Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXVI
Dig. 6,1,42Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. Si in rem actum sit, quamvis heres possessoris, si nonaaDie Großausgabe fügt possideat, absolvatur, tamen si quid ex ein. persona defuncti commissum sit, omnimodo in damnationem veniet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVI. Where a suit in rem is brought, the heir of the possessor—if he himself is not in possession—will be released; still, if any personal liability of the deceased has been incurred, this must, by all means, be included in the judgment.
Dig. 10,4,10Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. Si optione intra certum tempus data iudicium in id tempus extractum est, quo frustra exhibetur, utilitas petitoris conservetur: quod si per heredem non stetit quo minus exhiberet tempore iudicii accipiendi, absolvendus est heres.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVI. Where a right of choice is granted within a certain time, and the trial has been protracted so long that the production will be of no avail, the advantage to which the plaintiff is entitled must be preserved; but if the heir was not to blame because he did not produce the property at the time when issue was joined, he should be discharged.
Dig. 10,4,12Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. De eo exhibendo, quem quis in libertatem vindicare velit, huic actioni locus esse potest. 1Et filius familias ea actione tenetur, si facultatem rei exhibendae habet. 2Saepius ad exhibendum agenti, si ex eadem causa agat, obstaturam exceptionem Iulianus ait: novam autem causam intervenire, si is, qui vindicandi gratia egisset, post acceptum iudicium eam ab aliquo accepit, et ideo exceptionem ei non officere. item si ei, qui furti acturus ad exhibendum egisset, iterum furtum factum sit. denique si quis optandi gratia ad exhibendum egisset et post litem contestatam alterius testamento optio data sit, ad exhibendum agere potest. 3Si quis ex uvis meis mustum fecerit vel ex olivis oleum vel ex lana vestimenta, cum sciret haec aliena esse, utriusque nomine ad exhibendum actione tenebitur, quia quod ex re nostra fit nostrum esse verius est. 4Si post iudicium acceptum homo mortuus sit, quamvis sine dolo malo et culpa possessoris, tamen interdum tanti damnandus est, quanti actoris interfuerit per eum non effectum, quo minus tunc cum iudicium acciperetur homo exhiberetur: tanto magis si apparebit eo casu mortuum esse, qui non incidisset, si tum exhibitus fuisset. 5Si iusta ex causa statim exhiberi res non possit, iussu iudicis cavere debebit se illo die exhibiturum. 6Heres non quasi heres, sed suo nomine hac actione uti potest: item heres possessoris suo nomine tenetur: igitur non procedit quaerere, an heredi et in heredem danda sit. plane ex dolo defuncti danda est in heredem haec actio, si locupletior hereditas eo nomine facta sit, veluti quod pretium rei consecutus sit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXXVI. There is ground for this action where a party is to be produced whose freedom anyone wishes to have established. 1A son under paternal authority is liable to this action, if he has power to produce the property. 2Julianus says that where several actions are brought for production of the same property, and this is done for the same reason, an exception can be pleaded. Where, however, a party brings suit for the recovery of property, and after issue has been joined he receives the property from another person, a new cause of action is introduced, and therefore he cannot avail himself of an exception. Again, where anyone is about to bring suit against a party for theft and institutes proceedings for production, and the property is stolen a second time, the same principle will apply. Finally, where a party institutes proceedings for production in order that a choice may be made, and after issue has been joined the right to choose is given to him by the will of some one else, he can bring another action for production. 3Where anyone makes must out of my grapes, or oil out of my olives, or clothing out of my wool, being aware that these things belong to another; he will be liable to an action for production with reference to both, because what is made out of our property is certainly ours. 4Ad Dig. 10,4,12,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 124, Note 9.Where a slave dies after issue has been joined, even though this happens without the malicious fraud or negligence of the possessor; still, judgment sometimes should be rendered against him to an amount equal to the benefit which would have accrued to the plaintiff if nothing should be done by the possessor to prevent the slave from being produced in court when issue was joined; and so much the more is this the case if it appears that he died on account of some accident which would not have happened if he had been produced at the time. 5Where property cannot be produced immediately for some good reason, the party must furnish security by order of court, that he will produce it upon a specified day. 6An heir can make use of this proceeding in his own name, but not while acting as heir. The heir of a possessor is also liable on his own account. Hence, it is not worth while to ask whether the action can be granted either to an heir or against one. It is evident that this action should be granted against an heir where the deceased had been guilty of fraud, if the estate has become more valuable on this account; for instance, where the heir obtained the price of the property.
Dig. 12,3,6Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. alias, si ex stipulatu vel ex testamento agatur, non solet in litem iurari.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVI. It is otherwise where proceedings are taken on a stipulation or under a will, for then it is not customary for the claim to be sworn to.
Dig. 40,4,31Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. Cum ex pluribus eodem nomine servis unus liber iussus non appareat qui sit, nullus liber est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVI. Where one of several slaves who have the same name is ordered to be free, and it is not apparent which one was meant, none of them will obtain freedom.
Dig. 50,16,37Paulus libro vicensimo sexto ad edictum. Verbum ‘oportere’ non ad facultatem iudicis pertinet, qui potest vel pluris vel minoris condemnare, sed ad veritatem refertur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVI. The expression, “is necessary,” has no reference to the authority of the judge, who can render a decision for a larger or a smaller amount, but relates to the truth.