Quaestionum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 1,5,8Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Imperator Titus Antoninus rescripsit non laedi statum liberorum ob tenorem instrumenti male concepti.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. The Emperor Titius Antoninus stated in a Rescript that the status of children could not be prejudiced on account of the tenor of an improperly drawn instrument.
Dig. 3,5,47Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Ignorante quoque sorore si frater negotium eius gerens dotem a viro stipulatus sit, iudicio negotiorum gestorum ut virum liberaret iure convenitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where a brother, who transacts the business of his sister without her knowledge, stipulates for her dowry with her husband; an action can legally be brought against him on the ground of business transacted to compel him to release her husband.
Dig. 4,4,30Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Si filius emancipatus, contra tabulas non accepta possessione, post inchoatam restitutionis quaestionem, legatum ex testamento patris maior viginti quinque annis petisset, liti renuntiare videtur, cum et si bonorum possessionis tempus largiretur, electo iudicio defuncti repudiatum beneficium praetoris existimaretur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where a son, who has been emancipated, fails to appear to demand possession of an estate, but petitions for restitution, and having reached the age of twenty-five years brings suit for a legacy under his father’s will; he is held to have abandoned the case, for if the time for obtaining possession of the property has not elapsed, still, having chosen to accept the will of the deceased, he must be considered to have rejected the benefit of the intervention of the Prætor.
Dig. 4,6,19Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Denique si emptor, priusquam per usum sibi adquireret, ab hostibus captus sit, placet interruptam possessionem postliminio non restitui, quia haec sine possessione non constitit, possessio autem plurimum facti habet: causa vero facti non continetur postliminio.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Moreover, if a purchaser, before obtaining a title to property by prescription, is captured by the enemy, it is settled that the possession, which was interrupted, is not restored by the right of postliminium; because prescription is not operative without possession, for possession is generally a question of fact, and this does not come under the rule of postliminium.
Dig. 5,1,39Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum furiosus iudex addicitur, non ideo minus iudicium erit, quod hodie non potest iudicare: ut scilicet suae mentis effectus quod sententiae dixerit, ratum sit: neque enim in addicendo praesentia vel scientia iudicis necessaria est. 1Qui legationis causa Romam venit, ex qualibet causa fideiubere potest, cum privilegio suo, cum sit in Italia contractum, uti non potest.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where an insane person is appointed judge, the trial will not be prevented because he cannot preside at that time; so that, when he renders a decision after having recovered the use of his faculties, it may stand. In the appointment of a judge neither his presence nor his knowledge is necessary. 1Where a party comes to Rome on a mission, he can become a surety in any case; since he cannot make use of his privilege when he enters into a contract in Italy.
Dig. 5,3,49Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Si bonae fidei possessor hereditatis velit cum debitoribus hereditariis aut qui res hereditarias occupaverint consistere, audietur, utique si periculum erit, ne inter moras actiones intercidant. petitor autem hereditatis citra metum exceptionis in rem agere poterit: quid enim si possessor hereditatis neglegat? quid si nihil iuris habere se sciat?
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where a bona fide possessor wishes to institute proceedings against debtors of an estate, or parties who hold property belonging to the same, he should, by all means, be heard, if there is danger of any rights of action being lost by delay. The plaintiff, however, can bring an action in rem for the recovery of the estate without fear of being met by an exception. But what, for example, if the possessor of the estate is negligent, or knows that he has no legal right?
Dig. 16,2,16Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum militi castrensium bonorum alius, ceterorum alius heres exstitit et debitor alteri heredum obligatus vult compensare quod ab alio debetur, non audietur. 1Cum intra diem ad iudicati exsecutionem datum iudicatus Titio agit cum eodem Titio, qui et ipse pridem illi iudicatus est, compensatio admittetur: aliud est enim diem obligationis non venisse, aliud humanitatis gratia tempus indulgeri solutionis.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Ad Dig. 16,2,16 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 350, Note 17.Where a soldier has two heirs, one of whom inherits his peculium castrense, and the other the remainder of his property, a party who is indebted to one of the heirs, who wishes to set off what is due to him from the other, shall not be heard. 1Where a party against whom judgment has been rendered in favor of Titius, brings an action against the same Titius within the time granted for the execution of the judgment, who, himself, had previously had judgment rendered against him in favor of the other party, set-off will be admitted; for it is one thing for the day of the obligation not to arrive, and another to grant time for payment through motives of humanity.
Dig. 22,3,1Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Quotiens quaereretur, genus vel gentem quis haberet nec ne, eum probare oportet.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Whenever a question is raised with reference to the family or race of any person, he must prove whether he belongs to it or not.
Dig. 26,7,36Idem libro tertio quaestionum. Inter tutores divisa tutela est: aequitas, quae merum ius compensationis inducit, propter officium et personam agentis tutoris non differtur: nam divisio tutelae, quae non iuris, sed iurisdictionis est, modum administrationi facit et inter ipsos locum habet nec experiri cum pupillo volentibus obstare debet.
The Same, Questions, Book III. Guardianship is divided among guardians. Equity which has introduced the mere right of compensation does not cease to be applicable on account of the office and personality of the guardian who brings an action; for the division of the guardianship is not a matter of law, but one of jurisdiction, and establishes the measure of administration, but it applies only to guardians themselves, and should not be an obstacle to parties who desire to institute proceedings against a ward.
Dig. 28,6,12Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Si filius, qui patri ac postea fratri ex secundis tabulis heres exstitit, hereditatem patris recuset, fraternam autem retinere malit, audiri debet: iustius enim praetorem facturum existimo, si fratri separationem bonorum patris concesserit. etenim ius dicenti propositum est liberos oneribus hereditariis non sponte susceptis liberare, non invitos ab hereditate removere, praesertim quod remotis tabulis secundis legitimam haberet fratris hereditatem. itaque legata dumtaxat ex secundis tabulis praestari debent habita ratione facultatium in Falcidia non patris, ut alias solet, sed inpuberis.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. If a son who has been appointed the heir of his father, and afterwards becomes the heir of his brother through substitution, rejects the estate of his father, but prefers to retain that of his brother, he should be heard. For I think it is more equitable that the Prætor should permit the separation of the estates of the brother and the father; for he has the right to decide that children shall be freed from the burdens of an estate which they have not voluntarily assumed, but no right excludes them from an estate against their will; and especially when, leaving the substitution out of consideration, the substituted brother would be entitled to the estate. Hence, only the legacies should be paid in accordance with the substitution, and the rule of division established by the Falcidian Law should be followed, not with reference to the estate of the father, as is customary, but with respect to that of the child who had not yet arrived at puberty.
Dig. 36,1,51Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum hereditas ex Trebelliano senatus consulto restituitur, si res urgueat et metus erit, ne per absentiam forte fideicommissarii dies actionis exeat, heres iudicium suscipere cogitur. 1Similique modo filio de possessione contra tabulas deliberante scriptus heres a creditoribus hereditariis convenitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where an estate is to be transferred under the Trebellian Decree of the Senate, and the matter is urgent, and it is feared that the time for bringing an action may expire on account of the absence of the beneficiary of the trust, the heir can be compelled to defend the action brought against the estate. 1In like manner, where a son is deliberating as to whether he will demand possession of the estate in opposition to the terms of the will, the appointed heir can be sued by the creditors of the estate.
Dig. 37,6,8Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Nonnumquam praetor variantem non repellit et consilium mutantis non aspernatur. unde quidam filium emancipatum, qui de bonis conferendis cavere fratribus noluit, audiendum postea putaverunt, si vellet oblata cautione beneficium bonorum possessionis exercere. tametsi responderi potest videri eum possessionem repudiasse, qui formam possessionis conservare noluit: sed benignior est diversa sententia, maxime cum de bonis parentis inter fratres disputetur. quem tamen facilius admittendum existimo, si intra tempus delatae possessionis cautionem offerat: nam post annum, quam delata esset bonorum possessio, voluntariam moram cautionis admittere difficilius est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. The Prætor sometimes does not exclude one who is irresolute, or reject him after he has changed his mind. Therefore, certain authorities have held that an emancipated son who refused to give security with reference to placing his property in the mass of the estate ought afterwards to be heard, if, after having furnished security, he should desire to take advantage of the benefit of the prætorian possession of the estate; although it might be said that he seemed to have rejected possession who was unwilling to observe the formalities by which it could be acquired. The former opinion, however, is the more equitable one, especially where a dispute arises among brothers with reference to their father’s estate; and I think that the emancipated son should be permitted to obtain possession, if, in the time prescribed for doing so, he offers to give security; for it will be more difficult to excuse voluntary delay in giving security after the lapse of a year, within which time prætorian possession of an estate can be granted.
Dig. 39,1,18Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Aedibus communibus si ob opus novum nuntiatio uni fiat, si quidem ex voluntate omnium opus fiat, omnes nuntiatio tenebit, si vero quidam ignorent, in solidum obligabitur, qui contra edictum praetoris fecerit. 1Nec ad rem pertinet, cuius solum sit, in quo opus fiat, sed quis eius soli possessor inveniatur, modo si eius nomine opus fiat.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where notice to discontinue the construction of a new building is served upon one of several joint-owners, if the work is done by the consent of all of them, the notice will bind them all. If, however, some of them are not aware of the construction of the new building, he who has acted in violation of the Prætorian Edict will be individually liable in full. 1Nor does it make any difference to whom the land upon which the work is in course of construction belongs, for he alone is considered who is in possession of the property, provided the work is done in his name.
Dig. 41,3,42Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Cum vir praedium dotale vendidit scienti vel ignoranti rem dotis esse, venditio non valet. quam defuncta postea muliere in matrimonio confirmari convenit, si tota dos lucro mariti cessit. idem iuris est, cum is, qui rem furtivam vendidit, postea domino heres exstitit.
Ad Dig. 41,3,42Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 172a, Note 3.Papinianus, Questions, Book III. If a husband should sell a dotal tract of land to someone who knew, or was not aware that the property was a part of the dowry, the sale will not be valid. If the woman should afterwards die during the marriage, the transaction must be confirmed, if the entire dowry was given for the benefit of the husband. The same rule applies where he who sold stolen property subsequently becomes the heir of the owner of the same.
Dig. 44,4,12Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Qui aequitate defensionis infringere actionem potest, doli exceptione tutus est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. Where the justice of the defence affords means for the dismissal of an action, the defendant can be protected by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 48,5,37Papinianus libro tertio quaestionum. Si minor annis adulterium commiserit, lege Iulia tenetur, quoniam tale crimen post pubertatem incipit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. When a minor is guilty of adultery, he will be liable under the Julian Law, because a crime of this kind can be committed after puberty.
Dig. 50,17,75Idem libro tertio quaestionum. Nemo potest mutare consilium suum in alterius iniuriam.
Papinianus, Questions, Book III. No one can change his mind to the injury of another.