Quaestionum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 2,14,39Idem libro quinto quaestionum. Veteribus placet pactionem obscuram vel ambiguam venditori et qui locavit nocere, in quorum fuit potestate legem apertius conscribere.
Dig. 5,2,14Papinianus libro quinto quaestionum. Pater filium emancipavit et nepotem ex eo retinuit: emancipatus suscepto postea filio, duobus exheredatis patre praeterito vita decessit. in quaestione de inofficiosi testamenti praecedente causa filiorum patris intentio adhuc pendet. quod si contra filios iudicetur, pater ad querellam vocatur et suam intentionem implere potest.
Papinianus, Questions, Book V. A father emancipated his son, and retained his grandson under his control; the son subsequently had another son, and then died, after having disinherited both sons, and omitted any mention of his own father in his will. In an inquiry as to whether the will was inofficious or not, the interest of the sons must take precedence, and the intentions of the father of the deceased remains for consideration; but if judgment is rendered against the sons, then the complaint of the father can be examined, and he can institute proceedings.
Dig. 46,5,8Papinianus libro quinto quaestionum. Paulus notat: Qui sub condicione institutus est, adgnita bonorum possessione cogitur substituto in diem cavere longiorem: praetor enim beneficium suum nemini vult esse captiosum et potest videri calumniose satis petere, quem alius antecedit. 1Cum sub contrariis condicionibus Titio et Maevio legatum sit, utrique cavetur, quia uterque ex voluntate defuncti sperat legatum.
Papinianus, Questions, Book V. Paulus says that when anyone is appointed under a condition, and is recognized as capable of holding possession of the estate, he will be compelled to give security to the substitute, but for a more remote date. For the Prætor does not wish the benefit which he confers to become a source of deceit, and a man can seem to demand security for the purpose of annoyance, when another precedes him. 1When a legacy has been bequeathed to Mævius and to Titius, under opposite conditions, security is furnished to both of them, because both expect a legacy under the will of the deceased.
Dig. 48,5,38Idem libro quinto quaestionum. Filium familias publico iudicio adulterium in uxorem sine voluntate patris arguere constitutum est: vindictam enim proprii doloris consequitur.