De cognitionibus liber singularis
Dig. 26,3,9Paulus libro singulari de cognitionibus. vel cum fisco aliquem contractum damnosum miscuissent,
Paulus, Concerning Judicial Inquiries. Or where they have incurred some liability to the Treasury through a contract,
Dig. 26,5,29Idem libro singulari de cognitionibus. Si peregre agant qui tutores vel curatores dati sunt, ut intra diem trigesimum notum his a magistratibus fiat, divus Marcus rescripsit.
The Same, Concerning Judicial Inquiries. If persons who are appointed guardians or curators are at a distance; the Divine Marcus stated in a Rescript that they should be notified by the magistrates of their appointment, within thirty days.
Dig. 27,1,42Paulus libro singulari de cognitionibus. Plane ultra centesimum miliarium ab urbe filiorum collegarum suorum tutelam suscipere non coguntur.
Paulus, Concerning Judicial Inquiries. It is clear that they are not compelled to accept the guardianship of the children of their colleagues, if they reside more than a hundred miles from the City.
Dig. 27,1,46Paulus libro singulari de cognitionibus. Qui in collegio pistorum sunt, a tutelis excusantur, si modo per semet pistrinum exerceant: sed non alios puto excusandos quam qui intra numerum sunt. 1Urbici autem pistores a collegarum quoque filiorum tutelis excusantur. 2Sed et hoc genus excusationis est, si quis se dicit ibi domicilium non habere, ubi ad tutelam datus est: idque imperator Antoninus cum divo patre significavit.
Paulus, On Judicial Inquiries. Members of the guild of millers are excused from the duties of guardianship, provided they are actually engaged in the business; but I do not think that those who are merely included in their number should be excused. 1Millers residing in the City are excused from acting as guardians, even for the children of their colleagues. 2Where anyone states that his residence is not situated where he was appointed guardian, this can also be alleged as a valid excuse. Attention was called to this point by the Emperor Antoninus and his Divine Father.
Dig. 49,18,5Paulus libro singulari de cognitionibus. Veteranos divus Magnus Antoninus cum patre suo rescripsit a navium fabrica excusari. 1Sed et ab exactione tributorum habent immunitatem, hoc est ne exactores tributorum constituantur. 2Sed veterani, qui passi sunt in ordinem legi, muneribus fungi coguntur.
Paulus, On Judicial Inquiries. The Great Divine Antoninus, with his Father, stated in a Rescript that veterans were excused from building ships. 1They also enjoy immunity from the collection of taxes, that is to say, they cannot be appointed tax collectors. 2Veterans, however, who permit themselves to be elected members of an order, will be compelled to perform its duties.
Dig. 50,16,228Idem libro singulari de cognitionibus. ‘Municipes’ intellegendi sunt et qui in eodem municipio nati sunt.
The Same, On Judicial Inquiries. By the term “fellow citizens” is meant those who are born in the same town.
Dig. 50,17,101Paulus libro singulari de cognitionibus. Ubi lex duorum mensum fecit mentionem, et qui sexagensimo et primo die venerit, audiendus est: ita enim et imperator Antoninus cum divo patre suo rescripsit.
Ad Dig. 50,17,101Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 103, Noten 12, 20.Paulus, On Judicial Inquiries. When the law mentions the term of two months, and the party appears on the sixty-first day, he should be heard; for this the Emperor Antoninus and his Divine Father stated in a Rescript.