Quaestionum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 5,1,41Idem libro undecimo quaestionum. In omnibus bonae fidei iudicis, cum nondum dies praestandae pecuniae venit, si agat aliquis ad interponendam cautionem, ex iusta causa condemnatio fit.
Ad Dig. 5,1,41Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 89, Note 13.The Same, Questions, Book XI. In all bona fide actions, when the day of payment of money has not arrived, and anyone makes application for the execution of a bond, it will be allowed where proper cause is shown.
Dig. 12,7,5Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Avunculo nuptura pecuniam in dotem dedit neque nupsit: an eandem repetere possit, quaesitum est. dixi, cum ob turpem causam dantis et accipientis pecunia numeretur, cessare condictionem et in delicto pari potiorem esse possessorem: quam rationem fortassis aliquem secutum respondere non habituram mulierem condictionem: sed recte defendi non turpem causam in proposito quam nullam fuisse, cum pecunia quae daretur in dotem converti nequiret: non enim stupri, sed matrimonii gratia datam esse. 1Noverca privigno, nurus socero pecuniam dotis nomine dedit neque nupsit. cessare condictio prima facie videtur, quoniam iure gentium incestum committitur: atquin vel magis in ea specie nulla causa dotis dandae fuit, condictio igitur competit.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. Where a woman who was about to be married to a maternal uncle, gave a sum of money as dowry, but did not marry him, the question arose whether she could bring an action for the recovery of the money? I said that where money was paid for some immoral consideration which affected both the giver and the receiver, an action for recovery would not lie, and where both of them are equally culpable, the possessor has the advantage; and that anyone who adopted this principle perhaps would answer that the woman could not bring an action for recovery; but, on the other hand, it could be justly maintained that the question to be considered was not so much that the consideration was immoral, as that there was no consideration at all; since the money which was paid could not be converted into a dowry, as it was paid not for the purpose of unlawful cohabitation but on account of matrimony. 1A stepmother paid a sum of money as dowry for her marriage to her stepson, and a daughter-in-law also did this for her marriage to her father-in-law, and neither marriage took place. It would seem at first view that an action for recovery of the money would not lie, since an union of this kind is incest by the Law of Nations; still, in such instances it is the better opinion that there was no consideration for giving the dowry, and therefore an action for its recovery will lie.
Dig. 24,3,39Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Viro atque uxore mores invicem accusantibus causam repudii dedisse utrumque pronuntiatum est. id ita accipi debet, ut ea lege quam ambo contempserunt, neuter vindicetur: paria enim delicta mutua pensatione dissolvuntur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. Where a husband and a wife accuse one another in court of bad conduct, and the judge declares that both of them have given cause for repudiation, the decision should be understood to mean that, as both had treated the law with contempt, neither can claim its benefit, as the offence of each is atoned for by that of the other.
Dig. 24,3,61Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Dotalem servum vir invita uxore manumisit. heres solus vir a liberto institutus portionem hereditatis, quam ut patronus consequi potuit ac debuit, restituere debet, alteram vero portionem dotis iudicio, si modo uxor manumittenti refragatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. A husband manumitted a dotal slave without the consent of his wife. He was then appointed sole heir by the freedman to a share of the estate which he could, and should have acquired as patron, and ought have returned to his wife; the remaining portion, however, she will be entitled to recover by means of a dotal action, provided she was opposed to the manumission of the slave.
Dig. 25,2,5Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Viva quoque filia, quod ad patrem ex rebus amotis pervenit, utili iudicio petendum est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. All equitable actions to recover property wrongfully appropriated, which has come into his hands, can be brought against the father even during the lifetime of his daughter.
Dig. 25,2,30Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Cum soluto matrimonio rerum amotarum iudicium contra mulierem instituitur, redintegrato rursus matrimonio solvitur iudicium.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. Where an action is brought against a woman on the ground of property wrongfully appropriated after the marriage has been dissolved, the action is extinguished in case the marriage should be re-established.
Dig. 26,3,5Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Tutores a patruo testamento datos iussit praetor magistratus confirmare: hi cautionem quoque accipere debuerunt nec voluntas eius, qui tutorem dare non potuit, neglegentiam magistratuum excusat. denique praetor non ante decretum interponere potest quam per inquisitionem idoneis pronuntiatis. unde sequitur, ut, si tutelae tempore solvendo non fuerunt, in id, quod de bonis eorum servari non possit, contra magistratus actio decernatur.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. The Prætor orders magistrates to confirm guardians appointed by the will of a paternal uncle. They should also take security, nor will the wishes of a party who could not appoint a guardian excuse the negligence of the magistrate. Finally, the Prætor cannot issue his decree before the guardians, by means of an examination, shall have been declared eligible. Whence it follows that if they should not be solvent at the time the guardianship was established, an action will be granted against the magistrates for the amount which cannot be made good out of the property of the guardians.
Dig. 26,5,13Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Si impuberi libertas et hereditas per fideicommissum data sit et institutus adire nolit, senatus censuit eum, si impuberis nomine desideretur, adire cogendum, ut tamen pupillo pupillae tutor ab eo, cui ius dandi erit, detur, qui tutelam retineat, quoad restituatur hereditas et rem salvam fore ab herede caveatur. postea divus Hadrianus, ut idem in eo servetur, cui directa libertas data fuerit, rescripsit. 1Quamvis autem a patrono rem salvam pupillo fore non facile cautio exigatur, tamen senatus pro extraneo haberi voluit eum, qui, quod in ipso fuit, etiam libertate privavit impuberem: et ius quidem liberti, quod habet, quia ex causa fideicommissi manumittit, non est ei ablatum, tutela vero sine vinculo cautionis non committitur. quid ergo si non caveat? non dubie tutela non erit apud patronum. 2Sed si puella duodecimum annum impleverit, tutor desinit esse: quoniam tamen minoribus annorum desiderantibus curatores dari solent, si curator patronus petatur, fides inquisitionis pro vinculo cedet cautionis.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. Where freedom and an estate are granted to a slave under the age of puberty by means of a trust, and the appointed heir refuses to accept the estate, the Senate decreed that he can be forced to do so, if this is demanded in the name of the minor; just as a guardian may be appointed for a male or female minor by someone who has the right of appointment, and he will retain the guardianship until the estate is delivered, and security given by the heir for the preservation of the property. The Divine Hadrian subsequently stated in a Rescript that the same rule should be observed in the case of a slave to whom freedom had been directly bequeathed. 1Although security for the preservation of the property of a minor can not readily be exacted from a patron; still, the Senate desired that he should be considered as a stranger who had deprived the minor slave of his freedom, so far as it was in his power, and that he should not be deprived of the right over the freedman which he possessed because he manumitted him in compliance with the terms of the trust; but that the guardianship should not be entrusted to him without the execution of a bond. But what if he did not give security? There is no doubt that the patron would not be allowed to retain the guardianship. 2When a girl has completed her twelfth year, the guardian ceases to exercise his authority; still, as it is customary for guardians to be appointed for minors when they request it; if she should desire her patron to be appointed curator, his good faith having been ascertained by an inquiry, shall take the place of a bond.
Dig. 26,7,37Idem libro undecimo quaestionum. Tutorem, qui tutelam gerit, Sabinus et Cassius, prout gerit, in singulas res per tempora velut ex pluribus causis obligari putaverunt. 1Secundum quam sententiam servus institor dominicae mercis vel praepositus debitis exigendis si liber factus in eodem actu perseveret, quamvis tempore servitutis obligari non potuerit, praeteriti temporis nomine actione negotiorum gestorum non inutiliter convenietur, earum scilicet rerum, quae conexam rationem cum his, quae postea gesta sunt, habuerunt: sic enim et tutelae iudicium earum quoque rerum causa tenere placuit, quae post pubertatem administrantur, si posterior actus priori cohaereat neque divisus propriam rationem habet. 2Inde descendit quaestio, quae volgo circa filium familias tractata est, qui tutor testamento datus post tutelam gestam emancipatus in eodem officio perseveravit. et secundum Sabini et Cassii sententiam eveniet, ut de eo quidem, quod post emancipationem gestum est, in solidum conveniri possit, de praeterito autem, sive peculium non sit ademptum sive ademptum sit, in id quod facere possit. quod si superioris temporis nomine patrem de peculio pupillus convenire maluerit (annus enim utilis ex quo tutela agi posse coepit computabitur): ne capiatur pater inducta totius temporis causa, tempus, quo filius familias tutelam gessit, comprehendendum erit.
The Same, Questions, Book XI. Sabinus and Cassius hold that a guardian, who is administering the guardianship, becomes liable for his individual acts at different times, just as in various instances he is liable. 1In accordance with this opinion, where a slave is appointed to sell the property, or to collect the debts of his master, and after becoming free, he continues in the same employment; a suit based on voluntary agency can legally be brought against him on account of past transactions; even though he could not be held liable during the time he was in slavery (at least with respect to such matters as were connected with those that he transacted after obtaining his freedom), for it is held in the case of a ward, that he can bring an action on guardianship on account of any business which has been done after he arrived at puberty, where the recent acts are connected with the former ones, and that they cannot be divided so as to be placed in separate accounts. 2Hence the question arises which is usually discussed with reference to a son under paternal control for whom a guardian has been appointed by will, and he having been emancipated after the termination of the guardianship, the guardian continues to administer his office. It follows, from the opinion of Sabinus and Cassius, that the said son can be sued for the entire amount which relates to the business transacted after his emancipation; but so far as what took place before this time is concerned, whether he was not deprived of his peculium, or whether he was deprived of it, he will only be liable for the amount which he is able to pay. If the ward should prefer to bring an action de peculio against his father, based on the former administration (for the available year will be computed from the time when the guardianship began), in order that the father may not be taken advantage of by the computation of the entire period, only the time during which the son under paternal control administered the guardianship will be included.
Dig. 27,1,24Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Nequaquam credendum est ei privilegium excusationis ablatum, cui fideicommissaria libertas soluta est: nam in toto fere iure manumissor eiusmodi nihil iuris ut patronus adversus liberti personam consequitur, excepto quod in ius vocare patronum iniussu praetoris non debet.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. It must by no means be believed that he is deprived of the privilege of being excused who has obtained his freedom by means of a trust; for in almost every instance of this kind, the party who manumits a slave obtains no right as patron against the person of the freedman, except that the latter cannot summon him into court without the order of the Prætor.
Dig. 36,1,52Idem libro undecimo quaestionum. Imperator Hadrianus, cum Vivius Cerealis filio suo Vivio Simonidi, si in potestate sua esse desisset, hereditatem restituere rogatus esset ac multa in fraudem fideicommissi fieri probaretur, restitui hereditatem filio iussit ita, ne quid ea pecunia, quamdiu filius eius viveret, iuris haberet. nam quia cautiones non poterant interponi conservata patria potestate, damnum condicionis propter fraudem inflixit. post decreti autem auctoritatem in ea hereditate filio militi comparari debuit, si res a possessoribus peti vel etiam cum debitoribus agi oporteret. sed paternae reverentiae congruum est egenti forte patri officio iudicis ex accessionibus hereditariis emolumentum praestari.
The Same, Questions, Book XI. When Vivius Cerealis had been appointed heir, and directed to transfer the estate to his son Vivius Simonides, when he should be free from his control, and it was proved that many fraudulent acts had been committed for the purpose of avoiding the trust, the Emperor Hadrian ordered the estate to be delivered to the son, so that the father would have no right to the money as long as his son should live. For, as security cannot be given as long as paternal control exists, the Emperor inflicted this loss upon the father because of the fraud perpetrated by him. After a decree of this kind has been authorized, the son should, under such circumstances, be compared to the son of a soldier, where property is to be recovered from possessors, or where it is necessary to bring suit against the debtors of the estate. It is, however, in conformity for the reverence due to a father, in case the latter should be reduced to want, for the judge, in his discretion, to order some of the income of the estate to be given to him.
Dig. 37,12,5Papinianus libro undecimo quaestionum. Divus Traianus filium, quem pater male contra pietatem adficiebat, coegit emancipare. quo postea defuncto, pater ut manumissor bonorum possessionem sibi competere dicebat: sed consilio Neratii Prisci et Aristonis ei propter necessitatem solvendae pietatis denegata est.
Papinianus, Questions, Book XI. The Divine Trajan compelled a father to emancipate his son whom he had treated badly, and in a way contrary to that dictated by paternal affection, and the son, having afterwards died, the father declared that he was entitled to the possession of his estate on account of having manumitted him. This, however, was refused him on the advice of Neratius Priscus and Aristo as the emancipation took place through necessity, because of the want of paternal affection.