Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 6,1,63Idem libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si culpa, non fraude quis possessionem amiserit, quoniam pati debet aestimationem, audiendus erit a iudice, si desideret, ut adversarius actione sua cedat: cum tamen praetor auxilium quandoque laturus sit quolibet alio possidente, nulla captione adficietur. ipso quoque, qui litis aestimationem perceperit, possidente debet adiuvari: nec facile audiendus erit ille, si velit postea pecuniam, quam ex sententia iudicis periculo iudicati recepit, restituere.
Ad Dig. 6,1,63Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 337, Noten 2, 5.The Same, Questions, Book XII. Where anyone loses possession through negligence, but not on account of fraud, since he must allow an estimate to be made, he will be entitled to be heard by the court, if he asks that his adversary should be ordered to assign his right of action; and as the Prætor will grant him aid at any time where some one else is in possession, he will not be taken advantage of in any way. He should be granted relief, even if the party who received the sum assessed is in possession; and the latter will not readily be heard if he desires to refund the money after he has once received it under the decision of the judge at the risk of the defendant.
Dig. 26,5,14Idem libro duodecimo quaestionum. Libertus non aliis patroni patronaeve liberis tutor esse cogitur, quam qui iura patronatus sperare possunt.
Dig. 26,7,38Idem libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si plures tutelam non administraverint et omnes solvendo sint, utrum, quia nullae partes administrationis inveniuntur, electioni locus erit an ut eiusdem pecuniae debitores excipere debebunt periculi societatem? quod magis ratio suadet. 1Si quidam ex his idonei non sint, onerabuntur sine dubio ceteri, nec inique, cum singulorum contumacia pupillo damnum in solidum dederit. 2Unde quaerendum est, an actiones pupillus ei, qui solus convenitur, in alterum pro parte scilicet praestare debeat. sed cum propria cuiusque contumacia puniatur, qua fronte poterit hoc desiderari?
The Same, Questions, Book XII. Where there are several guardians, who did not administer the guardianship, and all of them are solvent; will the ward have the right to select which one he will sue, because no administration of the trust has taken place; or should all the guardians share the responsibility in common, as being debtors for the same sum of money? The latter opinion is the more reasonable one. 1If some of the said guardians are not solvent, the others will undoubtedly be liable; nor is this unjust, since, through his contumacy, each one of them becomes responsible for the entire loss sustained by the ward. 2Wherefore, the question arose whether the ward is obliged to assign all his rights of action to the guardian, whom alone he has sued, or, at least, a part of them? But, as the contumacy of each one should be punished, with what propriety can this be demanded?
Dig. 26,10,10Papinianus libro duodecimo quaestionum. Decreto praetoris ut suspectus remotus periculum futuri temporis non timet: iniquum enim videtur removeri quidem a tutela vel cura, in futurum autem non esse securum.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. When a guardian is removed on account of suspicion, by a decree of the Prætor, he need have no apprehension of liability for the time to come, for it would be unjust for anyone to be removed from guardianship or curatorship, and still not be secure for the future.
Dig. 28,2,23Papinianus libro duodecimo quaestionum. Filio, quem pater post emancipationem a se factam iterum adrogavit, exheredationem antea scriptam nocere dixi: nam in omni fere iure sic observari convenit, ut veri patris adoptivus filius numquam intellegatur, ne imagine naturae veritas adumbretur, videlicet quod non translatus, sed redditus videretur: nec multum puto referre, quod ad propositum attinet, quod loco nepotis filium exheredatum pater adrogavit. 1Si Titius heres institutus loco nepotis adoptetur, defuncto postea filio qui pater videbatur, nepotis successione non rumpitur testamentum ab eo, qui heres invenitur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. Where a father, after emancipation granted by him to his son, resumes control over him again by arrogation, I have stated that the disinheritance previously made by his father will prejudice his rights; for it is proper to be observed in almost every law that an adopted son can never be understood to hold that relation towards his real father, in order to prevent the truth of nature from being obscured by a mere formality; so that the son is not considered to have been brought under the care of his father, but to have been returned to his control. In the case suggested, I do not think that it makes much difference whether the father arrogated his disinherited son either as his son or his grandson. 1Where Titius is appointed an heir and adopted in the place of a grandson, and afterwards the son who was considered the father of said grandson dies, the will is not broken by the succession of the grandson, so far as he who has been appointed heir is concerned.
Dig. 28,5,76Papinianus libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si filius substituatur ei, a quo praeteritus est, non ut intestati patris, sed ex testamento habebit hereditatem, quoniam et quolibet alio substituto, si fuisset ab eo exheredatus, inde testamentum inciperet, ubi filius esset exheredatus.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. Where a son is substituted for an heir who has been passed over, he will be entitled to the estate by virtue of the will, and not on account of his father dying intestate; for if anyone else had been substituted, and the son had been disinherited, the will would begin to be operative from the degree in which the son was disinherited.
Dig. 38,2,41Papinianus libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si libertus patrono, quod ad debitam portionem attinet, satisfaciat, invito tamen aliquid extorquere conetur, quid statuendum est, quaeritur. quid enim, si ex parte debita instituto decem praeterea legentur et rogetur servum proprium, qui sit decem vel minoris pretii, manumittere? iniquum est et legatum velle percipere et libertatem servo non dare: sed parte debita accepta et legato temperare et libertatem imponere non cogi, ne servum (forte de se male meritum) cogatur manumittere. quid ergo si solo eodem herede instituto idem libertus petierit? si substitutum habebit, aeque decreti remedium poterit procedere, ut accepta debita portione cetera pars ad substitutum perveniat ita, ut, si forte servus redimi potuisset, praestaretur libertas: cessante vero substitutione patronum hereditatem liberti amplectentem praetor, qui de fideicommisso cognoscit, libertatem servo eum imponere cogat.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. Where a freedman has satisfied the claim of his patron so far as the share of his estate to which he is legally entitled is concerned, but at the same time, being unwilling to concede it to him, attempts to deprive him of certain property, the question arises, how should the matter be decided? For what if, having appointed the patron his heir to the share to which he is legally entitled, he should bequeath him ten aurei, in addition, and charge him to manumit his own slave who is worth ten aurei, or less? It would be unjust for the patron to decide to accept the legacy, and not free his slave, but, having accepted his legal share, he cannot be compelled to accept the legacy and liberate the slave. This rule is adopted to prevent him from being forced to manumit a slave who is unworthy of it. But what course must be pursued, if, having appointed his patron his sole heir, the freedman should make the same request of him? If the patron has a substitute, a decision may be rendered in such a way that the patron, having received the share to which he was entitled, the remainder will pass to the substitute; so that if the slave can be purchased, he may obtain his freedom. Where, however, no substitution has been made, the Prætor, who has jurisdiction of the trust, may compel the patron who accepts the estate of the freedman to grant freedom to his slave.
Dig. 45,1,117Idem libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si centum homines, quos ego heresve meus eligerem, stipulatus, antequam eligerem, duos heredes reliquero, numero dividitur stipulatio: diversum erit, si iam electis hominibus successerint.
Dig. 46,6,12Papinianus libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si plures fideiussores a tutore pupillo dati sunt, non esse eum distringendum, sed in unum dandam actionem ita, ut ei, qui conveniretur, actiones praestarentur. nec quisquam putaverit ab iure discessum, postquam pro ea parte placuit tutores condemnari, quam administraverunt, et ita demum in solidum, si res a ceteris non servetur et idonea culpa detegatur, quod suspectum facere supersederit: nam aequitas arbitri atque officium viri boni videtur eam formam iuris desiderasse. ceterum fideiussores civiliter in solidum obligati ceteris quidem agentibus, ut dividatur actio, impetrare possunt: pupillo vero agente, qui non ipse contraxit, sed in tutorem incidit et ignorat omnia, beneficium dividendae actionis iniuriam habere visum est, ne ex una tutelae causa plures ac variae quaestiones apud diversos iudices constituerentur.
Ad Dig. 46,6,12ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 325: Rechtsverhältniß mehrerer Bürgen dem Gläubiger gegenüber. Regreß eines Mitbürgen an den andern zur Hälfte, ungeachtet letzterer nur zur letzten Stelle hat haften wollen. Beneficium cedendarum actionum, divisionis, excussionis.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 443, Note 6.Papinianus, Questions, Book XII. Where several sureties have been given by a guardian to his ward, no distinction should be made, but an action can be granted against any one of them, so that the rights of action can be assigned to the one against whom suit is brought. Nor should it be thought that this is a violation of the rule of law which says that guardians shall have judgment rendered against them in proportion to the share of the estate which each has administered; and that they can only be sued for the entire amount where the property has not been cared for by the others; and where they are proved to have failed to accuse one of their number of being liable to suspicion. For the equity of the judge, as well as the duty of a good citizen, appear to have required this provision of the law. Moreover, those sureties who are civilly liable in full, when the others proceed against them, can ask that the action be divided; but when the ward brings suit, if he himself did not make the contract, and he is in the hands of his guardian, and is ignorant of everything, the benefit of dividing the action would appear to be productive of injury; as, under a single guardianship, many dissimilar questions may be presented to different judges for their decision.
Dig. 47,2,81Idem libro duodecimo quaestionum. Si vendidero neque tradidero servum et is sine culpa mea subripiatur, magis est, ut mihi furti competat actio: et mea videtur interesse, quia dominium apud me fuit vel quoniam ad praestandas actiones teneor. 1Cum autem iure dominii defertur furti actio, quamvis non alias, nisi nostra intersit, competat, tamen ad aestimationem corporis, si nihil amplius intersit, utilitas mea referenda est, idque et in statuliberis et in legato sub condicione relicto probatur: alioquin diversum probantibus statui facile quantitas non potest. quia itaque tunc sola utilitas aestimationem facit, cum cessante dominio furti actio nascitur, in istis causis ad aestimationem corporis furti actio referri non potest. 2Si ad exhibendum egissem optaturus servum mihi legatum et unus ex familia servus subreptus, heres furti habebit actionem: eius interest: nihil enim refert, cur praestari custodia debeat. 3Cum raptor omnimodo furtum facit, manifestus fur existimandus est: 4Is autem, cuius dolo fuerit raptum, furti quidem non tenebitur, sed vi bonorum raptorum. 5Si Titius, cuius nomine pecuniam perperam falsus procurator accepit, ratum habeat, ipse quidem Titius negotiorum gestorum aget, ei vero, qui pecuniam indebitam dedit, adversus Titium erit indebiti condictio, adversus falsum procuratorem furtiva durabit: electo Titio non inique per doli exceptionem, uti praestetur ei furtiva condictio, desiderabitur. quod si pecunia fuit debita, ratum habente Titio furti actio evanescit, quia debitor liberatur. 6Falsus autem procurator ita demum furtum pecuniae faciet, si nomine quoque veri procuratoris, quem creditor habuit, adsumpto debitorem alienum circumvenerit. quod aeque probatur et in eo, qui sibi deberi pecuniam ut heredi Sempronii creditoris adseveravit, cum esset alius. 7Qui rem Titii agebat, eius nomine falso procuratori creditoris solvit et Titius ratum habuit: non nascitur ei furti actio, quae statim, cum pecunia soluta est, ei qui dedit nata est, cum Titii nummorum dominium non fuerit neque possessio. sed condictionem indebiti quidem Titius habebit, furtivam autem qui pecuniam dedit: quae, si negotiorum gestorum actione Titius conveniri coeperit, arbitrio iudicis ei praestabitur.
The Same, Questions, Book XII. If I sell, but do not deliver a slave, and he is stolen without any fault of mine, the better opinion is that I will be entitled to an action for theft; and I am considered to be interested, either because the property was in my hands or because I will be obliged to assign my rights of action. 1When, however, the action of theft is postponed on account of the ownership, although it does not lie unless we have an interest, still, my benefit should be referred to the valuation of the article itself, even if I have no other interest. This is proved in the case of slaves who are to become free under a certain condition, and where a legacy is bequeathed conditionally. Otherwise, where an attempt is made to prove something else, the amount cannot be easily determined. Therefore, because the valuation solely depends upon the benefit, as the action for theft arises without taking the ownership into consideration, in instances of this kind the action for theft cannot be referred to the valuation of the article. 2If I have brought an action for the production of property, intending to make a choice of a slave who was bequeathed to me, and one of the slaves belonging to the estate has been stolen, the heir will be entitled to an action for theft, as he has an interest in the matter, and it makes no difference whether the slave should have been guarded. 3No matter how a robber perpetrates a theft, he should be considered a manifest thief. 4He, however, through whose fraudulent act a robbery is committed, is not liable for theft, but for robbery with violence. 5If Titius, in whose name a false agent has collected money which was not due, ratifies the payment, Titius, indeed, can himself bring an action for business transacted; but he who paid the money which was not due will be entitled to a personal action on that ground against Titius, and the action for theft will also lie against the false agent. But if Titius should be sued, he can not improperly avail himself of an exception on the ground of fraud, to compel the right of personal action for theft to be assigned to him. If, however, the money was due, and Titius ratifies the payment, the right of action for theft will be extinguished, because the debtor is released. 6Ad Dig. 47,2,81,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 427, Note 4.A false agent can also commit a theft of money, if he deceives the debtor of another, by assuming the name of a genuine agent of the creditor. This also applies to the case of one who asserts that money is due to him as the heir of the creditor, Sempronius, when he is not the heir. 7A person who was accustomed to transact the business of Titius paid a false agent of his creditor in his name, and Titius ratified the payment. The right of action for theft will not arise in favor of Titius, because as soon as the money has been paid, the action can be brought by the person who paid it, as neither the ownership nor the possession of the money belong to Titius. Titius, however, will be entitled to a personal action for the recovery of money which was not due, and he who paid the money can bring the action for theft. If Titius is sued on voluntary agency, the money should be awarded to him by the decision of the court.