Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 28,7,15Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Filius, qui fuit in potestate, sub condicione scriptus heres, quam senatus aut princeps improbant, testamentum infirmet patris, ac si condicio non esset in eius potestate: nam quae facta laedunt pietatem existimationem verecundiam nostram et, ut generaliter dixerim, contra bonos mores fiunt, nec facere nos posse credendum est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. Where a son under paternal control is appointed an heir, under a condition which is one that the Senate or the Emperor does not tolerate, it invalidates the will of the father, just as if the condition could not be complied with by the son; for where any acts injuriously affect our piety, reputation, or self-respect, and, generally speaking, are contrary to good morals, it is held that we are unable to perform them.
Dig. 29,2,84Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Ventre praeterito si filius qui fuit emancipatus aut exter heres institutus sit, quamdiu rumpi testamentum potest, non defertur ex testamento hereditas. sed si vacuo ventre mulier fuit et incerto eo filius in familia retentus vita decessit, heres fuisse intellegitur: emancipatus aut exter non aliter possunt hereditatem quaerere, quam si non esse praegnatem sciant. ergo si ventre pleno sit mulier, nonne iniquum erit interea defunctum filium heredi suo relinquere nihil? et ideo decreto filio succurrendum est, quia, sive frater ei nascatur sive non nascatur, patri heres futurus est. eademque ratio facit, ut emancipato quoque subveniri debeat, qui alterutro casu rem omnimodo habiturus est.
Ad Dig. 29,2,84Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 597, Note 5.Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. Where an unborn child is passed over, and an emancipated son or a stranger is appointed heir, as long as the will can be broken by the birth of the child, the estate cannot be transferred in accordance with the terms of the will. If, however, the woman should not prove to be pregnant, and, while this is uncertain, the son remaining in the family should die, he is understood to have been the heir; and whether he be either an emancipated son or a stranger, he cannot acquire the inheritance unless he knows that the woman was not pregnant. Therefore, if the woman should actually be pregnant, would it not be unjust if, in the meantime, the son who died could leave nothing to his heir? Hence relief should be granted to the son, under the decree, because, whether a brother should be born to him or not, he will still be the heir of his father. The same course of reasoning makes it plain that relief should also be granted to an emancipated son who, in either instance, will certainly be entitled to possession of the estate.
Dig. 29,4,26Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Iulianus scribit patrem, qui filiam sibi substitutam iussit adire hereditatem, legata quae ab ipso data sunt ex sententia edicti praestaturum, quoniam filia patri substituitur in casu, non ut arbitrium eligendi relinquatur: sed si varia legata supra dodrantem data sint, eorum prius rationem habendam, quae a filia relicta sunt. non enim caret dolo pater, qui honore proprio omisso propter compendium alienam institutionem maluit. 1Denique si filiae pater substitutus adiit hereditatem, nihil eum dolo facere Iulianus existimat, quia nemo filiae patrem contra votum parentium substituere videtur, sed ut arbitrium eligendi relinquat.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. Julianus says that where a father ordered his daughter, who had been appointed a substitute for himself, to accept an estate; he will, by the terms of the Edict, be compelled to pay the legacies with which he was charged, since his daughter was substituted instead of her father, and the latter was not given the right of choice. Where, however, the different legacies amount to more than three-quarters of the estate, an account must be taken, in the first place, of those with which the daughter was charged, for fraud will be imputed to the father, if, having rejected the honor conferred upon him, he prefers the appointment of another as heir, on account of the benefit which may accrue to him therefrom. 1Julianus thinks that if a father who is substituted for his daughter enters upon an estate, he will not be guilty of bad faith, for no one is considered to have substituted a father for his daughter against the will of the parent, but in order that he might have the power of making his choice.
Dig. 31,65Idem libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Peculium legatum augeri et minui potest, si res peculii postea esse incipiant aut desinant. idem in familia erit, sive universam familiam suam sive certam (veluti urbanam aut rusticam) legaverit ac postea servorum officia vel ministeria mutaverit. eadem sunt lecticariis aut pedisequis legatis. 1Quadrigae legatum equo postea mortuo perire quidam ita credunt, si equus ille decessit qui demonstrabat quadrigam: sed si medio tempore deminuta suppleatur, ad legatarium pertinebit. 2Titio Stichus legatus post mortem Titii libertatem accepit: et legatum adita hereditate et libertas post mortem Titii competit. idemque est et si moriente Titio liber esse iussus est. 3Si tamen Titio ex parte herede instituto servus legatus sit et post mortem eius liber esse iussus sit, sive adierit hereditatem Titius sive non adierit post cuius mortem libertas ei data est, defuncto eo libertas competit.
The Same, Questions, Book XVI. Where peculium is bequeathed, it can be increased and diminished; if the property composing it is augmented by new acquisitions, or the original amount is decreased. The same rule will apply to the slaves of a testator, whether he bequeaths the entire body of them, or only a certain portion; for instance, those belonging to his city-house or his country-house, and he should subsequently change the duties or the employments of said slaves. This rule is also applicable to slaves who are litter-bearers, or footmen. 1Ad Dig. 31,65,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 137, Note 8.Certain authorities hold that the bequest of a team of horses will be annulled, if one of the horses that belonged to the team should die, but if, in the meantime, the loss was made up, the team would belong to the legatee. 2Stichus was bequeathed to Titius and was to receive his freedom together with a legacy after the death of Titius. As soon as the estate is entered upon after the death of Titius, he will be entitled to his freedom. The same rule will apply if he was directed to be free at the death of Titius. 3If, however, the slave was bequeathed to Titius, who had also been appointed heir to a part of the testator’s estate, and the latter ordered the said slave to be free after the death of Titius, the slave will be entitled to his freedom after the death of Titius, whether Titius accepted the estate or not.
Dig. 33,3,5Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Etsi maxime testamenti factio cum servis alienis ex persona dominorum est, ea tamen quae servis relinquuntur ita valent, si liberis relicta possent valere: sic ad fundum domini via servo frustra legatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. Although the execution of a will for the benefit of the slaves of others especially depends for its validity upon the testamentary capacity of their masters, still, any bequests made to slaves are just as valid as when left to persons who are free. Hence a right of way to obtain access to the land of his master, cannot legally be bequeathed to a slave.
Dig. 34,9,12Idem libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Cum quidam scripsisset heredes quos instituere non potuerat, quamvis institutio non valeret neque superius testamentum ruptum esset, heredibus tamen ut indignis, qui non habuerunt supremam voluntatem, abstulit iam pridem senatus hereditatem. quod divus Marcus in eius persona iudicavit, cuius nomen peracto testamento testator induxerat: causam enim ad praefectos aerarii misit: verum ab eo legata relicta salva manserunt. de praeceptionibus eidem datis voluntatis erit quaestio: et legatum ei non denegabitur, nisi hoc evidenter testatorem voluisse appareat.
The Same, Questions, Book XVI. Where a certain man appointed heirs whom he had no right to select, although designation of this kind is not valid, and the first will is not broken in consequence, still, the Senate long since decreed that the heirs who were entitled to the estate under the last will of the deceased should be deprived of the same as unworthy. This the Divine Marcus decided with reference to a person whose name the testator had erased from his will, after it had been executed, for he sent the case to the Prefects of the Public Treasury. The legacies left by the will, however, remained unimpaired. With reference to the preferred legacies bequeathed to the heir, a question as to the intention of the testator may arise, and these legacies will not be refused to him, unless it clearly appears that the intention of the testator was otherwise.
Dig. 35,1,70Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Duos mater filios sub condicione emancipationis ex partibus heredes instituit eisque plurium rerum praeceptiones pure dedit: hereditatem adierunt. patrem a legatorum commodo illa quoque ratio debet summovere, quod emancipando filios obsecutus voluntati supremum iudicium uxoris suae custodiri voluit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. A mother appointed her two children heirs to certain shares of her estate under the condition that they should be emancipated, and left them absolutely bequests of certain articles as preferred legacies. They entered upon the estate. Their father should be excluded from the benefit of the legacies, because by emancipating his children in compliance with her wishes, he desired that the last will of his wife should be observed.
Dig. 35,2,4Papinianus libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Fundo legato mihi sub condicione pendente legati condicione heres me heredem instituit ac postea legati condicio exstitit. in Falcidiae ratione fundus non iure hereditario, sed legati meus esse intellegitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XVI. A tract of land having been devised to me under a condition, the heir of the testator appointed me his heir while the condition of the legacy was pending, and the condition was subsequently fulfilled. In considering the application of the Falcidian Law in this case, the land will be understood to be mine, not by hereditary right, but by virtue of the legacy.
Dig. 49,17,13Idem libro sexto decimo quaestionum. Divus Hadrianus rescripsit in eo, quem militantem uxor heredem instituerat filium, extitisse heredem et ab eo servos hereditarios manumissos proprios eius libertos fieri.