Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXIX
Dig. 22,1,6Idem libro vicesimo nono quaestionum. Cum de in rem verso cum herede patris vel domini ageretur et usurarum quaestio moveretur, imperator Antoninus ideo solvendas usuras iudicavit, quod eas ipse dominus vel pater longo tempore praestitisset. 1Imperator quoque noster Severus filiae Flavii Athenagorae, cuius bona fuerant publicata, de fisco ideo numerari decies centena dotis nomine iussit, quod ea patrem praestitisse dotis usuras allegasset.
The Same, Questions, Book XXIX. Ad Dig. 22,1,6 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 259, Note 7.Where a controversy arose with an heir, which had reference to a transaction involving the property of a father or master, and the question of interest was discussed, the Emperor Antoninus decided that interest should be paid, for the reason that the master himself or the father had paid it for a long time. 1Our Emperor Severus also ordered that the sum of ten thousand sesterces should be paid out of the Treasury by way of dowry, to the daughter of Flavius Athenagoras, whose property had been confiscated, because she alleged that her father had paid her interest on her dowry.
Dig. 28,6,40Papinianus libro vicesimo nono quaestionum. Causa cognita impubes adrogatus decesserat. quemadmodum legitimis heredibus auctoritate principali prospicitur vinculo cautionis, ita, si forte substituit naturalis pater impuberi, succurrendum erit substituto: nam et legitimis heredibus futuris non aliae quam utiles actiones praestari possunt.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. An heir who had not reached the age of puberty, and who had been arrogated after proper investigation, died. Just as in the case of heirs-at-law, by Imperial authority, a bond must be furnished, so, if a natural father has substituted an heir for his son under the age of puberty, recourse must be had to the substitute; for only prætorian actions can be granted to heirs-at-law.
Dig. 35,2,11Idem libro vicesimo nono quaestionum. In ratione legis Falcidiae retentiones omnis temporis heredi in quadrantem imputantur. 1Si servus sub condicione libertate data vita decessit, si quidem impleta condicio quandoque fuerit, heredi non videbitur perisse: quod si defecerit, in contrarium ratio trahit, sed quanti statuliber moriens fuisse videbitur. 2Imperator Marcus Antoninus decrevit heredes, quibus pars bonorum ablata est, non in ampliorem partem quam pro ea parte quae relicta est legatorum nomine teneri. 3Cum quidam parte dimidia bonorum adempta fuisset relegatus idemque provocatione interposita testamento postea facto obisset atque post mortem eius non iuste appellatum esset pronuntiatum: quaesitum est, utrum aeris alieni loco pars dimidia abscederet, ut residua sola videretur fuisse in bonis, an vero succurri heredi necessarium esse videbitur. sed videtur succurri debere, cum animus litigantis et optinendi votum hanc opinionem admittit. 4Si servus testamento manumissus ante aditam hereditatem decedat, heredi quidem perisse intellegitur: sed cuius pretii erit, qui, si viveret, non aestimaretur? nam et eos, qui moriente domino ea valetudine affecti fuerant, ut eos non posse vivere certum esset, tamen, si postea moriantur, hereditati perisse responsum est. nec aliud in his, qui sub eodem tecto fuerunt, cum dominus a familia necaretur. 5Quod vulgo dicitur in tabulis patris et filii unam Falcidiam servari quam potestatem habeat, videndum est: quamvis enim substitutus quae a pupillo relicta sunt, cum filius heres exstitit, ut aes alienum quodlibet debeat, tamen propter ea, quae data sunt tabulis secundis, contributioni locus est. secundum quae poterit evenire, ne substitutus quicquam retineat vel ut longe plus habeat quartae paternae hereditatis. quid ergo, si non sufficiat pupilli hereditas legatis, cum patris suffecisset? de suo (quadrante nimirum) dabit substitutus, quoniam pater legavit de suo: nec ad rem pertinet, quod ex nullo testamento praestatur ultra vires patrimonii, cum in hac parte iuris legata, quae tabulis secundis relinquuntur, quasi primis sub condicione relicta intelleguntur. 6Si filio suo duos substituerit et alterius portionem oneraverit, tractari solet, an ex persona sua Falcidiam possit inducere substitutus, quam pupillus non haberet vel unus pupilli substitutus. et facile quis dixerit consequenter prioribus, quae de patrimonii ratione dicta sunt, non esse Falcidiae locum et ultra vires portionis conveniendum alterum substitutum. sed verior est diversa sententia perinde huic quartam relinquendam existimantium atque ita si patri heres extitisset: ut enim opes patris et contributio legatorum inde capiunt et formam et originem, ita plures substituti subducta persona pupilli revocandi sunt ad intellectum institutionis. quid tamen dicemus de altero substituto, qui non est oneratus? si forte nondum legata pupillus a se relicta solvit et aliquid ultra dodrantem sit in omnibus, et ipsum Falcidiam habiturum? atquin quartam habet neque idem patiatur instituti comparatio. rursus si negemus, aliud aperte, quam quod volgo probatum est, respondetur. itaque varietas exsistet, ut is quidem, qui proprio nomine oneratus est, velut institutus desideret quartam, alter autem, qui non est oneratus, ut substitutus, licet portio largiatur eius, non in solidum conveniatur propter calculi confusionem. huic consequens est, ut, si pupillo de Falcidia cautum fuit, duobus committatur stipulatio, videlicet in eam quantitatem, quam unusquisque sibi retinere potuisset. 7Quaesitum est, si quis pupillo coheredem substituisset, quemadmodum legis Falcidiae ratio inquiri debeat? et quale est, quod volgo diceretur, legatorum rationem separandam? dixi, quantum ad legata, quae pater a filio, item a substituto reliquit, nullam fieri posse separationem, cum communi calculo subiciantur et invicem inducant contributionem. sed legata, quae ab instituto extero data sunt, permisceri ceteris non oportere: ideoque quartam pupillo datae portionis habere substitutum, quamvis suam portionem habeat ut institutus: et aliam causam esse eius, qui ex variis portionibus heres scriberetur: ibi enim legatorum confundi rationem non minus, quam si semel fuisset nuncupatus ex ea portione, quae conficeretur ex pluribus, neque referre, pure saepe an sub diversis condicionibus sit heres institutus. 8Si quis exheredato filio substituit heredem institutum et ab eo tabulis quoque secundis legaverit, necessario ratio confundetur, cum ideo legata valere dixerit Iulianus a substituto relicta, quod idem patri heres exstiterit.
The Same, Questions, Book XXIX. In estimating the amount due under the Falcidian Law, any property which has been retained by the heir at any time is included in the fourth of the estate to which he is entitled. 1Where a slave is to become free under a certain condition, and the condition is fulfilled at any time whatsoever, the heir will not be held to have sustained any loss, so far as his fourth interest in said slave is concerned. If, however, the condition should fail to be fulfilled, an opposite opinion must be adopted, and the value of the slave should be estimated at what he was worth at the time of his death. 2The Emperor Marcus Antoninus decided that heirs who have been deprived of their shares of an estate shall not be liable for a larger sum for legacies than the remainder amounts to. 3Where a certain individual was sentenced to be banished after the confiscation of half his property, and having taken an appeal made a will and died, and, after his death, his appeal was decided to have been improperly taken, the question arose whether the half of his estate which had been forfeited to the Treasury should be considered as a debt, and the remaining half alone should constitute his estate; or whether it would be necessary to come to the relief of the heir. It appears that relief should be granted the heir, as the intention of the testator who took the appeal, and his evident desire warrant this opinion. 4Where a slave manumitted by a will dies before the estate is entered upon, it is understood that the heir must sustain the loss. But how can his value be estimated, who, if he had lived, could not be appraised? For those who, at the time of the death of their master, are attacked by a disease which renders it certain that they cannot live, and they afterwards die, it has been decided that the loss must be borne by the estate. Nor is the case different with respect to those who are under the same roof when the master was killed by his slaves. 5Ad Dig. 35,2,11,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 652, Note 21a; Bd. III, § 653, Note 11.Let us examine what is the effect of the common rule, namely: “But one Falcidian portion can exist in the will of a father and his minor sons.” For, although the substitute may have been charged with the distribution of property left by the minor, when he becomes the heir he will only be liable for it as an ordinary debt; still, on account of other legacies left by the pupillary substitution, there will be ground for contribution. Hence it may happen that the substitute cannot retain anything from the father’s estate, or that he may obtain much more than the fourth to which he is entitled by the Falcidian Law. But what if the estate of the minor should not be sufficient to pay the legacies, while that of the father would have been sufficient to pay those which he bequeathed? The substitute will certainly be required to employ his fourth for their payment, as the father made the bequests out of his own estate, and it makes no difference that payment cannot be required beyond the assets of the estate by any will; for in this instance, the legacies left under the pupillary substitution are understood to have been bequeathed, as it were, conditionally, by the original will. 6Where a testator makes a substitution of two persons for his son, and charges each one with the payment of a legacy, the question arises: can the substitute personally claim the Falcidian portion which the minor does not possess, or shall there be but one substitute for the minor? Anyone might (in conformity to what has been already laid down with reference to the established rule governing estates), easily say that the Falcidian Law will not apply, and that suit can be brought against the other substitute for an amount over and above his share. The opposite opinion is, however, the better one, as it should be held that he has the right to deduct his fourth, just as if he had become the heir of his father; for as it is from this that the property of the father and the distribution of the legacies derive their form and origin, so where there are several substitutes, and the person of the minor is not to be considered, recourse must be had to the meaning of the appointment. But what shall we say with reference to the other substitute who was not charged, so that, if the minor should die before paying the legacies with which he was burdened, and they amount to more than three-fourths of the estate, will he be authorized to deduct the Falcidian portion from all of them? But he still has the fourth, and the same conclusion cannot be arrived at as in the case of the other appointment. Again, if we deny that this should be done, it must be held that such a course is contrary to the general rule. Therefore, a difference exists, as he who was charged in his own name can retain the fourth just as if he had been appointed an heir, and the other substitute, who was not charged, although his share may be increased, cannot be sued for the entire amount, on account of confusion in the estimate. The result of this is that if security with reference to the Falcidian portion was furnished to the minor, it will enure to the advantage of both parties; that is to say, so far as the amount which each one will be able to retain for himself is concerned. 7Where a testator appointed a co-heir with his minor son, the question arose: in what way should the portion authorized by the Falcidian Law be ascertained, and what was the meaning of the ordinary rule that it should apply separately to different legacies? I said that, with reference to any legacies with which a father charged his son, as well as those with which he charged a substitute, no separation can be made, as they should be subjected to a common estimate and both must contribute in turn; but where legacies with the payment of which a foreign heir is charged are bequeathed, they cannot be mingled with the others, and therefore the substitute will be entitled to a fourth of the share which was given to the minor, although he may be entitled to his own share as the appointed heir. Another rule, however, is applicable where an heir is appointed to different portions of an estate; for in this instance the legacies will be merged not less than if he had been appointed but once to one share which is composed of several; and it does not make any difference whether he was appointed heir to the several shares absolutely, or under different conditions. 8Where anyone substitutes an heir who has been appointed instead of his disinherited son, and charges him with the payment of a legacy by the second will, the legacies are necessarily merged; and therefore Julianus says that those with the payment of which the substitute was charged are valid, because he is the heir of the father.
Dig. 38,6,7Papinianus libro vicensimo nono quaestionum. Scripto herede deliberante filius exheredatus mortem obit atque ita scriptus heres omisit hereditatem. nepos ex illo filio susceptus avo suus heres erit neque pater videbitur obstitisse, cuius post mortem legitima defertur hereditas. nec dici potest heredem, sed non suum nepotem fore, quod proximum gradum numquam tenuerit, cum et ipse fuerit in potestate neque pater eum in hac successione praevenerit. et alioquin si non suus heres est, quo iure heres erit, qui sine dubio non est adgnatus? ceterum et si non sit exheredatus nepos, adiri poterit ex testamento hereditas a scripto herede filio mortuo: quare qui non obstat iure intestati, iure testati videbitur obstitisse. 1Non sic parentibus liberorum, ut liberis parentium debetur hereditas: parentes ad bona liberorum ratio miserationis admittit, liberos naturae, simul et parentium commune votum.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. A disinherited son died while the testamentary heir was deliberating whether or not he would accept the estate, and he finally rejected it. The grandson, by the said disinherited son, will be the heir of his grandfather, nor will his father be considered as an obstacle to this, since it was after his death that the estate came to the grandson as heir at law. It cannot be said that the grandson is the heir, but not the direct heir, of his grandfather, because he was never in the first degree; as he himself was under the control of his grandfather, and his father did not precede him in the succession. And, besides, if he was not a direct heir, under what right will he be the heir, as there was no doubt that he was not an agnate? Moreover, even if the grandson should not be disinherited, the estate can be entered upon by the testamentary heir after the death of the son. Therefore, if the father was no obstacle to the son by the right of intestacy, he will be considered to have been an obstacle under the right conferred by the will. 1Parents are not entitled to the estates of their children in the same manner as children are entitled to the estates of their parents. It is only the consideration of compassion which entitles parents to the estates of their children, but children obtain those of their parents on account of the intention of nature, as well as that of their parents.
Dig. 38,16,15Papinianus libro vicensimo nono quaestionum. Si pater apud hostes moriatur, defunctum iam in civitate filium credimus patrem familias decessisse, quamvis patria potestate, quamdiu vixerit, non fuerit in plenum liberatus: itaque heredem habiturus est iste non reverso patre. sed si postliminio redierit pater iam defuncto filio, quidquid medio tempore per eum quaesitum est, habebit: et non est mirum, si peculium quoque defuncti pridem filii defertur patri, cum ex eo natus potestatis ipsius fiat per suspensi iuris constitutionem.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. When a father dies in the hands of the enemy, we consider that his son, who has already died in his own country, was the head of the household at the time of his death; although, as long as he lived, he was not completely released from paternal authority. Therefore, this son can have an heir, if his father does not return from captivity. If, however, his father should return after the death of his son, he will, under the law of postliminium, be entitled to whatever property the former acquired in the meantime; and there is nothing extraordinary in the fact that, in this case, the peculium of the deceased son will pass to the father, as the former has always been under his control by the constitution which establishes that the right has only been in abeyance.
Dig. 39,5,27Papinianus libro vicensimo nono quaestionum. Aquilius Regulus iuvenis ad Nicostratum rhetorem ita scripsit: ‘quoniam et cum patre meo semper fuisti et me eloquentia et diligentia tua meliorem reddidisti, dono et permitto tibi habitare in illo cenaculo eoque uti’. defuncto Regulo controversiam habitationis patiebatur Nicostratus et cum de ea re mecum contulisset, dixi posse defendi non meram donationem esse, verum officium magistri quadam mercede remuneratum Regulum ideoque non videri donationem sequentis temporis irritam esse. quod si expulsus Nicostratus veniat ad iudicem, ad exemplum interdicti, quod fructuario proponitur, defendendus erit quasi loco possessoris constitutus, qui usum cenaculi accepit.
Ad Dig. 39,5,27Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 368, Note 11.Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. A young man named Aquilius Regulus wrote to Nicostratus, his teacher of rhetoric, as follows: “Because you have always remained with my father, and have benefited me by your eloquence and your care, I give, and permit you to lodge in and make use of, such-and-such an apartment.” Regulus having died, the right of Nicostratus to the apartment was disputed; and when he consulted me, I told him that the act of Regulus could not be maintained to be a mere donation, but that he had remunerated him for his services, and granted him this privilege by way of compensation, and therefore, that the donation should not be held to be void for the time following the death of Regulus. If Nicostratus had been ejected, he could have gone into court and protected himself by an interdict, in the same way in which an usufructuary could have done, as he obtained the use of the apartment through having been given possession of the same.
Dig. 39,6,40Papinianus libro vicensimo nono quaestionum. Si mortis causa inter virum et uxorem donatio facta sit, morte secuta reducitur ad id tempus donatio, quo interposita fuisset.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. If a donation mortis causa made between husband and wife takes effect, the donation is referred to the time when it was made.
Dig. 49,15,10Papinianus libro vicensimo nono quaestionum. Pater instituto impuberi filio substituerat et ab hostibus captus ibi decessit: postea defuncto impubere legitimum admitti quibusdam videbatur neque tabulas secundas in eius persona locum habere, qui vivo patre sui iuris effectus fuisset. verum huic sententiae refragatur iuris ratio, quoniam, si pater, qui non rediit, iam tunc decessisse intellegitur, ex quo captus est, substitutio suas vires necessario tenet. 1Si mortuo patre capiatur impubes institutus vel exheredatus, in promptu est dicere legem Corneliam de tabulis secundis nihil locutam eius dumtaxat personam demonstrasse, qui testamenti factionem habuisset. plane captivi etiam impuberis legitimam hereditatem per legem Corneliam deferri, quoniam verum est ne impuberem quidem factionem testamenti habuisse: et ideo non esse alienum praetorem subsequi non minus patris quam legis voluntatem et utiles actiones in hereditatem substituto dare.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXIX. A father, having appointed his son, who had not yet arrived at puberty, his heir, and made a substitution for him, was captured by the enemy, and died in their hands; and the minor, having afterwards died, it was held by some authorities that the heir at law should be admitted to the succession, and that the pupillary substitution did not apply to one who had become his own master during the lifetime of his father. The reason of law, however, is opposed to this opinion; for the reason that as the father, who did not return, is understood to have been dead at the very time that he was taken prisoner, the pupillary substitution would necessarily be valid. 1If, after the death of the father, a minor who had been appointed or disinherited should be taken prisoner, it might be said that the Cornelian Law, not having mentioned pupillary substitutions, only had reference to a person who had testamentary capacity. It is clear, however, that the right to the lawful estate of a minor who is a captive does not immediately vest by the terms of the Cornelian Law, because it is true that a minor is not qualified to make a will, and therefore it would not be improper to hold that the Prætor should follow the intention of the father no less than that of the law, and grant the substitute equitable actions against the estate.