Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 29,7,12Idem libro vicensimo secundo quaestionum. Redemptis a sorore partibus.
Dig. 40,5,22Idem libro vicensimo secundo quaestionum. Si legatario fundi decem pretii nomine relicta sint in hoc, ut servum suum manumittat, quamvis fundi legatum adgnoverit, si tamen pecuniae propter interventum Falcidiae non adgnoverit, cogendus est et pecuniam accipere habita legis Falcidiae ratione et servo fideicommissariam libertatem praestare, cum semel fundi legatum adgnovit. 1A duobus heredibus qui tres servos habebat petit, ut duos ex his quos voluissent manumittant: altero heredum latitante alter declarat, quos velit manumittere. potest dici fieri liberos, ut perinde libertas competat, ac si praesens solus manumittere potuisset. quod si ex servis unus decesserit, sive iusta ex causa absit heres sive fari non possit a quo petitum est, decernente praetore duos qui supersunt fieri liberos convenit. 2Cum is qui fideicommissam libertatem praestare debet iusta ex causa abest aut latitat: aut quidam praesentes sunt, alii ex iusta causa absunt, nonnulli frustrandi gratia fideicommissi copiam sui non faciunt: aut ei, qui libertatem debuit, heres non extitit: aut suus heres hereditate se abstinuit: praetor pronuntiare debet ex testamento Lucii Titii fideicommissam libertatem competere. idque senatus consulto demonstratum est, quo senatus consulto comprehensum est, ne dubium et obscurum esset, cuius libertus fieret, praetorem pronuntiare debere, qui ex iusta causa et qui detractandae libertatis gratia absit.
The Same, Questions, Book XXII. When a tract of land and the sum of ten aurei are left to a legatee, instead of the price of one of his slaves, under the condition that he shall manumit the said slave, and he accepts the devise of the land, but rejects the bequest of the money to avoid the operation of the Falcidian Law, he can be compelled to accept it, together with the diminution resulting from the Falcidian Law, and to grant freedom to the slave under the terms of the trust, when he has once accepted the devise of the land. 1A testator, who had three slaves, charged his two heirs to manumit two of the said slaves whom they might select. One of the heirs failing to appear, the other mentioned the two slaves whom he desired to manumit. It can be said that they are liberated and obtain their freedom, just as if the heir who was present alone had the right to emancipate them. If, however, one of the slaves should die, and the heir should be absent for some good reason, or he of whom the request was made did not have the power of speech, it is established that the two surviving slaves will become free by the Decree of the Prætor. 2When a trustee who is charged with the grant of freedom is absent for a good and sufficient reason, or conceals himself; or where there are several heirs, some of whom are present and others absent for good cause; and still others do not appear in order to avoid the execution of the trust; or the heir charged with the grant of freedom is not living; or a proper heir rejects the estate; the Prætor must decree that the slave is entitled to his freedom under the trust provided by the will of Lucius Titius. It has been expressly stated by a decree of the Senate that, although it may not be doubtful or obscure whose freedman the slave will become, the Prætor must decide which one of the heirs was absent for a good reason, and which one failed to appear for the purpose of preventing the execution of the trust.
Dig. 40,14,4Papinianus libro vicensimo secundo quaestionum. Oratio, quae prohibet apud consules aut praesides provinciarum post quinquennium a die manumissionis in ingenuitatem proclamare, nullam causam aut personam excipit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XXII. The Rescript which forbids freedom of birth to be demanded before the Consuls or Governors of provinces, after the lapse of five years from the date of manumission, excepts no cases or persons.
Dig. 41,3,43Idem libro vicensimo secundo quaestionum. Heres eius, qui bona fide rem emit, usu non capiet sciens alienum, si modo ipsi possessio tradita sit: continuatio vero non impedietur heredis scientia. 1Patrem usu non capturum, quod filius emit, propter suam vel filii scientiam certum est.
The Same, Questions, Book XLII. If the heir of him who purchased property in good faith knows that it belongs to another, he cannot acquire it by usucaption, provided possession of it has been delivered to him personally; but the knowledge of the heir will not prejudice him so far as the continuance of possession is concerned. 1It is certain that a father cannot acquire by usucaption anything which his son has purchased, if he or his son knew that it was the property of someone else.