Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XVIII
Dig. 9,4,22Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Si servus depositus vel commodatus sit, cum domino agi potest noxali actione: ei enim servire intellegitur et, quod ad hoc edictum attinet, in potestate eius est, maxime si copiam habeat reciperandi hominis. 1Is qui pignori accepit vel qui precario rogavit non tenetur noxali actione: licet enim iuste possideant, non tamen opinione domini possident: sed hos quoque in potestate domini intellegi, si facultatem repetendi eos dominus habeat. 2Quid est habere facultatem repetendi? habeat pecuniam, ex qua liberari potest: nam non debet cogi vendere res suas, ut solvat pecuniam et repetat servum. 3Dominus, qui servum in sua potestate esse confitetur, aut exhibere eum debet aut absentem defendere: quod nisi faciat, punitur atque si praesentem non noxae dederit. 4Si negavit dominus in sua potestate esse servum, permittit praetor actori arbitrium, utrum iureiurando id decidere an iudicium dictare sine noxae deditione velit, per quod vincet, si probaverit eum in potestate esse vel dolo eius factum, quo minus esset: qui autem non probaverit in potestate adversarii esse servum, rem amittit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Where a slave is deposited with someone or loaned to him, a noxal action can be brought against the owner, for the slave is understood to still serve him, and as far as relates to this Edict, he is in his power; and especially is this the case if he has the means of recovering him. 1He who has received a slave in pledge or holds him by sufferance of his owner is not liable in a noxal action, for even though parties may have lawful possession, nevertheless, they have not possession as owners; hence those slaves are understood to be in the power of their owner, if the said owner has the means of recovering them. 2What is the meaning of the words, “Has the means of recovering them”? It signifies that he has the money by which to release them, for he ought not to be compelled to sell his property in order to pay the money and recover the slave. 3Where an owner confesses that a slave is in his power he must either produce him in court or defend him, if he is absent; and if he does neither, he will be punished just as if the slave had been present and he had not surrendered him. 4Where the owner denies that the slave is in his power, the Prætor permits the plaintiff to choose whether he will decide the matter by means of an oath, or whether judgment shall be rendered without the surrender of the slave; by which means he will succeed if he proves that the slave is in the power of the defendant, or that he has acted fraudulently so that he may not be; but a party who does not prove that the slave is in the power of his adversary loses his case.
Dig. 9,4,24Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. De illo videndum, utrum adversus eum tantum, qui dolo fecit, quo minus in potestate haberet, actio locum habeat noxalis, si ex dolo eius acciderit, ut cesset noxalis actio (forte si servo suo fugam mandavit) an et si possit nihilo minus cum alio agi (quod accidit, cum alienatus manumissusve est). quod est verius: in quo casu electio est actoris, cum quo velit agere. Iulianus autem ait de eo qui manumisit, si paratus sit defendere se manumissus, exceptionem dandam ei qui manumisit. hoc et Labeo.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. It must be considered whether a noxal action can be brought only against the party who fraudulently managed to prevent the slave from being in his power if it should happen through his fraud that a noxal action will not be available; for instance, where he ordered his slave to take the flight; or whether an action cannot, nevertheless, be brought against some other party; which would be the case if the slave were sold or manumitted? The latter is the better opinion, as in this instance the plaintiff has the choice of proceeding against either party. Julianus, however, says that if the manumitted slave is ready to defend his case, an exception should be granted to the person who manumitted him; and this is also the opinion of Labeo.
Dig. 9,4,26Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Electio vero alterum liberabit: id enim praetor introduxit, ne eluderetur actor, non ut etiam lucrum faceret: ideoque exceptione a sequenti summovebitur. 1His consequens est, ut, si plures dolo fecerint, quo minus in potestate haberent, eligere debeat actor, quem velit convenire. 2Item si ex pluribus dominis quidam dolo malo partes suas desierint possidere, electio erit actoris, utrum directo agere velit cum eo qui possidet, an praetoria cum eo qui desiit possidere. 3Si servum alienum alius in iure suum esse responderit, altero solvente alter liberatur. 4Si is, quem desieris dolo possidere, decesserit, priusquam hac actione convenireris, liberaris, quia haec actio in locum directae actionis succedit: diversum dicemus, si moram feceris in iudicio accipiendo. 5Neque heredi neque in heredem, quod defunctus mentitus est, actio danda est, nec in ipsum quolibet tempore: nam liberum esse debet defendenti absentem servum huius edicti poenam evitare, id est ut sine noxae deditione conveniatur. et ideo si negaveris servum in tua potestate esse, postea fateri poteris, nisi si iam lis adversus te contestata est: nam tunc audiri non debebis, ut Labeo ait: Octavenus ex causa etiam lite contestata tibi succurrendum, utique si aetas tua ea sit, ut ignosci tibi debeat. 6Si absente domino ductus sit servus vel etiam praesente et in eadem causa sit, ut in integrum restitui possit, defensio permittitur eius nomine qui ductus est: postulantibus enim exhiberi eum ad defendendum indulgere praetor debet. idem concedendum est fructuario vel cui pignoris nomine obligatus est, si praesens dominus defendere noluerit, ne alterius dolus aut desidia aliis noceat. idem praestandum est in servo communi, quem alter ex dominis praesens noluit defendere. sed et actori his casibus succurrendum est, quia placet dominii adquisitione extingui actionem: iussu enim praetoris ductus in bonis fit eius qui duxit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. The choice of one defendant releases the other; for the Prætor introduced this right to prevent the plaintiff from being thwarted, and not that he might obtain any profit; and therefore he will be barred by an exception if he brings the other suit. 1It follows as a result that where several persons fraudulently manage to avoid having the slave in their power, the plaintiff must select which one he would rather sue. 2Again, if of several joint-owners, some, through malicious fraud, relinquish possession of their shares; the plaintiff has the choice as to whether he will proceed directly against the party who was in possession, or whether he will bring a prætorian action against him who has ceased to be in possession. 3Where a party answers in court that a slave who belongs to another is his, then, if either one should pay, the other will be discharged. 4If a slave of whom you have fraudulently relinquished possession dies before this action is brought against you, you will be discharged because this action takes the place of the direct one. We hold that the case is different where you are in default in joining issue. 5An action will not be granted to an heir, or against an heir, on the ground that the deceased stated what was false, nor against the party himself, after the lapse of an indefinite time; for anyone is free to assume the defence of an absent slave in order to avoid the penalty prescribed by this Edict, that is to say, to be sued without the right to surrender the slave by way of reparation. Therefore, if you deny that the slave is in your power, you can afterwards confess that he is, unless joinder of issue has already taken place in the case against you; for then you ought not to be heard; as Labeo says. Octavenus, however, says that you are entitled to relief even after issue has been joined, if cause is shown, at all events if your age is such that indulgence should be granted you. 6Where a slave is taken away during the absence of his master, or even in his presence, and matters are still in such a condition that complete restitution is possible, a defence is permitted on account of the slave that was taken away; for if a request was made for him to be produced in court for the purpose of making a defence, the Prætor ought to grant it. The same relief should be afforded an usufructuary or one to whom the slave was pledged on account of a debt, where the owner is present and refuses to make a defence, in order that the malice or negligence of one man may not injure others. The same relief must also be afforded where a slave is held in common and one of his owners, who is present, refuses to make a defence. In these instances the plaintiff is also entitled to relief because it is established that the right of action is extinguished by the acquisition of ownership; for when the slave is removed by order of the Prætor, he becomes the property of the party who led him away.
Dig. 12,2,2Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Iusiurandum speciem transactionis continet maioremque habet auctoritatem quam res iudicata.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. The taking of an oath has the appearance of a compromise, and it has greater weight than the judgment of a court.
Dig. 12,2,4Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. vel filiorum tuorum,
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Or the heads of your sons,
Dig. 12,2,8Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. etiamsi in rem successerint.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Even though they succeed to the property.
Dig. 12,2,10Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. quia non deberet alii nocere, quod inter alios actum esset.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Because a transaction between certain parties should not injure anyone else.
Dig. 12,2,17Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Iusiurandum, quod ex conventione extra iudicium defertur, referri non potest. 1Pupillus tutore auctore iusiurandum deferre debet: quod si sine tutore auctore detulerit, exceptio quidem obstabit, sed replicabitur, quia rerum administrandarum ius ei non competit. 2Si tutor qui tutelam gerit aut curator furiosi prodigive iusiurandum detulerit, ratum id haberi debet: nam et alienare res et solvi eis potest et agendo rem in iudicium deducunt. 3Procurator quoque quod detulit ratum habendum est, scilicet si aut universorum bonorum administrationem sustinet aut si id ipsum nominatim mandatum sit aut si in rem suam procurator sit:
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Where an oath is tendered extrajudicially in accordance with an agreement, it cannot be tendered back again. 1A ward shall tender an oath with his guardian’s consent, because, if he tenders it without it, an exception can be placed against him; but he is entitled to a replication, because he has no legal right to attend to his own affairs. 2Where a guardian who is administering a guardianship, or the curator of an insane person or a spendthrift, tenders an oath, it should be considered as ratified; as they dispose of property, and give receipts where money is paid, and can also bring a matter into court by means of a legal action. 3Moreover, where an agent tenders an oath, it must be sustained where he has control of all the property of his principal, or was especially directed to do this, or is an agent acting in his own behalf.
Dig. 12,2,20Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Servus quod detulit vel iuravit, servetur, si peculii administrationem habuit:
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Where a slave tenders an oath or takes one, it will be sustained if he has the administration of his peculium:
Dig. 12,2,22Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Quidam et de peculio actionem dandam in dominum, si actori detulerit servus iusiurandum. eadem de filio familias dicenda sunt.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Some authorities hold that an action De peculio should be granted against the owner where a slave tenders an oath to the plaintiff. The same rules apply to a son under paternal control.
Dig. 12,2,26Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Qui iurasse dicitur nihil refert cuius sexus aetatisve sit: omni enim modo custodiri debet iusiurandum adversus eum, qui contentus eo cum deferret fuit: quamvis pupillus non videatur peierare, quia sciens fallere non videatur. 1Si pater filium dare non oportere iuraverit, Cassius respondit et patri et filio dandam exceptionem iurisiurandi: si pater iuraverit in peculio nihil esse, filius conveniri poterit: sed et pater ita convenietur, ut post adquisiti peculii ratio habeatur. 2Iurisiurandi condicio ex numero esse potest videri novandi delegandive, quia proficiscitur ex conventione, quamvis habeat et instar iudicii.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Where any one is said to have sworn, it makes no difference what his or her sex, or age may be, for the oath should, by all means, be sustained against the party who was content with it when he tendered it; although a ward is never considered to have perjured himself, because it is not held that he can knowingly be guilty of deception. 1If a father swears that his son is not obliged to pay; Cassius stated as his opinion that an exception based on the oath should be granted to both father and son. Where a father swears that there is nothing in the peculium, an action can be brought against the son; and it can also be brought against the father in order to obtain an accounting for any peculium which may have been subsequently acquired. 2The taking of an oath may be considered as belonging to the same class as the renewal or assignment of an obligation, as it grows out of an agreement; although it also bears some resemblance to a judgment.
Dig. 12,2,28Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. In duobus reis stipulandi ab altero delatum iusiurandum etiam alteri nocebit. 1Quod reus iuravit, etiam fideiussori proficit. a fideiussore exactum iusiurandum prodesse etiam reo Cassius et Iulianus aiunt: nam quia in locum solutionis succedit, hic quoque eodem loco habendum est: si modo ideo interpositum est iusiurandum, ut de ipso contractu et de re, non de persona iurantis ageretur. 2Si ei, qui debitorem meum in iudicium exhibere promisit, iusiurandum detulerim isque iuraverit se omnino exhibitionem eius non promississe, prodesse debitori meo id non debet: si vero iuraverit se nihil mihi praestare oportere, distinguendum sit et replicatione emendandum, utrum ideo iuraverit an quia post promissionem exhibuerit an vero quia solverit: quod et in fideiussorem debiti distinguendum est. 3Ex duobus reis promittendi eiusdem pecuniae alter iuravit: alteri quoque prodesse debebit. 4Exceptio iurisiurandi non tantum si ea actione quis utatur, cuius nomine exegit iusiurandum, opponi debet, sed etiam si alia, si modo eadem quaestio in hoc iudicium deducatur, forte si ob actionem mandati negotiorum gestorum societatis ceterasque similes iusiurandum exactum sit, deinde ex isdem causis certum condicatur, quia per alteram actionem altera quoque consumitur. 5Si quis iuraverit se non rapuisse, non debet adiuvari hoc iureiurando in actione furti aut condictione, quia aliud est furtum fecisse, quod vel clam fieri potest. 6Colonus, cum quo propter succisas forte arbores agebatur ex locato, si iuraverit se non succidisse, sive e lege duodecim tabularum de arboribus succisis sive e lege Aquilia damni iniuria sive interdicto quod vi aut clam postea convenietur, per exceptionem iurisiurandi defendi poterit. 7Quae iuravit divortii causa rem se non amovisse, non debet defendi per exceptionem, si cum ea in rem agatur, et si contendat suam esse, alio iureiurando opus est: contra si iuraverit suam esse, debet in actione rerum amotarum defendi. et omnino hoc observandum est, licet per aliam actionem eadem quaestio moveatur, ut exceptio iurisiurandi locum habeat. 8Igitur si quis iuravit se non esse condemnatum, etiamsi ex stipulatu iudicatum solvi ob rem iudicatam conveniatur, defendetur per exceptionem. contra si, cum ex stipulatu iudicatum solvi conveniretur, iuravit se dare non oportere, agenti iudicati non utique obstabit exceptio: potest enim fieri, ut non sit commissa stipulatio, licet res iudicata sit: nisi ideo iurasset, quod nec damnatum se esse diceret. 9Item Pomponius ait eum, qui furtum sibi factum alicuius rei iuravit, non statim etiam condictionis causam nancisci. 10Item cum ex hac parte iusiurandum et actionem et exceptionem inducat, si forte reus extra iudicium actore inferente iuraverit se dare non oportere et actor reo deferente dari sibi oportere, vel contra, posterior causa iurisiurandi potior habebitur: nec tamen praeiudicium periurio alterius fiet, quia non quaeretur, an dare eum oportet, sed an actor iuraverit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Where two creditors jointly interested enter into a stipulation, and the oath is tendered by one of them, it will also prejudice the other. 1Where the principal debtor takes an oath, it also benefits a surety; and where an oath is required of a surety it likewise benefits the principal debtor, as Cassius and Julianus say; for, because it takes the place of payment it must, in this instance also, be considered as doing so; provided that the oath was introduced with reference to the contract itself and the property in question, and not with respect to the person who was sworn. 2Ad Dig. 12,2,28,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 295, Note 6.Where anyone promises to produce my debtor in court, and I tender him the oath, and he swears that he never promised to produce him, this should be of no advantage to my debtor; but if he swears that he himself is not at all indebted to me, a distinction ought to be made, and the proceedings amended by means of a replication; whether he made oath to the effect that after his promise he had produced the party, or, in fact, had paid what was due. A distinction of the same kind can also be made in the case of a surety for a debt. 3Where one of two joint-debtors of a certain sum of money took the oath; this should also benefit the other. 4An exception based upon an oath can be used not only where a party brings an action on account of the matter for which he executed the oath, but also with reference to another case, provided the same question is concerned in the latter proceeding; for example, where an oath is required in an action on mandate, or in one based on business transacted, partnership, and others of the same kind; and then a specific action for recovery based on the same matters can be brought, for the reason that one action is annulled by the other. 5Where anyone swears that he did not commit robbery, he should not be permitted to derive any advantage from his oath in an action for theft, or in one for the recovery of stolen property; because theft is a different crime, being one that can be perpetrated secretly. 6Where suit is brought against a tenant on his lease, for instance, because trees have been cut down, and he swears that he did not cut them, and he is afterwards sued under the Law of the Twelve Tables for having cut trees, or under the Lex Aquilia for wrongful damage, or an interdict Quod vi aut clam is applied for against him; he can make a defence by means of an exception based upon his oath. 7Where a woman swears that she did not remove property belonging to her husband on account of a divorce, she cannot make a defence by means of an exception, if suit is brought against her for the recovery of the property, and if she contends that it is hers, another oath will be required; on the other hand, if she swore that the property was hers, this oath can be set up as a defence in an action for the removal of property which has been removed. And, indeed, it should be generally observed that where the same question comes up in a different action, an exception based upon the oath will be available. 8Therefore, where a party swears that judgment was not rendered against him, even though he is sued on a judgment based on a stipulation that the decision of the court will be obeyed; he can defend himself by means of an exception. Where, however, on the other hand, he is sued on the stipulation that the decision of the court will be complied with, and he then swears that he is not obliged to pay, an exception cannot be properly pleaded against the party bringing suit on the judgment; for it may happen that the stipulation did not become operative, even though judgment was rendered against him, unless he should swear that this was not the case. 9Moreover, Pomponius says that where a man swears that some of his property was stolen, he does not immediately acquire a good cause of action for the recovery of the property. 10Again, since under this Section the oath affords ground for both an action and an exception, if the defendant takes an oath out of court, which is tendered by the plaintiff, and swears that he is not obliged to pay; and then the plaintiff, on the tender of the oath by the defendant, swears that he has a right to exact payment, or vice-versa; the last claim supported by oath will have more force, but this will not prejudice the point as to whether the other party has committed perjury; for the question is not whether the defendant was obliged to pay, but whether the plaintiff made oath that he was.
Dig. 12,2,30Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Eum, qui iuravit ex ea actione quae infitiando crescit aliquid sibi deberi, simpli, non dupli persecutionem sibi adquirere Pedius ait: abunde enim sufficere exonerare petitorem probandi necessitate, cum omissa hac parte edicti dupli actio integra maneat: et potest dici hoc iudicio non principalem causam exerceri, sed iusiurandum actoris conservari. 1Si iuravero te Stichum mihi dare oportere, qui non sit in rerum natura, nec aestimationem mihi praestare reus debet nisi ex causa furtiva vel propter moras: tunc enim etiam post mortem servi aestimatio praestatur. 2Si mulier iuraverit decem dotis sibi deberi, tota ea summa praestanda est: sed si iuravit decem se dedisse in dotem, hoc solum non erit quaerendum, an data sint, sed quasi data sint, quod ex eo reddi oportet praestandum erit. 3In popularibus actionibus iusiurandum exactum ita demum adversus alios proderit, si bona fide exactum fuerit: nam et si quis egerit, ita demum consumit publicam actionem, si non per collusionem actum sit. 4Si libertus deferente patrono iuravit se libertum non esse, ratum habendum est iusiurandum, ut nec operarum petitio nec bonorum possessio contra tabulas dari debeat. 5Si iuravero usum fructum mihi dari oportere, non aliter dari debet, quam si caveam boni viri arbitratu me usurum et finito usu fructu restituturum.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Pedius says that where a man, in an action in which the amount is increased by the denial of the defendant, swears that something is owing to him, he acquires a right to bring suit for simple and not for double damages; for it is abundantly sufficient that the plaintiff should be freed from the necessity of proving his case, since, leaving out this part of the Edict, his right of action for double damages remains unimpaired; and it may be said that in a case of this kind the principal cause of action is not the object of the proceeding, but that the oath of the plaintiff should take effect. 1If I swear that you are obliged to deliver Stichus to me, and such a slave is not in existence, you, as defendant, are not required to pay me his value, except in case of theft or because of your default; for in either of these instances the value of the slave must be stated, even after his death. 2Where a woman swears that ten aurei are due to her on account of dowry, that entire amount must be paid; but if she swears that she paid ten aurei by way of dowry, inquiry will not be made as to the mere fact whether the amount was paid, but it will be considered as paid, and whatever portion should be returned must be given to her. 3In a popular action, an oath which has been exacted can be used against others only if it was demanded in good faith; for, where anyone institutes proceedings, this does not prevent a public action, unless the proceedings were instituted through collusion. 4Where a freedman, after his patron has tendered him the oath, swears that he is not his freedman, the oath must be sustained; so that no claim for services, nor one for the possession of the property of an estate contrary to the provisions of the will, can be considered. 5If I swear that I have a right to have a usufruct transferred to me, this should be done only where I give security that I will make use of it in the way that a good citizen would do, and that, when the usufruct terminates, I will restore it.
Dig. 16,3,20Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Si sine dolo malo rem depositam tibi amiseris, nec depositi teneris nec cavere debes, si deprehenderis eam reddi: si tamen ad te iterum pervenerit, depositi teneris.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. If you, without having been guilty of fraud, have lost property which has been deposited with you, you will not be liable to an action on deposit, nor should you give security to return the property if you should again obtain possession of it. If, however, it should come into your hands a second time, you will be liable to an action on deposit.
Dig. 25,2,14Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. De rebus amotis permittendum marito vel uxori de quibusdam rebus iusiurandum deferre, de quibusdam probare.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XXVIII. In an action for the recovery of property which has been wrongfully appropriated, the husband or the wife shall be permitted to tender the oath with reference to certain property, and to confirm what has been testified to with reference to any other.
Dig. 39,3,7Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Is cum quo aquae pluviae arcendae agitur, quod opus fecit, licet cedere loco paratus sit, cogitur accipere iudicium, quoniam et suo nomine convenitur, ut opus tollat. 1Aliud est in bonae fidei emptore: hic enim tantum patientiam praestat: igitur si et fundo cedat, audiendus est: plus enim praestat.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. He against whom suit is brought to compel him to take care of rain-water, and who has performed the work rendering him liable to such an action, will be compelled to join issue in the case, even if he is ready to abandon it, since he is sued personally in his own name to compel him to remove the structure. 1The case is different with a bona fide purchaser, for he can only be compelled to permit the destruction of the work; and therefore if he abandons the property he should be heard, for he offers to do more than is required of him.
Dig. 44,1,5Idem libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Is, qui dicetaaDie Großausgabe liest dicit statt dicet. se iurasse, potest et aliis exceptionibus uti cum exceptione iurisiurandi vel aliis solis: pluribus enim defensionibus uti permittitur.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XVIII. A defendant who alleges that he has already sworn in court that he does not owe the money for which he is sued, can avail himself of all other exceptions in addition to that based on taking the oath, or of the rest of them without it; for he is permitted to make use of several defences.
Dig. 45,1,76Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Si stipulatus fuerim ‘illud aut illud, quod ego voluero’, haec electio personalis est, et ideo servo vel filio talis electio cohaeret: in heredes tamen transit obligatio et ante electionem mortuo stipulatore. 1Cum stipulamur ‘quidquid te dare facere oportet’, id quod praesenti die dumtaxat debetur in stipulationem deducitur, non (ut in iudiciis) etiam futurum: et ideo in stipulatione adicitur verbum ‘oportebit’ vel ita ‘praesens in diemve’. hoc ideo fit, quia qui stipulatur ‘quidquid te dare oportet’ demonstrat eam pecuniam quae iam debetur: quod si totam demonstrare vult, diciaaDie Großausgabe liest dicit statt dici. ‘oportebitve’ vel ita ‘praesens in diemve’.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. When I stipulate for one thing or the other, whichever I may select, the choice is a personal one and therefore a selection of this kind attaches to a slave or a son under paternal control. If, however, the stipulator should die before making his choice, the obligation will pass to the heirs. 1When we stipulate that you shall either give or do something, that which is owing at the present time is only included in the stipulation, and not what may be due hereafter, for instance, on judgments. Therefore, the words, “What you must pay,” “either now, or within a certain time” are inserted into the stipulation. This is done because a person who stipulates for you to pay something has reference to money which is already due. If, however, he wishes to designate the entire indebtedness, he says, “What you must pay either now or within a certain time.”
Dig. 46,1,29Idem libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Si sub impossibili condicione stipulatus sim, fideiussor adhiberi non potest.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XVIII. If I have stipulated under an impossible condition, I cannot be compelled to furnish a surety.
Dig. 50,17,136Paulus libro octavo decimo ad edictum. Bona fides tantundem possidenti praestat, quantum veritas, quotiens lex impedimento non est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVIII. Good faith concedes as much to a possessor as he is really entitled to, whenever the law does not prevent this from being done.