Brevis edicti libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 13,5,22Idem libro sexto brevium. Si post constitutam tibi pecuniam hereditatem ex senatus consulto Trebelliano restitueris, quoniam sortis petitionem transtulisti ad alium, deneganda est tibi pecuniae constitutae actio. idem est in hereditatis possessore post evictam hereditatem. sed magis est, ut fideicommissario vel ei qui vicit decernenda esset actio.
The Same, Abridgments, Book VI. If after a sum of money has been promised to you, you deliver the estate under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate; then, since you transferred to another the right to bring suit for the original debt, you will be refused an action for the money due to you under the promise. The same rule applies where the possessor of an estate loses it to one who has a better title; but the action in this case should preferably be granted to the beneficiary of the trust or to the party who gained the suit.
Dig. 13,7,21Idem libro sexto brevium. Domo pignori data et area eius tenebitur: est enim pars eius. et contra ius soli sequetur aedificium.
The Same, Abridgments, Book VI. Where a house is given in pledge, the site also is liable, for it is a part of the house; and, on the other hand, the right to the soil follows the building.
Dig. 14,1,6Paulus libro sexto brevium. Si servus non voluntate domini navem exercuerit, si sciente eo, quasi tributoria, si ignorante, de peculio actio dabitur. 1Si communis servus voluntate dominorum exerceat navem, in singulos dari debebit in solidum actio.
Paulus, Abridgments, Book VI. Where a slave has control of a ship without the consent of his master, if he is aware of this, a tributorian action will be granted; but if he is ignorant of the fact, an action De peculio will be available. 1Where a slave owned in common has control of a ship with the consent of his masters, an action for the entire amount will be granted against them individually.
Dig. 16,1,12Idem libro sexto brevium. Immo tunc locus est senatus consulto, cum scit creditor eam intercedere.
Ad Dig. 16,1,12ROHGE, Bd. 14 (1875), Nr. 12, S. 33: Aufnahme eines Darlehns für einen Andern. Bedeutung der Ausdrücke „Verbürgen, Verbürgung“.The Same, Abridgments, Book VI. The Decree of the Senate will, however, certainly be operative when the creditor is aware that the woman has become a surety.