Quaestionum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 5,3,50Idem libro sexto quaestionum. Hereditas etiam sine ullo corpore iuris intellectum habet. 1Si defuncto monumentum condicionis implendae gratia bonae fidei possessor fecerit, potest dici, quia voluntas defuncti vel in hoc servanda est, utique si probabilem modum faciendi monumenti sumptus, vel quantum testator iusserit, non excedat, eum, cui aufertur hereditas, impensas ratione doli exceptione aut retenturum aut actione negotiorum gestorum repetiturum, veluti hereditario negotio gesto: quamvis enim stricto iure nulla teneantur actione heredes ad monumentum faciendum, tamen principali vel pontificali auctoritate compelluntur ad obsequium supremae voluntatis.
The Same, Questions, Book VI. An estate may exist under the law even though it does not include anything corporeal. 1Where a bona fide possessor erects a monument to a deceased person for the purpose of complying with a condition, it may be said because the wish of the deceased is observed in this matter, that if the expense of erecting a monument does not exceed a reasonable amount, or more than that ordered by the testator to be expended for this purpose, the party from whom the estate is recovered will have the right to retain the amount expended, by pleading an exception based on fraud; or he can recover the same by a suit on the ground of business transacted, or, as it were, for attending to matters connected with the estate. Although by the strict rule of law heirs are not liable to any action to force them to erect a monument, still, they may be compelled by Imperial or pontifical authority to comply with the last will of the deceased.
Dig. 5,4,10Papinianus libro sexto quaestionum. Cum heredis ex parte instituti filius, qui patrem suum ignorabat vivo testatore decessisse, partem hereditatis nomine patris ut absentis administraverit et pecunias distractis rebus acceperit, hereditas ab eo peti non potest, quia neque pro herede neque pro possessore pretia possidet, sed ut filius patris negotium curavit. negotiorum autem gestorum actio ceteris coheredibus, ad quos portio defuncti pertinet, dabitur. illud enim utique non est metuendum, ne etiam patris, a quo forte exheredatus est, teneatur heredibus, quasi negotia hereditaria gesserit, cum id quod administravit non fuerit paternae hereditatis. nam etsi negotiorum gestorum actio sit ei, cuius nomine perceptum est: ei cuius nomineaaDie Großausgabe fügt perceptum est perceptum alieno nomine ein. restitui aequum est. sed in proposito neque patris negotia fuerunt, qui esse desierat, neque paternae successionis, quae fuerunt alterius hereditatis. quod si filius iste patri suo heres extitit et movet controversiam, quod pater eius, postquam heres extitit, mortem obierit, ille tractatus incurrit, an ipse sibi causam possessionis mutare videatur. quoniam tamen qui negotia hereditaria gessit et debitor esse coepit, postea faciens controversiam hereditatis ut iuris possessor convenitur, idem etiam in hoc filio respondendum erit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book VI. Where the son of a person who was appointed heir to a certain portion of an estate was ignorant of the fact that his father had died during the lifetime of the testator, attended to the share of the estate in behalf of his father, as if he was absent, and, having sold certain property, collected the purchase-money of the same; an action for recovery could not be brought against him because he did not hold the purchase-money, either as heir or as possessor, but as a son who had transacted business for his father; but an action on the ground of business transacted would be granted to the other co-heirs, to whom a share of the estate of the deceased belonged. The following, therefore, should not give rise to apprehension, that is to say, that the son should be held liable to the heirs of his father (by whom perhaps he was disinherited), because he was, as it were, attending to their business which was connected with the estate; since the matter in which he was engaged did not belong to the estate of his father; for it is only just that, where an action based on business transacted is brought in behalf of another, what is collected for someone else ought to be given up to the party entitled to it. But, in the present instance, the business did not belong to the father, as he had ceased to exist, nor did it belong to the paternal succession, since it arose out of the estate of another. When, however, the son becomes the heir of his father and raises the controversy that his father died after he had become the heir; the question arises whether he may be considered to have changed the character of his right of possession? Nevertheless, as a party who has been transacting the business of an estate, and has become indebted on account of it, and afterwards raises a controversy with reference to the succession, can be sued as a possessor of a right; it must be held that, in this instance, the same rule is also applicable to the son.
Dig. 6,1,62Papinianus libro sexto quaestionum. Si navis a malae fidei possessore petatur, et fructus aestimandi sunt, ut in taberna et area quae locari solent. quod non est ei contrarium, quod de pecunia deposita, quam heres non attingit, usuras praestare non cogitur: nam etsi maxime vectura sicut usura non natura pervenit, sed iure percipitur, tamen ideo vectura desiderari potest, quoniam periculum navis possessor petitori praestare non debet, cum pecunia periculo dantis faeneretur. 1Generaliter autem cum de fructibus aestimandis quaeritur, constat animadverti debere, non an malae fidei possessor fruitus sit, sed an petitor frui potuerit, si ei possidere licuisset. quam sententiam Iulianus quoque probat.
Papinianus, Questions, Book VI. Where suit is brought for a ship against a possessor in bad faith, an estimate of the profits must be made, just as in the case of shops and ground which is ordinarily leased. This is not contrary to the rule that an heir is not forced to pay interest upon money which has been deposited but which he does not handle; for although it is true that freight, like interest, is not derived from nature but is collectible by law; still, freight can be demanded in this instance, because the possessor of the ship is not required to be liable to the plaintiff for risk, but money is loaned at interest at the risk of the lender. 1Generally speaking, however, where a question arises concerning the estimation of profits, it is established that it must be considered, not whether the possessor in bad faith has enjoyed them, but whether the plaintiff would have been able to enjoy them, if he had been permitted to be in possession of the property. Julianus also adopted this opinion.
Dig. 12,6,55Idem libro sexto quaestionum. Si urbana praedia locaverit praedo, quod mercedis nomine ceperit, ab eo qui solvit non repetetur, sed domino erit obligatus. idemque iuris erit in vecturis navium, quas ipse locaverit aut exercuerit, item mercedibus servorum, quorum operae per ipsum fuerint locatae. nam si servus non locatus mercedem ut domino praedoni rettulit, non fiet accipientis pecunia. quod si vecturas navium, quas dominus locaverat, item pensiones insularum acceperit, ob indebitum ei tenebitur, qui non est liberatus solvendo. quod ergo dici solet praedoni fructus posse condici, tunc locum habet, cum domini fructus fuerunt.
The Same, Questions, Book VI. Where a depredator rents urban estates, what he receives as rent cannot be recovered in an action by the party who paid it, but the trespasser will be liable to the owner. The same rule applies to money paid for transportation in ships which a person of this kind leased or controlled, as well as to compensation to slaves whose services were leased by him; for, indeed, where a slave who is not hired out pays the price of his services to a trespasser, as if he were his owner, the money paid does not become the property of the receiver. If such a party receives money for transportation by ships which he hired out as the owner, or the rent of tenants, he will be liable for money paid which was not due to him, and the party who pays is not released by doing so; so that it is usually held that suit can be brought to recover the profits from a trespasser, and this only can take place where the profits belonged to the owner.
Dig. 22,1,2Idem libro sexto quaestionum. Volgo receptum est, ut, quamvis in personam actum sit, post litem tamen contestatam causa praestetur: cuius opinionis ratio redditur, quoniam quale est, cum petitur, tale dari debet ac propterea postea captos fructus partumque editum restitui oportet.
The Same, Questions, Book VI. It is generally settled that although a personal action may be brought after issue has been joined, liability attaches to all the accessories to the property. The reason for this opinion is, that the property ought to be delivered in the same condition in which it was when suit was brought for its recovery, and therefore, that all crops that have been obtained, and any offspring born of slaves must be surrendered.
Dig. 36,4,8Papinianus libro sexto quaestionum. Si legatorum satis non datur, restituta hereditate in earum quoque rerum possessionem legatarius mittendus erit, quae dolo malo eius, cui restituta est hereditas, in hereditaria causa desierunt.
Papinianus, Questions, Book VI. If security is not given for the payment of a legacy, and the estate is transferred, the legatee shall be placed in possession of such property as has ceased to form part of the estate through the fraud of him to whom it was transferred.
Dig. 40,4,47Papinianus libro sexto quaestionum. Cum ex falsis codicillis per errorem libertas, licet non debita, praestita tamen ab herede fuisset, viginti solidos a singulis hominibus inferendos esse heredi princeps constituit. 1Sed et si condicionis implendae gratia servum institutus manumiserit ac postea filius de inofficioso agendo tenuerit vel testamentum falsum fuerit pronuntiatum, consequens erit idem in hac specie fieri, quod in falsis codicillis constitutum est.
Papinians, Questions, Book VI. Where freedom is granted through mistake, under a forged codicil, although it is not due, still it must be granted by the heir, and the Emperor has decided that twenty solidi must be paid to the heir by each slave who is liberated. 1When an appointed heir manumits a slave for the purpose of complying with a condition, and the son, by subsequently bringing an action to declare the will inofficious gains his point, or the will is pronounced forged, the result will be that in this case the same course must be pursued as is prescribed in the one involving a forged codicil.