Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXX
Dig. 29,2,85Idem libro trigesimo quaestionum. Si metus causa adeat aliquis hereditatem, fiet ut, quia invitus heres existat, detur abstinendi facultas.
Dig. 35,2,12Idem libro trigesimo quaestionum. Si debitor creditore herede instituto petisset, ne in ratione legis Falcidiae ponenda creditum suum legatariis reputaret, sine dubio ratione doli mali exceptionis apud arbitrum Falcidiae defuncti voluntas servatur.
The Same, Questions, Book XXX. Where a debtor, who has appointed his creditor his heir, requests that, in estimating the sum reserved by the Falcidian Law, his obligation should not be included with the bequests to the legatees, there is no doubt that the will of the deceased can be sustained in court by filing an exception on the ground of fraud, when the amount due under the Falcidian Law is to be determined.
Dig. 40,1,19Papinianus libro trigensimo quaestionum. Si quis ab alio nummos acceperit, ut servum suum manumittat, etiam ab invito libertas extorqueri potest, licet plerumque pecunia eius numerata sit, maxime si frater vel pater naturalis pecuniam dedit: videbitur enim similis ei qui suis nummis redemptus est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. Where anyone has received a sum of money from another in consideration of manumitting his slave, the freedom of the latter can be extorted from him without his consent, although it is frequently the case that his own money is paid, and, above all, if his brother or his natural father furnished it; for the case is similar to one where a slave is redeemed with his own money.