Definitionum libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 1,1,7Papinianus libro secundo definitionum. Ius autem civile est, quod ex legibus, plebis scitis, senatus consultis, decretis principum, auctoritate prudentium venit. 1Ius praetorium est, quod praetores introduxerunt adiuvandi vel supplendi vel corrigendi iuris civilis gratia propter utilitatem publicam. quod et honorarium dicitur ad honorem praetorum sic nominatum.
Papinianus, Definitions, Book II. The Civil Law is that which is derived from statutory enactments, plebiscites, decrees of the Senate, edicts of the Emperors, and the authority of learned men. 1The Prætorian Law is that which the Prætors introduced for the purpose of aiding, supplementing, or amending, the Civil Law, for the public welfare; which is also designated honorary law, being so called after the “honor” of the Prætors.
Dig. 7,2,11Papinianus libro secundo definitionum. Cum singulis ab heredibus singulis eiusdem rei fructus legatur, fructuarii separati videntur non minus, quam si aequis portionibus duobus eiusdem rei fructus legatus fuisset: unde fit, ut inter eos ius adcrescendi non sit,
Papinianus, Definitions, Book II. Where an usufruct in the same thing is bequeathed to different persons at the charge of different heirs, the usufructuaries are not less held to be separate than if the usufruct of the same property had been bequeathed to the two in equal shares; whence it happens that no right of accrual exists between them:
Dig. 12,6,59Idem libro secundo definitionum. Si fideiussor iure liberatus solverit errore pecuniam, repetenti non oberit: si vero reus promittendi per errorem et ipse postea pecuniam solverit, non repetet, cum prior solutio, quae fuit irrita, naturale vinculum non dissolvit, nec civile, si reus promittendi tenebatur.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Where a surety who is legally released pays money through mistake, he will not be prevented from bringing an action for its recovery; but if the principal debtor should afterwards himself make payment by mistake, he cannot bring suit to recover, since the first payment, which was void, does not dissolve a natural or a civil obligation if the principal debtor was liable.
Dig. 26,9,6Idem libro secundo definitionum. Tutor interposito decreto praetoris actorem reliquit. secundum eum sententia dicta iudicati transfertur ad pupillum actio non minus, quam si tutor optinuisset.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. A guardian, in compliance with a decree of the Prætor, left an agent for the administration of the affairs of his ward. If judgment is rendered in favor of said agent, an action for its enforcement will be transferred to the ward, just as if the guardian himself had obtained it.
Dig. 40,1,22Idem libro secundo definitionum. Nepos ex filio voluntate avi ut filius voluntate patris potest manumittere, sed manumissus patris vel avi libertus est.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. A grandson can manumit a slave with the consent of a grandfather, as a son can do with the consent of his father; but the manumitted slave will become the freedman of the father, or the grandfather.
Dig. 40,7,36Idem libro secundo definitionum. In tabulis secundis filio servum data libertate substitutum iure statuliberi prudentes munierunt: quod utilitas recipit, scilicet ut cum sua causa alienaretur, ne patris testamentum puer filius rescindat. quae iuris auctoritas citra dilectum ordinis ad secundum quoque vel tertium substitutum porrecta est.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Persons learned in the law have placed in the class of slaves to be conditionally free one who has been substituted for a son with the grant of his freedom by a second will. This rule is useful, as it prevents a son, who is a minor, from annulling his father’s will by permitting the slave to be alienated subject to the charge of his freedom. This interpretation of the law extends, without any distinction, to every case where the slave is substituted either in the second or the third degree.
Dig. 41,2,45Idem libro secundo definitionum. licet neque servum neque colonum ibi habeamus,
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Although we do not leave a slave or a tenant there when we depart.
Dig. 41,2,49Idem libro secundo definitionum. Possessio quoque per servum, cuius usus fructus meus est, ex re mea vel ex operis servi adquiritur mihi, cum et naturaliter a fructuario teneatur et plurimum ex iure possessio mutuetur. 1Qui in aliena potestate sunt, rem peculiarem tenere possunt, habere possidere non possunt, quia possessio non tantum corporis, sed et iuris est. 2Etsi possessio per procuratorem ignoranti quaeritur, usucapio vero scienti competit, tamen evictionis actio domino contra venditorem invito procuratore non datur, sed per actionem mandati ea cedere cogitur.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Possession can be acquired by me through a slave in whom I have the usufruct if this is done by means of my property, or the services of the slave; because the latter is naturally held by the usufructuary, and possession borrows many things from the law. 1Those who are under the control of others can hold property belonging to their peculium, but they cannot possess it; for the reason that possession is not only a matter of fact, but is also one of law. 2Although possession through an agent can be acquired by a principal without his knowledge, usucaption can only benefit one who knows that possession has been taken; still, an action for eviction is not granted to the principal against the vendor without the consent of the agent, but he can be compelled to grant it by an action on mandate.
Dig. 44,3,11Idem libro secundo definitionum. Cum heres in ius omne defuncti succedit, ignoratione sua defuncti vitia non excludit, veluti cum sciens alienum illum illo vel precario possedit: quamvis enim precarium heredem ignorantem non teneat nec interdicto recte conveniatur, tamen usucapere non poterit, quod defunctus non potuit. idem iuris est, cum de longa possessione quaeritur: neque enim recte defendetur, cum exordium ei bonae fidei ratio non tueatur.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Where an heir succeeds to all the rights of the deceased, his ignorance does not affect any defective title of the latter; for example, if the deceased knew that the property belonged to another, he held possession of it by a precarious title. For, although such a title does not bind the heir who was not aware of it, and proceedings under the interdict cannot properly be brought against him, still, he cannot acquire the property by usucaption, as the deceased was unable to do so. The same rule of law applies where property is claimed on the ground of long-continued possession, for an action cannot legally be defended where, in the beginning, it was not founded on a bona fide title.
Dig. 45,1,124Idem libro secundo definitionum. ‘Insulam intra biennium illo loco aedificari spondes?’ ante finem biennii stipulatio non committitur, quamvis reus promittendi non aedificaverit et tantum residui temporis sit, quo aedificium extrui non possit: neque enim stipulationis status, cuius dies certus in exordio fuit, ex post facto mutatur. idque et in stipulatione iudicio sistendi causa facta placuit, scilicet ut ante diem stipulatio non committatur, si certum esse coeperit parere stipulationi residuo tempore non posse.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. “Do you promise to build a house in such-and-such a place within two years?” The stipulation will not become operative before the end of two years, even though the person making the promise should not build it, and sufficient time does not remain in which it can be completed; for the provisions of the stipulation, the time of which was fixed in the beginning, cannot be changed by something which may afterwards occur, and this was inserted in the agreement for the purpose of compelling someone to appear in court; that is to say, the stipulation will not become operative before the prescribed date, even if it is certain that there is not sufficient time remaining to comply with the contract.
Dig. 46,2,28Idem libro secundo definitionum. Fundum Cornelianum stipulatus quanti fundus est postea stipulor: si non novandi animo secunda stipulatio facta est, cessat novatio: secunda vero stipulatio tenet, ex qua non fundus, sed pecunia debetur. itaque si reus promittendi fundum solvat, secunda stipulatio iure non tollitur, nec si litem actor ex prima contestetur. denique meliore vel deteriore facto sine culpa debitoris postea fundo praesens aestimatio fundo petito recte consideretur, in altera vero ea aestimatio venit, quae secundae stipulationis tempore fuit.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. Having stipulated for the Cornelian Estate, I afterwards stipulated for the value of the land. If the second stipulation was not made with the intention of creating a novation, the novation will not take place; but the second stipulation, by the terms of which not the land, but the money is due, will stand. Therefore, if the promisor should convey the land, the second stipulation will not be extinguished by operation of law, not even when the plaintiff institutes proceedings under the terms of the first one. Finally, if the land, being improved, or having subsequently deteriorated without the fault of the debtor, is claimed, the present estimate may properly be considered; and if, on the other hand, its value is demanded, the appraisement at the time of the second stipulation should be accepted.
Dig. 46,3,97Idem libro secundo definitionum. Cum ex pluribus causis debitor pecuniam solvit, utriusque demonstratione cessante potior habebitur causa eius pecuniae, quae sub infamia debetur: mox eius, quae poenam continet: tertio quae sub hypotheca vel pignore contracta est: post hunc ordinem potior habebitur propria quam aliena causa, veluti fideiussoris. quod veteres ideo definierunt, quod verisimile videretur diligentem debitorem admonitum ita negotium suum gesturum fuisse. si nihil eorum interveniat, vetustior contractus ante solvetur. si maior pecunia numerata sit, quam ratio singulorum exposcit, nihilo minus primo contractu soluto, qui potior erit, superfluum ordini secundo vel in totum vel pro parte minuendo videbitur datum.
Ad Dig. 46,3,97ROHGE, Bd. 22 (1878), Nr. 14, S. 65: Zahlungsanrechnung bei Existenz mehrerer Forderungen.The Same, Definitions, Book II. When a debtor pays money on account of several claims, and does not indicate which one of them he wishes to discharge, that which involves infamy is considered to be entitled to the preference; next, the one to which a penalty is attached; third, one which is secured by the hypothecation or pledge of property; and after this an individual obligation shall have priority, rather than one for which another is liable, as, for instance, that of a surety. The ancient authorities established this rule because it seemed to them probable that a diligent debtor, if properly advised, would transact his business in this manner. Where none of these conditions exist, payment should first be made upon the oldest claim. If the amount paid is larger than that required by any single debt, the first obligation which has the preference having been discharged, the surplus will be considered to have been credited on the second one, either in full satisfaction, or for the purpose of diminishing it to that extent.
Dig. 48,1,10Papinianus libro secundo definitionum. Inter accusatorem et reum cognitione suscepta excusatio pro absente iustis rationibus admittitur: nec per triduum per singulos dies ter citatus reus damnetur vel de accusatoris absentis praesente reo calumnia pronuntietur.
Papinianus, Definitions, Book II. While the case between the accuser and the defendant is pending in court, the excuse of absence for good reasons is admitted; and although the defendant may have been called three times a day for three days, he should not be condemned; or if the accuser should be absent and the defendant present, the former ought not be convicted of malicious prosecution.
Dig. 48,19,41Papinianus libro secundo definitionum. Sanctio legum, quae novissime certam poenam irrogat his, qui praeceptis legis non obtemperaverint, ad eas species pertinere non videtur, quibus ipsa lege poena specialiter addita est. nec ambigitur in cetero omni iure speciem generi derogare, nec sane verisimile est delictum unum eadem lege variis aestimationibus coerceri.
Papinianus, Definitions, Book II, The sanction of the laws, which, in the last section, impose a certain penalty upon those who do not obey their precepts, is not held to apply to those cases in which a penalty is specifically added by the law itself, and there is no doubt that in every law the species is subordinated to the genus. Nor is it probable that one crime should be punished by different penalties under the same law.
Dig. 49,17,17Idem libro secundo definitionum. Pater, qui castrense peculium intestati filii retinebit, aes alienum intra modum eius et annum utilem iure praetorio solvere cogitur: idem, si testamento scriptus heres extiterit, perpetuo civiliter ut heres convenietur. 1Pater a filio milite vel qui militavit heres institutus testamenti causam omisit et castrense peculium possidet: legitimi heredis exemplo cogetur ad finem peculii perpetuo legata praestare. quod si filius post annum quam militare desierat iure communi testamento facto vita decessit, ratione Falcidiae retinebitur quarta. ceterum si testamenti causam pater omisit, cum peculium creditoribus solvendo non esset, nihil dolo videbitur fecisse, quamvis temporis incurrat compendium.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. A father having the right to retain the castrense peculium of his son who died intestate is compelled by the Prætorian Law to pay his debts during the available year, as far as the peculium will allow. Likewise, if he should become the testamentary heir of his son, he will always be liable for these debts as his heir, under the Civil Law. 1A father who was appointed heir by his son, who either was or had been in the army, did not accept the estate under the will, and kept possession of his castrense peculium. He can, just as an heir at law, be compelled without limit of time to pay any legacies bequeathed by his son, to the extent that the peculium will permit. If, however, the son, having made his will according to the Common Law, should die within a year after leaving the army, a fourth of his estate can be retained by his father under the Falcidian Law. But if his father should fail to accept the estate under the will, because the peculium was not sufficient to satisfy the creditors, he will not be considered to have acted fraudulently; although he may be obliged to discharge the indebtedness during the prescribed time.
Dig. 50,17,83Idem libro secundo definitionum. Non videntur rem amittere, quibus propria non fuit.
The Same, Definitions, Book II. No one is considered to have lost something if it did not belong to him.