Ad edictum praetoris libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 5,1,12Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. Cum praetor unum ex pluribus iudicare vetat, ceteris id committere videtur. 1Iudicem dare possunt, quibus hoc lege vel constitutione vel senatus consulto conceditur. lege, sicut proconsuli. is quoque cui mandata est iurisdictio iudicem dare potest: ut sunt legati proconsulum. item hi quibus id more concessum est propter vim imperii, sicut praefectus urbi ceterique Romae magistratus. 2Non autem omnes iudices dari possunt ab his qui iudicis dandi ius habent: quidam enim lege impediuntur ne iudices sint, quidam natura, quidam moribus. natura, ut surdus mutus: et perpetuo furiosus et impubes, quia iudicio carent. lege impeditur, qui senatu motus est. moribus feminae et servi, non quia non habent iudicium, sed quia receptum est, ut civilibus officiis non fungantur. 3Qui possunt esse iudices, nihil interest in potestate an sui iuris sint.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. Where the Prætor forbids one of several persons to preside as judge, he is held to have allowed the others to do so. 1Those authorities can appoint a judge to whom this right is granted by a law, or by a constitution, or by a decree of the Senate. By a law; for example, this right may be conferred upon a Proconsul. He also can appoint a judge to whom jurisdiction has been delegated, as, for instance, the Deputies of Proconsuls. Moreover, those can do so to whom it has been permitted by custom, on account of the Imperial authority which they enjoy, for instance, the Prefect of the City, and other magistrates at Rome. 2Those who have the right to appoint judges cannot appoint them indiscriminately; for some persons are prevented by law from becoming judges; others are prevented by nature; and others, still, by custom. By nature; as persons who are deaf, dumb, and such as are incurably insane, as well as boys who are minors, because they are deficient in judgment. A party is prevented by law, who has been expelled from the Senate. Women and slaves are prevented by custom, not because they are deficient in judgment, but because it has been established that they cannot perform the duties belonging to civil employments. 3When persons are eligible as judges, it makes no difference whether they are under the control of another, or are their own masters.
Dig. 11,1,3Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. quia plerumque difficilis probatio aditae hereditatis est.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. For the reason that proof of entry upon an estate is, for the most part, difficult.
Dig. 11,1,12Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. Si filius, qui abstinuit se paterna hereditate, in iure interrogatus responderit se heredem esse, tenebitur: nam ita respondendo pro herede gessisse videtur. sin autem filius, qui se abstinuit, interrogatus tacuerit, succurrendum est ei: quia hunc qui abstinuit praetor non habet heredis loco. 1Exceptionibus, quae institutis in iudicio contra reos actionibus opponuntur, etiam is uti potest, qui ex sua responsione convenitur, veluti pacti conventi, rei iudicatae et ceteris.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. Where a son who has rejected his father’s estate, is interrogated in court and answers that he is the heir, he will be liable; for by answering in this manner he is held to have acted as the heir. But if a son who has rejected the estate is interrogated, and remains silent, he is entitled to relief; for the Prætor does not consider anyone who has rejected an estate as an heir. 1Any exception which can be employed in bar of an action brought in court against defendants can also be employed by a party against whom proceedings have been instituted on account of his answer; as, for instance, one based upon informal agreement, or previous decision, etc.
Dig. 16,3,9Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. In depositi actione si ex facto defuncti agatur adversus unum ex pluribus heredibus, pro parte hereditaria agere debeo: si vero ex suo delicto, pro parte non ago: merito, quia aestimatio refertur ad dolum, quem in solidum ipse heres admisit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book VII. Where, in the action on deposit, suit is brought against one of several heirs on account of an act of the deceased, I must sue him for his share of the estate; but if, on account of an offence which he has committed, I do not sue him for a share, this is reasonable, because the measure of damages has reference to the act of bad faith which the heir himself committed.
Dig. 42,1,3Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. Qui damnare potest, is absolvendi quoque potestatem habet.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. He who has power to condemn has also power to discharge from liability.
Dig. 42,1,36Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. Pomponius libro trigensimo septimo ad edictum scribit, si uni ex pluribus iudicibus de liberali causa cognoscenti de re non liqueat, ceteri autem consentiant, si is iuraverit sibi non liquere, eo quiescente ceteros, qui consentiant, sententiam proferre, quia, etsi dissentiret, plurium sententia optineret.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. Pomponius, in the Thirty-seventh Book on the Edict, says that where there are several judges investigating a matter involving freedom, and one of them is not sufficiently informed to render a decision, and the others agree; if the former swears that he is not sufficiently informed, and does not take further part in the proceedings, the others, who have agreed, can render judgment; because, even though the judge aforesaid may dissent, the decision of the majority will stand.
Dig. 42,1,38Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. Inter pares numero iudices si dissonae sententiae proferantur, in liberalibus quidem causis, secundum quod a divo Pio constitutum est, pro libertate statutum optinet, in aliis autem causis pro reo. quod et in iudiciis publicis optinere oportet. 1Si diversis summis condemnent iudices, minimam spectandam esse Iulianus scribit.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. When the number of judges is equal, and different opinions are given in a case involving freedom, judgment shall be rendered in favor of freedom (in accordance with the Constitution of the Divine Pius), but, in all other cases, judgment shall be rendered in favor of the defendant. This rule must also be observed in criminal cases. 1If judges render decisions for different amounts, Julianus says that that for the smallest one must be adopted.
Dig. 43,16,6Paulus libro septimo decimo ad edictum. In interdicto unde vi tanti condemnatio facienda est, quanti intersit possidere: et hoc iure nos uti Pomponius scribit, id est tanti rem videri, quanti actoris intersit: quod alias minus esse, alias plus: nam saepe actoris pluris interesse hominem retinere, quam quanti is est, veluti cum quaestionis habendae aut rei probandae gratia aut hereditatis adeundae intersit eius eum possideri.
Paulus, On the Edict, Book XVII. When a decision is rendered under the interdict Unde vi, it should be for the value of the interest the plaintiff had in remaining in possession of the property. Pomponius says that this is our practice, that is to say, that the property is considered to be equal in value to the interest of the plaintiff. This may be either less, or more, for often it is more to the interest of the plaintiff to retain a slave than he is worth; for example, where it is to the interest of the owner to have possession of him, either that he may be put to torture, or prove some fact, or accept an estate.
Dig. 50,16,35Idem libro septimo decimo ad edictum. ‘Restituere’ autem is intellegitur, qui simul et causam actori reddit, quam is habiturus esset, si statim iudicii accepti tempore res ei reddita fuisset, id est et usucapionis causam et fructuum.
The Same, On the Edict, Book XVII. He is understood to make restitution who surrenders the property in dispute to the plaintiff which the latter would have obtained if it had been delivered to him at the time judgment was rendered; that is to say, both the right of usucaption, and the profits.