Decretorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 16,2,24Idem libro tertio decretorum. Iussit imperator audiri adprobantem sibi a fisco deberi, quod ipse convenitur.
Dig. 29,2,97Paulus libro tertio decretorum. Clodius Clodianus facto prius testamento postea eundem heredem in alio testamento inutiliter facto instituerat: scriptus heres cum posterius putaret valere, ex eo hereditatem adire voluit, sed postea hoc inutile repertum est. Papinianus putabat repudiasse eum ex priore hereditatem, ex posteriore autem non posse adire. dicebam non repudiare eum, qui putaret posterius valere. pronuntiavit Clodianum intestatum decessisse.
Paulus, Decrees, Book III. Clodius Clodianus, having made a will, afterwards appointed the same heir by another will, which was drawn up in such a way as to be of no force or effect. The appointed heir, thinking that the second will was valid, desired to enter upon the estate by virtue of it, but it was afterwards ascertained to be void. Papinianus held that he had rejected the estate granted by the former will, and could not accept it under the second. I held that he did not reject the first will, as he thought that the second was valid. It was finally decided that Clodianus died intestate.
Dig. 40,5,38Paulus libro tertio decretorum. In testamento, quod perfectum non erat, alumnae suae libertatem et fideicommissa dedit. cum omnia ut ab intestato egissent, quaesiit imperator, an ut ex causa fideicommissi manumissa fuisset: et interlocutus est, etiamsi nihil ab intestato pater petisset, pios tamen filios debuisse manumittere eam, quam pater dilexisset. pronuntiavit igitur recte eam manumissam et ideo fideicommissa etiam ei praestanda.
Paulus, Decrees, Book III. A testator, whose will was not perfect, bequeathed freedom and a trust to a female slave whom he had reared. As all these bequests took effect under an intestate succession, it was asked whether the slave was manumitted by virtue of the trust. An interlocutory decree was rendered to the effect that even if the father had demanded that nothing be done ab intestato, his children, through respect for his memory, ought to have manumitted the slave to whom their father was attached. It was therefore decided that she was legally manumitted, and for this reason entitled to the benefit of the trust.
Dig. 44,7,33Paulus libro tertio decretorum. Constitutionibus, quibus ostenditur heredes poena non teneri, placuit, si vivus conventus fuerat, etiam poenae persecutionem transmissam videri, quasi lite contestata cum mortuo.
Paulus, Decrees, Book III. While it has been set forth in certain Imperial Constitutions that heirs, generally speaking, are not liable to a penalty, it has, nevertheless, been decided that if the deceased had been sued during his lifetime, his heirs will be subject to the penalty, on the principle that issue had been joined with the deceased.
Dig. 46,1,68Idem libro tertio decretorum. Fideiussores magistratuum in poenam vel multam, quam non spopondissent, non debere conveniri decrevit. 1Pro Aurelio Romulo conductore vectigalis centum annua Petronius Thallus et alii fideiusserant: bona Romuli fiscus ut obligata sibi occupaverat et conveniebat fideiussores tam in sortem quam in usuras: qui deprecabantur. lecta subscriptione fideiussionis, quoniam in sola centum annua se obligaverant, non in omnem conductionem, decrevit fideiussores in usuras non teneri, sed quidquid ex bonis fuisset redactum, prius in usuras cedere, reliquum in sortem, et ita in id quod defuisset fideiussores conveniendos exemplo pignorum a creditore distractorum. 2Non possunt conveniri fideiussores liberato reo transactione.
The Same, Decrees, Book III. It has been decided that the sureties of magistrates, who have not promised to be liable for penalties or fines, should not be sued. 1Petronius Thallus and other persons became sureties for Aurelius Romulus, a farmer of the revenue, for the sum of a hundred aurei annually. The Treasury seized the property of Romulus as having a claim upon it, and sued the sureties for both principal and interest, which they refused to pay. The obligation of the sureties having been read, and they having bound themselves only for a hundred aurei every year, and not for the entire amount of the lease, it was decided that they were not liable for the interest, but that everything which had been collected from the property of Romulus should first be credited upon the interest, and the balance upon the principal; and if there was any deficit, recourse should be had to the sureties, just as in the case of the sale of pledges by a creditor. 2Sureties cannot be sued when the principal debtor has been released by a compromise.
Dig. 48,18,20Paulus libro tertio decretorum. Maritus quidam heres uxoris suae petebat a suro pecuniam, quam apud eum deposuisse defunctam se absente dicebat, et in eam rem unum testem liberti sui filium produxerat apud procuratorem: desideraverat et quaestionem haberi de ancilla. surus negabat se accepisse et testimonium non oportere unius hominis admitti nec solere a quaestionibus incipi, etsi aliena esset ancilla. procurator quaestionem de ancilla habuerat. cum ex appellatione cognovisset imperator, pronuntiavit quaestione illicite habita unius testimonio non esse credendum ideoque recte provocatum.
Paulus, Decisions, Book III. A husband, as the heir of his wife, brought suit against Surus for money which he alleged the deceased had deposited with him during his absence, and, in proof of it, he produced a single witness, the son of his freedman. He demanded before the Agent of the Treasury that a certain female slave should be put to torture. Surus denied that he had received the money, and stated that the testimony of one man should not be admitted; and that it was not customary to begin proceedings with torture, even though the female slave belonged to another. The Agent of the Treasury caused the female slave to be tortured. The Emperor decided, on appeal, that torture had been unlawfully inflicted, and that the testimony of one witness should not be believed, and therefore that the appeal had been properly taken.
Dig. 48,19,40Paulus libro tertio decretorum. Metrodorum, cum hostem fugientem sciens susceperit, in insulam deportari, Philocteten, quod occultari eum non ignorans diu dissimulaverit, in insulam relegari placet.
Dig. 49,14,50Idem libro tertio decretorum. Valerius Patruinus procurator imperatoris Flavio Stalticio praedia certo pretio addixerat. deinde facta licitatione idem Stalticius recepta ea licitatione optinuerat et in vacuam possessionem inductus erat. de fructibus medio tempore perceptis quaerebatur: Patruinus fisci esse volebat. plane si medio tempore inter primam licitationem et sequentem adiectionem percepti fuissent, ad venditorem pertinerent (sicut solet dici, cum in diem addictio facta est, deinde melior condicio allata est) nec moveri deberemus, quod idem fuisset, cui et primo addicta fuerant praedia. sed cum utraque addictio intra tempus vindemiarum facta fuisset, recessum est ab hoc tractatu itaque placebat fructus emptoris esse. Papinianus et Messius novam sententiam induxerunt, quia sub colono erant praedia, iniquum esse fructus ei auferri universos: sed colonum quidem percipere eos debere, emptorem vero pensionem eius anni accepturum, ne fiscus colono teneretur, quod ei frui non licuisset: atque si hoc ipsum in emendo convenisset. pronuntiavit tamen secundum illorum opinionem, quod quidem domino colerentur, universos fructus habere: si vero sub colono, pensionem accipere. Tryphonino suggerente, quid putaret de aridis fructibus, qui ante percepti in praediis fuissent, respondit, si nondum dies pensionis venisset, cum addicta sunt, eos quoque emptorem accepturum.
The Same, Decrees, Book III. Valerius Patronus, Imperial Procurator, adjudged to Flavius Stalticius certain lands at a fixed price. The property was afterwards offered at an auction, and the same Stalticius purchased it, and was placed in full possession of the property. A question arose with reference to the crops gathered in the meantime. Patronus asserted that they belonged to the Treasury. And if they were gathered in the interim between the first sale at auction and the following adjudication, it is evident that they would belong to the vendor; for it is ordinarily said that when the adjudication is made within a certain time, then a better condition is secured. We should not experience any difficulty, for the reason that the person to whom the land had first been adjudged was the same. But as the two adjudications had been made before the vintage, this opinion was not adhered to, and it was decided that the crops belonged to the purchaser. Papinianus and Messius introduced a new decision on the ground that as the lands were leased to a tenant, it was unjust that he should be deprived of all the crops; but they held that he had a right to gather them, and that the purchaser should receive the rent for that year, for fear that the Treasury could be held liable by the tenant, as he had not been permitted the enjoyment of his lease, just as if this had been agreed upon at the time of the sale. It was also decided, in accordance with their opinion, that if the land had been cultivated by the owner, the purchaser would be entitled to all the crops, but as it was leased by the tenant, the purchaser should receive the rent. Having been asked by Tryphoninus what opinion they would hold with reference to certain dried fruits which had been formerly gathered on the land, they answered that if, after the decision had been rendered, the day for the payment of the rent had not yet arrived, the purchaser would also be entitled to them.