Quaestionum libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 3,3,66Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Si is qui Stichum vel damam, utrum eorum ipse vellet, stipulatus est et ratum habeat, quod alterum procuratorio nomine Titius petit: facit, ut res in iudicium deducta videatur, et stipulationem consumit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Where a person stipulates for “Stichus or Damas, whichever he may choose,” and Titius brings suit, as agent, to recover one of them, and his principal ratifies his act; the result is that the matter is held to be brought under the jurisdiction of the court, and annuls the stipulation.
Dig. 15,1,50Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Eo tempore, quo in peculio nihil est, pater latitat: in bonorum possessionem eius rei servandae causa mitti non possum, qui de peculio cum eo acturus sum, quia non fraudationis causa latitat qui, si iudicium acciperet, absolvi deberet. nec ad rem pertinet, quod fieri potest, ut damnatio sequatur: nam et si in diem vel sub condicione debeatur, fraudationis causa non videtur latitare, tametsi potest iudicis iniuria condemnari. sed fideiussorem datum eo tempore, quo nihil in peculio est, teneri putat Iulianus, quoniam fideiussor futurae quoque actionis accipi possit, si tamen sic acceptus est. 1Si creditor patrem, qui de peculio tenebatur, heredem instituerit, quia mortis tempus in Falcidiae ratione spectatur, illius temporis peculium considerabitur. 2Etiam postquam dominus de peculio conventus est, fideiussor pro servo accipi potest et ideo, qua ratione, si post actionem dictatam servus pecuniam exsolverit, non magis repetere potest quam si iudicium dictatum non fuisset, eadem ratione fideiussor quoque utiliter acceptus videbitur, quia naturalis obligatio, quam etiam servus suscipere videtur, in litem translata non est. 3Servus alienus, cum bonae fidei serviret mihi, nummos a Titio mutuatos mihi dedit, ut eum manumitterem, et manumissi: creditor quaerebat, quem de peculio conveniret. dixi, quamquam creditor electionem alias haberet, tamen in proposito dominum esse conveniendum et eum ad exhibendum mecum acturum pecuniae nomine, quae ipsi esset adquisita nec in eam causam alienata, quae pro capite servi facta proponeretur: neque enim admittendum esse distinctionem existimantium, si non manumittam, domini pecuniam esse, manumissione vero secuta videri pecuniam ex re mea quaesitam mihi, quoniam magis propter rem meam, quam ex re mea pecunia mihi daretur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. At the time when there is nothing in the peculium, the father conceals himself, I, being about to bring an action De peculio against him, cannot be placed in possession of his property for the purpose of preserving it, because he who would be entitled to be discharged from liability if he had joined issue, is not concealing himself for the purpose of committing fraud. Nor does it make any difference if it should happen that a judgment against him may result; for, also, if a debt is due at a certain time, or under some condition, the party is not held to conceal himself on account of fraud, although he may be unjustly condemned by the judge. Julianus, however, thinks that a surety given at the time when there is nothing in the peculium is liable, since the surety can be accepted for a future right of action if he is accepted in this way. 1If a creditor appoints as heir a father who is liable on the peculium, since the time of death is regarded with a view to the operation of Lex Falcidia, the peculium in existence at that time will be taken into consideration. 2Even after the master has been sued on the peculium, a surety can be taken in behalf of the slave; and therefore, for the same reason as that for which if a slave should pay the money after issue has been joined in an action, he cannot recover it any more than if issue had not been joined, a surety will be held to have been lawfully accepted, because the natural obligation, which even a slave is held to incur, is not made an issue in the controversy. 3A slave belonging to another, while he was serving me in good faith, paid me money borrowed from Titius, in order that I might manumit him, and I did so; the creditor asked whom he could sue on the peculium. I said that, although in other instances the creditor would have the choice, yet in the one stated suit should be brought against the master, and he could bring an action against me for production of the money which had been obtained by him, and had not been alienated on account of the transaction which was said to have taken place with reference to the civil condition of the slave; nor should the distinction of those be admitted who think that if I do not manumit the slave, the money should belong to his master, but if the manumission takes place, the money is deemed to have been acquired by me, since it is given to me, rather on account of my business, than as being derived from my property.
Dig. 16,1,7Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Quamquam igitur fideiussor doli replicatione posita defensionem exceptionis amittataaDie Großausgabe liest amittit statt amittat., nullam tamen replicationem adversus mulierem habebit, quia facti non potest ignorationem praetendere. sed non erit iniquum dari negotiorum gestorum actionem in defensorem, quia mandati causa per senatus consultum constituitur irrita et pecunia fideiussoris liberatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Therefore, although the surety, having filed a replication on the ground of fraud, loses the defence based on the exception, he will, nevertheless, not be entitled to a replication as against the woman, because he cannot allege ignorance of the facts. It would not be unjust, however, for an action on the ground of business transacted to be granted against a defender; because it is established by the Decree of the Senate that a proceeding on the ground of mandate is void, and he is released by payment of the money by the surety.
Dig. 16,3,8Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Quod privilegium exercetur non in ea tantum quantitate, quae in bonis argentarii ex pecunia deposita reperta est, sed in omnibus fraudatoris facultatibus: idque propter necessarium usum argentariorum ex utilitate publica receptum est. plane sumptus causa, qui necessarie factus est, semper praecedit: nam deducto eo bonorum calculus subduci solet.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. The depositary can exercise his privilege, not only with reference to the remainder of the deposit which may be found among the assets of the banker, but also with reference to all other property of the banker who has been guilty of fraud; and this rule has been adopted on the ground of public utility. It is evident that the expenses necessarily incurred are always preferred claims, for, after they have been deducted, it is customary to make an appraisement of the property.
Dig. 16,3,24Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. ‘Lucius Titius Sempronio salutem. Centum nummos, quos hac die commendasti mihi adnumerante servo Sticho actore, esse apud me ut notum haberes, hac epistula manu mea scripta tibi notum facio: quae quando voles et ubi voles confestim tibi numerabo.’ quaeritur propter usurarum incrementum. respondi depositi actionem locum habere: quid est enim aliud commendare quam deponere? quod ita verum est, si id actum est, ut corpora nummorum eadem redderentur: nam si ut tantundem solveretur convenit, egreditur ea res depositi notissimos terminos. in qua quaestione si depositi actio non teneat, cum convenit tantundem, non idem reddi, rationem usurarum haberi non facile dicendum est. et est quidem constitutum in bonae fidei iudiciis, quod ad usuras attinet ut tantundem possit officium arbitri quantum stipulatio: sed contra bonam fidem et depositi naturam est usuras ab eo desiderare temporis ante moram, qui beneficium in suscipienda pecunia dedit. si tamen ab initio de usuris praestandis convenit, lex contractus servabitur.
Ad Dig. 16,3,24ROHGE, Bd. 7 (1873), S. 117: Verwandtschaft des depositum irregulare mit dem Darlehnsvertrage.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 379, Note 1.Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Lucius Titius to Sempronius Greeting: “I notify you by this letter written by my own hand, that the hundred pieces of money which you loaned to me this day, and which have been counted by the slave Stichus, your agent, are in my hands, and that I will pay them to you on demand, when and where you desire me to do so.” The question arises whether any increase by way of interest is to be considered? I answered that an action on deposit will lie, for what is the loaning of anything for use but the depositing of it? This is true, if the intention was that the very same coins should be returned, for if it was understood that only the amount should be paid, the agreement exceeds the limits of the deposit. If, in the case which has been stated, an action on deposit will not lie, since it was only agreed to pay the same sum, and not the identical coins, it is not easy to determine whether an account of the interest should be taken. It has, in fact, been established that, in bona fide actions, it is the duty of the judge to decide that, with reference to interest, only such can be paid as the stipulation provides for. But is contrary to good faith and the nature of a deposit, that interest should be claimed before the party who granted the favor by receiving the money, is in default in returning it. If, however, the agreement was that interest should be paid from the beginning, the condition of the contract shall be observed.
Dig. 17,1,53Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Qui fide alterius pro alio fideiussit praesente et non recusante, utrosque obligatos habet iure mandati: quod si pro invito vel ignorante alterutrius mandatum secutus fideiussit, eum solum convenire potest qui mandavit, non etiam reum promittendi: nec me movet, quod pecunia fideiussoris reus liberetur: id enim contingit et si meo mandato pro alio solvas.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Where anyone becomes surety for another, relying on the honor of a third party who is present and does not object; he can hold both of them liable to an action on mandate. But if, in compliance with a mandate of one of the parties, he becomes surety unwillingly or in ignorance of the facts, he can only sue the one who gave him the mandate, and not him who incurred the obligation. It does not affect me, because the principal debtor is released by the money of the surety, for this happens even if you make payment in behalf of another by my direction.
Dig. 17,2,81Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Si socius pro filia dotem promisit et prius quam solveret herede ea relicta decessit: quae postea cum marito de exigenda dote egit, accepto liberata est. quaesitum est, an, si pro socio ageret, dotis quantitatem praecipere deberet, si forte convenisset inter socios, ut de communi dos constitueretur. dixi pactum non esse iniquum, utique si non de alterius tantum filia convenit: nam si commune hoc pactum fuit, non interesse, quod alter solus filiam habuit. ceterum si numeratam dotem pater defuncta in matrimonio filia reciperasset, reddi pecuniam societati debuisse, pactum ex aequitate sic nobis interpretantibus. quod si salva societate divortio matrimonium solutum foret, cum sua causa dotem reciperari, scilicet ut ea vel alii marito dari possit. nec, si prior maritus facere non posset, denuo de societate constituendam dotem, nisi si nominatim ita convenisset. verum in proposito largiter interesse videbatur, dos numerata esset an vero promissa: nam si filia datam dotem, posteaquam patri heres exstitit, iure suo recepisset, non esse referendam pecuniam societati, quam mulier habitura fuit, etsi alius heres exstitisset: quod si accepto a marito liberata esset, nequaquam imputari posse societati non solutam pecuniam.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Where a partner promised a dowry in behalf of his daughter, and, before he paid it, died, having left her his heir, and she afterwards brought an action against her husband for her dowry; she was released by a receipt from her husband. The question arose whether, if she brought an action on partnership, she ought to receive the amount of the dowry as a preferred claim, if it had been agreed between the partners that the dowry should be taken out of the common fund? I say that the contract was not an unjust one, provided that the girl had not made it merely with reference to one of the partners; for, if the agreement was reciprocal, it did not make any difference if only one of the partners had a daughter. Moreover, if the father should recover the dowry which he had given after the death of his daughter during marriage, the money ought to be returned to the partnership, for we should interpret the contract equitably in this way. If, however, the marriage should be dissolved by a divorce during the existence of the partnership, the dowry would be recovered with its accessories, so that it could again be given to another husband. But if the first husband was not able to restore the dowry, another could not be taken from the funds of the partnership, unless this had been expressly agreed upon. In the example proposed, however, it seems to be most probable that the dowry was actually paid, or at least promised. For if the daughter had received the dowry by operation of law, after she became the heir of her father, the money ought not to be placed in the partnership fund, because she would be entitled to it, even if there should be another heir. But, if she was released by a receipt from her husband, money should not be credited to the partnership which had not been paid.
Dig. 30,11Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Cum filio familias vel servo alieno legatum vel hereditas datur, fidei committi patris vel domini potest ac tunc demum ex persona ipsorum fideicommissum vires capit, cum ipsis, per quos commodum hereditatis vel legati patri dominove quaeritur, fideicommissum relinquitur. denique Iulianus non insuptili ratione motus patrem, cuius filius heres institutus est, extero quidem habita ratione legis Falcidiae restituere hereditatem respondit, quoniam ex persona filii teneretur, ipsi vero filio non admissa Falcidia, quoniam ex persona sua sibi filius obligare non posset ac pater non ut heres, sed ut pater rogari videtur. et ideo si filio rogatus sit pater post mortem suam, quod ad se pervenit ex legato vel hereditate filio relictis, restituere isque vivo patre decedat, omnimodo patrem id retenturum, quoniam fideicommissum ex persona patris vires acceperit.
Ad Dig. 30,11Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 626, Note 9.Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. Where a legacy has been bequeathed to a son under paternal control, or a slave belonging to another, or an estate is left to him; it must be left in trust to the father or master, and only under these circumstances will the trust have any force or effect, unless it is left to those through whom the benefit of the estate or the bequest will accrue to the said father or master. Again, Julianus, induced by a very good reason, gives it as his opinion that a father, whose son has been appointed an heir, must surrender the estate even to a stranger, after having deducted the portion granted by the Falcidian Law; since he is responsible as the representative of his son, for the reason that the latter cannot be held liable in his own right, and the father cannot be liable as heir, but is considered to have been charged with the trust in the capacity of a parent. Therefore, if the father was charged to deliver to his son, after his death, what came into his hands through a legacy or an estate bequeathed to his son, and the latter should die during the lifetime of his father, the father can retain this beyond all doubt, as the trust acquires its force from the person of the father.
Dig. 46,1,47Papinianus libro nono quaestionum. Si debitori deportatio irrogata est, non posse pro eo fideiussorem accipi scribit Iulianus, quasi tota obligatio contra eum extincta sit. 1Si filius in causa peculiari ita fideiussorem acceperit: ‘quantam pecuniam credidero, fide tua esse iubes?’ et emancipatus credat, patri quidem, si non est reus obligatus, non tenebitur, filio vero humanitatis intuitu obnoxius esse debet.
Papinianus, Questions, Book IX. If the penalty of deportation is imposed upon a debtor, Julianus says that a surety cannot be accepted for him, as the entire obligation against him is extinguished. 1If a son under paternal control accepts a surety in a matter having reference to his peculium as follows, “Do you become responsible for as much money as I may lend?” and, having become emancipated, he lends the money, the surety will not be liable to the father if the principal debtor is not, but on the ground of humanity he ought to be liable to the son.
Dig. 47,2,80Idem libro nono quaestionum. Si debitor pignus subripuit, quod actione furti solvit nullo modo recipit.