Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Pap.resp. VII
Pap. Responsorum lib.Papiniani Responsorum libri

Responsorum libri

cum Notis Pauli et Ulpiani

Ex libro VII

Dig. 1,1De iustitia et iure (Concerning Justice and Law.)Dig. 1,2De origine iuris et omnium magistratuum et successione prudentium (Concerning the Origin of Law and of All Magistrates, Together With a Succession of Jurists.)Dig. 1,3De legibus senatusque consultis et longa consuetudine (Concerning Statutes, Decrees of the Senate, and Long Established Customs.)Dig. 1,4De constitutionibus principum (Concerning the Constitutions of the Emperors.)Dig. 1,5De statu hominum (Concerning the Condition of Men.)Dig. 1,6De his qui sui vel alieni iuris sunt (Concerning Those Who Are Their Own Masters, and Those That Are Under the Control of Others.)Dig. 1,7De adoptionibus et emancipationibus et aliis modis quibus potestas solvitur (Concerning Adoptions and Emancipations, and Other Methods by Which Paternal Authority is Dissolved.)Dig. 1,8De divisione rerum et qualitate (Concerning the Division and Nature of Things.)Dig. 1,9De senatoribus (Concerning Senators.)Dig. 1,10De officio consulis (Concerning the Office of Consul.)Dig. 1,11De officio praefecti praetorio (Concerning the Office of Prætorian Prefect.)Dig. 1,12De officio praefecti urbi (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the City.)Dig. 1,13De officio quaestoris (Concerning the Office of Quæstor.)Dig. 1,14De officio praetorum (Concerning the Office of the Prætors.)Dig. 1,15De officio praefecti vigilum (Concerning the Office of Prefect of the Night Watch.)Dig. 1,16De officio proconsulis et legati (Concerning the Office of Proconsul, and his Deputy.)Dig. 1,17De officio praefecti Augustalis (Concerning the Office of Augustal Prefect.)Dig. 1,18De officio praesidis (Concerning the Office of Governor.)Dig. 1,19De officio procuratoris Caesaris vel rationalis (Concerning the Office of the Imperial Steward or Accountant.)Dig. 1,20De officio iuridici (Concerning the Office of Juridicus.)Dig. 1,21De officio eius, cui mandata est iurisdictio (Concerning the Office of Him to Whom Jurisdiction is Delegated.)Dig. 1,22De officio adsessorum (Concerning the Office of Assessors.)
Dig. 2,1De iurisdictione (Concerning Jurisdiction.)Dig. 2,2Quod quisque iuris in alterum statuerit, ut ipse eodem iure utatur (Each One Must Himself Use the Law Which He Has Established for Others.)Dig. 2,3Si quis ius dicenti non obtemperaverit (Where Anyone Refuses Obedience to a Magistrate Rendering Judgment.)Dig. 2,4De in ius vocando (Concerning Citations Before a Court of Justice.)Dig. 2,5Si quis in ius vocatus non ierit sive quis eum vocaverit, quem ex edicto non debuerit (Where Anyone Who is Summoned Does Not Appear, and Where Anyone Summoned a Person Whom, According to the Edict, He Should Not Have Summoned.)Dig. 2,6In ius vocati ut eant aut satis vel cautum dent (Persons Who Are Summoned Must Either Appear, or Give Bond or Security to Do So.)Dig. 2,7Ne quis eum qui in ius vocabitur vi eximat (No One Can Forcibly Remove a Person Who Has Been Summoned to Court.)Dig. 2,8Qui satisdare cogantur vel iurato promittant vel suae promissioni committantur (What Persons Are Compelled to Give a Surety, and Who Can Make a Promise Under Oath, or Be Bound by a Mere Promise.)Dig. 2,9Si ex noxali causa agatur, quemadmodum caveatur (In What Way Security Must Be Given in a Noxal Action.)Dig. 2,10De eo per quem factum erit quominus quis in iudicio sistat (Concerning One Who Prevents a Person From Appearing in Court.)Dig. 2,11Si quis cautionibus in iudicio sistendi causa factis non obtemperaverit (Where a Party Who Has Given a Bond to Appear in Court Does Not Do So.)Dig. 2,12De feriis et dilationibus et diversis temporibus (Concerning Festivals, Delays, and Different Seasons.)Dig. 2,13De edendo (Concerning the Statement of a Case.)Dig. 2,14De pactis (Concerning Agreements.)Dig. 2,15De transactionibus (Concerning Compromises.)
Dig. 27,1De excusationibus (Concerning the Excuses of Guardians and Curators.)Dig. 27,2Ubi pupillus educari vel morari debeat et de alimentis ei praestandis (Where a Ward Should Be Brought Up, or Reside, and Concerning the Support Which Should Be Furnished Him.)Dig. 27,3De tutelae et rationibus distrahendis et utili curationis causa actione (Concerning the Action to Compel an Accounting for Guardianship, and the Equitable Action Based on Curatorship.)Dig. 27,4De contraria tutelae et utili actione (Concerning the Counter-action on Guardianship and the Prætorian Action.)Dig. 27,5De eo qui pro tutore prove curatore negotia gessit (Concerning One Who Transacts Business as Acting Guardian or Curator.)Dig. 27,6Quod falso tutore auctore gestum esse dicatur (Concerning Business Transacted Under the Authority of a False Guardian.)Dig. 27,7De fideiussoribus et nominatoribus et heredibus tutorum et curatorum (Concerning the Sureties of Guardians and Curators and Those Who Have Offered Them, and the Heirs of the Former.)Dig. 27,8De magistratibus conveniendis (Concerning Suits Against Magistrates.)Dig. 27,9De rebus eorum, qui sub tutela vel cura sunt, sine decreto non alienandis vel supponendis (Concerning the Property of Those Who Are Under Guardianship or Curatorship, and With Reference To The Alienation or Encumbrance of Their Property Without a Decree.)Dig. 27,10De curatoribus furioso et aliis extra minores dandis (Concerning the Appointment of Curators for Insane Persons and Others Who Are Not Minors.)
Dig. 37,1De bonorum possessionibus (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property.)Dig. 37,2Si tabulae testamenti extabunt (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where There is a Will.)Dig. 37,3De bonorum possessione furioso infanti muto surdo caeco competente (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Granted to an Insane Person, an Infant, or One Who is Dumb, Deaf, or Blind.)Dig. 37,4De bonorum possessione contra tabulas (Concerning the Prætorian Possession of Property Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,5De legatis praestandis contra tabulas bonorum possessione petita (Concerning the Payment of Legacies Where Prætorian Possession of an Estate is Obtained Contrary to the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,6De collatione bonorum (Concerning the Collation of Property.)Dig. 37,7De dotis collatione (Concerning Collation of the Dowry.)Dig. 37,8De coniungendis cum emancipato liberis eius (Concerning the Contribution to be Made Between an Emancipated Son and His Children.)Dig. 37,9De ventre in possessionem mittendo et curatore eius (Concerning the Placing of an Unborn Child in Possession of an Estate, and his Curator.)Dig. 37,10De Carboniano edicto (Concerning the Carbonian Edict.)Dig. 37,11De bonorum possessione secundum tabulas (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in Accordance with the Provisions of the Will.)Dig. 37,12Si a parente quis manumissus sit (Concerning Prætorian Possession Where a Son Has Been Manumitted by His Father.)Dig. 37,13De bonorum possessione ex testamento militis (Concerning Prætorian Possession of an Estate in the Case of the Will of a Soldier.)Dig. 37,14De iure patronatus (Concerning the Right of Patronage.)Dig. 37,15De obsequiis parentibus et patronis praestandis (Concerning the Respect Which Should be Shown to Parents and Patrons.)
Dig. 38,1De operis libertorum (Concerning the Services of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,2De bonis libertorum (Concerning the Property of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,3De libertis universitatium (Concerning the Freedmen of Municipalities.)Dig. 38,4De adsignandis libertis (Concerning the Assignment of Freedmen.)Dig. 38,5Si quid in fraudem patroni factum sit (Where Anything is Done to Defraud the Patron.)Dig. 38,6Si tabulae testamenti nullae extabunt, unde liberi (Where no Will is in Existence by Which Children May be Benefited.)Dig. 38,7Unde legitimi (Concerning Prætorian Possession by Agnates.)Dig. 38,8Unde cognati (Concerning the Prætorian Possession Granted to Cognates.)Dig. 38,9De successorio edicto (Concerning the Successory Edict.)Dig. 38,10De gradibus et adfinibus et nominibus eorum (Concerning the Degrees of Relationship and Affinity and Their Different Names.)Dig. 38,11Unde vir et uxor (Concerning Prætorian Possession With Reference to Husband and Wife.)Dig. 38,12De veteranorum et militum successione (Concerning the Succession of Veterans and Soldiers.)Dig. 38,13Quibus non competit bonorum possessio (Concerning Those Who are Not Entitled to Prætorian Possession of an Estate.)Dig. 38,14Ut ex legibus senatusve consultis bonorum possessio detur (Concerning Prætorian Possession of Property Granted by Special Laws or Decrees of the Senate.)Dig. 38,15Quis ordo in possessionibus servetur (What Order is to be Observed in Granting Prætorian Possession.)Dig. 38,16De suis et legitimis heredibus (Concerning Proper Heirs and Heirs at Law.)Dig. 38,17Ad senatus consultum Tertullianum et Orphitianum (On the Tertullian and Orphitian Decrees of the Senate.)
Dig. 40,1De manumissionibus (Concerning Manumissions.)Dig. 40,2De manumissis vindicta (Concerning Manumissions Before a Magistrate.)Dig. 40,3De manumissionibus quae servis ad universitatem pertinentibus imponuntur (Concerning the Manumission of Slaves Belonging to a Community.)Dig. 40,4De manumissis testamento (Concerning Testamentary Manumissions.)Dig. 40,5De fideicommissariis libertatibus (Concerning Freedom Granted Under the Terms of a Trust.)Dig. 40,6De ademptione libertatis (Concerning the Deprivation of Freedom.)Dig. 40,7De statuliberis (Concerning Slaves Who are to be Free Under a Certain Condition.)Dig. 40,8Qui sine manumissione ad libertatem perveniunt (Concerning Slaves Who Obtain Their Freedom Without Manumission.)Dig. 40,9Qui et a quibus manumissi liberi non fiunt et ad legem Aeliam Sentiam (What Slaves, Having Been Manumitted, do not Become Free, by Whom This is Done; and on the Law of Ælia Sentia.)Dig. 40,10De iure aureorum anulorum (Concerning the Right to Wear a Gold Ring.)Dig. 40,11De natalibus restituendis (Concerning the Restitution of the Rights of Birth.)Dig. 40,12De liberali causa (Concerning Actions Relating to Freedom.)Dig. 40,13Quibus ad libertatem proclamare non licet (Concerning Those Who are Not Permitted to Demand Their Freedom.)Dig. 40,14Si ingenuus esse dicetur (Where Anyone is Decided to be Freeborn.)Dig. 40,15Ne de statu defunctorum post quinquennium quaeratur (No Question as to the Condition of Deceased Persons Shall be Raised After Five Years Have Elapsed After Their Death.)Dig. 40,16De collusione detegenda (Concerning the Detection of Collusion.)
Dig. 43,1De interdictis sive extraordinariis actionibus, quae pro his competunt (Concerning Interdicts or the Extraordinary Proceedings to Which They Give Rise.)Dig. 43,2Quorum bonorum (Concerning the Interdict Quorum Bonorum.)Dig. 43,3Quod legatorum (Concerning the Interdict Quod Legatorum.)Dig. 43,4Ne vis fiat ei, qui in possessionem missus erit (Concerning the Interdict Which Prohibits Violence Being Employed Against a Person Placed in Possession.)Dig. 43,5De tabulis exhibendis (Concerning the Production of Papers Relating to a Will.)Dig. 43,6Ne quid in loco sacro fiat (Concerning the Interdict for the Purpose of Preventing Anything Being Done in a Sacred Place.)Dig. 43,7De locis et itineribus publicis (Concerning the Interdict Relating to Public Places and Highways.)Dig. 43,8Ne quid in loco publico vel itinere fiat (Concerning the Interdict Forbidding Anything to be Done in a Public Place or on a Highway.)Dig. 43,9De loco publico fruendo (Concerning the Edict Relating to the Enjoyment of a Public Place.)Dig. 43,10De via publica et si quid in ea factum esse dicatur (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Public Streets and Anything Done Therein.)Dig. 43,11De via publica et itinere publico reficiendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Repairs of Public Streets and Highways.)Dig. 43,12De fluminibus. ne quid in flumine publico ripave eius fiat, quo peius navigetur (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Rivers and the Prevention of Anything Being Done in Them or on Their Banks Which May Interfere With Navigation.)Dig. 43,13Ne quid in flumine publico fiat, quo aliter aqua fluat, atque uti priore aestate fluxit (Concerning the Interdict to Prevent Anything From Being Built in a Public River or on Its Bank Which Might Cause the Water to Flow in a Different Direction Than it did During the Preceding Summer.)Dig. 43,14Ut in flumine publico navigare liceat (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Use of a Public River for Navigation.)Dig. 43,15De ripa munienda (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Raising the Banks of Streams.)Dig. 43,16De vi et de vi armata (Concerning the Interdict Against Violence and Armed Force.)Dig. 43,17Uti possidetis (Concerning the Interdict Uti Possidetis.)Dig. 43,18De superficiebus (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Surface of the Land.)Dig. 43,19De itinere actuque privato (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Private Rights of Way.)Dig. 43,20De aqua cottidiana et aestiva (Concerning the Edict Which Has Reference to Water Used Every Day and to Such as is Only Used During the Summer.)Dig. 43,21De rivis (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to Conduits.)Dig. 43,22De fonte (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Springs.)Dig. 43,23De cloacis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Sewers.)Dig. 43,24Quod vi aut clam (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to Works Undertaken by Violence or Clandestinely.)Dig. 43,25De remissionibus (Concerning the Withdrawal of Opposition.)Dig. 43,26De precario (Concerning Precarious Tenures.)Dig. 43,27De arboribus caedendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Cutting of Trees.)Dig. 43,28De glande legenda (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Gathering of Fruit Which Has Fallen From the Premises of One Person Upon Those of Another.)Dig. 43,29De homine libero exhibendo (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of a Person Who Is Free.)Dig. 43,30De liberis exhibendis, item ducendis (Concerning the Interdict Which Has Reference to the Production of Children and Their Recovery.)Dig. 43,31Utrubi (Concerning the Interdict Utrubi.)Dig. 43,32De migrando (Concerning the Interdict Having Reference to the Removal of Tenants.)Dig. 43,33De Salviano interdicto (Concerning the Salvian Interdict.)
Dig. 47,1De privatis delictis (Concerning Private Offences.)Dig. 47,2De furtis (Concerning Thefts.)Dig. 47,3De tigno iuncto (Concerning the Theft of Timbers Joined to a Building.)Dig. 47,4Si is, qui testamento liber esse iussus erit, post mortem domini ante aditam hereditatem subripuisse aut corrupisse quid dicetur (Where Anyone Who is Ordered to be Free by the Terms of a Will, After the Death of His Master and Before the Estate is Entered Upon, is Said to Have Stolen or Spoiled Something.)Dig. 47,5Furti adversus nautas caupones stabularios (Concerning Theft Committed Against Captains of Vessels, Innkeepers, and Landlords.)Dig. 47,6Si familia furtum fecisse dicetur (Concerning Thefts Alleged to Have Been Made by an Entire Body of Slaves.)Dig. 47,7Arborum furtim caesarum (Concerning Trees Cut Down by Stealth.)Dig. 47,8Vi bonorum raptorum et de turba (Concerning the Robbery of Property by Violence, and Disorderly Assemblages.)Dig. 47,9De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata (Concerning Fire, Destruction, and Shipwreck, Where a Boat or a Ship is Taken by Force.)Dig. 47,10De iniuriis et famosis libellis (Concerning Injuries and Infamous Libels.)Dig. 47,11De extraordinariis criminibus (Concerning the Arbitrary Punishment of Crime.)Dig. 47,12De sepulchro violato (Concerning the Violation of Sepulchres.)Dig. 47,13De concussione (Concerning Extortion.)Dig. 47,14De abigeis (Concerning Those Who Steal Cattle.)Dig. 47,15De praevaricatione (Concerning Prevarication.)Dig. 47,16De receptatoribus (Concerning Those Who Harbor Criminals.)Dig. 47,17De furibus balneariis (Concerning Thieves Who Steal in Baths.)Dig. 47,18De effractoribus et expilatoribus (Concerning Those Who Break Out of Prison, and Plunderers.)Dig. 47,19Expilatae hereditatis (Concerning the Spoliation of Estates.)Dig. 47,20Stellionatus (Concerning Stellionatus.)Dig. 47,21De termino moto (Concerning the Removal of Boundaries.)Dig. 47,22De collegiis et corporibus (Concerning Associations and Corporations.)Dig. 47,23De popularibus actionibus (Concerning Popular Actions.)
Dig. 48,1De publicis iudiciis (On Criminal Prosecutions.)Dig. 48,2De accusationibus et inscriptionibus (Concerning Accusations and Inscriptions.)Dig. 48,3De custodia et exhibitione reorum (Concerning the Custody and Appearance of Defendants in Criminal Cases.)Dig. 48,4Ad legem Iuliam maiestatis (On the Julian Law Relating to the Crime of Lese Majesty.)Dig. 48,5Ad legem Iuliam de adulteriis coercendis (Concerning the Julian Law for the Punishment of Adultery.)Dig. 48,6Ad legem Iuliam de vi publica (Concerning the Julian Law on Public Violence.)Dig. 48,7Ad legem Iuliam de vi privata (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Private Violence.)Dig. 48,8Ad legem Corneliam de siccariis et veneficis (Concerning the Cornelian Law Relating to Assassins and Poisoners.)Dig. 48,9De lege Pompeia de parricidiis (Concerning the Pompeian Law on Parricides.)Dig. 48,10De lege Cornelia de falsis et de senatus consulto Liboniano (Concerning the Cornelian Law on Deceit and the Libonian Decree of the Senate.)Dig. 48,11De lege Iulia repetundarum (Concerning the Julian Law on Extortion.)Dig. 48,12De lege Iulia de annona (Concerning the Julian Law on Provisions.)Dig. 48,13Ad legem Iuliam peculatus et de sacrilegis et de residuis (Concerning the Julian Law Relating to Peculation, Sacrilege, and Balances.)Dig. 48,14De lege Iulia ambitus (Concerning the Julian Law With Reference to the Unlawful Seeking of Office.)Dig. 48,15De lege Fabia de plagiariis (Concerning the Favian Law With Reference to Kidnappers.)Dig. 48,16Ad senatus consultum Turpillianum et de abolitionibus criminum (Concerning the Turpillian Decree of the Senate and the Dismissal of Charges.)Dig. 48,17De requirendis vel absentibus damnandis (Concerning the Conviction of Persons Who Are Sought For or Are Absent.)Dig. 48,18De quaestionibus (Concerning Torture.)Dig. 48,19De poenis (Concerning Punishments.)Dig. 48,20De bonis damnatorum (Concerning the Property of Persons Who Have Been Convicted.)Dig. 48,21De bonis eorum, qui ante sententiam vel mortem sibi consciverunt vel accusatorem corruperunt (Concerning the Property of Those Who Have Either Killed Themselves or Corrupted Their Accusers Before Judgment Has Been Rendered.)Dig. 48,22De interdictis et relegatis et deportatis (Concerning Persons Who Are Interdicted, Relegated, and Deported.)Dig. 48,23De sententiam passis et restitutis (Concerning Persons Upon Whom Sentence Has Been Passed and Who Have Been Restored to Their Rights.)Dig. 48,24De cadaveribus punitorum (Concerning the Corpses of Persons Who Are Punished.)
Dig. 49,1De appellationibus et relegationibus (On Appeals and Reports.)Dig. 49,2A quibus appellari non licet (From What Persons It Is Not Permitted to Appeal.)Dig. 49,3Quis a quo appelletur (To Whom and From Whom an Appeal Can be Taken.)Dig. 49,4Quando appellandum sit et intra quae tempora (When an Appeal Should be Taken, and Within What Time.)Dig. 49,5De appellationibus recipiendis vel non (Concerning the Acceptance or Rejection of Appeals.)Dig. 49,6De libellis dimissoriis, qui apostoli dicuntur (Concerning Notices of Appeal Called Dispatches.)Dig. 49,7Nihil innovari appellatione interposita (No Change Shall be Made After the Appeal Has Been Interposed.)Dig. 49,8Quae sententiae sine appellatione rescindantur (What Decisions Can be Rescinded Without an Appeal.)Dig. 49,9An per alium causae appellationum reddi possunt (Whether the Reasons for an Appeal Can be Presented by Another.)Dig. 49,10Si tutor vel curator magistratusve creatus appellaverit (Where a Guardian, a Curator, or a Magistrate Having Been Appointed, Appeals.)Dig. 49,11Eum qui appellaverit in provincia defendi (He Who Appeals Should Be Defended in His Own Province.)Dig. 49,12Apud eum, a quo appellatur, aliam causam agere compellendum (Where a Party Litigant is Compelled to Bring Another Action Before the Judge From Whose Decision He Has Already Appealed.)Dig. 49,13Si pendente appellatione mors intervenerit (If Death Should Occur While an Appeal is Pending.)Dig. 49,14De iure fisci (Concerning the Rights of the Treasury.)Dig. 49,15De captivis et de postliminio et redemptis ab hostibus (Concerning Captives, the Right of Postliminium, and Persons Ransomed From the Enemy.)Dig. 49,16De re militari (Concerning Military Affairs.)Dig. 49,17De castrensi peculio (Concerning Castrense Peculium.)Dig. 49,18De veteranis (Concerning Veterans.)

Dig. 7,1,57Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Dominus fructuario praedium, quod ei per usum fructum serviebat, legavit, idque praedium aliquamdiu possessum legatarius restituere filio, qui causam inofficiosi testamenti recte pertulerat, coactus est: mansisse fructus ius integrum ex post facto apparuit. 1Per fideicommissum fructu praediorum ob alimenta libertis relicto partium emolumentum ex persona vita decedentium ad dominum proprietatis recurrit.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. The owner of an estate left to an usufructuary by will the interest which the latter had therein by way of usufruct, and this estate the legatee, after having had possession of it for a time, was compelled to surrender to the son of the testator, who had successfully conducted a case of inofficious testament; and it was apparent from what subsequently occurred that the right of usufruct remained unimpaired. 1Where the crops from certain tracts of land were left under a trust for the maintenance of freedom, and any of the parties who are entitled to the same die; the profits of their shares revert from them to the mere owner of the land.

Dig. 7,9,11Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Usu quoque domus relicto viri boni arbitratu cautionem interponi oportet: nec mutat, si pater heredes filios simul habitare cum uxore legataria voluit.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where the use of a house is left, security must be furnished which would be satisfactory to a good citizen; nor does it alter the case if the father wishes his sons, who are his heirs, to reside in the house with his widow, who is the legatee.

Dig. 10,2,33Idem libro septimo responsorum. Si pater familias singulis heredibus fundos legando divisionis arbitrio fungi voluit, non aliter partem suam coheres praestare cogetur, quam si vice mutua partem nexu pignoris liberam consequatur.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. Where the father of a family, in devising land to his respective heirs, wished to act the part of an arbiter in the partition; one co-heir will not be compelled to surrender his share unless he obtains in return for the same a share which is free from the incumbrance of the pledge.

Dig. 22,1,8Idem libro septimo responsorum. Equis per fideicommissum relictis post moram fetus quoque praestabitur ut fructus, sed fetus secundus ut causa, sicut partus mulieris.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. Where horses have been left in trust, after default, the first foal must be furnished as profit, but a second one as accessory, just as in the case of the offspring of a female slave.

Dig. 26,7,41Idem libro septimo responsorum. Qui plures tutores habuit, unum, qui solvendo non fuit, rationem actus sui vetuit reddere. quoniam eius liberatio, quod ex tutela percepit aut dolo contraxit, non est relicta, contutores, qui suspectum facere neglexerunt, ex culpa recte conveniuntur: tutor enim legatarius ex culpa, quae testamento remissa est, non tenetur.

The Same, Opinions, Book VIII. Where a ward, who has more than one guardian, forbids one of them, who is insolvent, to render an account; this does not act as a release of the others with reference to what he, fraudulently, may have collected, or contracted for during the guardianship, and his fellow-guardians who neglected to denounce him as suspicious can legally be sued on the ground of negligence; for a testamentary guardian is not liable for negligence from which he was released by the will.

Dig. 29,7,5Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Ante tabulas testamenti codicilli facti non aliter valent, quam si testamento quod postea factum est vel codicillis confirmentur aut voluntas eorum quocumque indicio retineatur: sed non servabuntur ea, de quibus aliter defunctus novissime iudicavit.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. A codicil which precedes a will is not valid unless confirmed by the will or by a second codicil subsequently executed, or where its provisions are established by some other expression of the intention of the testator; but any different dispositions that the deceased may subsequently make shall not stand.

Dig. 31,76Idem libro septimo responsorum. Cum filius divisis tribunalibus actionem inofficiosi testamenti matris pertulisset atque ita variae sententiae iudicum exstitissent, heredem, qui filium vicerat, pro partibus, quas aliis coheredibus abstulit filius, non habiturum praeceptiones sibi datas, non magis quam ceteros legatarios actiones, constitit. sed libertates ex testamento competere placuit, cum pro parte filius de testamento matris litigasset. quod non erit trahendum ad servitutes, quae pro parte minui non possunt: plane petetur integra servitus ab eo qui filium vicit, partis autem aestimatio praestabitur: aut si paratus erit filius pretio accepto servitutem praebere, doli summovebitur exceptione legatarius, si non offerat partis aestimationem, exemplo scilicet legis Falcidiae. 1‘Lucio Sempronio lego omnem hereditatem Publii Maevii’. Sempronius ea demum onera suscipiet, quae Maevianae hereditatis fuerunt et in diem mortis eius, qui heres Maevii exstitit, perseveraverunt, sicut vice mutua praestabuntur actiones, quae praestari potuerunt. 2Dominus herede fructuario scripto fundum sub condicione legavit. voluntatis ratio non patitur, ut heres ex causa fructus emolumentum retineat: diversum in ceteris praediorum servitutibus, quas heres habuit, responsum est: quoniam fructus portionis instar optinet. 3‘Heres meus Titio dato, quod ex testamento Sempronii debetur mihi’. cum iure novationis, quam legatarius idemque testator ante fecerat, legatum ex testamento non debeatur, placuit falsam demonstrationem legatario non obesse, nec in totum falsum videri, quod veritatis primordio adiuvaretur. 4Servus pure manumissus, cui libertas propter impedimentum iuris post aditam hereditatem non competit, quod status eius extrinsecus suspenditur (forte propter adulterii quaestionem), ex eodem testamento neque legata neque fideicommissa pure data sperare potest, quia dies inutiliter cedit. 5Pater cum filia pro semisse herede instituta sic testamento locutus fuerat: ‘peto, cum morieris, licet alios quoque filios susceperis, Sempronio nepoti meo plus tribuas in honorem nominis mei’. necessitas quidem restituendi nepotibus viriles partes praecedere videbatur, sed moderandae portionis, quam maiorem in unius nepotis personam conferri voluit, arbitrium filiae datum. 6Non iure tutori dato mater legavit: si consentiat, ut decreto praetoris confirmetur, et praetor non idoneum existimet, actio legati non denegabitur. 7Qui Mucianam cautionem alicuius non faciendi causa interposuit, si postea fecerit, fructus quoque legatorum (quos principio promitti necesse est) restituere debet. 8Variis actionibus legatorum simul legatarius uti non potest, quia legatum datum in partes dividi non potest: non enim ea mente datum est legatariis pluribus actionibus uti, sed ut laxior eis agendi facultas sit, ex una, interim quae fuerat electa, legatum petere. 9Repetendorum legatorum facultas ex eo testamento solutorum danda est, quod irritum esse post defuncti memoriam damnatam apparuit, modo si iam legatis solutis crimen perduellionis illatum est.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. Where a son brought suit on the ground of an inofficious testament of his mother, before different tribunals, and various decisions of the judges were rendered, the heir who defeated the son will not be entitled to the preferred legacies, at least for the shares which the son would have obtained from the other co-heirs, any more than the other legatees would be entitled to any actions against the son; but it was decided that the grants of freedom conferred by the will should be carried out, since the son had partially broken the will of his mother. This rule should not be applied to servitudes, which cannot be partially diminished. It is evident that a servitude must be entirely demanded from the party who defeated the son, but only the appraised value of a portion of it need be paid; or, where the son is ready to transfer the servitude, if the price is paid, the legatee will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud, if he does not tender the appraised value of a portion of the same, just as in the case of the Falcidian Law. 1“I bequeath to Lucius Sempronius the entire estate of Publius Mævius.” In this instance, Sempronius will only be liable for the burdens imposed upon the estate of Mævius, and which continued to exist until the death of him who became the heir of Mævius; just as rights of action are assigned instead of loans which could be paid. 2Ad Dig. 31,76,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 200, Note 3.The owner of land, the usufruct of which had been left to an heir, bequeathed it under a certain condition. The terms of the will did not permit the heir to retain the profits, on account of the usufruct. A different opinion is held with reference to certain servitudes attaching to land to which servitudes the heir was entitled, since he obtains the profits as a portion of the land. 3“Let my heir give to Titius what is due to me under the will of Sempronius.” As the legatee, who was also a testator, had previously taken advantage of the law of novation, the legacy was not payable under the will; and it was held that the false representation did not injure the legatee, and that what, in the first place, was true, could not be considered as entirely false. 4Where a slave is manumitted unconditionally, but cannot obtain his freedom as soon as the estate is entered upon on account of some legal impediment, and because his condition is not established, or for some additional reason, for example, an accusation of adultery, he cannot expect to receive either legacies or the benefits of a trust absolutely granted by the same will, because the time has passed when he could take advantage of them. 5A father, having appointed his daughter heir to half of his estate, made the following provision in his will: “I ask that when you die, even though you should have other children, you will leave a larger share of your estate to Sempronius, my grandson, in honor of my name which he bears.” The daughter seems to be necessarily compelled to give, in the first place, equal portions to all the grandchildren, but she has the choice of fixing the larger amount which her father desired to be bestowed upon one of his grandsons. 6A mother, without having observed the proper formalities, appointed a guardian for her son, and bequeathed him a legacy, on condition that the guardian should consent to be confirmed by the decree of the Prætor. If the Prætor does not consider him a suitable person, he will, nevertheless, not be denied an action for the recovery of the legacy. 7Where anyone has furnished the Mucian bond to provide against his doing anything forbidden by the testator, and afterwards commits such an act, he must also surrender the profits of the legacy which, in the beginning, he promised to return. 8A legatee cannot make use of several actions at the same time, because a legacy cannot be divided into several parts. For as a legacy is not bequeathed with the intention that the legatees may avail themselves of several actions, but, in order that it may be easier for them to bring suit, they can do so by selecting whichever action they please. 9The power is granted to recover a legacy from the legatee after it has been paid in compliance with the terms of the will, where the latter is decided to be void, when it is known that the memory of the deceased has become infamous; especially if the testator was convicted of treason after the legacy has been paid.

Dig. 32,91Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Praediis per praeceptionem filiae datis cum reliquis actorum et colonorum ea reliqua videntur legata, quae de reditu praediorum in eadem causa manserunt: alioquin pecuniam a colonis exactam et in kalendarium in eadem regione versam reliquis non contineri neque colonorum neque actorum facile constabit, tametsi nominatim actores ad filiam pertinere voluit. 1Ex his verbis: ‘Lucio Titio praedia mea illa cum praetorio, sicut a me in diem mortis meae possessa sunt, do’ instrumentum rusticum et omnia, quae ibi fuerunt, quo dominus fuisset instructior, deberi convenit: colonorum reliqua non debentur. 2Pater filio tabernam purpurariam cum servis institoribus et purpuris, quae in diem mortis eius ibi fuerunt, legavit. neque pretia purpurae condita neque debita neque reliqua legato contineri placuit. 3‘Titio Seiana praedia, sicuti comparata sunt, do lego’. cum essent Gabiniana quoque simul uno pretio comparata, non sufficere solum argumentum emptionis respondi, sed inspiciendum, an litteris et rationibus appellatione Seianorum Gabiniana quoque continentur et utriusque possessionis confusi reditus titulo Seianorum accepto lati essent. 4Balneas legatae domus esse portionem constabat: quod si eas publice praebuit, ita domus esse portionem balneas, si per domum quoque intrinsecus adirentur et in usu patris familiae vel uxoris nonnumquam fuerunt et mercedes eius inter ceteras meritoriorum domus rationibus accepto ferebantur et uno pretio comparatae vel instructae communi coniunctu fuissent. 5Qui domum possidebat, hortum vicinum aedibus comparavit ac postea domum legavit. si hortum domus causa comparavit, ut amoeniorem domum ac salubriorem possideret, aditumque in eum per domum habuit et aedium hortus additamentum fuit, domus legato continebitur. 6Appellatione domus insulam quoque iniunctam domui videri, si uno pretio cum domu fuisset comparata et utriusque pensiones similiter accepto latas rationibus ostenderetur.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a tract of land was devised to a daughter as a preferred legacy, “Together with what is due from the stewards and tenants,” the legacy of the residue includes what remains of the rents of the lands under the same lease. Otherwise, it could readily be established that rent collected from the tenants and money deposited in the account-book of the testator in the same place, would not form part of what was left, as being due from either the tenant or the stewards, even though the testator may have expressly stated that he desired the stewards to belong to his daughter. 1It was decided that where the following words are employed, “I give to Lucius Titius such-and-such lands, with the house, in the same condition as they may be found at the time of my death,” the farming implements, and all articles for the use of the house must be delivered under the terms of the legacy; but anything which is due from the tenants will not be included. 2A father bequeathed to his son a factory used for dyeing purple, together with the slaves appointed to conduct the business, and the purple cloth which was there at the time of his death. It was decided that neither the money obtained from the sale of the cloth, nor what was due from purchasers, nor any debts of the slaves were included in the legacy. 3“I give and bequeath to Titius the Seian Estate in the same condition as when I purchased it.” As the Gabinian Estate had also been purchased with the other for a single price, I gave it as my opinion that the mere proof of the purchase was not sufficient, but that it must be ascertained from the letters and accounts of the testator whether the Gabinian Estate was included in the name of the Seian Estate, and whether the income of both of them had been united and carried on the books as that of the Seian Estate. 4It has been established that where a house is bequeathed, the baths constitute a part of the same. If, however, the testator permitted public access to them, the baths will form a part of it only when they can be entered through the building itself, and where they have sometimes been used by the head of the household, or his wife; and the rent of the baths has been carried on the books of the testator along with that of other rooms in the house; or where both have been purchased or furnished with money paid out at the same time. 5A certain person who owned a house bought an adjoining garden, and afterwards devised the house. If he purchased the garden on account of the house, in order to render the latter more pleasant and healthy, and there was an entrance to it through the house, and the garden was an addition to the latter, it will be included in the legacy of the house. 6Under the term “house” is also understood a building joined to the same, if both were purchased for one price, and it is established that the rents of both were carried together on the books.

Dig. 33,1,9Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Fundus, quem pater familias libertis legatorum nomine, quae in annos singulos relinquit, pignus esse voluit, ex causa fideicommissi rei servandae gratia recte petetur. Paulus notat: hoc admittendum est et in aliis rebus hereditariis, ut et in eas legatarius mittatur.

Ad Dig. 33,1,9Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 656, Note 1.Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. A tract of land, which a testator desired to be hypothecated to secure legacies payable annually to his freedman, can be lawfully claimed by them on the ground of a trust, for the purpose of preserving the land. Paulus states that this rule also applies to other property belonging to an estate, to enable the legatee to be placed in possession of the same.

Dig. 33,2,24Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Uxori fructu bonorum legato faenus quoque sortium, quas defunctus collocavit, post impletam ex senatus consulto cautionem praestabitur. igitur usuras nominum in hereditate relictorum ante cautionem interpositam debitas velut sortes in cautionem deduci necesse est. non idem servabitur nominibus ab herede factis: tunc enim sortes dumtaxat legatario dabuntur aut, quod propter moram usuras quoque reddi placuit, super his non cavebitur. 1‘Scorpum servum meum Semproniae concubinae meae servire volo’. non videtur proprietas servi relicta, sed usus fructus.

Ad Dig. 33,2,24Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 204, Note 7.Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a legacy of the usufruct of property is bequeathed to a wife, the principal, as well as the interest which the deceased loaned, must be paid after security has been furnished in accordance with the terms of the Decree of the Senate. Therefore, it will be necessary for the interest of the notes which formed part of the assets of the estate, and were due before security was given, to be deducted from the bond. The same rule, however, will not be observed where the money was loaned on the notes by the heir himself; for in this case, only the principal must be paid to the legatee, or whatever interest is found to be due on account of default of payment, and with reference to which no security will be required. 1“I wish my slave, Scorpus, to serve my concubine Sempronia.” In this instance, not the ownership, but the usufruct of the slave is held to have been bequeathed.

Dig. 33,3,6Idem libro septimo responsorum. Pater filiae domum legavit eique per domus hereditarias ius transeundi praestari voluit. si filia domum suam habitet, viro quoque ius transeundi praestabitur: alioquin filiae praestari non videbitur. quod si quis non usum transeundi personae datum, sed legatum servitutis esse plenum intellegat, tantundem iuris ad heredem quoque transmittetur: quod hic nequaquam admittendum est, ne, quod affectu filiae datum est, hoc et ad exteros eius heredes transire videatur.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A father left a house to his daughter, and gave her access to it through other buildings belonging to the estate. If the daughter resides in the house, the right of access will also be granted to her husband; otherwise, it will not be considered as granted to her. If, however, anyone should assert that this right is not merely a personal privilege, but a complete bequest of a servitude, then the right can only be transmitted to the heir. But, in this instance, such a conclusion can, under no circumstances, be admitted, lest what was granted through affection for his daughter might seem to be transmitted to foreign heirs.

Dig. 33,4,8Idem libro septimo responsorum. Vir uxori, quae dotem in mancipiis habebat, pecuniam pro dote legaverat: vivo viro mancipiis mortuis uxor post virum vita decessit. ad heredem eius actio legati recte transmittitur, quoniam mariti voluntas servanda est.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A man bequeathed a sum of money, in lieu of her dowry, to his wife, who had brought him her dowry in slaves. The slaves having died during the lifetime of the husband, his wife died after he did. The right of action to recover the legacy will pass by law to her heir, as the will of the husband must be executed.

Dig. 33,7,2Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Cum pater pluribus filiis heredibus scriptis duobus praeceptionem bonorum aviae praeter partes hereditarias dedisset, pro partibus coheredum viriles habituros legatarios placuit. 1Dotes praediorum, quae Graeco vocabulo ἐνθῆκαι appellantur, cum non instructa legantur, legatario non praestantur.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a father, after having appointed several of his children his heirs, bequeathed to two of them, as a preferred legacy, the property of their grandmother, in addition to their shares of his own estate; it was held that the legatees would be entitled to equal shares in proportion to those of the co-heirs. 1Gifts of land, when the implements for its cultivation, called envykai in the Greek language, are not left with it, are not delivered to the devisee.

Dig. 33,8,19Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Cum dominus servum vellet manumittere, professionem edi sibi peculii iussit atque ita servus libertatem accepit. res peculii professioni subtractas non videri manumisso tacite concessas apparuit. 1Testamento data libertate peculium legaverat eundemque postea manumiserat: libertus, ut et nominum peculii actiones ei praestarentur, ex testamento consequetur. 2Filius familias, cui pater peculium legavit, servum peculii vivo patre manumisit: servus communis omnium heredum est exemptus peculio propter filii destinationem, quia id peculium ad legatarium pertinet, quod in ea causa moriente patre inveniatur:

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a master wishes to manumit his slave, and directs him to furnish him with a list of the property of which his peculium is composed, and, after doing so, the slave receives his freedom, it is evident that any property belonging to the peculium which the slave had withheld from his statement will not have been tacitly given to him when he was manumitted. 1Where freedom is granted by a will, and the testator also bequeaths the peculium, and afterwards manumits the slave, the freedman can, under the terms of the will, demand that the rights of action for claims belonging to the peculium shall be assigned to him. 2A son under paternal control, to whom his father bequeathed his peculium, manumitted a slave who formed part of the same, during the lifetime of his father. This slave became the common property of all the heirs, and was removed from the peculium on account of the intention of the son, because that part of the peculium only belongs to the legatee which is found to be included in it at the time of the father’s death.

Dig. 33,10,9Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Legata supellectili cum species ex abundanti per imperitiam enumerentur, generali legato non derogatur: si tamen species certi numeri demonstratae fuerint, modus generi datus in his speciebus intellegitur. idem servabitur instructo praedio legato, si quaedam species numerum certum acceperint. 1Supellectilis mensas esse cuiuscumque materiae, scilicet vel argenteas vel argento inclusas placet: nam et argenteos lectos, item argentea candelabra supellectili cedere posterior aetas recepit: cum et Ulixem ex auro et argento lectum viventis arboris truncis aedificatum ornasse, quem Penelopa recognoscendi viri signum accepit, ut voluit Homerus. 2Supellectili sua omni legata acceptum argentum pignori non continebitur, quia supellectilem suam legavit, utique si non in usu creditoris id argentum voluntate debitoris fuit, sed propositum propter contractus fidem ac restituendae rei vinculum.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. Where a bequest of household goods is made, and the description of the articles is, through ignorance, set forth with unnecessary minuteness, it does not affect the general legacy. If, however, the number of the articles specified is stated, the amount is understood to have been reduced with reference to the kind of household goods referred to. The same rule shall be observed where land with all its equipment is devised, and a certain number of different kinds of implements are mentioned. 1It is well established that tables of every kind of material (for instance, those of silver or inlaid with silver) are included in household goods. The custom of the present age classes silver bedsteads and silver candelabra among household goods; for, as Homer says, Ulysses ornamented with gold and silver a bedstead made of the trunk of a green tree, by which Penelope recognized her husband. 2Where a testator bequeathed all of his household goods, certain silver plate which had been received by way of pledge was not held to be included, because he only bequeathed his own effects, especially as the said silver plate had not been used by the creditor, with the debtor’s consent, but he had put it aside as security for the payment of the obligation, to be returned when the latter was discharged.

Dig. 34,1,8Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Pecuniae sortem alimentis libertorum destinatam unum ex heredibus secundum voluntatem defuncti praecipientem cavere non esse cogendum ex persona deficientium partes coheredibus restitui placuit: ob eam igitur speciem post mortem omnium libertorum indebiti non competit actio nec utilis dabitur. diversa causa est eius, cui legatorum divisio mandatur: nam ea res praesentem ac momentariam curam iniungit, alimentorum vero praebendorum necessitas oneribus menstruis atque annuis verecundiam quoque pulsantibus adstringitur.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. It has been decided that where the principal of a sum of money, intended for the support of freedmen, has been left as a preferred legacy to one of several heirs, in accordance with the will of the deceased, he cannot be compelled to give security to deliver to his co-heirs the shares of any of the freedmen who may die. Therefore, in this instance, no action on the ground of money not due will lie, nor will a prætorian action be granted, even after the death of all the freedmen. The case is different, however, where the heir has been directed to make a distribution of the legacy; for this matter only requires momentary attention, but the necessity of furnishing support extends over months and years, and is also a source of trouble to the party responsible for it.

Dig. 34,3,23Idem libro septimo responsorum. Procurator, a quo rationem heres exigere prohibitus eoque nomine procuratorem liberare damnatus est, pecuniam ab argentario debitam ex contractu, quem ut procurator fecit, iure mandati cogetur restituere vel actiones praestare.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. An agent from whom the heir was forbidden to require an accounting, and whom he was also charged to release from all liability for any act performed in that capacity, can still be required, by an action on mandate, to pay to the heirs all the money that may be due to him from a banker under a contract which he entered into as an agent, or to assign his rights of action against the said banker.

Dig. 34,4,23Idem libro septimo responsorum. Pater inter filios facultatibus divisis filiam ex ratione primipili commodorum trecentos aureos accipere voluit ac postea de pecunia commodorum possessionem paravit. nihilo minus fratres et coheredes sorori fideicommissum praestabunt: non enim absumptum videtur, quod in corpus patrimonii versum est. cum autem inter filios diviso patrimonio res indivisas ad omnes coheredes pertinere voluisset, ita possessionem ex commodis comparatam dividi placuit, ut in eam superflui pretii filia portionem hereditariam accipiat: hoc enim eveniret in bonis pecunia relicta.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A father, having divided his property among his children, desired that his daughter should receive the sum of three hundred aurei, derived from the profit which he obtained from the advantages he enjoyed as the chief Centurion of the Triarii; and he afterwards used this money in acquiring a tract of land. Notwithstanding this fact, the brothers and co-heirs of the sister will be still obliged to execute the trust, for what was used for the benefit of the testator could not be held to have been consumed. But, as he had apportioned his property among his children, he intended that anything which had not been divided should belong to them in common; and hence it was decided that the land which had been acquired by means of funds derived from the office in the army should also be divided, so that the daughter might receive her share of the estate out of the amount paid for said land. This also would be the case, if money had been included in the assets of the estate.

Dig. 34,5,1Papinianus libro septimo responsorum. Fundum Maevianum aut Seianum Titio legaverat, cum universa possessio plurium praediorum sub appellatione fundi Maeviani rationibus demonstraretur. respondi non videri cetera praedia legato voluisse defunctum cedere, si fundi Seiani pretium a fundi Maeviani pretio non magna pecunia distingueretur.

Papinianus, Opinions, Book VII. A testator left the Mævian, or the Seian Estate to Titius. As several tracts of land were mentioned in the records under the name of the Mævian Estate, I answered that it did not appear that the deceased intended all of said tracts to be included in the devise, provided the value of the Seian Estate did not greatly differ from that of the Mævian Estate.

Dig. 35,1,77Idem libro septimo responsorum. Avia, quae nepotem sub condicione emancipationis pro parte heredem instituerat, ita postea codicillis scribsit: ‘hoc amplius nepoti meo, quam quod eum heredem institui, lego praedia illa’. condicionem emancipationis repetitam videri placet, quamvis avia nullam in legatis, ut in hereditate, substitutionem fecisset. nam et cum servus pure quidem liber, heres autem sub condicione scriptus et, si heres non exstiterit, legatum accipere iussus est, in legato repetitam videri libertatem divus Pius rescribsit. 1Muciana cautio locum non habet, si per aliam condicionem actio legati differri possit. 2‘Titio, si mulier non nubserit, heres centum dato’: quam pecuniam eidem mulieri Titius restituere rogatus est. si nubserit mulier die legati cedente, fideicommissum petet: remoto autem fideicommisso legatarius exemplum Mucianae cautionis non habebit. 3Pater exheredatae filiae tutores dedit eosque, si mater eius, impubere filia constituta, vita decessisset, ad rem gerendam accedere iussit, cum uxori mandatum esset, ut moriens filiae communi decies restitueret. non sub condicione tutores videbuntur dati nec, si quid aliud interea puella quaesisset, eius administratione prohiberi, cautio vero fideicommissi matri remissa. quocumque indicio voluntatis cautio legatorum vel fideicommissorum remitti potest. itaque si cautionis non petendae condicio legato vel fideicommisso praescribatur, condicionem ea res non faciet: non enim deficiet, si quis caveri desideraverit, onere cautionis non secuto, quod adversus invitum hodie iure publico sequi non potest, postquam remitti posse cautionem placuit.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A grandmother who had appointed her grandson heir to a certain portion of her estate, on condition that he should be emancipated, afterwards inserted the following in a codicil, “I also devise such-and-such lands to my grandson, in addition to what I have already left him as my heir.” It was held that the condition of emancipation was repeated, although the grandmother had made no substitution either with reference to the legacies, or the estate. For indeed where a slave was bequeathed his freedom absolutely, but was appointed an heir under a certain condition, and if he should not be the heir, he was directed to receive a legacy, the Divine Pius stated in a Rescript that his grant of freedom should be considered as repeated in the legacy. 1The Mucian bond does not apply, if payment of the legacy is deferred by some other condition. 2“Let my heir pay a hundred aurei to Titius, if my wife does not marry again.” Titius was charged to pay the money to the same woman under the terms of a trust. If the woman should marry, she can demand the execution of the trust on the day when the legacy is payable; and if she is excluded from the benefit of trust, the legatee will not be entitled to security such as the Mucian bond. 3A father appointed guardians for his daughter whom he had disinherited, and directed them to begin to transact the business of their ward, if her mother should die before the girl reached the age of puberty; and he charged his wife, at her death, to pay to their common daughter a million sesterces. The guardians are not considered to have been appointed under a condition, so that, if, in the meantime, the girl should have acquired any other property, they will not be prevented from administering it. The bond to be executed for the performance of the trust was not required of the mother, and that to be exacted from the heirs to secure the payment of the legacies, or the execution of the trust, can be remitted by any indication whatsoever of the wish of the deceased. Therefore, if the condition not to demand a bond is prescribed in the case of a legacy or a trust, this fact does not render them conditional; for if any of the parties should desire a bond to be furnished, and one is not executed, the condition will not fail, for, at present, under the public law, the heir cannot be compelled to furnish a bond against his will, after it has been decided that he can be excused from giving one.

Dig. 35,1,100Idem libro septimo responsorum. Titiae, si non nubserit, ducenta, si nubserit, centum legavit: nubsit mulier. ducenta, non etiam centum residua petat: ridiculum est enim eandem et ut viduam et ut nuptam admitti.

The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A testator bequeathed two hundred aurei to Titia, if she should not marry, and a hundred to her if she should. The woman married. She can claim the two hundred aurei, but not the other hundred; for it would be absurd for her to be considered a widow and a married woman at the same time.

Dig. 36,1,58Idem libro septimo responsorum. Filiam fratribus certis rebus acceptis hereditatem restituere pater voluit: ante restitutam hereditatem in possessionem hereditatis filiam quoque mitti placuit. cum autem interea filii res bonorum in solidum distraxissent, item alias pignori dedissent, hereditate postea restituta constitit ex eo facto ceterarum quoque portionum venditiones, item pignora confirmari.

Ad Dig. 36,1,58Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 289, Note 14.The Same, Opinions, Book VII. A father wished that his daughter, after having reserved certain articles, should deliver his estate to her brothers. It was decided that the daughter ought to be placed in possession of the estate, before she made the transfer to her brothers. If, in the meantime, the brothers should have sold or encumbered all the property of the estate, and it was afterwards transferred to them, it is established that, on account of their act only, the sales or pledges of that portion of the estate which was not reserved, should be confirmed.