Responsorum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 3,3,68Idem libro tertio responsorum. Quod procurator ex re domini mandato non refragante stipulatur, invito procuratore dominus petere non potest.
Dig. 3,5,31Idem libro tertio responsorum. Fideiussor imperitia lapsus alterius quoque contractus, qui personam eius non contingebat, pignora vel hypothecas suscepit et utramque pecuniam creditori solvit, existimans indemnitati suae confusis praediis consuli posse. ob eas res iudicio mandati frustra convenietur et ipse debitorem frustra conveniet, negotiorum autem gestorum actio utrique necessaria erit: in qua lite culpam aestimari satis est, non etiam casum, quia praedo fideiussor non videtur. creditor ob id factum ad restituendum iudicio, quod de pignore dato redditur, cum videatur ius suum vendidisse, non tenebitur. 1Ignorante virgine mater a sponso filiae res donatas suscepit: quia mandati vel depositi cessat actio, negotiorum gestorum agitur.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. A surety, through inexperience, received pledges or securities relating to another contract in which he was not interested, and paid both debts to the creditor, thinking that he could obtain indemnity by combining the securities. On account of this, a suit on mandate brought against him would be of no effect, and he himself could not bring suit against the debtor, but it would be necessary for each of them to sue the other on the ground of business transacted. In the trial of this it will be sufficient to take into consideration the negligence, but not the accident, for the reason that a surety is not considered to be a robber. The creditor in this instance, cannot be held liable in an action of pledge for the restitution of the property as he seems to have sold his right. 1Where a mother has received from a man who is betrothed to her daughter gifts for the latter of which the girl is ignorant; an action on mandate or deposit does not lie in her favor, but one can be brought on the ground of business transacted.
Dig. 5,1,45Idem libro tertio responsorum. Argentarium ubi contractum est conveniri oportet nec in hoc dilationem nisi ex iusta causa dari, ut ex provincia codices adferantur. idem in actione tutelae placuit. 1Nomine puellae tutoribus in provincia condemnatis curatores puellae iudicatum Romae facere coguntur, ubi mutuam pecuniam mater accepit, cui filia heres extitit.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. A banker must be sued where the contract was made with him, and, in such a case, a postponement will not be granted except for good cause; as, for instance, to permit his books to be brought from a province. The same rule applies to an action on guardianship. 1Where the guardians of a female ward have a decision rendered against them in a province, the curators of the ward may be comoelled to comply with the decree at Rome, where the mother of the ward borrowed the money, and her daughter was her heir.
Dig. 11,7,17Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Sed si nondum pater dotem reciperaverit, vir solus convenietur reputaturus patri, quod eo nomine praestiterit:
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. If, however, the father has not yet recovered the dowry, the son alone may be sued, and he can charge the father with whatever he has paid on this account:
Dig. 12,6,57Idem libro tertio responsorum. Cum indebitum impuberis nomine tutor numeravit, impuberis condictio est. 1Creditor, ut procuratori suo debitum redderetur, mandavit: maiore pecunia soluta procurator indebiti causa convenietur: quod si nominatim, ut maior pecunia solveretur, delegavit, indebiti cum eo qui delegavit erit actio, quae non videtur perempta, si frustra cum procuratore lis fuerit instituta.
Ad Dig. 12,6,57ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 66, S. 299: Cond. possessionis gegen den aus Irrthum Besitzenden. Besitz ein Vermögensobject.The Same, Opinions, Book III. With reference to the next payment in the name of a boy who has not reached puberty, the latter has a right of action for the recovery of the money. 1When a creditor directs that a debt shall be paid to his agent, in this instance, if more money is paid than was due, the agent will be liable to an action for the payment of what was not owing; but if the creditor, when appointing someone to receive payment, expressly mentioned a larger sum to be paid to him, an action for the recovery of money paid which was not due will lie against the party who appointed him, and the right of action will not be held to be taken away if suit is brought against the said agent in vain.
Dig. 13,7,40Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Debitor a creditore pignus quod dedit frustra emit, cum rei suae nulla emptio sit: nec si minoris emerit et pignus petat aut dominium vindicet, ei non totum debitum offerenti creditor possessionem restituere cogetur. 1Debitoris filius, qui manet in patris potestate, frustra pignus a creditore patris peculiaribus nummis comparat: et ideo si patronus debitoris contra tabulas eius possessionem acceperit, dominii partem optinebit: nam pecunia, quam filius ex re patris in pretium dedit, pignus liberatur. 2Soluta pecunia creditor possessionem pignoris, quae corporalis apud eum fuit, restituere debet nec quicquam amplius praestare cogitur. itaque si medio tempore pignus creditor pignori dederit, domino solvente pecuniam quam debuit secundi pignoris neque persecutio dabitur neque retentio relinquetur.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. A debtor cannot legally purchase a pledge which he has given to a creditor, because the purchase of one’s own property is void; for if he buys it for less than the amount of the claim and demands it, or brings suit for the ownership, the creditor is not obliged to restore possession to him unless he tenders payment of the entire debt. 1The son of a debtor, who is under the control of his father, cannot obtain possession of a pledge from a creditor with money belonging to his own peculium; and therefore if a patron of the debtor has obtained possession of the property of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, he will acquire half of the ownership; for the pledge is released by the money which the son paid as a price out of the property belonging to his father. 2The money having been paid, the creditor should restore the possession of the pledge which was actually in his hands; nor can the debtor be compelled to pay anything more. Therefore, if the creditor has, in the meantime, himself given the pledge as security, and the owner of the same has paid the money which he owed, no action will be granted with reference to the second pledge, nor will the right of retention remain.
Dig. 13,7,42Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Creditor iudicio, quod de pignore dato proponitur, ut superfluum pretii cum usuris restituat, iure cogitur, nec audiendus erit, si velit emptorem delegare, cum in venditione, quae fit ex facto, suum creditor negotium gerat.
Ad Dig. 13,7,42ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 40, S. 150: Kompensation des Pfandgläubigers bezüglich des an die Konkursmasse herauszuzahlenden Ueberschusses aus dem Erloese für das Pfand mit einer chirographischen Forderung an den Kridar.Ulpianus, Opinions, Book III. The creditor is legally bound to surrender the excess of the price together with interest, in an action brought relative to the giving of the pledge; and he should not be heard if he wishes to substitute the purchaser, since, in the sale, which is made in pursuance of an agreement, the creditor is transacting his own business.
Dig. 14,3,19Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. In eum, qui mutuis accipiendis pecuniis procuratorem praeposuit, utilis ad exemplum institoriae dabitur actio: quod aeque faciendum erit et si procurator solvendo sit, qui stipulanti pecuniam promisit. 1Si dominus, qui servum institorem apud mensam pecuniis accipiendis habuit, post libertatem quoque datam idem per libertum negotium exercuit, varietate status non mutabitur periculi causa. 2Tabernae praepositus a patre filius mercium causa mutuam pecuniam accepit: pro eo pater fideiussit: etiam institoria ab eo petetur, cum acceptae pecuniae speciem fideiubendo negotio tabernae miscuerit. 3Servus pecuniis tantum faenerandis praepositus per intercessionem aes alienum suscipiens ut institorem dominum in solidum iure praetorio non adstringit: quod autem pro eo, qui pecuniam faeneravit, per delegationem alii promisit, a domino recte petetur, cui pecuniae creditae contra eum qui delegavit actio quaesita est.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. A prætorian action will be granted, as in the case of an Institorian Action, against a party who appointed an agent to borrow money; and this also is the case where the agent, who promised money to a party entering into a stipulation, is solvent. 1Where a master had a slave as business-manager at a table for receiving money, and after he had given him his freedom carried on the same business by his freedman, the fact of responsibility will not be removed by the change of civil condition. 2Where a son who was appointed by his father to have charge of his shop, borrowed money for the purpose of the business, and his father became his surety; he can be proceeded against by means of the Institorian Action, since, by becoming surety, he connected the act of borrowing the money with the business of the shop. 3A slave appointed solely for the purpose of lending money at interest does not, in the capacity of business manager, render his master liable in full, under Prætorian Law, by assuming a debt as surety; but so far as money which he promised to another (in consideration of the substitution of liability) at interest is concerned, an action can properly be brought against the master on the ground of money lent to the party who made the substitution.
Dig. 16,1,27Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Bona fide personam mulieris in contrahendo secutus ob ea, quae inter virum et uxorem accepta pecunia gesta sunt, exceptione senatus consulti non summovetur. 1Cum servi ad negotiationem praepositi cum alio contrahentes personam mulieris ut idoneae sequuntur, exceptione senatus consulti dominum summovet: nec videtur deterior causa domini per servum fieri, sed nihil esse domino quaesitum, non magis, quam si litigiosum praedium servus aut liberum hominem emerit. 2Uxor debitricem suam viro delegavit, ut vir creditori eius pecuniam solveret: si fidem suam pro ea quam delegavit apud virum obligaverit, locum exceptio senatus consulti non habebit, quia mulier suum negotium gessit.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. Where a party having made a contract with a woman in good faith proceeds against her because the money which he borrowed has been employed in transactions between husband and wife; he will not be barred by an exception based on the Decree of the Senate. 1Where slaves who have been appointed for the transaction of business, in contracting with another, bring suit against a woman whose obligation they think to be valid, an exception based on the Decree of the Senate will bar their owner; nor will the position of the latter be held to be prejudiced by the act of the slave, for nothing has been obtained by the owner, any more than when a slave buys land which is in litigation, or a man who is free. 2A wife substituted another woman as her debtor to her husband, and the husband paid the money to her creditor. If she guaranteed the solvency of the woman who was substituted to her husband, the exception based on the Decree of the Senate will not be available, because the woman is transacting her own business.
Dig. 16,2,18Idem libro tertio responsorum. In rem suam procurator datus post litis contestationem, si vice mutua conveniatur, aequitate compensationis utetur. 1Creditor compensare non cogitur quod alii quam debitori suo debet, quamvis creditor eius pro eo, qui convenitur ob debitum proprium, velit compensare.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Where an agent is appointed to conduct his own case in court, and, after issue has been joined, suit is brought against him for a loan, he will justly be entitled to a set-off. 1A creditor is not obliged to set off what he owes to anyone else than his debtor, even though the creditor of him in whose behalf the party is sued for his own debt may desire to make use of a set-off.
Dig. 16,3,25Idem libro tertio responsorum. Die sponsaliorum aut postea res oblatas puellae, quae sui iuris fuit, pater suscepit: heres eius ut exhibeat recte convenietur etiam actione depositi. 1Qui pecuniam apud se non obsignatam, ut tantundem redderet, depositam ad usus proprios convertit, post moram in usuras quoque iudicio depositi condemnandus est.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Where a father received the presents given to his daughter, who was her own mistress, on the day of her betrothal, or afterwards, his heir can properly be sued in an action on deposit to compel him to produce the property. 1Anyone who converts to his own use money which had been deposited with him, but not sealed up, with the understanding that he should return the same amount, and should have judgment rendered against him, in an action on deposit, for the interest from the time when he was in default.
Dig. 17,1,7Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Salarium procuratori constitutum si extra ordinem peti coeperit, considerandum erit, laborem dominus remunerare voluerit atque ideo fidem adhiberi placitis oporteat an eventum litium maioris pecuniae praemio contra bonos mores procurator redemerit.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book II. Where an attorney is appointed to conduct a case, and demands a larger fee, it must be considered whether his client desired to remunerate him for his services, and, in this instance, he must comply with what had been agreed upon; or whether the attorney had purchased the right of action with the expectation of realizing a larger sum of money, which is contrary to good morals.
Dig. 17,1,56Idem libro tertio responsorum. Qui mutuam pecuniam dari mandavit, omisso reo promittendi et pignoribus non distractis eligi potest: quod uti liceat si litteris exprimatur, distractis quoque pignoribus ad eum creditor redire poterit: etenim quae dubitationis tollendae causa contractibus inseruntur, ius commune non laedunt. 1Fideiussor qui pecuniam in iure optulit et propter aetatem eius qui petebat obsignavit ac publice deposuit, confestim agere mandati potest. 2Non ideo minus omnis temporis bonam fidem explorari oportet, quod dominus post annos quinque de provincia reversus, mox rei publicae causa profecturus non acceptis rationibus mandatum instauraverit. cum igitur ad officium procuratoris pertinuerit quidquid ex prima negotiorum gestorum administratione debuit ad secundam rationem transferre, secundi temporis causa priorem litem suscipiet. 3Salarium incertae pollicitationis neque extra ordinem recte petitur neque iudicio mandati, ut salarium tibi constituat. 4Sumptus bona fide necessario factos, etsi negotio finem adhibere procurator non potuit, iudicio mandati restitui necesse est.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Where anyone has directed money to be loaned, the mandatary can sue the mandator without having recourse to the principal debtor, and without selling the pledges, and the creditor can even have recourse to him, if it is stated in the letter that he has a right to do so, even if the pledges are sold; for whatever is inserted in a contract for the purpose of removing all doubt, does not in any way restrict the effect of the Common Law. 1Where a surety has tendered the money in court, and, on account of the age of the party who is bringing the suit, has sealed it up, and publicly deposited it, he can immediately proceed by an action on mandate. 2It is none the less necessary to investigate the good faith of the mandatary during the entire time, where the owner of the property returns to the province after five years absence, having been compelled to leave on business for the State; although he may have renewed the mandate without having received an accounting. Hence, as it is the duty of the agent to transfer all that has been done during the first administration of the business into the account of the second, he will combine the matters attended to during the first period with those of the second. 3A salary which is dependent upon an uncertain promise cannot legally be collected by a resorting to extraordinary proceedings, nor have you the right to have it established by means of an action on mandate. 4It is necessary for an action on mandate to be brought for the recovery of bona fide expenses necessarily incurred; even though the agent may not have finished the business entrusted to him.
Dig. 17,2,82Idem libro tertio responsorum. Iure societatis per socium aere alieno socius non obligatur, nisi in communem arcam pecuniae versae sunt.
Ad Dig. 17,2,82ROHGE, Bd. 7 (1873), S. 433: Eine nützliche Verwendung für eine Gesellschaft ist dadurch allein, daß eine Sache zu Gesellschaftszwecken verwendet worden, noch nicht entstanden. Es muß der Gesellschafter ersichtlich für die Gesellschaft gehandelt haben.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 483, Note 15.The Same, Opinions, Book III. One partner is not bound for the debts contracted by another, according to the law of partnership, unless the money was deposited in the common chest.
Dig. 18,1,73Idem libro tertio responsorum. Aede sacra terrae motu diruta locus aedificii non est profanus et ideo venire non potest. 1Intra maceriam sepulchrorum hortis vel ceteris culturis loca pura servata, si nihil venditor nominatim excepit, ad emptorem pertinent.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. If a temple is destroyed by an earthquake, the site of the building is not profane, and therefore cannot be sold. 1Where ground has been used for a garden, or for some other kind of cultivation, within the wall enclosing a tomb, it is profane and belongs to the purchaser, if the vendor did not expressly except it.
Dig. 18,2,20Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Prior emptor post meliorem condicionem oblatam ob pecuniam in exordio venditori de pretio solutam contra secundum emptorem citra delegationem iure stipulationis interpositam agere non potest.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. The first purchaser, after better terms have been offered by another, cannot bring an action against the second for the money paid to the vendor, unless in compliance with the terms of the stipulation a substitution was made of the second purchaser for payment.
Dig. 18,6,19Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Habitationum oneribus morte libertorum finitis emptor domus ob eam causam venditori non tenebitur, si nihil aliud convenit, quam ut habitationes secundum defuncti voluntatem super pretium libertis praestarentur. 1Ante pretium solutum dominii quaestione mota pretium emptor solvere non cogetur, nisi fideiussores idonei a venditore eius evictionis offerantur.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. Where the obligation of furnishing a lodging to freedmen is terminated by their death, the purchaser of the property will not be liable to the vendor on this account; if no other agreement was made than that a lodging should be furnished the freedmen in compliance with the will of the deceased, in addition to the price paid. 1Where a controversy arises, with reference to the ownership of property, before the price is paid; the purchaser is not compelled to pay it, unless solvent securities against his eviction are furnished by the vendor.
Dig. 19,1,41Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. In venditione super annua pensitatione pro aquae ductu infra domum Romae constitutum nihil commemoratum est. deceptus ob eam rem ex empto actionem habebit: itaque, si conveniatur ob pretium ex vendito, ratio inprovisi oneris habetur.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. In a contract of sale, nothing was stated with reference to the annual payment due for an aqueduct passing under a house at Rome. The buyer having been deceived would be entitled to an action on purchase on this ground; and therefore, if he should be sued in an action on sale for the price, the unexpected burden imposed upon him should be taken into consideration.
Dig. 20,1,2Idem libro tertio responsorum. Fideiussor, qui pignora vel hypothecas suscepit atque ita pecunias solvit, si mandati agat vel cum eo agatur, exemplo creditoris etiam culpam aestimari oportet. ceterum iudicio, quod de pignore dato proponitur, conveniri non potest.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Where a surety who has had pledges or mortgages assigned to him after he has paid a debt for money loaned, proceeds against the debtor by way of mandate, or brings suit against him on the ground of being his creditor; if he has been guilty of negligence with reference to the pledges, this must be taken into consideration. He cannot, however, sue him by means of the direct action on pledge.
Dig. 20,4,2Idem libro tertio responsorum. Qui generaliter bona debitoris pignori accepit eo potior est, cui postea praedium ex his bonis pingori datur, quamvis ex ceteris pecuniam suam redigere possit. quod si ea conventio prioris fuit, ut ita demum cetera bona pignori haberentur, si pecunia de his, quae generaliter accepit, servari non potuisset, deficiente secunda conventione secundus creditor in pignore postea dato non tam potior quam solus invenietur.
Ad Dig. 20,4,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 235, Note 24.The Same, Opinions, Book III. He who, in general terms, has received the property of a debtor by way of pledge, is in a better position than he to whom a tract of land forming part of the property of the debtor is subsequently hypothecated. If, however, the agreement was made with the first creditor that other property shall only be liable by way of pledge where his right to that which he has accepted under a general hypothecation is not sufficient to secure the debt, and the second agreement fails, the second creditor will be found to be the sole, rather than the preferred one, so far as the pledge subsequently given is concerned.
Dig. 20,5,3Idem libro tertio responsorum. Cum prior creditor pignus iure conventionis vendidit, secundo creditori non superesse ius offerendae pecuniae convenit. 1Si tamen debitor non interveniente creditore pignus vendiderit eiusque pretium priori creditori solverit, emptori poterit offerri quod ad alium creditorem de nummis eius pervenit et usurae medii temporis: nihil enim interest, debitor pignus datum vendidit an denuo pignori obliget.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. Where the first creditor sells the pledge in compliance with the terms of the agreement, it is settled that the second creditor has no right to tender the money. 1Where, however, the debtor sells a pledge without consulting his creditors, and pays the price of the same to the first creditor, the second creditor can offer to the purchaser the amount paid to the first, together with the interest which has accrued in the meantime; for it makes no difference whether the debtor sells the property pledged, or pledges it a second time.
Dig. 22,2,4Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Nihil interest, traiecticia pecunia sine periculo creditoris accepta sit an post diem praestitutum et condicionem impletam periculum esse creditoris desierit. utrubique igitur maius legitima usura faenus non debebitur, sed in priore quidem specie semper, in altera vero discusso periculo: nec pignora vel hypothecae titulo maioris usurae tenebuntur. 1Pro operis servi traiecticiae pecuniae gratia secuti quod in singulos dies in stipulatum deductum est, ad finem centesimae non ultra duplum debetur. in stipulatione faenoris post diem periculi separatim interposita quod in ea legitimae usurae deerit, per alteram stipulationem operarum supplebitur.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. It makes no difference whether the money to be transported is not at the risk of the creditor when it is received, or whether it ceases to be at his risk after a certain time, or upon the fulfillment of a certain condition; and therefore in either instance a higher rate of interest than is legal will not be due. In the first instance, a higher rate can never be demanded; in the second, when the risk has ceased to exist, neither pledges nor hypothecations can be retained for the purpose of collecting a higher rate of interest. 1If slaves should be sent with the money transported, for the purpose of collecting it when due, interest for every day mentioned in the stipulation will be payable to the limit of twelve per cent; but more than twice the amount cannot be collected. Where it was separately stated in the stipulation, with reference to the interest, when the money would be no longer at the creditor’s risk, whatever lawful interest was lacking in one clause will be supplied by the effect of the other.
Dig. 23,5,15Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Dotale praedium, cuius vir possessionem retinuit post litteras ad uxorem emissas, quibus dotis non fore praedium declaravit, in matrimonio defuncta muliere virum retinere placuit, quia mulier actionem ex pacto non habuit.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book I. It has been decided that dotal land, the possession of which was retained by the husband after letters which he sent to his wife, in which he stated that the land would not become dotal, can be retained by the husband after the wife had died during marriage, for the reason that she would not be entitled to an action on contract.
Dig. 27,7,7Idem libro tertio responsorum. Si fideiussores, qui rem salvam fore pupillo caverant, tutorem adulescens ut ante conveniret petierant atque ideo stipulanti promiserunt se reddituros quod ab eo servari non potuisset: placuit inter eos, qui solvendo essent, actionem residui dividi, quod onus fideiussorum susceptum videretur: nam et si mandato plurium pecunia credatur, aeque dividitur actio: si enim quod datum pro alio solvitur, cur species actionis aequitatem divisionis excludit?
The Same, Opinions, Book III. When sureties, who bound themselves to see that the property of the ward remained secure, ask that the latter shall bring an action against his guardian, before having recourse to them, and they promise that if he does so they will indemnify him for what he cannot recover from the guardian, it is held that an action to recover the balance shall be divided among the sureties who are solvent; because the obligation is held to have been assumed by them, as where money is loaned under the direction of several persons, the action is equally divided among them. For where what has been given by one is used for the release of another, why should the particular nature of an action exclude an equitable division?
Dig. 39,5,28Idem libro tertio responsorum. Hereditatem pater sibi relictam filiae sui iuris effectae donavit: creditoribus hereditariis filia satisfacere debet, vel, si hoc minime faciat et creditores contra patrem veniant, cogendam eam per actionem praescriptis verbis patrem adversus eos defendere.
Ad Dig. 39,5,28Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 98, Note 3; Bd. II, § 368, Note 6; Bd. III, § 621, Note 6.The Same, Opinions, Book III. A father donated an estate, which had been left to him, to his daughter, who had become her own mistress. The daughter must satisfy the creditors of the estate, and if she should not do so, and the creditors should have recourse to her father, she can be compelled by an action præscriptis verbis to defend her father against the creditors.
Dig. 46,1,51Idem libro tertio responsorum. Inter eos fideiussores actio dividenda est, qui solidum et partes viriles fide sua esse iusserunt. diversum erit verbis ita conceptis: ‘solidum aut partem virilem fide tua esse iubes?’ tunc enim ab initio non nisi viriles partes singulos debere conveniet. 1Fideiussor, qui partem pecuniae suo nomine vel rei promittendi solvit, quo minus residui divisione facta portionis iudicium accipiat, recusare non debet: eam enim quantitatem inter eos qui solvendo sunt dividi convenit, quam litis tempore singuli debent. sed humanius est, si et alter solvendo sit litis contestationis tempore, per exceptionem ei qui solvit succurri. 2Duo rei promittendi separatim fideiussores dederunt: invitus creditor inter omnes fideiussores actiones dividere non cogitur, sed inter eos dumtaxat, qui pro singulis intervenerunt. plane si velit actionem suam inter omnes dividere, non erit prohibendus, non magis quam si duos reos pro partibus conveniret. 3Creditor pignus distrahere non cogitur, si fideiussorem simpliciter acceptum omisso pignore velit convenire. 4Cum inter fideiussores actione divisa quidam post litem contestatam solvendo esse desierunt, ea res ad onus eius qui solvendo est non pertinet, nec auxilio defendetur aetatis actor: non enim deceptus videtur iure communi usus. 5Bonis damnati fideiussoris fisco vindicatis inter fideiussores actio postea si dividi coeperit, ut heredis, ita fisci rationem haberi oportet.
The Same, Opinions, Book III. The action should be divided between those sureties who have become responsible for the entire amount, and their own equal shares. The case would be different, where the following words were used, “Do you promise to be responsible for the entire amount, or your respective share of the estate,” for then it is settled that each one will only be liable for his individual share. 1Ad Dig. 46,1,51,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 479, Note 10.A surety who has paid a portion of the amount due either in his own name, or in that of a promisor, cannot refuse to have suit brought against him for the division of the remainder. For the amount which each of them owes individually should be divided between those who are solvent at the time of the judgment. It is, however, more equitable to come to the relief of the party who paid by means of an exception if the other was solvent at the time when issue was joined. 2Ad Dig. 46,1,51,2ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 325: Rechtsverhältniß mehrerer Bürgen dem Gläubiger gegenüber. Regreß eines Mitbürgen an den andern zur Hälfte, ungeachtet letzterer nur zur letzten Stelle hat haften wollen. Beneficium cedendarum actionum, divisionis, excussionis.Two joint-debtors gave separate sureties. The creditor is not obliged against his will to divide the actions between all the sureties, but only between those who became responsible for each of the debtors. It is clear that if he wishes to divide his action among all of them, he cannot be prevented from doing so, any more than if he should sue the two debtors for their respective shares of the debt. 3A creditor is not compelled to sell a pledge, if, having abandoned the pledge, he wishes to sue the person who simply became surety. 4Ad Dig. 46,1,51,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 479, Note 10.The action having been divided among the sureties, some of them, after issue was joined, ceased to be solvent; but this fact has no reference to the responsibility of one who is solvent, nor will the plaintiff be protected in case of his minority, for he is held not to have been deceived when he had recourse to the Common Law. 5Where the property of a surety against whom judgment has been rendered is claimed by the Treasury, and the action is afterwards divided between the sureties, the Treasury will be considered to occupy the position of an heir.
Dig. 46,2,27Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Emptor cum delegante venditore pecuniam ita promittit: ‘quidquid ex vendito dare facere oportet’, novatione secuta usuras neutri post insecuti temporis debet.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. When a purchaser, having been delegated by the vendor, promises money as follows, “Whatever it is necessary to pay, or to do, on account of the sale,” novation takes place; and he does not owe to anyone interest for the following time.
Dig. 49,14,36Papinianus libro tertio responsorum. Praediis a fisco distractis praeteriti temporis tributum eorundem praediorum onus emptorem spectare placuit.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book III. Where lands have been sold by the Treasury, it was decided that the purchaser is liable for any taxes already due thereon.
Dig. 50,17,81Idem libro tertio responsorum. Quae dubitationis tollendae causa contractibus inseruntur, ius commune non laedunt.