Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XXI
Dig. 40,7,34Idem libro vicensimo primo quaestionum. Servus si heredi decem dederit, liber esse iussus est: statuliberum heres eum manumisit ac postea defunctus est. heredis heredi pecunia danda non est: quod enim placuit heredis heredi dari oportere, tunc memineris locum habere, cum prior heres dominus accepturus pecuniam fuit. quae causa facit ambulatoriam, ut ita dixerim, condicionem: duae sunt enim causae, per quas in primi heredis persona condicio impletur, dominii ratio, item personae demonstratio: prior causa transit in omnem successorem, ad quem pervenerit statuliber per dominii translati continuationem, sequens personae dumtaxat eius, qui demonstratus est, adhaeret. 1Imperator Antoninus rescripsit iussum rationes reddere et liberum esse, si heres causabitur accipere rationes, nihilo minus liberum fore. quod rescriptum ita accipi debet, ut, si reliqua non trahat, liber sit: quod si trahat, ita demum, si optulit eam quantitatem, quae refundi debuit ex fide veritatis: non enim libertati sufficit heredem in mora fuisse, si non id fiat per statuliberum, quod remota mora libertati aditum daret. quid enim si ita manumissum ‘Dama si in Hispaniam profectus anno proximo fructus coegerit, liber esto’ Romae retineat heres neque proficisci patiatur? numquid dicturi sumus statim ante fructus coactos liberum fore? nam et cum Romae stipulatio concipitur ita ‘centum in Hispania dare spondes?’, inesse tempus stipulationi, quo possit in Hispaniam pervenire, nec ante iure agi placuit. sed si heres acceptis rationibus et reliquis computatis donare se ea statulibero non habenti quod inferat proscribat aut etiam litteris ad eum missis palam faciat, condicio libertatis impleta videbitur. quid ergo, si neget se reliqua traxisse atque ideo, quia per heredem steterit, ut accipiat rationes, liberum factum, heres autem neque se fecisse moram et reliqua debere statuliberum contendat? apud eum qui de libertate cognoscit, an condicio sit impleta, constabit: cuius officio continebitur de mora considerare nec minus computare rationes et, si reliqua trahi compererit, non esse liberum pronuntiare. sed si numquam negavit reliqua debere, cum autem conveniret heredem et rationes offerret, professus sit refusurum, quidquid in reliquis esse constiterit et eius pecuniae reum numerare paratum idoneum optulit et heres in mora fuit: sententia pro libertate dicetur.
The Same, Questions, Book XXI. A slave was ordered to be free if he paid ten aurei to the heir. The heir manumitted the slave, and afterwards died. In this instance, the money should not be paid to the heir of the heir; for when it was decided that he must pay the heir of the heir, you will remember that this applied where the first heir who was to receive the money was the master of the slave; which rendered the condition (so to speak), ambulatory. There are, in fact, two reasons for which the condition should be complied with so far as the first heir is concerned; the first one is the ownership, and the second the designation of the person. The first reason applies to every successor to whom the slave may pass through the continuation of the ownership which is transferred; but the second one only has reference to the person who is especially designated. 1The Emperor Antoninus stated in a Rescript that where a slave was ordered to render his accounts and become free, if the heir should delay in receiving the accounts, the slave will, nevertheless, become free. This rescript should be understood to apply where the slave will become free if he does not defer the payment of the balance in his hands, but if he delays to do so, it will only become operative if he tenders the amount which should be refunded in good faith; for it will not be sufficient for the heir to be in default to enable the slave to be manumitted where nothing was done by him which would have contributed to his freedom, if the heir had not been in default. But what if a slave was manumitted as follows, “Let Damas be free, if he goes to Spain next year to gather the harvest,” and the heir retains him at Rome, and will not suffer him to depart? Can we say that he will immediately be free before the crops are gathered? For if a stipulation is made at Rome, as follows: “Do you promise to pay me a hundred aurei in Spain?” The time during which you may be able to reach Spain is included in the stipulation, and it has been decided that legal proceedings cannot be instituted until this time has elapsed. If, however, the heir, after having allowed the accounts, and calculated the balance due from the slave, declares publicly that he donates the amount to the latter, because he has nothing to pay it with, or if he states this openly in a letter sent to him; the condition upon which his freedom is dependent is held to have been complied with. But what course should be pursued if the slave should deny that he has delayed payment of the balance, and therefore, because the heir is to blame for not receiving his accounts, he should become free, and the heir maintains that he was not responsible for delay, and that the slave should pay over the balance in his hands? It shall be determined by the magistrate who has jurisdiction of the case whether the condition was complied with or not, and it is part of his duty to investigate the alleged default, as well as to cast up the accounts, and if he should ascertain that payment of the balance was delayed, to decide that the slave is not free. If, however, the slave never denied that a balance was due, and should sue the heir in order to be able to render his accounts, and it was established that he was prepared to pay any balance that might remain, and offered a good surety for the payment of the money, and the heir was found to be in default, judgment must be given in favor of freedom.