Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXIV
Dig. 3,5,23Idem libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. Si ego hac mente pecuniam procuratori dem, ut ea ipsa creditoris fieret, proprietas quidem per procuratorem non adquiritur, potest tamen creditor etiam invito me ratum habendo pecuniam suam facere, quia procurator in accipiendo creditoris dumtaxat negotium gessit: et ideo creditoris ratihabitione liberor.
Ad Dig. 3,5,23Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 74, Note 4a; Bd. I, § 155, Note 9.The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIV. If I pay money to an agent, with the intention that it shall belong to my creditor, the ownership of the same is not acquired by the creditor through the agent; the creditor, however, can, by ratifying the act of the agent, make the money his own, even against my consent; for the reason that the agent in receiving it only attended to the business of the creditor, therefore, I am discharged from liability by the ratification of the creditor.
Dig. 11,6,6Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. sive de itineris latitudine sive de servitute immittendi proiciendique quaeratur, sive aream vel tignum vel lapidem metiendo mentitus fuerit
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. Or with reference to the breadth of a pathway, or as to a servitude calling for the insertion of timbers, or a projecting roof, when inquiry is made for this purpose, or where the measurement of a court-yard or of materials or stone is taken, and a false report given;
Dig. 13,5,29Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. Qui iniuriarum vel furti vel vi bonorum raptorum tenetur actione, constituendo tenetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. A person who is liable to an action for either injury, theft, or robbery, will be liable under a promise to pay.
Dig. 26,7,26Paulus libro vicesimo quarto ad edictum. Cum curatore et pro tutore etiam manente administratione agi potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. Proceedings can be instituted against a curator, and one occupying the place of a guardian, even during the continuance of his administration.
Dig. 26,8,10Paulus libro vicesimo quarto ad edictum. Tutor, qui per valetudinem vel absentiam vel aliam iustam causam auctor fieri non potuit, non tenetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. A guardian who, on account of sickness, absence, or any other good reason, cannot authorize his ward to perform some act, will not be liable.
Dig. 43,16,7Idem libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. Cum a te vi deiectus sim, si Titius eandem rem possidere coeperit, non possum cum alio quam tecum interdicto experiri.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXIV. If I have been forcibly ejected by you, and Titius has begun to possess the same property, I can institute proceedings under the interdict against no one but yourself.
Dig. 45,1,73Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. Interdum pura stipulatio ex re ipsa dilationem capit, veluti si id quod in utero sit aut fructus futuros aut domum aedificari stipulatus sit: tunc enim incipit actio, cum ea per rerum naturam praestari potest. sic qui Carthagini dari stipulatur, cum Romae sit, tacite tempus complecti videtur, quo perveniri Carthaginem potest. item si operas a liberto quis stipulatus sit, non ante dies earum cedit, quam indictae fuerint nec sint praestitae. 1Si servus hereditarius stipulatus sit, nullam vim habitura est stipulatio, nisi adita hereditas sit, quasi condicionem habeat. idem est et in servo eius qui apud hostes est. 2Stichi promissor post moram offerendo purgat moram: certe enim doli mali exceptio nocebit ei, qui pecuniam oblatam accipere noluit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. Sometimes the performance of an absolute stipulation is delayed by the nature of the thing itself; for instance, where someone has stipulated with reference to an unborn child, or future crops, or a house which is to be constructed, for then the right of action arises whenever delivery can be made, according to the nature of the property. Again, if anyone stipulates for payment to be made at Carthage, while he is at Rome, the time is tacitly understood to be included which will be necessary to consume in order to go to Carthage. In like manner, if anyone stipulates with a freedman for his services, their time will not expire before they have been defined and not performed. 1When a slave belonging to an estate makes a stipulation it will have no force or effect, unless the estate has been entered upon, just as if it was made under a condition. The same rule applies to a slave who is in the hands of the enemy. 2The promisor of Stichus, by tendering him after being in default, purges himself of the default. For it is certain that an exception on the ground of fraud will bar anyone who refuses to receive money tendered him.
Dig. 46,6,1Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. Cum pupillo rem salvam fore satisdatum sit, agi ex ea tunc potest, cum et tutelae potest.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. Where security is given that the property of a ward shall be safe, proceedings can be instituted under this stipulation whenever the action on guardianship can be brought.
Dig. 46,7,1Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. In stipulatione iudicatum solvi post rem iudicatam statim dies cedit, sed exactio in tempus reo principali indultum differtur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. The stipulation for the payment of a judgment becomes operative immediately after the decision is rendered; but the execution is postponed for the time granted to the principal debtor.
Dig. 50,16,32Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. ‘Minus solutum’ intellegitur etiam si nihil esset solutum.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. Less is understood to have been paid than is due, even when nothing at all has been paid.
Dig. 50,16,34Paulus libro vicensimo quarto ad edictum. ‘Actionis’ verbo etiam persecutio continetur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXIV. The recovery of property is also included in the term “action.”