Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 4,6,20Idem libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Nec utilem actionem ei tribui oportet, cum sit iniquissimum auferre domino, quod usus non abstulit: neque enim intellegitur amissum, quod ablatum alteri non est.
Dig. 28,7,28Papinianus libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si filius sub condicione heres erit et nepotes ex eo substituantur, cum non sufficit sub qualibet condicione filium heredem institui, sed ita demum testamentum ratum est, si condicio fuit in filii potestate, consideremus, numquid intersit, quae condicio fuerit adscripta, utrum quae moriente filio impleri non potuit, veluti ‘si Alexandriam ierit, filius heres esto’ isque Romae decessit, an vero quae potuit etiam extremo vitae momento impleri, veluti ‘si Titio decem dederit, filius heres esto’, quae condicio nomine filii per alium impleri potest. nam superior quidem species condicionis admittit vivo filio nepotes ad hereditatem, qui si neminem substitutum haberet, dum moritur, legitimus patri heres exstiterit, argumentoque est, quod apud Servium quoque relatum est: quendam enim refert ita heredem institutum, si in Capitolium ascenderit, quod si non ascendisset, legatum ei datum, eumque antequam ascenderet mortem obisse: de quo respondit Servius condicionem morte defecisse ideoque moriente eo legati diem cessisse. altera vero species condicionis vivo filio non admittit nepotes ad hereditatem, qui substituti si non essent, intestato avo heredes existerent: neque enim filius videretur obstitisse, post cuius mortem patris testamentum destituitur, quemadmodum si exheredato eodem filio nepotes, cum filius moreretur, heredes fuissent instituti.
Ad Dig. 28,7,28Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 627, Note 6.Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. If a son should be appointed an heir under a condition, and grandchildren by him are substituted; as it is not sufficient for a son to be appointed an heir under any kind of a condition whatsoever, the will is only held to be valid where the fulfillment of the condition is in the power of the son. Let us therefore consider whether it makes any difference what condition was imposed, whether it was one that could not be carried out if the son should die, as, for instance, “If my son should go to Alexandria, let him be my heir”, and he dies at Rome; or if it is one which can be fulfilled at the last moment of his life, for example, “If he should pay ten aurei to Titius, let my son be my heir”, for this condition can be performed by another party in the name of the son. The first kind of a condition above mentioned admits the grandsons to the succession during the lifetime of the father, who, if he should have no substitute, becomes the lawful heir of his father when he dies. This is established by what is stated by Servius, for he relates that a certain person had been appointed an heir under the condition, “If he should ascend to the Capitol, and even if he should not do so, a legacy shall be given to him”, and the heir died before he ascended to the Capitol. With reference to this, Servius gave the opinion that the condition failed through the death of the heir, and therefore at the time of his death he began to be entitled to the legacy. The other kind of a condition, however, does not admit grandsons to the succession during the lifetime of the son, who, if they should not be substituted, would be the heirs of their intestate grandfather; for the son would not be held to have stood in their way, as after the death of the father, his will becomes of no effect; just as if the son having been disinherited, the grandsons had been appointed heirs at the time that the son died.
Dig. 37,1,14Papinianus libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Cum quidam propinquus falsum testamentum accusaret ac post longum spatium temporis probasset, licet dies ei petendae possessionis, quam forte certus accusationis petere debuit, cessisse videtur, attamen quia hoc proposito accusationem instruit, ut suum ius sibi servet, adgnovisse successionem non immerito videbitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. Where a near relative of the deceased alleges that his will was forged, and proves it after a long period of time, although the time for demanding possession is held to have elapsed, and the plaintiff, being certain of proving his allegations, may have claimed it, still, for the reason that he asserted his claim in order to preserve his rights, it is not unreasonable that he should be considered to have accepted the succession.
Dig. 37,5,21Papinianus libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Si portio hereditatis, quam excepta persona beneficio legis habere potuit, repudietur, pro ea quoque parte filius, qui bonorum possessionem accepit, non aliis quam exceptis personis legata praestabit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. If the portion of an estate to which a privileged person is entitled through the benefit of the law is rejected, the son who has received prætorian possession will profit by that share, but he shall not pay the legacies to anyone else than to privileged persons.
Dig. 37,10,11Papinianus libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Cum sine beneficio praetoris qui patitur controversiam filius heres esse potest, forte quia scriptus est, edicto Carboniano locus non est: ac similiter cum certum est, quamvis filius sit, eum tamen heredem non fore, veluti si Titio herede instituto postumus aut impubes exheredatus negetur filius. nec ad rem pertinet, quod interest illius in quibusdam filium esse, veluti propter fratris ex alia matre nati bona vel iura libertorum et sepulchrorum: istos enim casus ad Carbonianum constat non pertinere.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. There is no ground for the application of the Carbonian Edict, where the son, whose civil condition is contested, cannot become the heir without the intervention of the Prætor; for example, if he has been appointed. The same rule applies where it is certain that he still cannot be the heir, even though he may be the son; as, for instance, if Titius was appointed heir, and a posthumous child or a disinherited minor should be denied to be the son of the testator. Nor does it make any difference what interest the minor may have in being proved to be the son, with reference to other matters, for example, in order to obtain the property of his brother by another mother; or to acquire rights over freedmen and burial places; for it is established that these cases do not come under the Carbonian Edict.
Dig. 37,11,11Papinianus libro tertio decimo quaestionum. ‘Qui ex liberis meis impubes supremus morietur, ei Titius heres esto’. duobus peregre defunctis si substitutus ignoret, uter novissimus decesserit, admittenda est Iuliani sententia, qui propter incertum condicionis etiam prioris posse peti possessionem bonorum respondit. 1Filius heres institutus post mortem patris ab hostibus rediit: bonorum possessionem accipiet et anni tempus a quo rediit ei computabitur. 2Testamento facto Titius adrogandum se praebuit ac postea sui iuris effectus vita decessit. scriptus heres si possessionem petat, exceptione doli mali summovebitur, quia dando se in adrogandum testator cum capite fortunas quoque suas in familiam et domum alienam transferat. plane si sui iuris effectus codicillis aut aliis litteris eodem testamento se mori velle declaraverit, voluntas, quae defecerat, iudicio recenti redisse intellegetur, non secus ac si quis aliud testamentum fecisset ac supremas tabulas incidisset, ut priores supremas relinqueret. nec putaverit quisquam nuda voluntate constitui testamentum: non enim de iure testamenti maxime quaeritur, sed viribus exceptionis. quae in hoc iudicio quamquam actori opponatur, ex persona tamen eius qui opponit aestimatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XIII. “Let Titius be the heir of the one of my children who shall be the last to die before reaching the age of puberty.” If the two children should die in a very distant place, and the substitute did not know which one of them died last, the opinion of Julianus must be adopted, which was that, on account of the uncertainty of the condition, possession of the estate of even one who died first could be demanded by the substitute. 1Where a son who was appointed heir returns from captivity after the death of his father, he can obtain prætorian possession of his estate, and the term of a year in which he can do so will be computed from the day of his return. 2Ad Dig. 37,11,11,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 563, Note 7.Titius, after having made his will, gave himself to be arrogated, and then, having become his own master, died. If the appointed heir should demand prætorian possession, he will be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud; because, by giving himself to be arrogated, the testator transferred all his property, together with himself, to the family and household of another. It is clear that if, having become his own master, he stated in a codicil, or in some other document that he wished to die without changing his will, the will which had become inoperative is understood to have been restored by this subsequent statement, in the same way as if he had executed another will and had torn it up, so as to leave the first one in force. Nor should anyone think that a will can be made by the mere expression of a wish; for, in this instance, no question whatever is raised with reference to the legality of the instrument, but only with reference to the force of the exception that, under these circumstances, may be filed against the plaintiff, which must depend upon the person of the adversary.
Dig. 38,2,42Idem libro tertio decimo quaestionum. Filius, qui patri heres exstitit, fratrem exheredatum adrogavit atque ita herede eo relicto defunctus est: bonorum possessionem libertum patris naturalis exheredatus non habebit: nam cui non exheredato talis adoptio noceret, nocere debet exheredato, quoniam poena, quae legibus aut edicto inrogaretur, adoptionis remedio non obliteraretur. Paulus notat: ei, qui alio iure venit quam eo, quod amisit, non nocet id quod perdidit, sed prodest quod habet: sic dictum est patrono eodemque patronae filio non obesse, quod quasi patronus deliquit, si ut patronae filius venire possit. 1Papinianus. Castrensium bonorum Titium libertus fecit heredem, ceterorum alium: adita est a Titio hereditas: magis nobis placebat nondum patronum possessionem contra tabulas petere posse. verum illa quaestio intervenit, an omittente eo qui reliqua bona accepit perinde Titio adcrescant, ac si partes eiusdem hereditatis accepissent. verius mihi videtur intestati iure deferri bona cetera. Titius igitur heres non poterit invitare manumissorem, cum Titio nihil auferatur, nec bonis ceteris, quae nondum ad causam testamenti pertinent. 2Cum filius liberti impubes, qui subiectus dicitur, ex prima parte bonorum possessionem accipiat, an patronus defuncti possessionem accipere possit, quaesitum est. et sine dubio qui sequentis gradus sunt, non admittuntur interim: cum enim praecedit alia possessio, qui sequitur accipere non potest. plane si contra eum qui subiectus dicitur fuerit iudicatum, data non intellegitur. sed et in patrono pendente controversia idem erit dicendum. plane quod ad patroni quoque personam pertinet, differri controversia debebit. 3Si falsum liberti testamentum ab aliis in provincia dictum atque ita res per appellationem extracta esset, defuncta medio tempore patroni filia, quam libertus heredem instituerat, filio mulieris servavit divus Marcus eam partem bonorum, quam filia patroni vel iure intestati, si vixisset, habere potuit.
The Same, Questions, Book XIII. A son, who was his father’s heir, arrogated his disinherited brother and died, leaving the latter his heir. In this case the disinherited son will not have the right to demand possession of the estate of the freedman of his natural father. For although an adoption of this kind does not affect the rights of a son who is not disinherited, it will prejudice those of one that is; as the penalty imposed both by the Civil Law and the Prætorian Edict is not rendered inoperative by the act of adoption. Paulus says that anyone who obtains an estate by a different title than the one which he lost is not prejudiced by the latter, but is benefited by the one which he has acquired. Hence it has been settled by the Edict, that a patron, who is at the same time the son of a patroness, will not be excluded from, obtaining prætorian possession of the estate of a freedman, where he has committed some offence as patron. 1Papinianus: A freedman appointed Titius heir to his castrensian property, and another heir to his other property. Titius entered upon the estate. The better opinion seemed to us to be that the patron could not yet demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will. However, the following question arose, namely, if the person to whom the remainder of the estate had been left should refuse to accept it, would it accrue to Titius, just as if they had accepted two different shares of the same estate? It seems to me more equitable that the remainder of the estate should be considered to be without legal heirs. Therefore, Titius could not require the patron to contribute, as the former had lost nothing, nor had anything been taken from the remaining assets which had not yet been disposed of by the will. 2Where the minor son of a freedman, who is under the age of puberty and is alleged to be supposititious, obtains prætorian possession of the estate of his father, under the First Section of the Edict, the question arises whether the patron also can obtain prætorian possession. There is no doubt that those who are in the second degree cannot, under the Edict, be admitted to the succession, so long as there are others entitled to it under the First Section; for, as long as another possession has precedence, those that follow cannot be permitted to take place. There is no doubt that if a decision should be rendered against the child who is alleged to be supposititious, it is understood that possession will not be granted him; and the same rule will apply with reference to the patron, while the controversy is pending. It is clear that examination of the controversy should be deferred until the age of puberty, so far as the patron also is concerned. 3Where the will of a freedman is alleged to be forged by persons living in a province, and an appeal has been taken from the judgment, and, in the meantime, the daughter of the patron, whom the freedman appointed his heir, dies, the Divine Marcus decided that the share of the estate to which the daughter of the patron would have been entitled if she had lived should be preserved for her son.