Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 7,1,33Papinianus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Si Titio fructus, Maevio proprietas legata sit et vivo testatore Titius decedat, nihil apud scriptum heredem relinquetur: et id Neratius quoque respondit. 1Usum fructum in quibusdam casibus non partis effectum optinere convenit: unde si fundi vel fructus portio petatur et absolutione secuta postea pars altera quae adcrevit vindicetur, in lite quidem proprietatis iudicatae rei exceptionem obstare, in fructus vero non obstare scribit Iulianus, quoniam portio fundi velut alluvio portioni, personae fructus adcresceret.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVII. Where the usufruct is bequeathed to Titius and the mere ownership to Mævius, and, during the lifetime of the testator Titius dies, nothing is left in the hands of the party appointed heir; and Neratius also gave this as his opinion. 1It is established that in certain instances the usufruct can not be regarded as a part of the property; and, therefore, where suit is brought for a portion of the land or of the usufruct and the defendant gains the case, and afterwards an action for recovery is brought for another part which has been obtained by accretion, Julianus says that in the action for the property on the ground of a previous decision rendered, an exception can be pleaded; but in the action for the usufruct it cannot be interposed, since the portion of the land which was added, for instance by alluvion, would belong to the original part, but the increased usufruct would accrue to the person.
Dig. 7,4,2Papinianus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Si duobus separatim alternis annis usus fructus relinquatur, continuis annis proprietas nuda est, cum, si legatarium unum substituas, cui alternis annis legatus sit usus fructus, plena sit apud heredem proprietas eo tempore, quo ius fruendi legatario non est. quod si ex duobus illis alter decedat, per vices temporum plena proprietas erit: neque enim adcrescere alteri quicquam potest, quoniam propria quisque tempora non concurrente altero fructus integri habuit. 1Si non mors, sed capitis deminutio intercesserit, quia plura legata sunt, illius anni tantum, si modo ius fruendi habuit, fructus amissus erit: quod et in uno legatario, qui fructum in singulos annos accepit, defendendum est, ut commemoratio temporum repetitionis potestatem habeat. 2Cum singulis fructus alternis annis legatur, si consentiant in eundem annum, impediuntur, quod non id actum videtur, ut concurrerent: multum etenim refert, duobus simul alternis annis legetur (quod sane ultra primum annum procedere non poterit, non magis quam si uni legatus ita fuisset) an singulis alternis annis: nam si concurrere volent, aut impedient invicem propter voluntatem aut, si ea non refragabitur, singulorum annorum fructus vacabit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVII. Where an usufruct is left to two parties separately for alternate years, the property exists for years without the right of enjoyment; while, if it is left to one legatee alone to whom the usufruct for every other year is bequeathed, the entire property will vest in the heir during the time when the right of enjoyment does not belong to the legatee. Where, however, one of the two parties dies, the right to the property will be complete for the odd years, for there can be no accrual to the other party) since each one had his own times for the enjoyment of the entire usufruct without the other being associated with him. 1Where not death, but a loss of civil rights takes place, then, because there are several bequests, the usufruct only for that year will be lost, provided the party had the right of usufruct merely for that time; and this principle should be upheld in the case of a legatee who received the usufruct for a certain number of separate years, so that the mention of the terms has the effect of a renewal of the right. 2Where an usufruct is bequeathed to certain persons for alternate years, and they agree to enjoy it during the same year, they interfere with one another, since it does not seem to have been intended that they should enjoy it together; for it makes a great deal of difference whether an usufruct is bequeathed to two persons together for alternate years, (as then it cannot run longer than the first year, any more than if it had been bequeathed in the same way to one of them) or it is bequeathed to separate persons for alternate years; for if they wish to enjoy it together they will either interfere with one another, on account of this being contrary to the intention of the testator; or, if this is not the case, the usufruct for every other year will not be enjoyed by anyone.
Dig. 7,5,8Papinianus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Tribus heredibus institutis usum fructum quindecim milium Titio legavit et duos ex heredibus iussit pro legatario satisdare: placebat utile esse cautionis quoque legatum nec refragari senatus consultum, quia cautio non impediretur, et esse alterum legatum velut certi, alterum incerti. usus fructus itaque nomine partem pecuniae petendam ab eo, qui satis accepit a coherede, incertique cum eodem agendum, si satis non dedisset. eum vero, qui satis praestitit ac propter moram coheredis satis non accepit, neque fructus nomine interim teneri propter senatus consultum neque actione incerti, quia coheredi satisdedit. illud etiam nobis placet legatarium cogendum promittere. finito autem usu fructu si coheredes ex causa fideiussoria convenirentur, eos mandati non acturos: non enim suscepisse mandatum, sed voluntati paruisse: denique cautionis legato liberatos. de illo nec diu tractandum fuit secundum legatum, id est cautionis, non heredum videri, sed eius, cui pecuniae usus fructus relictus est cuique testator prospicere voluit et cuius interesse credidit fideiussores non suo periculo quaerere.
Ad Dig. 7,5,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 204, Note 7.Papinianus, Questions, Book XVII. Three heirs having been appointed by a testator, he bequeathed to Titius the usufruct of fifteen thousand aurei, and ordered two of the heirs to give security for the legatee. It was decided that there was a Valid legacy of the security, and that the Decree of the Senate did not oppose this interpretation, because the execution of the bond was not prevented; and that one of the legacies was for a certain amount, and the other for an amount which was uncertain, and therefore that suit might be brought for a part of the money as usufruct against the heir who had received security from his co-heir; and that he was liable to an action for an uncertain amount if he himself did not give security. With reference, however, to the heir who furnished security, and who, on account of the delay of his co-heir, had not received any, he would not, in the meantime, be liable under the Decree of the Senate for the usufruct, nor would he be liable to the action for uncertain damages because he had given security to his co-heir. We are also of the opinion that the legatee can be compelled to promise; but when the usufruct is terminated, if the co-heirs are sued on account of their suretyship, they will not be entitled to an action on mandate, as no mandate was ever undertaken, but they only obeyed the will of the testator, and, in short, are released by the legacy of security. It is not necessary to enter into a long discussion with reference to the following question, namely, that the second legacy, that is to say the one of the security, does not seem to have been left to the heirs but to the party to whom the usufruct of the money was bequeathed, and for whom the testator wished to provide, and whose interest he thought it was that he should not seek for sureties at his own risk.
Dig. 28,5,78Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Asse toto non distributo ita scriptum est: ‘quem heredem codicillis fecero, heres esto’: Titium codicillis heredem instituit. eius quidem institutio valet ideo, quod, licet codicillis dari hereditas non possit, tamen haec ex testamento data videtur: sed hoc tantum ex hereditate habebit, quantum ex asse residuum mansit.
The Same, Questions, Book XVII. His entire estate not having been distributed, a testator inserted in his will: “Let him be the heir whom I shall appoint by my codicil.” He appointed Titius his heir by his codicil. This appointment is valid, for although an estate cannot be bequeathed by a codicil; still, in this instance, it is held to have been left by the will. The heir, however, will only be entitled to that portion of the estate which has not yet been disposed of.
Dig. 31,66Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Maevius fundum mihi ac Titio sub condicione legavit, heres autem eius eundem sub eadem condicione mihi legavit. verendum esse Iulianus ait, ne existente condicione pars eadem ex utroque testamento mihi debeatur. voluntatis tamen quaestio erit: nam incredibile videtur id egisse heredem, ut eadem portio bis eidem debeatur, sed verisimile est de altera parte eum cogitasse. sane constitutio principis, qua placuit eidem saepe legatum corpus non onerare heredem, ad unum testamentum pertinet. debitor autem non semper quod debet iure legat, sed ita, si plus sit in specie legati: si enim idem sub eadem condicione relinquitur, quod emolumentum legati futurum est? 1Duorum testamentis pars fundi, quae Maevii est, Titio legata est: non ineleganter probatum est ab uno herede soluta parte fundi, quae Maevii fuit, ex alio testamento liberationem optingere, neque postea parte alienata revocari actionem semel extinctam. 2Sed si pars fundi simpliciter, non quae Maevii fuit, legetur, solutio prior non peremit alteram actionem, atque etiam hanc eandem partem aliquo modo suam factam poterit alter heres solvere: neque plures in uno fundo dominium iuris intellectu, non divisione corporis optinent. 3Non idem respondetur, cum duobus testamentis generatim homo legatur: nam qui solvente altero legatarii factus est quamvis postea sit alienatus, ab altero herede idem solvi non poterit: eademque ratio stipulationis est. hominis enim legatum orationis compendio singulos homines continet utque ab initio non consistit in his qui legatarii fuerunt, ita frustra solvitur cuius dominium postea legatarius adeptus est, tametsi dominus esse desinit. 4In fundo legato si heres sepelierit, aestimatio referenda erit ad totum pretium fundi, quo potuit ante sepulturam aestimari: quare si fuerit solutus, actionem adhuc ex testamento propter locum alienatum durare rationis est. 5Eum, qui ab uno ex heredibus, qui solus oneratus fuerat, litis aestimationem legatae rei abstulit, postea codicillis apertis ab omnibus heredibus eiusdem rei relictae dixi dominium non quaerere: eum enim, qui pluribus speciebus iuris uteretur, non saepius eandem rem eidem legare, sed loqui saepius. 6Fundo legato si usus fructus alienus sit, nihilo minus petendus est ab herede: usus fructus enim etsi in iure, non in parte consistit, emolumentum tamen rei continet: enimvero fundo relicto ob reliquas praestationes, quae legatum sequuntur, agetur, verbi gratia si fundus pignori datus vel aliena possessio sit. non idem placuit de ceteris servitutibus. sin autem res mea legetur mihi, legatum propter istas causas non valebit. 7A municipibus heredibus scriptis detracto usu fructu legari proprietas potest, quia non utendo possunt usum fructum amittere.
The Same, Questions, Book XVII. Mævius left a tract of land to Titius and myself under a condition, and his heir left the same land to me under the same condition. Julianus says that it would be held that, when the condition is fulfilled, the same share will belong to me under both wills. The question of intention is, however, involved, for it seems to be incredible that the heir should have intended that the same share of the estate should be twice due to the same person. Still, it is very probable that he had in mind the other half of the estate. For the Constitution of the Emperor, by which it was provided that where the same property is bequeathed several times to the same person, does not impose an additional burden upon the heir, as it applies to only one will. A debtor, however, cannot always legally bequeath what he owes, as, for him to do so, the property contained in the legacy must be of greater value than the debt. For if the same property is left under the same conditions under which it is due, what advantage will attach to a legacy? 1Ad Dig. 31,66,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 639, Note 4.Part of a tract of land which belonged to Mævius was left to Titius by the wills of two persons. It was not unreasonably decided, where the share which belonged to Mævius was delivered by one heir, that a release was obtained for the same share under the other will, and that, where the share had been alienated, the heir could not afterwards recover it by a right of action which had once been extinguished. 2Where merely the devise of a portion of the land, but not that which belonged to Mævius, was involved, a former payment did not extinguish the second action, and the other heir could deliver the same share of the property in any manner he chose, after it had once become his own; for it is understood that several persons can have a legal right to one tract of land, even where it is not divided up into sections. 3The same opinion is not held where a slave is bequeathed in general terms by two wills, for where a slave is delivered under one of them, and once becomes the property of the legatee, even though he may afterwards be alienated, he cannot be delivered by the other heir. The same rule applies to a stipulation. For where a slave is bequeathed in general terms, a separate slave should be understood, so that, as a legacy is not valid from the beginning if it includes property which belongs to the legatee, so also the delivery of property whose ownership was subsequently acquired by the legatee is without effect, even though he has ceased to be the owner of the same. 4Where the heir has buried a dead body in land which was devised, an appraisement must be made of the value of the entire tract, before the burial took place. Therefore, if the land has been transferred, it is but reasonable that the legatee should retain his right of action under the will, to indemnify him for the alienation of the property. 5Where a legatee, to whom one of the heirs was charged to transfer certain property, paid the estimated value of what was bequeathed, and afterwards a codicil was produced by which all the heirs were charged to deliver the same property, I held that the ownership of the same could not again be demanded. For indeed where a party makes use of several ways to establish the testamentary disposition of his estate, he is not understood to have left the same property several times to the same person, but merely to have mentioned it several times. 6Ad Dig. 31,66,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 654, Note 23.Where a tract of land is devised, and the usufruct belongs to someone else, it can, nevertheless, be demanded from the heir, for the usufruct, although it may not legally be a part of the land, still includes its profit. And, indeed, where a tract of land is left, an action can be brought to compel the heir to deliver everything which should be transferred, and follow the legacy; for example, where a tract of land is hypothecated, or is in the possession of someone else. The same rule, however, does not apply to other servitudes. If my own property is bequeathed to me, the legacy will not be valid, for the reasons above stated. 7Where a municipality is appointed an heir, with the reservation of the usufruct, the mere ownership can be bequeathed by the municipality, for the reason that it can lose the usufruct by non-user.
Dig. 33,2,2Papinianus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Hominis operae legatae capitis deminutione vel non utendo non amittuntur. et quoniam ex operis mercedem percipere legatarius potest, etiam operas eius ipse locare poterit, quas si prohibeat heres capi, tenebitur. idem est et si servus se locaverit. et quia legatarius fructuarius non est, ad heredem suum operarum legatum transmittit: sed servo usu capto legatum perit.
Ad Dig. 33,2,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 208, Note 8.Papinianus, Questions, Book XVII. Where the services of a slave are bequeathed, they are not lost by forfeiture of civil rights, or by non-user; and, as the legatee can profit by the labors of the slave, he can also lease them. If the heir should prevent him from making use of his services, he will be liable. The same rule applies where the slave leases himself. And, for the reason that the legatee is not considered an usufructuary, he will transmit the legacy of the slave’s services to his heir, but where the title to the slave is obtained by usucaption the legacy will be extinguished.
Dig. 34,2,12Papinianus libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Si imaginem legatam heres derasit et tabulam solvit, potest dici actionem ex testamento durare, quia legatum imaginis, non tabulae fuit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVII. If the heir should deface a painting which was bequeathed, and deliver the board on which it was painted, it may be said that an action will still lie under the will, because the legacy consisted of a painting and not of a board.
Dig. 35,1,71Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Titio centum ita, ut fundum emat, legata sunt: non esse cogendum Titium cavere Sextus Caecilius existimat, quoniam ad ipsum dumtaxat emolumentum legati rediret. sed si filio fratri alumno minus industrio prospectum esse voluit, interesse heredis credendum est atque ideo cautionem interponendam, ut et fundus comparetur ac postea non alienaretur. 1Titio centum relicta sunt ita, ut Maeviam uxorem quae vidua est ducat: condicio non remittetur et ideo nec cautio remittenda est. huic sententiae non refragatur, quod, si quis pecuniam promittat, si Maeviam uxorem non ducat, praetor actionem denegat: aliud est enim eligendi matrimonii poenae metu libertatem auferri, aliud ad testamentum certa lege invitari. 2Titio centum relicta sunt ita, ut a monumento meo non recedat vel uti in illa civitate domicilium habeat. potest dici non esse locum cautioni, per quam ius libertatis infringitur. sed in defuncti libertis alio iure utimur. 3‘Titio genero meo heres meus dotis Seiae filiae meae nomine centum dato’. legati quidem emolumentum ad Seiam, quae dotem habere incipit, pertinebit, sed quia non tantum mulieri, sed Titio quoque, cui pecuniam legavit, consultum videtur, prope est, ut ipse legatarius intellegatur et legatum petere debeat. si post divortium genero pecuniam heres solverit, aeque liberabitur, quoniam in dotem solutio convertitur. constante autem matrimonio etiam prohibente muliere Titio recte solvetur: hoc enim et mulieris interest, ut incipiat esse dotata. nam et si quis ipsam quoque petitionem habere responderit eaque pecuniam petat neque dotis fieri velit, non dubie doli summovebitur exceptione. ante nuptias vero Titio vel muliere defunctis legatum apud heredem manet. quod si nolit eam uxorem ducere, causa legati, quod ad mulieris personam attinet, satisfactum intellegetur, sed Titio legatum petenti nocebit exceptio doli. Sabinus autem existimabat nupta muliere Titio sine cautione legatum deberi, quoniam pecunia dotis efficeretur: sed cum ante nuptias, quia purum legatum est, peti potest, cautio ‘mulieri pecuniam reddi’ necessaria erit. quod si maritus vitio suo causa ceciderit neque solvendo sit, numquid adversus heredem mulieri, quae nihil deliquit, succurri debeat ob eam pecuniam, quae doti fuerat destinata? sed quoniam ambo legati petitionem habuerunt, salvam habebit, non soluta pecunia viro, mulier actionem.
The Same, Questions, Book XVII. A hundred aurei were bequeathed to Titius, in order that he might purchase a tract of land. Sextus Cæcilius thinks that Titius should not be compelled to give security, because, in any event, the entire benefit of the legacy would accrue to him. If, however, the testator intended to benefit the son of his brother, whom he had reared, and who was hardly capable of transacting business, it must be held that the heir was interested, and therefore security should be furnished that the land would be purchased, and would not afterwards be alienated. 1A hundred aurei were left to Titius, under the condition that “he would marry Mævia who is a widow.” In this instance, the legatee cannot be released from compliance with the condition, and hence he will not be excused from giving security. This opinion cannot be successfully opposed, for if anyone should promise to pay the money to Titius if he should not marry Mævia, the Prætor will refuse him an action; for it is one thing for a man to be deprived of the freedom of marriage through fear of a penalty, and another to be induced to contract matrimony under a certain condition. 2A hundred aurei were bequeathed to Titius, under the condition, “That he will not leave my monument,” or “Or that he will always reside in such-and-such a city.” It can be said that there is no ground for demanding security by which the right of liberty may be infringed. We make use of a different rule with reference to the freedman of a deceased person. 3“Let my heir give to my son-in-law Titius a hundred aurei by way of dowry for my daughter Seia.” The benefit of the legacy will belong to Seia because she begins to have a dowry; but as the testator seemed to have had in his mind not only the woman, but also Titius to whom he bequeathed a sum of money, it is proper that he himself should be understood to be the legatee, and therefore be able to claim the legacy. If the heir should pay the money through the son-in-law, after a divorce had taken place, he will also be released, as the payment was converted into the dowry. Payment can legally be made to Titius during the existence of the marriage, even if the woman should forbid this to be done, for it is to her interest that she should begin to be endowed. And if anyone should say that she herself is entitled to a right of action and can bring suit to recover the money, and does not wish it to constitute her dowry, there is no doubt that she can be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith. If Titius or the woman should die before contracting marriage, the legacy will belong to the heir. If Titius should not be willing to marry the woman, the legacy will be valid so far as she is personally concerned, but if Titius should claim it, he can be barred by an exception on the ground of bad faith. Sabinus was of the opinion that if the woman was married to Titius, the legacy would be due without any security, as the money would become her dowry. Security for payment, however, would be necessary before marriage, because the legacy, being absolute, can be demanded. But if the husband should lose his case through his own fault, and should prove to be insolvent, ought the woman to be entitled to relief against the heir for the money which was intended as her dowry, where she was not at all to blame? As both husband and wife have rights of action in this case, the woman will retain hers if the legacy is not paid to her husband.
Dig. 36,1,53Idem libro septimo decimo quaestionum. Cum heres deductis legatis hereditatem per fideicommissum restituere rogatur, non placet ea legata deduci, quae peti non poterant. sed cum uxori pro parte heredi scriptae dos praelegetur eaque deductis legatis hereditatem restituere rogatur: etiamsi quarta, quam per legem Falcidiam retinet, tantum efficiat, quantum in dote est, tamen pro sua portione dotis praelegatae partem deducit. cum enim utrumque consequitur, nihil interest inter hanc mulierem et quemvis alium creditorem heredem institutum et hereditatem restituere rogatum. idem probatur et si non deductis legatis fideicommissum ab ea relictum sit.
The Same, Questions, Book XVII. Where an heir is charged to deliver an estate left in trust, after having deducted the legacies, it is not held that those should be deducted which cannot be recovered by an action. Where a dowry is bequeathed as a preferred legacy to a wife, who is appointed heir to a part of the estate of a testator, and she is charged to transfer the estate after having deducted the legacies, she can still deduct her share of the estate in proportion to the dowry, even if the fourth which she is entitled to retain by the Falcidian Law amounts to as much as her dowry. For, as she is entitled to both of these, there is no difference between this woman and any other creditor who may be appointed heir, and charged to transfer the estate. The same principle also applies where she is charged with a trust without the deduction of the legacies.