Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXXVI
Dig. 1,7,13Papinianus libro trigensimo sexto quaestionum. In omni fere iure finita patris adoptivi potestate nullum ex pristino retinetur vestigium: denique et patria dignitas quaesita per adoptionem finita ea deponitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXXVI. By almost every principle of law, when the power of an adoptive father has once been ended, no vestige of it afterwards remains; and even the paternal dignity obtained by adoption is lost when the relationship is terminated.
Dig. 45,1,119Idem libro trigensimo sexto quaestionum. Doli clausula, quae stipulationibus subicitur, non pertinet ad eas partes stipulationis, de quibus nominatim cavetur.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXVI. The clause for the prevention of fraud which is placed at the end of a stipulation does not relate to those parts of the agreement concerning which provision is expressly made.
Dig. 48,5,39Idem libro trigensimo sexto quaestionum. Si adulterium cum incesto committatur, ut puta cum privigna nuru noverca, mulier similiter quoque punietur: id enim remoto etiam adulterio eveniret. 1Stuprum in sororis filiam si committatur, an adulterii poena sufficiat mari, considerandum est. occurrit, quod hic duplex admissum est, quia multum interest, errore matrimonium illicite contrahatur an contumacia iuris et sanguinis contumelia concurrant. 2Quare mulier tunc demum eam poenam, quam mares, sustinebit, cum incestum iure gentium prohibitum admiserit: nam si sola iuris nostri observatio interveniet, mulier ab incesti crimine erit excusata. 3Nonnumquam tamen et in maribus incesti crimina, quamquam natura graviora sunt, humanius quam adulterii tractari solent: si modo incestum per matrimonium illicitum contractum sit. 4Fratres denique imperatores Claudiae crimen incesti propter aetatem remiserunt, sed distrahi coniunctionem illicitam iusserunt, cum alias adulterii crimen, quod pubertate delinquitur, non excusetur aetate. nam et mulieres in iure errantes incesti crimine non teneri supra dictum est, cum in adulterio commisso nullam habere possint excusationem. 5Idem imperatores rescripserunt post divortium, quod cum noverca bona fide privignus fecerit, non esse crimen admittendum incesti. 6Idem Pollioni in haec verba rescripserunt: ‘Incestae nuptiae confirmari non solent: et ideo abstinenti tali matrimonio poenam praeteriti delicti, si nondum reus postulatus est, remittimus’. 7Incestum autem, quod per illicitam matrimonii coniunctionem admittitur, excusari solet sexu vel aetate vel etiam puniendi correctione, quae bona fide intervenit, utique si error allegetur, et facilius, si nemo reum postulavit. 8Imperator Marcus Antoninus et Commodus filius rescripserunt: ‘Si maritus uxorem in adulterio deprehensam impetu tractus doloris interfecerit, non utique legis Corneliae de sicariis poenam excipiet’. nam et divus Pius in haec verba rescripsit Apollonio: ‘Ei, qui uxorem suam in adulterio deprehensam occidisse se non negat, ultimum supplicium remitti potest, cum sit difficillimum iustum dolorem temperare et quia plus fecerit, quam quia vindicare se non debuerit, puniendus sit. sufficiet igitur, si humilis loci sit, in opus perpetuum eum tradi, si qui honestior, in insulam relegari’. 9Liberto patroni famam lacessere non facile conceditur: sed si iure mariti velit adulterii accusare, permittendum est, quomodo si atrocem iniuriam passus esset. certe si patronum, qui sit ex eo numero, qui deprehensus ab alio interfici potest, in adulterio uxoris deprehenderit, deliberandum est, an impune possit occidere. quod durum nobis esse videtur: nam cuius famae, multo magis vitae parcendum est. 10Si quis in honore ministeriove publico sit, reus quidem postulatur, sed differtur eius accusatio et cautionem iudicio sistendi causa promittit in finem honoris. et hoc ita Tiberius Caesar rescripsit.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXII. If adultery is committed at the same time as incest, for instance, with a stepdaughter, a daughter-in-law, or a stepmother, the woman shall also be punished, for this will take place even where adultery was not committed. 1When fornication is committed with the daughter of a sister, should it not be considered whether the penalty of adultery will be sufficient for the husband? It happens, in the present instance, that a double crime has been perpetrated, because there is a great deal of difference where an unlawful marriage is contracted by mistake, and where contempt of the law and insult to blood are combined. 2Wherefore, the woman must undergo the same penalty as the man, when she has committed incest prohibited by the Law of Nations; for if only the observation of our law is involved, she will not be liable for the crime of incest. 3Sometimes, however, in the case of males, the crime of incest, although more serious in its nature, is ordinarily treated less severely than that of adultery; provided the incest has been committed through an illegal marriage. 4Finally, the Imperial Brothers released Claudia from responsibility for the crime of incest, on account of her age, but they directed that the unlawful tie should be severed; although, otherwise, the crime of adultery, when committed after puberty, is not excusable on account of age. For it is stated above that women who are mistaken with reference to the law are not liable for the crime of incest; but when they commit adultery they can have no excuse. 5The same Emperors stated in a Rescript that after a divorce which a stepson obtained in good faith from his stepmother, the accusation of incest should not be admitted. 6They also stated in a Rescript to Pollio: “Incestuous marriages are not usually confirmed, and therefore if a person withdraws from such a marriage, we will remit the penalty of the past offence, if the guilty party has not yet been prosecuted.” 7Moreover, incest committed by means of an unlawful marriage is ordinarily excused on account of sex or age, or even after separation, if it takes place in good faith, and a mistake is alleged; and the more readily if no one appears to prosecute. 8The Emperor Marcus Antoninus and his Son Commodus stated in a Rescript that if a husband, impelled by the violence of his grief, kills his wife surprised in adultery, he will not be liable to the penalty imposed on assassins by the Cornelian Law; for the Divine Pius made the following statements in a Rescript addressed to Appollonius: “If anyone does not deny that he has killed his wife, taken in adultery, he may be excused from suffering the extreme penalty, as it is very difficult to restrain justifiable grief; but because he has done more than he should to revenge himself, he must be punished. Therefore, if he is of inferior rank, it will be sufficient for him to be sentenced to hard labor for life; and if he is of superior station, he shall be relegated to an island.” 9A freedman is not readily permitted to attack the reputation of his patron, but he should be permitted to do so if he desires to accuse him of adultery by the right of a husband, just as if he had suffered some other atrocious injury. Where, however, the patron is of the number of those who, if surprised in the commission of this crime, can be killed by another, and if he is caught committing adultery with his wife, it should be considered whether the freedman can kill him with impunity. This seems to us to be rather hard, for reputation, much more than life, should be respected. 10Anyone who occupies a position of honor, or an office in the public service, can be prosecuted, but the accusation will be postponed; and if he furnishes a surety to appear, the case will be deferred until the expiration of his term of office. This was stated by Tiberius Cæsar in a Rescript.
Dig. 48,13,16Papinianus libro trigensimo sexto quaestionum. Publica iudicia peculatus et de residuis et repetundarum similiter adversus heredem exercentur, nec inmerito, cum in his quaestio principalis ablatae pecuniae moveatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXXVI. Public prosecutions for peculation, as well as those for appropriating balances, and for extortion, can also be brought against an heir; and this is not unreasonable, as the principle question involved has reference to the stolen money.
Dig. 50,5,7Idem libro trigensimo sexto quaestionum. A muneribus, quae non patrimoniis indicuntur, veterani post optimi nostri Severi Augusti litteras perpetuo excusantur.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXVI. According to the Decrees of our most Excellent Emperor Severus, veterans are excused for life from the exercise of public employments which are not imposed as patrimonial.