Responsorum libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 38,12,2Papinianus libro sexto decimo responsorum. Bona militis intestati defuncti castrensia fisco non vindicantur, cum heres legitimus ad finem quinti gradus exstitit aut proximus cognatus eiusdem gradus intra tempus possessionem acceperit.
Dig. 48,1,14Idem libro sexto decimo responsorum. Generi servis a socero veneficii accusatis praeses provinciae patrem calumniam intulisse pronuntiaverat. inter infames patrem defunctae non habendum respondi, quoniam et si publicum iudicium inter liberos de morte filiae constitisset, citra periculum pater vindicaretur.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVI. The slaves of a son-in-law having been accused by his father-in-law of administering poison, the Governor of the province decided that the father had been guilty of malicious prosecution. I gave it as my opinion that the father of the deceased should not be included among persons who are infamous, since although a criminal prosecution might be instituted by the children for the death of the daughter, the father could bring the accusation without any risk.
Dig. 48,2,22Idem libro sexto decimo responsorum. Alterius provinciae reus apud eos accusatur et damnatur, apud quos crimen contractum ostenditur. quod etiam in militibus esse observandum optimi principes nostri generaliter rescripserunt.
Dig. 48,18,17Papinianus libro sexto decimo responsorum. Extrario quoque accusante servos in adulterii quaestione contra dominum interrogari placuit. quod divus Marcus ac postea maximus princeps iudicantes secuti sunt. 1Sed et in quaestione stupri servi adversus dominum non torquentur. 2De quaestione suppositi partus, vel si petat hereditatem, quem ceteri filii non esse fratrem suum contendunt, quaestio de servis hereditariis habebitur, quia non contra dominos ceteros filios, sed pro successione domini defuncti quaeritur. quod congruit ei, quod divus Hadrianus rescripsit: cum enim in socium caedis socius postularetur, de communi servo habendam quaestionem rescripsit, quod pro domino fore videretur. 3De servo in metallum damnato quaestionem contra eum qui dominus fuit, non esse habendam respondi: nec ad rem pertinere, si ministrum se facinoris fuisse confiteatur.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book XVI. Again, when a stranger brings an accusation, it has been established that slaves can be tortured to obtain evidence against their masters; a rule which the Divine Marcus, and afterwards the Emperor Maximus, followed in rendering their decisions. 1Slaves are not tortured against their master where a charge of fornication is made. 2In a case of fraudulent birth, if a person whom the other children assert is not their brother claims the estate, torture shall be applied to slaves belonging to the estate, for the reason that it is not employed against the other children as masters, but in order to determine the succession of the deceased owner. This agrees with what the Divine Hadrian stated in a Rescript, for when a man was accused of having murdered his partner, the Emperor decreed that a slave owned in common could be put to the question, because this appeared to be done in behalf of his master who had been killed. 3I gave it as my opinion that where a slave has been sentenced to the mines, he should not be tortured to obtain evidence against the person who had been his master, and that it made no difference if he had confessed that he had been the perpetrator of the crime.
Dig. 48,19,34Idem libro sexto decimo responsorum. Servus in opus publicum perpetuum ac multo magis temporarium non datur. cum igitur per errorem in opus temporarium fuisset datus, expleto tempore domino servum esse reddendum respondi. 1Eos quoque poena delatoris ex sententia senatus consulti teneri respondi, qui per suppositam personam delatori causam dederunt.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVI. A slave cannot be sentenced to perpetual labor on the public works; and, with much more reason, he cannot be sentenced to labor dn them for a term. Therefore, in a case where one who was condemned to the public works for a term, through mistake, I gave it as my opinion that, after the time had expired, the slave should be restored to his master. 1I also gave it as my opinion that, according to the Decree of the Senate, those persons are liable to the penalty of informers who, by the intervention of a third party, caused an informer to commit the offence.
Dig. 48,23,3Papinianus libro sexto decimo responsorum. In insulam deportati bona fiscus poena remissa retinuit: creditores ex ante gesto non habere cum eo qui debitor quondam fuit actiones constitit. quod si bona cum dignitatis restitutione concessa reciperaverit, utiles actiones necessariae non erunt, cum et directae competunt.
Papinianus, Opinions, Book XVI. The Treasury retained the property of a man who was deported to an island, after his punishment had been remitted. It is established that creditors before his conviction have no rights of action against him who was their former debtor. If, however, he recovers his property with the restitution of his rank, prætorian actions will not be necessary, for direct actions will lie.
Dig. 49,14,39Idem libro sexto decimo responsorum. Bona fisco citra poenam exilii perpetuam adiudicari sententia non oportet. 1Eum, qui periculum communis condemnationis dividi postulavit, quod participes iudicati solvendo essent revocatis alienationibus quas fraudulenter fecerant, non videri causam pecuniae fisco nuntiasse respondi.
The Same, Opinions, Book XVI. A sentence cannot adjudge property to the Treasury without including the penalty for perpetual exile. 1I gave it as my opinion that he who asked that the risk of a common conviction be divided, because the parties convicted would be solvent if the alienations which they had fraudulently made should be revoked, did not appear to have given information to the Treasury of a case in which money was involved.