Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXXII
Dig. 3,5,41Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si servi mei rogatu negotia mea susceperis, si dumtaxat admonitus a servo meo id feceris, erit inter nos negotiorum gestorum actio: si vero quasi mandatu servi, etiam de peculio et de in rem verso agere te posse responsum est.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If you undertake the transaction of my business at the request of my slave, and have done this merely at his suggestion, a suit based on business transacted will arise between us; but if you do so under the direction of my slave, it has been held that you can bring suit, not only to the extent of the peculium, but also on the ground of its having been for my benefit.
Dig. 12,1,16Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si socius propriam pecuniam mutuam dedit, omnimodo creditam pecuniam facit, licet ceteri dissenserint: quod si communem numeravit, non alias creditam efficit, nisi ceteri quoque consentiant, quia suae partis tantum alienationem habuit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Where a joint-owner of money paid out his own money as a loan, he makes an absolute loan of said money, even though his co-owners did not consent; but if he paid out money which was owned in common, he does not make a valid loan, unless the others also consent, because he has only the right to dispose of his own share.
Dig. 12,6,28Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Iudex si male absolvit et absolutus sua sponte solverit, repetere non potest.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Where a judge discharged a party improperly, and he who is discharged pays the debt voluntarily, he cannot bring an action to recover the money.
Dig. 16,2,9Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si cum filio familias aut servo contracta sit societas et agat dominus vel pater, solidum per compensationem servamus, quamvis, si ageremus, dumtaxat de peculio praestaretur. 1Sed si cum filio familias agatur, an quae patri debeantur filius compensare possit, quaeritur: et magis est admittendum, quia unus contractus est, sed cum condicione, ut caveat patrem suum ratum habiturum, id est non exacturum quod is compensaverit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Where a partnership has been contracted with a son under paternal control or a slave, and the father or the master brings suit, we include the whole amount in a set-off; although if we should bring suit, only that which has reference to the peculium must be made good. 1But where suit is brought against a son under paternal control, the question arises whether the son can, by way of set-off, claim, what is owing to the father? It is better to hold that he can, because there is only one contract, but this should be done under the condition that he gives security that his father will ratify his act, that is to say, that he will not, in the future demand what his son has set off.
Dig. 17,1,1Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Obligatio mandati consensu contrahentium consistit. 1Ideo per nuntium quoque vel per epistulam mandatum suscipi potest. 2Item sive ‘rogo’ sive ‘volo’ sive ‘mando’ sive alio quocumque verbo scripserit, mandati actio est. 3Item mandatum et in diem differri et sub condicione contrahi potest. 4Mandatum nisi gratuitum nullum est: nam originem ex officio atque amicitia trahit, contrarium ergo est officio merces: interveniente enim pecunia res ad locationem et conductionem potius respicit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. The obligation of mandate is based upon the consent of the contracting parties. 1Hence a mandate can be received by means of a messenger, as well as by a letter. 2Moreover, an action on mandate will lie where the party either says I ask, or I wish, or I direct, or where he puts it in writing in any other language whatsoever. 3The obligation of mandate can also be contracted to become operative at a certain time, and under a certain condition. 4A mandate is void unless it is gratuitous, as it derives its origin from duty and friendship, hence compensation is opposed to duty; for, where money is involved, the transaction rather has reference to leasing and hiring.
Dig. 17,1,3Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Praeterea in causa mandati etiam illud vertitur, ut interim nec melior causa mandantis fieri possit, interdum melior, deterior vero numquam. 1Et quidem si mandavi tibi, ut aliquam rem mihi emeres, nec de pretio quicquam statui tuque emisti, utrimque actio nascitur. 2Quod si pretium statui tuque pluris emisti, quidam negaverunt te mandati habere actionem, etiamsi paratus esses id quod excedit remittere: namque iniquum est non esse mihi cum illo actionem, si nolit, illi vero, si velit, mecum esse.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Moreover, in the case of mandate, it happens that sometimes the condition of the party giving it may not be improved, and sometimes when it may be improved, but it can never become worse. 1In fact, if I directed you to purchase something for me, and did not say anything about the price, and you purchase the article, there will be a right of action on both sides. 2If I fixed the price, and you bought the article for more, certain authorities deny that you will be entitled to an action on mandate, even though you are ready to pay the amount of the excess; for it is unjust that I should have an action against you if you were unwilling to make the payment, but that you should have one against me if you are willing to do so.
Dig. 17,1,5Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Diligenter igitur fines mandati custodiendi sunt: 1nam qui excessit, aliud quid facere videtur et, si susceptum non impleverit, tenetur. 2Itaque si mandavero tibi, ut domum Seianam centum emeres tuque Titianam emeris longe maioris pretii, centum tamen aut etiam minoris, non videris implesse mandatum. 3Item si mandavero tibi, ut fundum meum centum venderes tuque eum nonaginta vendideris et petam fundum, non obstabit mihi exceptio, nisi et reliquum mihi, quod deest mandatu meo, praestes et indemnem me per omnia conserves. 4Servo quoque dominus si praeceperit certa summa rem vendere, ille minoris vendiderit, similiter vindicare eam dominus potest nec ulla exceptione summoveri, nisi indemnitas ei praestetur. 5Melior autem causa mandantis fieri potest, si, cum tibi mandassem, ut Stichum decem emeres, tu eum minoris emeris vel tantidem, ut aliud quicquam servo accederet: utroque enim casu aut non ultra pretium aut intra pretium fecisti.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Therefore, the limits of the mandate must be diligently observed, for a party who exceeds them is held to have done something else than what he was directed to do. 1And if he does not execute what he undertook, he will be liable. 2Hence, if I direct you to buy the house of Seius for a hundred aurei, and you buy that of Titius for a much larger price, or for a hundred aurei, or even for a smaller sum; you will not be held to have executed the mandate. 3Again, if I direct you to sell my land for a hundred aurei, and you sell it for ninety, and I bring an action to recover the land, I will not be barred by an exception, unless you pay me the balance which is lacking on the mandate, and indemnify me for all loss. 4Moreover, if a master directs his slave to sell property for a certain amount, and he sells it for less, the master can also bring an action to recover it; nor will he be barred by an exception, unless he is indemnified. 5The position of the mandator can be improved, for example, if I direct you to purchase Stichus for ten aurei, and you purchase him for less, or for the same amount and receive some accession to the slave; as, in either instance, you have made the purchase not for more than the price agreed upon, but within that price.
Dig. 17,1,9Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. De tuo etiam facto cavere debes.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. You should also furnish security with reference to your acts.
Dig. 17,1,22Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si mandavero tibi, ut pro me in diem fideiubeas tuque pure fideiusseris et solveris, utilius respondebitur interim non esse tibi mandati actionem, sed cum dies venerit. 1Item tractatum est, si, cum in diem deberem, mandatu meo in diem fideiusseris et ante diem solveris, an statim habeas mandati actionem. et quidam putant praesentem quidem esse mandati actionem, sed tanti minorem, quanti mea intersit superveniente die solutum fuisse. sed melius est dici interim nec huius summae mandati agi posse, quando nonnullum adhuc commodum meum sit, ut nec hoc ante diem solvam. 2Interdum evenit, ut meum negotium geram et tamen utilem habeam mandati actionem: veluti cum debitor meus periculo suo debitorem suum mihi delegat aut cum rogatu fideiussoris cum reo experior: nam quamvis debitum meum persequar, nihilo minus et illius negotium gero: igitur quod minus servavero, consequar mandati actione. 3Si hi, quorum res veneunt quas pignori dederunt, supposuerunt emptores et eis emendas res mandent, mandatum intellegitur, licet quantum ad meram rationem mandatum non constitit: nam cum rem tuam emas, nulla emptio est in tua persona rei tuae. 4Iulianus scripsit mandati obligationem consistere etiam in rem eius qui mandatum suscipit ex eo maxime probari, quod, si pluribus heredibus vendentibus uni mandavero, ut rem hereditariam emeret, etiam pro ea parte, qua heres sit, obligatur mandati actione et obligat: et sane si ille propter hoc extraneo rem non addixerit, quod mandatum susceperat, ex bona fide esse praestare ei pretium, quanti vendere poterat: et contra si emptor ad emptionem rei sibi necessariae idcirco non accesserat, quod heredi praecepisset se ei empturum, aequissimum esse mandati iudicio praestare quanti eius interfuit emptam rem habere. 5Is cuius bona publicata sunt mandare alicui potest, ut ea emat, et, si emerit, utilis erit mandati actio, si non praestet fidem: quod ideo receptum est, quia publicatis bonis quidquid postea adquiritur, non sequitur fiscum. 6Qui aedem sacram spoliandam, hominem vulnerandum, occidendum mandatum suscipiat, nihil mandati iudicio consequi potest propter turpitudinem mandati. 7Si tibi centum dedero, ut ea Titio dares, tuque non dederis, sed consumpseris, et mandati et furti teneri te Proculus ait: aut, si ita dederim, ut quae velles dares, mandati tantummodo. 8Si mandaverim servo tuo, ut quod tibi debeam solveret meo nomine, Neratius scribit, quamvis mutuatus servus pecuniam rationibus tuis quasi a me receptam intulerit, tamen, si nummos a creditore non ita acceperit, ut meo nomine daret, nec liberari me nec te mandati mecum acturum: quod si sic mutuatus sit, ut pecuniam meo nomine daret, utrumque contra esse: nec referre, alius quis an idem ipse servus nomine tuo quod pro me solvebatur acceperit. et hoc verius est, quoniam quotiens suos nummos accipit creditor, non contingit liberatio debitori. 9Fugitivus meus cum apud furem esset, pecuniam adquisiit et ex ea servos paravit eosque Titius per traditionem a venditore accepit. Mela ait mandati actione me consecuturum, ut restituat mihi Titius, quia servus meus mandasse Titio videbatur, ut per traditionem acciperet, si modo rogatu servi hoc fecerit: quod si sine voluntate eius venditor Titio tradiderit, tunc posse me ex empto agere, ut mihi eos venditor traderet, venditoremque per condictionem a Titio repetiturum, si servos tradiderit Titio quos non debuerit, cum debere se existimaret. 10Si curator bonorum venditionem quidem fecerit, pecuniam autem creditoribus non solverit, Trebatius Ofilius Labeo responderunt his qui praesentes fuerunt competere adversus eum mandati actionem, his autem qui absentes fuerunt negotiorum gestorum actionem esse. atquin si praesentium mandatum exsecutus id egit, negotiorum gestorum actio absentibus non est nisi forte adversus eos qui mandaverunt curatori, tamquam si negotia absentium gesserint: quod si, cum soli creditores se esse existimarent, id mandaverint, in factum actio absentibus danda est in eos qui mandaverint. 11Sicut autem liberum est mandatum non suscipere, ita susceptum consummari oportet, nisi renuntiatum sit (renuntiari autem ita potest, ut integrum ius mandatori reservetur vel per se vel per alium eandem rem commode explicandi) aut si redundet in eum captio qui suscepit mandatum. et quidem si is cui mandatum est ut aliquid mercaretur mercatus non sit neque renuntiaverit se non empturum idque sua, non alterius culpa fecerit, mandati actione teneri eum convenit: hoc amplius tenebitur, sicuti Mela quoque scripsit, si eo tempore per fraudem renuntiaverit, cum iam recte emere non posset.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If I direct you to become surety for me for a certain time, and you do so absolutely, and make payment; the proper answer will be that you will not be entitled to an action on mandate until the time has expired. 1It has also been discussed whether, if you become security by my direction for a certain time, for a sum which I owed during that time, and you pay it before the period has elapsed, will you at once be entitled to an action on mandate? Certain authorities think that the right of action is immediately acquired, but for less than the amount of my interest in having payment made on the day when it was due. It is better, however, to say that, in the meantime, the action on mandate for this sum cannot be brought, when it is not convenient for me to pay it before the appointed time. 2Ad Dig. 17,1,22,2ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 7, S. 19: Verweisung des Gläubigers eines Solidarschuldners an den andern unter Sicherstellung des Gläubigers. Keine Einrede daraus für den andern Schuldner?It happens, sometimes, that if I transact my own business I will also be entitled to a prætorian action on mandate; for instance, where my debtor substitutes one of his own in my favor at his own risk, or where I institute proceedings against the principal debtor at the request of the surety; for although I am collecting my own debt, still, I am transacting his business, and therefore what I fail to collect I can recover by an action on mandate. 3Where persons, whose property has been given in pledge and sold, introduce fraudulent purchasers, and direct them to buy the property, the mandate is understood to have been given, although a mandate does not exist under circumstances of this kind; because, when you buy your own property, such a purchase is null and void. 4Julianus said that the obligation of mandate also has reference to the property of him who undertook its performance, and, on this account, should by all means, be proved; because if I direct one of several heirs, who are making a sale, to purchase for me the property of the estate, the said heir will be liable to an action on mandate for the share of the estate to which he is entitled, and the obligation will be reciprocal; for, in fact, if he, on this account, (that is, because he has undertaken the performance of the mandate) will not surrender the property to another bidder, good faith requires that he should pay him the price for which it could be sold. On the other hand, if the purchaser was not present at the sale for the purpose of buying property which he needed, as he had instructed the heir to purchase it for him; it will be perfectly just that he should have an action on mandate to indemnify himself for the interest he had in having the property purchased. 5A person whose property has been confiscated can direct anyone to purchase it, and if he should do so, an equitable action on mandate will lie, if he does not keep faith. This rule has been established because, where property has been confiscated and anything is afterwards acquired, it does not go to the Treasury. 6Where anyone has undertaken to carry out a mandate directing him to rob a temple, or wound or kill a man, he cannot recover anything in an action on mandate, on account of the infamous nature of the mandate. 7If I give you a hundred aurei in order that you may give them to Titius, and you do not do so, but use them yourself; Proculus says that you will be liable both to an action on mandate, and to one of theft; but if I should give them to you in such a way that you can turn them over to anyone you please, only an action on mandate will lie. 8If I direct your slave to pay, on my account, a sum of money which I owe you; Neratius says that, although the slave may have borrowed the money and entered the payment on your books as having been received from me, still, if he did not receive it from the creditor to be placed to my credit, I will not be released, and you cannot bring an action on mandate against me; but if he borrowed it with the understanding that he was to pay it on my account, on the other hand both these circumstances will take place; for it makes no difference whether some other slave, or the same one, received the money to be paid on my account in your name, and this is the more correct, since whenever the creditor receives his own money, the release of the debtor does not occur. 9A fugitive slave of mine, while in the hands of a thief, obtained some money and purchased other slaves with it, whom Titius received by delivery from the vendor. Mela says that I can cause Titius to make restitution to me by an action on mandate, because my slave is held to have directed Titius to receive the slaves by delivery, provided that he did so at the request of the slave. But if the vendor made the delivery to Titius without his consent, I can then bring an action on purchase to compel the vendor to deliver the slaves to me, and the vendor will have a personal action for recovery against Titius for the delivery of slaves which he did not owe him, although he believed that he did. 10Where the curator of property makes a sale, but does not pay the proceeds of the same to the creditors, Trebatius, Ofilius, and Labeo are of the opinion that an action on mandate will lie against him in favor of those creditors who appear, and that an action on the ground of business transacted can be brought by those creditors who are absent; but if, having executed the mandate of those who are present, he proceeds with the sale, an action on the ground of business transacted cannot be brought by the absent creditors, unless perhaps against those who directed the curator to sell the property, just as if they had transacted the business of the former. But if they directed him to do this, believing that they were the only creditors, an action in factum should be granted in favor of the absent creditors against those who gave the mandate. 11However, just as one is free not to accept a mandate, so if it is accepted it must be executed, unless it is revoked. Moreover, it can be revoked in such a way that the right will be reserved unimpaired to the party giving the mandate to conveniently dispose of the matter, either by himself or by someone else; or where he who undertook the performance of the mandate might be taken advantage of. And if the party to whom the mandate was given to purchase something does not do so, and does not state that he will not purchase it, he will be responsible for his own negligence, and not for that of another; and it is settled that he will be liable to an action on mandate. He will still further be liable (as Mela also has said) if he should fraudulently revoke the mandate at a time when he could not properly make the purchase.
Dig. 17,1,26Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Inter causas omittendi mandati etiam mors mandatoris est: nam mandatum solvitur morte. si tamen per ignorantiam impletum est, competere actionem utilitatis causa dicitur. Iulianus quoque scripsit mandatoris morte solvi mandatum, sed obligationem aliquando durare. 1Si quis debitori suo mandaverit, ut Titio solveret, et debitor mortuo eo, cum id ignoraret, solverit, liberari eum oportet. 2Abesse intellegitur pecunia fideiussori etiam si debitor ab eo delegatus sit creditori, licet is solvendo non fuerit, quia bonum nomen facit creditor, qui admittit debitorem delegatum. 3Si is, qui fideiussori donare vult, creditorem eius habeat debitorem suum eumque liberaverit, continuo aget fideiussor mandati, quatenus nihil intersit, utrum nummos solverit creditori an eum liberaverit. 4Praeterea sciendum est non plus fideiussorem consequi debere mandati iudicio, quam quod solverit. 5Mandatu tuo fideiussi decem et procuratori creditoris solvi: si verus procurator fuit, statim mandati agam: quod si procurator non est, repetam ab eo. 6Non omnia, quae inpensurus non fuit mandator imputabit, veluti quod spoliatus sit a latronibus aut naufragio res amiserit vel languore suo suorumque adpraehensus quaedam erogaverit: nam haec magis casibus quam mandato imputari oportet. 7Sed cum servus, quem mandatu meo emeras, furtum tibi fecisset, Neratius ait mandati actione te consecuturum, ut servus tibi noxae dedatur, si tamen sine culpa tua id acciderit: quod si ego scissem talem esse servum nec praedixissem, ut possis praecavere, tunc quanti tua intersit, tantum tibi praestari oportet. 8Faber mandatu amici sui emit servum decem et fabricam docuit, deinde vendidit eum viginti, quos mandati iudicio coactus est solvere: mox quasi homo non erat sanus, emptori damnatus est: Mela ait non praestaturum id ei mandatorem, nisi posteaquam emisset sine dolo malo eius hoc vitium habere coeperit servus. sed si iussu mandatoris eum docuerit, contra fore: tunc enim et mercedem et cibaria consecuturum, nisi si ut gratis doceret rogatus sit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. The death of the person giving the mandate is included among the causes for negligence to comply with it, for a mandate terminates with death. If, however, it is executed by a party ignorant of this fact, it is held that the action will lie for the sake of convenience. Julianus also stated that a mandate was terminated by the death of the party who gave it, but that the obligation arising therefrom sometimes continued to exist. 1Where a party directed his debtor to pay Titius for him, and the debtor paid the money after the death of Titius; although he was ignorant of the fact, he must be released. 2Ad Dig. 17,1,26,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 412, Note 17.Money is understood to have been lost by a surety, where a debtor has been substituted by him for the benefit of the creditor, even though he was not solvent; because the creditor who accepts a debtor who has been substituted, makes the security good. 3Where a party who wishes to make a present to a surety discharges his creditor, who is his own debtor, the surety can immediately bring suit on mandate, as it makes no difference whether he paid the money to the creditor or released the latter from his obligation. 4It should also be borne in mind that a surety cannot recover more in an action on mandate than he has paid. 5I became your surety for the amount of ten aurei, by your direction, and I paid the agent of the creditor. If the latter was the true agent, I am immediately entitled to an action on mandate, but if he was not, I can bring an action for recovery against him. 6A mandator cannot make a charge of all the expenses which he may have incurred; as, for instance, where, because he has been robbed by thieves, or has lost property by a shipwreck, or he, or the members of his family, have been attacked by disease, he has been compelled to incur expense; for these things should be rather attributed to accident than to mandate. 7Where, however, a slave steals from you what you had purchased by my direction, Neratius says that you can bring an action on mandate to compel the slave to be surrendered to you by way of reparation, if this happened without your fault; but if I knew that the slave was dishonest, and did not warn you, so that you could provide against it, I must then make good to you the amount of your interest. 8A workman, by the direction of a friend, bought a slave for ten aurei, and taught him his trade; he then sold him for twenty aurei, which he was compelled to pay by an action on mandate. Afterwards, he had judgment rendered against him in favor of the purchaser, on the ground that the slave was not sound. Mela says that the mandator will not be obliged to make good to him what he paid, unless, after he made the purchase, the slave became unsound without bad faith on his part. If, however, he had given him instructions by order of the mandator, the contrary would be the case, for then he could recover what he had expended, as well as what had been paid for the maintenance of the slave, unless he had been asked to instruct him gratuitously.
Dig. 17,2,1Paulus libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Societas coiri potest vel in perpetuum, id est dum vivunt, vel ad tempus vel ex tempore vel sub condicione. 1In societate omnium bonorum omnes res quae coeuntium sunt continuo communicantur,
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. A partnership can be formed either perpetually, that is, to say during the life of the parties, or for a certain time, or to begin at a certain time, or under some condition. 1Ad Dig. 17,2,1,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 171, Note 2.In the formation of a general partnership, the entire property of the partners immediately belongs to them all in common.
Dig. 17,2,3Paulus libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Ea vero, quae in nominibus erunt, manent in suo statu: sed actiones invicem praestare debent. 1Cum specialiter omnium bonorum societas coita est, tunc et hereditas et legatum et quod donatum est aut quaqua ratione adquisitum communioni adquiretur. 2De illo quaeritur, si ita sit coita societas, ut, si qua iusta hereditas alterutri obvenerit, communis sit, quae sit iusta hereditas, utrum quae iure legitimo obvenit an etiam ea quae testamento? et probabilius est ad legitimam hereditatem tantum hoc pertinere. 3Societas si dolo malo aut fraudandi causa coita sit, ipso iure nullius momenti est, quia fides bona contraria est fraudi et dolo.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. The existing debts remain in the same condition, but the rights of action should be reciprocally assigned. 1When a general partnership has been expressly entered into, estates, legacies, donations, and property acquired in any way whatsoever, are acquired in common. 2The question arises, when a lawful estate falls to any of the partners to be held in common, what is meant by the term “lawful estate”? Must this be understood to be one that descends to a party by law, or one which is bequeathed by will? It is more probable that it only refers to an estate which descends by law. 3Where a partnership is contracted fraudulently, or for the purpose of committing fraud, it is void by operation of law, because good faith is opposed to fraud and deceit.
Dig. 17,2,13Idem libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Sed et si adiciatur, ut et quaestus et lucri socii sint, verum est non ad aliud lucrum, quam quod ex quaestu venit, hanc quoque adiectionem pertinere.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If it is stated in the articles of partnership that the gains and profits shall be in common, it is clear that this is to be understood only to apply to such profits as come from the efforts of the partners.
Dig. 17,2,65Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Actione distrahitur, cum aut stipulatione aut iudicio mutata sit causa societatis. Proculus enim ait hoc ipso quod iudicium ideo dictatum est, ut societas distrahatur, renuntiatam societatem, sive totorum bonorum sive unius rei societas coita sit. 1Item bonis a creditoribus venditis unius socii distrahi societatem Labeo ait. 2Si in rem certam emendam conducendamve coita sit societas, tunc etiam post alicuius mortem quidquid lucri detrimentive factum sit, commune esse Labeo ait. 3Diximus dissensu solvi societatem: hoc ita est, si omnes dissentiunt. quid ergo, si unus renuntiet? Cassius scripsit eum qui renuntiaverit societati a se quidem liberare socios suos, se autem ab illis non liberare. quod utique observandum est, si dolo malo renuntiatio facta sit, veluti si, cum omnium bonorum societatem inissemus, deinde cum obvenisset uni hereditas, propter hoc renuntiavit: ideoque si quidem damnum attulerit hereditas, hoc ad eum qui renuntiavit pertinebit, commodum autem communicare cogetur actione pro socio. quod si quid post renuntiationem adquisierit, non erit communicandum, quia nec dolus admissus est in eo. 4Item si societatem ineamus ad aliquam rem emendam, deinde solus volueris eam emere ideoque renuntiaveris societati, ut solus emeres, teneberis quanti interest mea: sed si ideo renuntiaveris, quia emptio tibi displicebat, non teneberis, quamvis ego emero, quia hic nulla fraus est: eaque et Iuliano placent. 5Labeo autem posteriorum libris scribsit, si renuntiaverit societati unus ex sociis eo tempore, quo interfuit socii non dirimi societatem, committere eum in pro socio actione: nam si emimus mancipia inita societate, deinde renunties mihi eo tempore, quo vendere mancipia non expedit, hoc casu, quia deteriorem causam meam facis, teneri te pro socio iudicio. Proculus hoc ita verum esse ait, si societatis non intersit dirimi societatem: semper enim non id, quod privatim interest unius ex sociis, servari solet, sed quod societati expedit. haec ita accipienda sunt, si nihil de hoc in coeunda societate convenit. 6Item qui societatem in tempus coit, eam ante tempus renuntiando socium a se, non se a socio liberat: itaque si quid compendii postea factum erit, eius partem non fert, at si dispendium, aeque praestabit portionem: nisi renuntiatio ex necessitate quadam facta sit. quod si tempus finitum est, liberum est recedere, quia sine dolo malo id fiat. 7Renuntiare societati etiam per alios possumus: et ideo dictum est procuratorem quoque posse renuntiare societati. sed utrum de eo dictum sit, cui omnium bonorum administratio concessa est, an de eo, cui hoc ipsum nominatim mandatum est, videamus, an vero per utrumque recte renuntietur? quod est verius, nisi si prohibuerit eum dominus specialiter renuntiare. 8Item scriptum est posse procuratori quoque meo socium meum renuntiare. quod Servius apud Alfenum ita notat: esse in potestate domini, cum procuratori eius renuntiatum est, an velit ratam habere renuntiationem. igitur is cuius procuratori renuntiatum est liberatus esse videbitur: an autem ipse quoque qui renuntiavit procuratori liberetur, in potestate eius erit, quemadmodum diximus in eo, qui socio renuntiat. 9Morte unius societas dissolvitur, etsi consensu omnium coita sit, plures vero supersint, nisi in coeunda societate aliter convenerit. nec heres socii succedit: sed quod ex re communi postea quaesitum est, item dolus et culpa in eo quod ex ante gesto pendet tam ab herede quam heredi praestandum est. 10Item si alicuius rei societas sit et finis negotio impositus, finitur societas: quod si integris omnibus manentibus alter decesserit, deinde tunc sequatur res, de qua societatem coierunt, tunc eadem distinctione utemur, qua in mandato, ut si quidem ignota fuerit mors alterius, valeat societas, si nota, non valeat. 11Societas quemadmodum ad heredes socii non transit, ita nec ad adrogatorem, ne alioquin invitus quis socius efficiatur cui non vult. ipse autem adrogatus socius permanet: nam et si filius familias emancipatus fuerit, permanebit socius. 12Publicatione quoque distrahi societatem diximus. quod videtur spectare ad universorum bonorum publicationem, si socii bona publicentur: nam cum in eius locum alius succedat, pro mortuo habetur. 13Si post distractam societatem aliquid in rem communem impenderit socius, actione pro socio id non consequitur, quia non est verum pro socio communiterve id gestum esse. sed communi dividundo iudicio huius quoque rei ratio habebitur: nam etsi distracta esset societas, nihilo minus divisio rerum superest. 14Si communis pecunia penes aliquem sociorum sit et alicuius sociorum quid absit, cum eo solo agendum, penes quem ea pecunia sit: qua deducta de reliquo, quod cuique debeatur, omnes agere possunt. 15Nonnumquam necessarium est et manente societate agi pro socio, veluti cum societas vectigalium causa coita est propterque varios contractus neutri expediat recedere a societate nec refertur in medium quod ad alterum pervenerit. 16Si unus ex sociis maritus sit et distrahatur societas manente matrimonio, dotem maritus praecipere debet, quia apud eum esse debet qui onera sustinet: quod si iam dissoluto matrimonio societas distrahatur, eadem die recipienda est dos, qua et solvi debet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Ad Dig. 17,2,65 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 405, Note 5.It is terminated by legal proceedings when the purpose for which it was formed is changed, either by stipulation or judicial decision; for Proculus says that a partnership is dissolved whether it be general or special, whenever legal steps are taken for the purpose of putting an end to it. 1Labeo says that a partnership is dissolved where the property of one of the partners is sold by his creditors. 2Labeo also says that if the partnership was formed for the purpose of purchasing or leasing something, that then, any profits which may have accrued, or any loss which may have taken place, must be divided in common after the death of one of the partners. 3We have stated that a partnership can be dissolved by the dissent of the parties, that is, if all of them are of one mind in this respect. But, what if only one of them should withdraw? Cassius stated that he who retires from the partnership releases his partners from responsibility, so far as he himself is concerned, but does not release himself from liability to them. This rule, however, should only be observed where the withdrawal is made from fraudulent motives; as, for instance, if we form a general partnership, and afterwards an inheritance passes to one of the partners and he retires on this account; if the inheritance should be productive of any loss, this must be borne by the partner who withdrew from the partnership, but he can be compelled by an action on partnership to share with the others any profits arising from the same. If he should acquire any property after his withdrawal, it will not be shared with the other partners, because fraud has not been committed with reference to it. 4Moreover, if we form a partnership for the purchase of certain property and afterwards you wish to purchase it yourself, and for this reason you withdraw from the partnership, you will be liable to the extent of my interest in said property. But if you withdraw because the purchase was displeasing to you, you will not be liable even if I purchase it; because in this instance no fraud exists. These opinions were also held by Julianus. 5Labeo also stated in his work on recent cases, that if one partner should withdraw from the partnership at a time when it was the interest of the other for it not to be dissolved; he will be liable to the action on partnership; for if we form a partnership for the purchase of slaves, and, after doing so, you withdraw from the association at a time which is not favorable for the sale of the slave, in this case, you will be liable to an action on partnership, because you have rendered my position worse. Proculus holds this opinion to be correct only where it is the interest of the partnership not to be terminated; for greater consideration is usually shown to what is beneficial to the partnership, than for the private advantage of one of the partners. These rules are only applicable where nothing has been agreed upon with reference to these matters, when the partnership was formed. 6Ad Dig. 17,2,65,6ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 87, S. 264: Auflösung der Societät durch Erklärung des Austritts eines Socius aus genügendem Grunde.Where a partnership has been formed for a certain time, one of the partners, by withdrawal from it before the time has elapsed, releases his partner from liability to himself, but he does not release himself from liability to his partner. Hence, if any profit is obtained after his withdrawal, he will not be entitled to any share of it; but if any expenses have been incurred, he must also pay his share, unless his withdrawal took place on account of some necessity. When, however, the time has elapsed, either party is free to withdraw, because this can be done without fraudulent intent. 7We can also withdraw from a partnership by the agency of others, and therefore it is held that an agent can also withdraw in behalf of his principal. Let us consider, however, whether what has been stated on this point applies to him to whom the general management of the partnership property has been entrusted, or to him to whom special directions on this subject have been given; or can the withdrawal legally be made in either instance? The latter is the more correct opinion, unless the principal expressly forbade the agent to withdraw. 8Ad Dig. 17,2,65,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 306, Note 10.It is also settled that my partner can give notice of his withdrawal to my agent. Servius says in a note on Alfenus that it is in the power of the principal, when notice of withdrawal is given to his agent, to ratify or reject it at his pleasure; therefore, he will be held to be released from liability to whose agent notice of withdrawal was given; but he, also, who gave notice to the agent of his withdrawal, will be released if he so desires; as we have stated with reference to one partner who personally notifies the other of his withdrawal. 9Ad Dig. 17,2,65,9Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 408, Note 12.A partnership is dissolved by the death of one of the partners, even though it was formed with the consent of all, and several survive, unless some other arrangement was made when the partnership was formed; nor can the heir of a partner succeed to the partnership, but he can share in the profits of it afterwards. Moreover, any loss resulting from fraud or negligence in transacting the business before the death of the partner, must be made good to the heir, as well as by him. 10Moreover, a partnership formed for any special purpose is terminated when the business for which it was entered into is finished. If, however, one of the partners should die, while the affairs of the partnership were still unchanged, and the reason for the formation of the partnership should only appear after his death, we must then make the same distinction as in the case of a mandate; namely, that if the death of one of the partners was unknown to the other, the partnership will continue to exist; but if it was known, it will be dissolved. 11Just as the partnership does not pass to the heirs of a partner, so also it does not pass to an arrogator; lest, otherwise, a partner might become associated with persons against his will. The party who was arrogated will, however, remain in the partnership, for even if a son under paternal control should be emancipated, he will still continue to be a partner. 12We have stated that a partnership can also be dissolved by the confiscation of property, which is held to relate to the forfeiture of all the property of a partner to the State, for the latter is considered as dead when another partner succeeds him. 13If any expense should be incurred with reference to the partnership property, after the partnership has been dissolved, a partner cannot recover said expense in an action on partnership, because it is not true that this was done in behalf of the other partner, or on account of the partnership interest; but, in an action for the division of property held in common, account must be taken of this expense, for although the partnership may have been dissolved, the division of the property nevertheless remains. 14Ad Dig. 17,2,65,14Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 407, Note 4.Where money belonging to a partnership is in the hands of one of the partners, and the capital of one of the latter is, to a certain extent, diminished; suit should only be brought against the partner who has possession of the money; and, after what is due to him has been deducted, all of them can bring suit for the balance which is due to each one. 15Ad Dig. 17,2,65,15ROHGE, Bd. 12 (1874), Nr. 90, S. 274: Actio pro socio eines Gesellschafters wegen einer von ihm bewirkten Bezahlung eines Gesellschaftsschuld nach Auflösung der Gesellschaft.It is sometimes necessary to bring an action on partnership while the partnership is still in existence; as, for instance, where the latter was formed for the purpose of collecting taxes; if on account of various contracts it is to the advantage of neither partner to withdraw from the partnership, and one of them fails to place what he has collected in the common fund. 16Where one of the partners is married, and the partnership is dissolved during the marriage, the said married partner can take the dowry of his wife out of the partnership property, in preference to any other claim; because it should be in the hands of him who sustains the burdens of marriage. If, however, the partnership is dissolved after the marriage has ceased to exist, he should receive the dowry on the very day when it should be paid.
Dig. 17,2,67Paulus libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si unus ex sociis rem communem vendiderit consensu sociorum, pretium dividi debet ita, ut ei caveatur indemnem eum futurum. quod si iam damnum passus est, hoc ei praestabitur. sed si pretium communicatum sit sine cautione et aliquid praestiterit is qui vendidit, an, si non omnes socii solvendo sint, quod a quibusdam servari non potest a ceteris debeat ferre? sed Proculus putat hoc ad ceterorum onus pertinere quod ab aliquibus servari non potest, rationeque defendi posse, quoniam, societas cum contrahitur, tam lucri quam damni communio initur. 1Si unus ex sociis, qui non totorum bonorum socii erant, communem pecuniam faeneraverit usurasque perceperit, ita demum usuras partiri debet, si societatis nomine faeneraverit: nam si suo nomine, quoniam sortis periculum ad eum pertinuerit, usuras ipsum retinere oportet. 2Si quid unus ex sociis necessario de suo impendit in communi negotio: iudicio societatis servabit et usuras, si forte mutuatus sub usuris dedit: sed et si suam pecuniam dedit, non sine causa dicetur, quod usuras quoque percipere debeat, quas possit habere, si alii mutuum dedisset. 3Non alias socius in id quod facere potest condemnatur, quam si confitetur se socium fuisse.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Where one of the partners sells the property of the partnership with the consent of the others, the price ought to be divided, and security furnished to indemnify him for the future; and if the said partner has already suffered any loss, it must be made good to him. If, however, the purchase-money is divided without any security being given, and the partner who made the sale was compelled to pay something on account of it; can he recover from some of the partners what he has not been able to collect from the others, where all of them are not solvent? Proculus thinks that this burden should be sustained by the others, if it cannot be collected from some of them; and that this can be defended on the ground that when the partnership was formed, a community of profit as well as loss was established. 1Where one of several partners, who did not belong to a general partnership, lent money which belonged to all of them, and collected the interest, he should only divide the interest if he lent the money in the name of the partnership; for if he did this in his own name, since he ran the risk of losing the principal, he is entitled to retain the interest. 2Where a partner incurs some necessary expense with reference to the business of the partnership, he can bring an action on partnership for the interest, if he should have borrowed the money at interest. But where he used his own money for this purpose, it is held, and not without reason, that he has a right to claim the same amount of interest which he could have collected if he had lent the money to anyone else. 3Judgment cannot be rendered against a partner to the extent of his resources, unless he acknowledged that he is a partner.
Dig. 19,2,7Paulus libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Si tibi alienam insulam locavero quinquaginta tuque eandem sexaginta Titio locaveris et Titius a domino prohibitus fuerit habitare, agentem te ex conducto sexaginta consequi debere placet, quia ipse Titio tenearis in sexaginta.
Ad Dig. 19,2,7ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 19, S. 48: Interesse, der Betrag, der dem Dritten hat bezahlt werden müssen.Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If I rent you a house belonging to another for fifty aurei, and you rent the same house to Titius for sixty, and Titius is forbidden by the owner to occupy it; it is established that you can bring an action on hiring against me, to recover sixty aurei, because you yourself are liable to Titius for sixty.
Dig. 19,4,1Paulus libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Sicut aliud est vendere, aliud emere, alius emptor, alius venditor, ita pretium aliud, aliud merx. at in permutatione discerni non potest, uter emptor vel uter venditor sit, multumque differunt praestationes. emptor enim, nisi nummos accipientis fecerit, tenetur ex vendito, venditori sufficit ob evictionem se obligare possessionem tradere et purgari dolo malo, itaque, si evicta res non sit, nihil debet: in permutatione vero si utrumque pretium est, utriusque rem fieri oportet, si merx, neutrius. sed cum debeat et res et pretium esse, non potest permutatio emptio venditio esse, quoniam non potest inveniri, quid eorum merx et quid pretium sit, nec ratio patitur, ut una eademque res et veneat et pretium sit emptionis. 1Unde si ea res, quam acceperim vel dederim, postea evincatur, in factum dandam actionem respondetur. 2Item emptio ac venditio nuda consentientium voluntate contrahitur, permutatio autem ex re tradita initium obligationi praebet: alioquin si res nondum tradita sit, nudo consensu constitui obligationem dicemus, quod in his dumtaxat receptum est, quae nomen suum habent, ut in emptione venditione, conductione, mandato. 3Ideoque Pedius ait alienam rem dantem nullam contrahere permutationem. 4Igitur ex altera parte traditione facta si alter rem nolit tradere, non in hoc agemus ut res tradita nobis reddatur, sed in id quod interest nostra illam rem accepisse, de qua convenit: sed ut res contra nobis reddatur, condictioni locus est quasi re non secuta.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. Just as it is one thing to sell, and another to buy, and as a difference exists between purchaser and vendor, so the price is one thing, and the property another. In an exchange, however, it cannot be ascertained which is the purchaser and which the vendor. Exchanges differ greatly, for a purchaser is liable to an action on sale, unless he pays the purchase-money to the vendor; and it is sufficient for the vendor to bind himself in case of eviction, to deliver possession and be free from fraud, and therefore, if the property sold is not lost by a better title, he owes nothing. In an exchange, however, if the property of each party is regarded as the price of that of the other, the title to each article must pass, but if it is considered as merchandise, neither is required to transfer the ownership. But, while in a sale there must be both property and a price, it cannot be ascertained in an exchange which is the property, and which is the price, nor does reason permit that the same thing shall be at once the property sold and the price of what is purchased. 1Wherefore, if one of the articles which I have received or given is afterwards taken away through a better title, it is held that an action in factum should be granted. 2Moreover, purchase and sale is contracted by the mere will of the parties consenting to the same; an exchange, however, gives rise to an obligation by the delivery of the property. Otherwise, if the property was not delivered, we hold that an obligation could be contracted by mere consent, which is only applicable to agreements of this kind which have their own specific designations, as purchase, sale, lease, and mandate. 3Therefore Pedius says that where a party gives property which belongs to another an exchange is not contracted. 4Hence, where delivery is made by one party, and the other refuses to deliver his property, we cannot institute proceedings for the reason that it is to our interest to have received the article concerning which the agreement was made; but there will be ground for a personal suit for recovery to compel the property to be restored to us, just as if the transaction had not taken place.
Dig. 35,2,71Paulus libro trigesimo secundo ad edictum. Potest heres in vendenda hereditate cavere, ut et lege Falcidia interveniente solida legata praestentur, quia ea lex heredis causa lata est nec fraus ei fit, si ius suum deminuat heres.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXII. In disposing of his rights to an estate, an heir can provide that in case the Falcidian Law should apply, the entire legacy shall be paid by the purchaser, because this law was enacted for the benefit of the heir, and the latter is not defrauded, if he himself diminishes his own right.
Dig. 44,4,9Idem libro trigensimo secundo ad edictum. Si procurator rei pecunia accepta damnari se passus sit et cum domino iudicati agatur, tuebitur se doli mali exceptione. nec hoc, quod acceperit procurator, auferri ab eo potest: nam turpiter accepta pecunia iustius penes eum est qui deceptus sit quam qui decepit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXXII. If the agent for a defendant suffers judgment to be rendered against him, after the money has been paid, and proceedings to enforce the judgment have been instituted against his principal, the latter can protect himself by pleading an exception on the ground of fraud. Nor can he be compelled to give up what he entrusted to his agent, for it is more just to permit money which has been dishonorably obtained to remain in the hands of the person who was deceived than under the control of him who was responsible for the deceit.