Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 4,9,6Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Licet gratis navigaveris vel in caupona gratis deverteris, non tamen in factum actiones tibi denegabuntur, si damnum iniuria passus es. 1Si servo meo in nave vel in caupona utaris et damnum mihi det vel furtum faciat, quamquam et furti actio et damni iniuria mecum sit, haec tamen actio, quia in factum est, etiam servi mei nomine adversus te competit. idem dicetur, et si communis sit: tu tamen quod mihi praestiteris eius nomine, vel communi dividundo vel pro socio actione, aut si partem eius vel totum conduxisti, etiam ex conducto habebis me obligatum. 2Sed si damnum in eo datum sit ab alio, qui in eadem nave vel caupona est, cuius factum praetor aestimare solet, non putat Pomponius eius nomine hanc actionem utilem futuram. 3In factum actione caupo tenetur pro his, qui habitandi causa in caupona sunt: hoc autem non pertinet ad eum, qui hospitio repentino recipitur, veluti viator. 4Possumus autem furti vel damni iniuriae actione uti cum nautis, ut certi hominis factum arguamus: sed una contenti esse debebimus, et si cum exercitore egerimus, praestare ei debemus actiones nostras, quamvis ex conducto actio adversus eos competat exercitori. sed si absolutus sit exercitor hac actione, deinde agatur cum nauta, exceptio dabitur, ne saepius de eiusdem hominis admisso quaeratur. et contra, si de admisso unius hominis actum sit, deinde in factum actione agatur, exceptio dabitur.
Ad Dig. 4,9,6ROHGE, Bd. 17 (1875), Nr. 12, S. 40: Haftung des Gastwirths für die Sachen eines Reisenden ohne Rücksicht auf die Dauer und Bezahlung der Beherbergung.Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Although you may be transported in a ship without charge, or be entertained gratuitously in an inn, still, an action in factum will not be refused you if your property is unlawfully damaged. 1If my slave is attending you on board a ship, or in an inn, and he injures my property, or steals it; although I will be entitled to actions on the ground of theft, or damage to property, yet in this instance, the action, because it is in factum can be brought against you, even on account of the act of my slave. The same rule applies if the slave is our common property; still, whatever you pay me on account of what he may have done, whether you were liable in an action for partition, or in an action on partnership, or where you hired only a share in said slave, or all of him, you can hold me liable on the contract also. 2But where some injury has been committed against the said slave by someone else, on the same ship, or in the inn, whose acts the Prætor is accustomed to investigate, Pomponius does not think that this action can be brought on account of the slave. 3An inn-keeper is also liable to the action in factum, on account of those who have lodgings in the inn, but this rule does not apply to a party who is entertained as a transient guest, as, for instance, a traveller. 4We can also have recourse to an action of theft, or for damages against sailors, if we can prove the act of any particular person; but we should be content with one action, and if we proceed against the owner of the vessel, we must assign to him our right of action; although an action based upon hiring will lie in his favor against the other party. Where, however, the owner is discharged from liability in this action, and the party injured then brings suit against the sailor: an exception will be granted the latter, in order to prevent frequent trials being held on account of the conduct of the same man. On the other hand, if proceedings are instituted on account of the conduct of one man, and afterwards an action in factum is brought against the owner, an exception will be granted.
Dig. 9,1,2Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Haec actio non solum domino, sed etiam ei cuius interest competit, veluti ei cui res commodata est, item fulloni, quia eo quod tenentur damnum videntur pati. 1Si quis aliquem evitans, magistratum forte, in taberna proxima se immississet ibique a cane feroce laesus esset, non posse agi canis nomine quidam putant: at si solutus fuisset, contra.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. This action will lie, not only in favor of the owner of the damaged property, but also in favor of any party in interest; as for instance, of one to whom the property was loaned, and also of a fuller, because those who are liable are held to have sustained damage. 1Where anyone who is trying to escape from another, for example, from a magistrate, betakes himself to a neighboring shop and is bitten there by a ferocious dog, certain authorities hold that he has no right of action on account of the dog; but that he would have one if the dog was loose.
Dig. 9,1,4Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Haec actio utilis competit et si non quadrupes, sed aliud animal pauperiem fecit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. An equitable action will be available under these circumstances where the damage was committed, not by a quadruped but by some other animal.
Dig. 9,2,6Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. praeceptoris enim nimia saevitia culpae adsignatur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. As extreme severity on the part of an instructor is attributed to negligence.
Dig. 9,2,10Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. nam lusus quoque noxius in culpa est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. For a dangerous game should be classed as an act of negligence,
Dig. 9,2,14Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Sed si ipse heres eum occiderit, dictum est dandam in eum legatario actionem.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. But where the heir himself kills the slave, it has been established that an action against him must be granted to the legatee.
Dig. 9,2,22Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Proinde si servum occidisti, quem sub poena tradendum promisi, utilitas venit in hoc iudicium. 1Item causae corpori cohaerentes aestimantur, si quis ex comoedis aut symphoniacis aut gemellis aut quadriga aut ex pari mularum unum vel unam occiderit: non solum enim perempti corporis aestimatio facienda est, sed et eius ratio haberi debet, quo cetera corpora depretiata sunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Ad Dig. 9,2,22 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 285, Note 12.Hence if you have killed a slave whom I had contracted to deliver to some party under a penalty, the benefit to be derived by me must be considered in the hearing of the case. 1The personal qualities of the slave must also be taken into consideration in making the estimate, as for instance, where someone kills a slave who belonged to a troop of actors or singers; or one of twins; or one of a team of four horses; or the male or female of a pair of mules; for, under such circumstances, not only should an estimate be made of the value of the animal that is destroyed, but the depreciation of those that remain must also be taken into account.
Dig. 9,2,24Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Hoc apertius est circa vulneratum hominem: nam si confessus sit vulnerasse nec sit vulneratus, aestimationem cuius vulneris faciemus? vel ad quod tempus recurramus?
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. This point is more clearly shown where a slave is said to be wounded; but if the defendant should confess that he has wounded him, and this was not the case, upon what wound are we to base the appraisement, or to what date are we to refer?
Dig. 9,2,26Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Puta enim, quod qui convenitur fateatur se occidisse et paratus sit aestimationem solvere, et adversarius magni litem aestimat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Suppose, for example, that the person against whom the action is brought should confess that he killed the slave, and be prepared to pay his appraised value, and his adversary makes a very high estimate of the same.
Dig. 9,2,30Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Qui occidit adulterum deprehensum servum alienum, hac lege non tenebitur. 1Pignori datus servus si occisus sit, debitori actio competit. sed an et creditori danda sit utilis, quia potest interesse eius, quod debitor solvendo non sit aut quod litem tempore amisit, quaeritur. sed hic iniquum est et domino et creditori eum teneri. nisi si quis putaverit nullam in ea re debitorem iniuriam passurum, cum prosit ei ad debiti quantitatem et quod sit amplius consecuturus sit ab eo, vel ab initio in id, quod amplius sit quam in debito, debitori dandam actionem: et ideo in his casibus, in quibus creditori danda est actio propter inopiam debitoris vel quod litem amisit, creditor quidem usque ad modum debiti habebit Aquiliae actionem, ut prosit hoc debitori, ipsi autem debitori in id quod debitum excedit competit Aquiliae actio. 2Si quis alienum vinum vel frumentum consumpserit, non videtur damnum iniuria dare ideoque utilis danda est actio. 3In hac quoque actione, quae ex hoc capitulo oritur, dolus et culpa punitur: ideoque si quis in stipulam suam vel spinam comburendae eius causa ignem immiserit et ulterius evagatus et progressus ignis alienam segetem vel vineam laeserit, requiramus, num imperitia eius aut neglegentia id accidit. nam si die ventoso id fecit, culpae reus est (nam et qui occasionem praestat, damnum fecisse videtur): in eodem crimine est et qui non observavit, ne ignis longius procederet. at si omnia quae oportuit observavit vel subita vis venti longius ignem produxit, caret culpa. 4Si vulneratus fuerit servus non mortifere, neglegentia autem perierit, de vulnerato actio erit, non de occiso.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where anyone kills the slave of another who is caught in adultery he will not be liable under this law. 1Ad Dig. 9,2,30,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 249, Note 5.Where a slave given by way of pledge was afterwards killed, an action will lie in favor of the debtor, whether the creditor is entitled to a prætorian action on account of his interest in the slave, for the reason that the debtor is not solvent; or because he has lost his right of action by lapse of time, is a question. But it is unjust that the party should be liable to both the owner and the creditor, unless someone might hold that the debtor, in this instance, had not sustained any injury, since he had profited to the amount of the debt, and anything above that amount he could recover from the creditor; or, in the beginning, an action will be granted to the debtor for any amount in excess of the debt. Hence, in those instances in which an action should be granted to the creditor on account of the poverty of the debtor, or because he has lost his right of action, the creditor will be entitled to bring suit under the Lex Aquilia for the amount of the debt, and this will benefit the debtor to that extent; and an action under the Lex Aquilia will lie in favor of the debtor for the amount of legal damages over and above the debt. 2Where anyone consumes wine or grain belonging to another he is not held to have committed wrongful damage; and therefore a prætorian action should be granted. 3Ad Dig. 9,2,30,3ROHGE, Bd. 20 (1877), Nr. 96, S. 382: Schaden durch Ausbringen eines Ankers im Hafen ohne Bezeichnung.In the action which arises out of this Section, malice and negligence are punished. Therefore, where anyone sets fire to his stubble or thorns for the purpose of burning them, and the fire increases and spreads so as to injure the wheat or vines of another; we must ask whether this happened through his want of skill, or his negligence; for if he did this on a windy day he is guilty of negligence, as a person who affords an opportunity for the commission of damage is considered to have caused it; and he is equally guilty if he did not take precautions to prevent the fire from spreading. If, however, he took all necessary precautions, or a sudden, violent gust of wind caused the fire to spread, he is not guilty of negligence. 4Where a slave is wounded but not mortally, and dies from neglect, an action can be brought for wounding, but not for killing him.
Dig. 9,4,10Idem libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Sed et eo nomine agere cum socio poterit, quod servum communem deteriorem fecit, quemadmodum cum quolibet alio, qui rem communem deteriorem fecisset. ceterum si nihil praeterea post noxae deditionem commune habebit, pro socio vel, si socii non fuerunt, in factum agi poterit.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXII. Moreover, anyone can bring suit against his joint-owner on the ground that he has depreciated the value of the slave; just as he could against anyone else who depreciated the value of property owned in common. If, however, he held nothing in common after the surrender of the slave, he can bring an action on partnership, or if they were not partners he can bring an action in factum.
Dig. 9,4,17Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Si ex duobus dominis uno sciente, altero ignorante servus deliquit, si ante cum altero qui nesciebat actum sit et noxae dediderit servum, iniquum est vilissimi hominis deditione alterum quoque liberari: igitur agetur et cum altero, et si quid amplius est in damni persecutione, consequetur computato pretio hominis noxae dediti. ipsi tamen inter se sic debent pensare communi dividundo iudicium, ut, si ille quo sciente fecit praestiterit, non totius partem ferat, sed partem eius, quanti servus est: sic et si alter aliquid praestiterit, eius partem fieri. illud iniquum est eum, qui iussit servum facere, consequi aliquid a socio, cum ex suo delicto damnum patiatur. 1Si plures eiusdem servi nomine noxali mecum agere velint vel si unus pluribus iudiciis eiusdem servi nomine agat, in quo usus fructus tuus, proprietas mea sit, officio iudicis continebitur, cum eum noxae dedero, ut etiam usum fructum actoris faciam: sed per praetorem id consequar ego dominus proprietatis, ut aut cogat praetor te pro aestimatione usus fructus conferre ad litis aestimationem aut usu fructu cedere, si hoc expediat. et si ego dominus proprietatis eum servum nolui defendere, defensio tibi permittenda est, et si damnatus hominem tradas, et adversus me tueris.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where a slave who belongs to two owners commits an offence with the knowledge of one of them but without that of the other, if suit is brought against the one who is ignorant of the fact and he surrenders the slave by way of reparation, it is unjust that by the surrender of a worthless slave the other owner should be free from liability; hence suit can be brought against the latter also, and if in the attempt to collect damages anything more is obtained, the plaintiff will be entitled to it after calculation of the value of the slave surrendered has been made. The joint-owners, however, should divide their claims in an action for the division of common property in such a way that if the one who had knowledge of the act should make payment, he will not be entitled to a portion of all of it, but to a portion of the amount that the slave was worth; and if the other paid anything, he will be entitled to credit for his share. It is not just that the owner who ordered the slave to commit the offence should obtain anything from his fellow-owner, since the loss that he sustains is the result of his own misconduct. 1Where several persons wish to bring a noxal action against me on account of the same slave, or one party brings suit in several actions with reference to the same slave, he being one in whom you have an usufruct and I the mere ownership, it is part of the duty of the judge, when I surrender the slave by way of reparation, to provide that I transfer to the plaintiff the usufruct in him also; but I, as the mere proprietor, can apply to the Prætor to have him compel you to contribute to the estimated damages in proportion to the value of the usufruct, or to assign the usufruct, if this is more expedient. But if I, the mere owner, refuse to defend the action brought with reference to the slave, you should be permitted to defend it, and if, having lost it, you deliver the slave, you will be protected against me.
Dig. 9,4,19Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Si in re communi mea et tua damnum nobis dederit Titii servus, si cum eo agemus, erit noxali Aquiliae actioni locus, ne damnatus in solidum singulis noxae dedere cogatur. sed potest dici, quasi unius damnum sit et una obligatio, aut utrisque pecuniam sufferendam aut officio iudicis simul utrisque noxae dedendum: sed et si alterutri nostrum in solidum noxae deditus fuerit et ob id ab utroque dominus sit absolutus, recte dicitur eum, cui noxae deditus sit, alteri teneri communi dividundo iudicio, ut communicet servum noxae sibi deditum, cum ob rem communem aliquid ad socium pervenerit. 1Si servi, in quo usus fructus alienus est, dominus proprietatis operas conduxerit, verba efficiunt, ut cum noxae deditione damnetur. 2Si servus tuus navem exercuerit eiusque vicarius et idem nauta in eadem nave damnum dederit, perinde in te actio danda est ac si is exercitor liber et hic vicarius servus eius esset, ut de peculio servi tui ad noxam dedere vicarium damneris: ut tamen, si servi tui iussu vel sciente et patiente eo damnum vicarius dederit, noxalis actio servi tui nomine esse debeat. idemque sit etiam, si nautam facere iusserit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where a slave of Titius does some damage to property owned by you and me in common, and we institute proceedings against Titius, a noxal action under the Lex Aquilia will lie; and if he loses the suit he will be compelled to surrender the entire slave to us separately. It may be stated, however, as in the case where both the damage and the claim for it are acquired by one person alone, either the money should be tendered to both of us, or the slave be surrendered to both of us at the same time by order of court. Nevertheless, if the slave is surrendered to either of us without division of ownership, and on this account the owner is released from liability to both of us, it is very properly held that he to whom a surrender was made is liable to the other in an action for the division of common property, to compel him to transfer a share of the slave that was surrendered, since this is something which has come into the hands of the joint-owner through property held in common. 1Where the mere owner of a slave leases the services of the latter in whom someone else has the usufruct, the words of the Edict indicate that if judgment is rendered against him he will have the choice of surrendering the slave by way of reparation. 2Where your slave has charge of a ship, and his underslave, who is also a sailor on said ship, causes some damage, an action should be granted against you, just as if the party in charge was free, and the slave belonged to him; so that you will be ordered by the court to surrender the said slave by way of reparation as part of the peculium of your slave; although if the second slave committed the damage by order of your slave or with his knowledge and sufferance, a noxal action should be brought against you on account of your slave. The result will be the same if your slave should order a sailor to commit the act.
Dig. 11,1,8Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Si quis interrogatus de servo qui damnum dedit, respondit suum esse servum, tenebitur lege Aquilia quasi dominus et, si cum eo actum sit qui respondit, dominus ea actione liberatur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where a person who is interrogated with reference to a slave who has commited damage, answers that the slave is his, he will be liable under the Lex Aquilia as owner; and if the action is brought against him who answers, the real owner will be released from liability in said action.
Dig. 13,6,22Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Si servus, quem tibi commodaverim, furtum fecerit, utrum sufficiat contraria commodati actio (quemadmodum competit, si quid in curationem servi impendisti) an furti agendum sit, quaeritur. et furti quidem noxalem habere qui commodatum rogavit procul dubio est, contraria autem commodati tunc eum teneri, cum sciens talem esse servum ignoranti commodavit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where a slave whom I lent you commits a theft, the question arises whether a counter action on loan will be sufficient, just as this would lie if you had spent any money for the cure of the slave; or whether you can bring an action for theft? And, there is no doubt that the party who requested the loan can bring a noxal action for theft, and that the lender is liable to a counter action on loan, since he made the loan knowing that the slave was dishonest, while the other party was ignorant of the fact.
Dig. 19,2,45Paulus libro vicesimo secundo ad edictum. Si domum tibi locavero et servi mei tibi damnum dederint vel furtum fecerint, non teneor tibi ex conducto, sed noxali actione. 1Si hominem tibi locavero, ut habeas in taberna, et is furtum fecerit, dubitari potest, utrum ex conducto actio sufficiat, quasi longe sit a bona fide actum, ut quid patiaris detrimenti per eam rem quam conduxisti, an adhuc dicendum sit extra causam conductionis esse furti crimen et in propriam persecutionem cadere hoc delictum: quod magis est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. If I lease you a house and my slaves cause you any damage, or commit a theft, I am not liable to you on the lease, but in a noxal action. 1If I lease you a slave to be employed in your shop, and he commits a theft, it may be doubted whether an action on hiring will be sufficient in this instance; for it is far from being in accordance with the good faith implied by the contract that you should suffer any loss on account of the property which you have hired; or should it be stated that, in addition to the right of action based on the hiring, there is also one on the ground of the crime of theft, and that this offence gives rise to a peculiar right of action of its own? This is the better opinion.
Dig. 44,7,41Idem libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Quotiens lex obligationem introducit, nisi si nominatim caverit, ut sola ea actione utamur, etiam veteres eo nomine actiones competere. 1Si ex eodem facto duae competant actiones, postea iudicis potius partes esse, ut quo plus sit in reliqua actione, id actor ferat, si tantundem aut minus, id consequatur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XXII. Whenever the law introduces an obligation, unless it is especially provided that we shall only make use of one action, even ancient actions will lie for this purpose. 1If two actions for the same cause can be brought, and the plaintiff could have recovered a larger sum by making use of the other, which he did not bring, it will be the duty of the court to render a decision in his favor for that amount; but if he could only have recovered the same sum, or less, the second action will be of no advantage to him.
Dig. 47,7,11Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Sed si de arboribus caesis ex lege Aquilia actum sit, interdicto quod vi aut clam reddito absolvetur, si satis prima condemnatione gravaverit reum, manente nihilo minus actione ex lege duodecim tabularum.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Where, however, proceedings have been brought under the Aquilian Law for trees cut down, and judgment under the interdict Quod vi aut clam has been rendered, the defendant will be discharged, if, under the first decision, he has made a sufficient payment; but suit under the Law of the Twelve Tables can still be brought.
Dig. 47,8,1Paulus libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Qui rem rapuit, et furti nec manifesti tenetur in duplum et vi bonorum raptorum in quadruplum. sed si ante actum sit vi bonorum raptorum, deneganda est furti: si ante furti actum est, non est illa deneganda, ut tamen id quod amplius in ea est consequatur.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Anyone who takes property by force is liable to the action of non-manifest theft for double damages, and to the action of robbery with violence for quadruple damages. If the action for robbery with violence is first brought, that of theft will be refused. If that for theft is first brought, the other will not be refused, but only what exceeds the amount included in the first suit can be recovered.
Dig. 50,17,131Paulus libro vicesimo secundo ad edictum. Qui dolo desierit possidere, pro possidente damnatur, quia pro possessione dolus est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXII. Anyone who fraudulently relinquishes possession has judgment rendered against him as the possessor, because his fraud renders him liable as possessor.