Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXXIII
Dig. 34,9,14Idem libro trigesimo tertio quaestionum. Mulierem, quae stupro cognita in contubernio militis fuit, etsi sacramento miles solutus intra annum mortem obierit, non admitti ad testamentum iure militiae factum et id quod relictum est ad fiscum pertinere proxime tibi respondi.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXIII. Where a woman has been living with a soldier as his concubine, even if the said soldier should die within a year after his discharge, after having made a will in favor of the woman, I have recently given you as my opinion that she cannot enjoy the benefit of such a will executed in accordance with military law, and whatever is left her will belong to the Treasury.
Dig. 50,17,80Idem libro trigensimo tertio quaestionum. In toto iure generi per speciem derogatur et illud potissimum habetur, quod ad speciem derectum est.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXIII. In all legal matters, the species takes precedence of the genus, and whatever has reference to it is considered of the most importance.