an emptum haberet. 7Tutor rem pupilli emere non potest: idemque porrigendum est ad similia, id est ad curatores procuratores et qui negotia aliena gerunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. If, in a sale of a tract of land, it is stated that: “The slave Stichus is included,” and it cannot be ascertained which one is intended, where there are several slaves of that name and the purchaser had one in mind and the vendor another; it is established that the sale of the land will, nevertheless, be valid. Labeo, however, says that that Stichus should be delivered whom the vendor had in mind, and it does not make much difference what the value of the slave was, whether he was worth more or less than the property in which he was included, for we sometimes purchase property because of its accessories, for example, where a house is purchased on account of the marbles, statues, and paintings which it contains. 1A sale can legally be made of all the property which anyone has either in his possession, or which he may subsequently acquire; but there can be no sale of that which either the Law of Nature or of Nations, or the customs of the State, have removed from commerce. 2We cannot knowingly purchase a free man, nor can a purchase or stipulation based on the assumption that he may become a slave be admitted; although we have stated that property which is not yet in existence can be purchased; for it is not right to anticipate such a contingency. 3Moreover, if the purchaser and the vendor both know that the property sold has been stolen, no obligation will be contracted on either side. If the purchaser alone is aware of the fact, the vendor will not be liable; still, he cannot recover anything on the ground of the sale, unless he voluntarily furnishes what he agreed to do. Where, however, the vendor was aware that the property had been stolen, but the purchaser was ignorant of the fact, an obligation is contracted on both sides; and this also was stated by Pomponius. 4The purchase of one’s own property is valid, only where the purchaser intended from the beginning to obtain possession of it from the vendor, and could obtain it by no other means. 5It is one thing to taste, and another to measure anything which is offered for sale; for the taste is an advantage, by giving the buyer his own opportunity to reject it; but the measure only enables him to ascertain the amount of the purchase, and not whether the article is sold for too large or too small a sum. 6If a purchase is made in the following terms: “Either Stichus or Pamphilus is purchased by me,” the vendor has the right to deliver whichever one he pleases, as is the case in stipulations; but if one of them should die, the survivor must be delivered, and hence the risk of the first slave attaches to the vendor, and that of the second to the purchaser. But if both of them should die, the price will still be due, for the one who survives the other is always at the risk of the purchaser. The same must be said if the purchaser had the right to select which one he wished to have; provided it was only left to him which one he would purchase, and not whether he would make any purchase at all. 7A guardian, cannot buy the property of a ward. The same rule extends to similar cases, that is, to those of curators, agents, and persons who transact the business of others.
Dig. 18,2,8Idem libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Necesse autem habebit venditor meliore condicione allata priorem emptorem certiorem facere, ut, si quid alius adicit, ipse quoque adicere possit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. The vendor is required to notify the first purchaser, where better terms are offered, so that, if the other has increased the price, he can do so likewise.
Dig. 18,4,5Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. et quidem sine exceptione quoque, nisi in contrarium actum sit. sed si certae summae debitor dictus sit, in eam summam tenetur venditor: si incertae et nihil debeat, quanti intersit emptoris.
Ad Dig. 18,4,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 397, Note 1.Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. And this is the case without any exception, unless the intention was otherwise. If, however, a party is alleged to be a debtor for a certain sum, the vendor will be liable for that amount; but if the sum is said to be uncertain, and nothing is due, he will be liable to the amount of the interest of the purchaser,
Dig. 18,4,9Paulus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Et si quid emptoris interest.
Ad Dig. 18,4,9ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 43, S. 150: Verpflichtungen aus dem Verkaufe eines nicht existirenden Kaufobjekts. Eigener Wechsel an eigene Ordre. Einfluß des Irrthums.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 307, Note 5; Bd. II, § 315, Note 7.Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. And whatever interest the purchaser had in having the sale concluded.
Dig. 18,4,14Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Qui filii familias nomina vendidit, actiones quoque quas cum patre habet praestare debet. 1Si hereditas venierit, venditor res hereditarias tradere debet: quanta autem hereditas est, nihil interest,
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Where anyone sells claims against a son under paternal control, he must also assign any rights of action which he has against the father of the debtor. 1Where the right of succession to an estate is sold, the vendor shall deliver the property belonging to the same; and it makes no difference what its value is.
Dig. 18,4,16Paulus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Si quasi heres vendideris hereditatem, cum tibi ex senatus consulto Trebelliano restituta esset hereditas, quanti emptoris intersit teneberis.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Where you, as an heir, sell the right of succession to an estate, since the estate must be restored to you in accordance with the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, you will be liable to the extent of the purchaser’s interest.
Dig. 18,5,3Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. Emptio et venditio sicut consensu contrahitur, ita contrario consensu resolvitur, antequam fuerit res secuta: ideoque quaesitum est, si emptor fideiussorem acceperit, vel venditor stipulatus fuerit, an nuda voluntate resolvatur obligatio. Iulianus scripsit ex empto quidem agi non posse, quia bonae fidei iudicio exceptiones pacti insunt: an autem fideiussori utilis sit exceptio, videndum: et puto liberato reo et fideiussorem liberari. item venditorem ex stipulatu agentem exceptione summoveri oportet, idemque iuris esse, si emptor quoque rem in stipulationem deduxerit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Purchase and sale are contracted by common consent, and so they can also be rescinded by common consent before the transaction has been concluded. Therefore, the question arose as to whether the obligation could be rescinded by the mere will of the parties, if the purchaser has accepted a surety, or the vendor had entered into a stipulation. Julianus says that then, indeed, an action on sale would not lie, because exceptions based on the contract are included in a bona fide agreement. It should be considered, however, whether an exception would be available to release the surety. I am of the opinion that if the principal should be released, the surety will be also. The same rule applies where, if the vendor institutes proceedings on the ground of the stipulation, he can be barred by an exception. The law is also the same where the purchaser has included the delivery of the property in the stipulation.
Dig. 18,6,8Idem libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Necessario sciendum est, quando perfecta sit emptio: tunc enim sciemus, cuius periculum sit: nam perfecta emptione periculum ad emptorem respiciet. et si id quod venierit appareat quid quale quantum sit, sit et pretium, et pure venit, perfecta est emptio: quod si sub condicione res venierit, si quidem defecerit condicio, nulla est emptio, sicuti nec stipulatio: quod si exstiterit, Proculus et Octavenus emptoris esse periculum aiunt: idem Pomponius libro nono probat. quod si pendente condicione emptor vel venditor decesserit, constat, si exstiterit condicio, heredes quoque obligatos esse quasi iam contracta emptione in praeteritum. quod si pendente condicione res tradita sit, emptor non poterit eam usucapere pro emptore. et quod pretii solutum est repetetur et fructus medii temporis venditoris sunt (sicuti stipulationes et legata condicionalia peremuntur), si pendente condicione res exstincta fuerit: sane si exstet res, licet deterior effecta, potest dici esse damnum emptoris. 1Si ita venierit: ‘est ille servus emptus, sive navis ex Asia venerit sive non venerit’, Iulianus putat statim perfectam esse venditionem, quoniam certum sit eam contractam. 2Cum usum fructum mihi vendis, interest, utrum ius utendi fruendi, quod solum tuum sit, vendas, an vero in ipsum corpus, quod tuum sit, usum fructum mihi vendas: nam priore casu etiamsi statim morieris, nihil mihi heres tuus debebit, heredi autem meo debebitur, si tu vivis: posteriore casu heredi meo nihil debebitur, heres tuus debebit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. It is necessary to ascertain when the sale is complete, for we will then know who must be responsible for the risk; as, when the sale has been perfected, the purchaser must assume it. If the quality and quantity of the property to be sold are determined, as well as the price of the same, and it is sold without any condition, the transaction is complete. If, however, it is sold under a condition, and the condition should not be complied with, the sale is void, just as in the case of a stipulation. Proculus and Octavenus say that the property is at the risk of the purchaser as soon as the condition is complied with, and Pomponius approves this opinion in the Ninth Book. If, however, while the condition is still pending, either the purchaser or the vendor should die, it is established that if the condition is fulfilled, their heirs will also be bound, just as if the transaction had been concluded with reference to some time that had passed. But, if the property is delivered while the condition is pending, the purchaser, as such, cannot acquire it by usucaption, and he can recover any of the price which he may have paid, while the crops gathered during the intermediate time will belong to the vendor; in the same way as stipulations and conditional legacies are terminated if, the property should be destroyed while the condition remains unfulfilled. It is clear that if the property survives, although in a damaged condition, the purchaser must bear the loss. 1Where a sale is made in the following terms: “This slave is sold whether a certain ship does, or does not arrive from Asia.” Julianus is of the opinion that the sale is instantly concluded, since it is certain that the contract is complete. 2If you sell me the usufruct of certain property, it makes a difference whether you merely dispose of the right of using and enjoying it, which alone belongs to you, or whether, if you own the property, you sell me the usufruct of the same; for, in the first instance, even if you should immediately die, your heir will owe me nothing, but if you live, the right will pass to my heir. In the second instance, nothing will pass to my heir, but your heir will incur the obligation.
Dig. 19,1,21Paulus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Si sterilis ancilla sit, cuius partus venit, vel maior annis quinquaginta, cum id emptor ignoraverit, ex empto tenetur venditor. 1Si praedii venditor non dicat de tributo sciens, tenetur ex empto: quod si ignorans non praedixerit, quod forte hereditarium praedium erat, non tenetur. 2Quamvis supra diximus, cum in corpore consentiamus, de qualitate autem dissentiamus, emptionem esse, tamen venditor teneri debet, quanti interest non esse deceptum, etsi venditor quoque nesciet: veluti si mensas quasi citreas emat, quae non sunt. 3Cum per venditorem steterit, quo minus rem tradat, omnis utilitas emptoris in aestimationem venit, quae modo circa ipsam rem consistit: neque enim si potuit ex vino puta negotiari et lucrum facere, id aestimandum est, non magis quam si triticum emerit et ob eam rem, quod non sit traditum, familia eius fame laboraverit: nam pretium tritici, non servorum fame necatorum consequitur. nec maior fit obligatio, quod tardius agitur, quamvis crescat, si vinum hodie pluris sit, merito, quia sive datum esset, haberem emptor, sive non, quoniam saltem hodie dandum est quod iam olim dari oportuit. 4Si tibi fundum vendidero, ut eum conductum certa summa haberem, ex vendito eo nomine mihi actio est, quasi in partem pretii ea res sit. 5Sed et si ita fundum tibi vendidero, ut nulli alii eum quam mihi venderes, actio eo nomine ex vendito est, si alii vendideris. 6Qui domum vendebat, excepit sibi habitationem, donec viveret, aut in singulos annos decem: emptor primo anno maluit decem praestare, secundo anno habitationem praestare. Trebatius ait mutandae voluntatis potestatem eum habere singulisque annis alterutrum praestare posse et quamdiu paratus sit alterutrum praestare, petitionem non esse.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. Where a female slave is sold with her offspring, and she proves to be sterile, or more than fifty years of age, and the purchaser was ignorant of the fact, the vendor will be liable to an action on sale. 1Where the vendor of a tract of land knowingly refrains from mentioning any tax which is due upon the same, he will be liable to an action on purchase. But, if he did not give notice of it through ignorance, because, for instance, the land belonged to an estate, he will not be liable. 2Ad Dig. 19,1,21,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 76a, Note 8; Bd. II, § 395, Note 2.Although we stated above that, while we may agree with reference to the object of a sale, but differ as to its quality, a sale will take place; still, the vendor should be liable for the amount of the interest the purchaser had in not being deceived, even if the vendor also is ignorant of the facts; as, for example, where tables are sold as being made of cedar-wood, when in fact they are not. 3Ad Dig. 19,1,21,3BOHGE, Bd. 2 (1871), S. 387 (Anm.): Anspruch auf Ersatz von Schaden, der durch eigene Sorgfalt vermieden werden konnte.ROHGE, Bd. 3 (1872), S. 275: Causalnexus zwischen Verspätung einer Lieferung und dem behaupteten Schaden. Beweislast.ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 192: Verpflichtung zum Ersatze von Conventionalstrafe, welche der durch Verzug des Säumigen beschädigte Contrahent einem Dritten hat bezahlen müssen.ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 44, S. 140: Anspruch des Käufers auf Ersatz des Schadens wegen Nichterfüllung seitens des Verkäufers nach dem höhern Werthe der Waare zur Zeit der Verurtheilung?Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 258, Note 17.When the vendor is to blame for not delivering the property, all the interest of the purchaser in its delivery, which merely has reference to the property itself, should be taken into consideration; where, for instance, he could have profited by the sale of wine, this need not be taken into account any more than if he had purchased wheat, and, because it had not been delivered, his slaves suffered from hunger; for the value of the wheat, and not that of the slaves about to die of hunger, was the object of the claim. Nor does the obligation become greater, where proceedings are instituted subsequently, even though the wine may have increased in value. This is reasonable, because if the wine had been delivered, the purchaser would have possession of it; but where this has not been done, the vendor is at all events obliged to deliver at present what he should have delivered long before. 4Ad Dig. 19,1,21,4ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 75, S. 227: Zahlung des Kaufpreises statt baar in Actien. Nebenvertrag.If I sell you a tract of land on condition that I can lease it from you for a certain sum, I will be entitled to an action on sale, because this transaction is, as it were, a part of the price. 5Even though I sold you a tract of land on condition that you would not sell it to anyone but myself, for this reason an action on sale will lie if you should sell it to another. 6A man sold a house and reserved for himself a lodging therein as long as he lived, or in consideration of the payment of ten aurei every year. The first year, the purchaser preferred to pay the ten aurei, the second year, he furnished the lodging. Trebatius says that he had the right to change his mind, and could comply with either one of the conditions every year, and as long as he was ready to do so there would be no cause of action.
Dig. 21,2,5Paulus libro trigesimo tertio ad edictum. Servi venditor peculium accessurum dixit. si vicarius evictus sit, nihil praestaturum venditorem Labeo ait, quia sive non fuit in peculio, non accesserit, sive fuerit, iniuriam a iudice emptor passus est: aliter atque si nominatim servum accedere dixisset: tunc enim praestare deberet in peculio eum esse.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. The vendor of a slave stated that his peculium was an accessory. If a sub-slave was taken away by eviction, Labeo says that the vendor will not be liable on this account, for if the slave did not form part of the peculium he would not constitute an accessory, but if he did, the purchaser sustained an injury through the decision of the judge; but the case is different if the vendor had expressly stated that the slave was an accessory, for, in this instance, he would be obliged to guarantee that the slave borrowed part of the peculium.
Dig. 50,16,188Paulus libro trigensimo tertio ad edictum. ‘Habere’ duobus modis dicitur, altero iure dominii, altero optinere sine interpellatione id quod quis emerit. 1‘Cautum’ intellegitur, sive personis sive rebus cautum sit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXIII. The verb, “To have,” is understood in two different ways: in one, where the right of ownership exists; in the other, where property purchased by anyone cannot be obtained without a contest. 1Security means responsibility assumed either with reference to persons or things.