Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXXII
Dig. 23,2,61Papinianus libro trigensimo secundo quaestionum. Dote propter illicitum matrimonium caduca facta exceptis impensis necessariis, quae dotem ipso iure minuere solent, quod iudicio de dote redditurus esset maritus solvere debet.
Papinianus, Questions, Book LII. Where a dowry is confiscated on account of an unlawful marriage, the husband must pay all that he would be compelled to do, in an action on dowry, with the exception of the necessary expenses which usually diminish the dowry by operation of law.
Dig. 34,9,13Idem libro trigesimo secundo quaestionum. Claudius Seleucus Papiniano suo salutem. Maevius in adulterio Semproniae damnatus eandem Semproniam non damnatam duxit uxorem: qui moriens heredem eam reliquit: quaero, an iustum matrimonium fuerit et an mulier ad hereditatem admittatur. respondi neque tale matrimonium stare neque hereditatis lucrum ad mulierem pertinere, sed quod relictum est ad fiscum pervenire. sed et si talis mulier virum heredem instituerit, et ab eo quasi ab indigno hereditatem auferri dicimus.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXII. Claudius Seleucus to his friend, Papinianus, Greeting. Mævius, having been condemned for adultery with Sempronia, married the said Sempronia, who had not been convicted of the offence, and he, at his death, appointed her his heir. I ask whether the marriage was legal, and whether the woman could be admittted to the succession. I answered that a marriage of this kind could not stand, and that the woman was not entitled to the benefit of the estate, but what was left by the will would be forfeited to the Treasury. Even though in a case of this kind the woman should appoint her husband her heir, we hold that he should be deprived of the estate as being unworthy of the same.
Dig. 35,1,74Idem libro trigesimo secundo quaestionum. Mulieri et Titio usus fructus, si non nubserit mulier, relictus est. si mulier nubserit, quamdiu Titius et vivit et in eodem statu erit, partem usus fructus habebit: tantum enim beneficio legis ex legato concessum esse mulieri intellegendum est, quantum haberet, si condicioni paruisset. nec si Titius, qui condicione defectus est, legatum repudiet, ea res mulieri proderit.
The Same, Questions, Book XXXII. The usufruct of certain property was bequeathed to the wife of the testator and to Titius, provided the woman did not marry. If she should marry, as long as Titius lived and remained in the same civil condition, she would be entitled to half of the usufruct, for it should be understood that, under the law, she would be entitled to as much by virtue of the legacy as she would have been if she had complied with the condition; and if Titius, with reference to whom the condition actually failed, should reject the legacy, the woman will obtain no advantage.
Dig. 50,17,79Idem libro trigensimo secundo quaestionum. Fraudis interpretatio semper in iure civili non ex eventu dumtaxat, sed ex consilio quoque desideratur.
Ad Dig. 50,17,79ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 5, S. 13, 24: Exceptio doli gegen den Anspruch auf Herausgabe eines Namenspapiers.The Same, Questions, Book XXXII. The establishment of the existence of fraud, according to the Civil Law, does not always depend upon the event, but whether there was an intention to commit it.